SEMINAR & CLINICAL LEGAL EDUCATION RECORD Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the award of the Degree of LL.B. Submitted By XXXXX (Regd.No.xxxxx) II Semester of 5 Year LL.B. RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA – 533 005 RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA – 533 005 Certificate This is to certify that ‘The Clinical Legal Education Record’ submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of the Degree of LL.B. is a record of bonafide work done by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, bearing Regd.No. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx during the Second Semester of 5 Year LL.B. under my guidance and that this record has not been previously formed as the basis for the award of any degree, diploma, associate ship, fellowship or similar title. Teacher – in-charge Principal RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW, KAKINADA INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2013 -2014 (Regulations: 2013-2014) Seminar and Clinical Legal Education 1/5 LLB : Second Semester Part –A 1. Marks – 50 (Seminar write up:25 Marks and Oral Presentation – 25 Marks) Topics for Seminar Contract of Indemnity 2. Dishonour of a Cheque 3. Family 4. Caste System 5. Rousseau 6. Civil Disobedience 7. Merchant of Venice 8. The Secrete of Work (Vivekananda) Note : Oral Presentation before the External Examiner on any one of the above topics and A written record shall also be submitted to the college. Part – B Marks – 50 (Record– 25 Marks and Viva - 25 Marks) Clinical Legal Education - Activities suggested 1. Internship at Advocate’s Office 2. Observation of Court Proceedings in Kakinada Note : A written record shall be submitted to the college on any one of the above. Seminar and Clinical Legal Education record shall be kept in same record which is to be in a Laminated Bounding in A4 Size along with Certificate from the college. Two copies shall be submitted. One copy shall be submitted to the college well in advance and another copy shall be carried by the student to the viva voce test after getting certificate. RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW, KAKINADA INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2013 -2014 (Regulations: 2013-2014) Academic Year : 2013-2014 1/5 LLB : II Semester SOCIOLOGY-1 (General Principles of Sociology) I. II. Part : A INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: Is sociology a Science? Discuss various Theories and relate sociology with other disciplines? A. Discuss the following Concepts. a) b) c) d) Structure and Function Statues and Roles Norms and Values Institution B. Explain about the following Social Institutions. a) b) c) d) Marriage, Family and Kinship Work & Economic Institutions Power and Political Institutions Religious and Educational Institutions III. Fill in the blanks 1. Sociology is derived from the Latin Word ______________ and the Greek word ___________ A. Societus, Logos 2. Sociology is the study of _______________________________________ A. Man’s Behaviour in group or of the interaction among the Human beings and of social relationships 3. A social role is an integral part of some social organization is given by _________________ A. Olson 4. The word status is used to refer to _______________________________ A. An individuals total standing in society 5. The family is a social group characterized by _______________________ A. Common residence, Economic, co-operation and reproduction 6. The Father of Sociology is ______________________________ A. August Compte 7. Social group is ____________________________________ A. Collection of Human beings 8. Marriage is an __________________________ A. Institution which admits Men & Women to Family Life 9. All people Prohibit marriage between individuals showing certain degrees of blood or a final relationships is known as _______________________ A. Exogamy 10.The term Education is derived from the Latin Word __________________ A. Educare PART-B TOPICS FOR ASSIGNMENT I. What is Social Stratification? II. Explain Social Control, Order and Stability III. What is Coercion, Conflict and Charge? IV. Explain about the relationship between Law and Society V. Fill in the blanks 1. The word caste is derived from the Spanish Word_________________ A. Casta 2. Sociology is the science of collective behaviour according to __________ A. R.E.Park & FW Burgess 3. The process by which individuals and groups are ranked in a more or less enduring hierarchy status is known as_______________________ A. Social Stratification 4. The tribe as a group is closest to ____________________________ A. A Class 5. Polyandry is the form of marriage which implies __________________ A. One woman marring several men 6. Role Conflict is a major phenomenon of _________________________ A. Industrial Society 7. Family is an __________________________________________ A. Kinship Group 8. Religion is a ______________________________________________ A. Belief in supernatural powers 9. Law is the body of Principles, Recognised and applied by the state in __________________________ A. Administration of Justice 10.Social Institution containing of ________________________________ A. Marriage, Family, Educational, Political, Religious Institutions RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW, KAKINADA INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2013 -2014 (Regulations: 2013-2014) Academic Year : 2013-2014 1/5 LLB : II Semester GENERAL ENGLISH - II Part : A INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: I. What does Lynd feel about people above of arguing? II. A. Give an account of living Stone’s Views on Education? B. Why does Forests think about Character? III. Fill in the Blanks 1) Adnauseam means________________________________ A. To a disgusting extant 2) Advalorem means____________________________ A. According to the value 3) Dejure means____________________________ A. From the law, by Right 4) Fact accompli means __________________________________ A. A thing already done 5) Faus pas means _________________________________ A. False step: A slip in behaviour 6) Dies non means ______________________________ A. A day on which Judges do not sit 7) Client means _______________________________________ A. A person under patron : one who employs a lawyer 8) Locus Standi means _________________________________ A. A right to appear and be heard before a court in a particular case 9) Perjury means _____________________________________ A. Wilfully to make a false evidence 10) Abate means __________________________________________ A. To put an end to the legal proceeding in law or equity without Judgement on merits in favour of defendant PART-B TOPICS FOR ASSIGNMENT I. What are the views of Richard Steele on the art of Stores telling? II. Bring out the element humour in Steels Judicious Flattery III. What is the Psychology of Covalent according to Charles Lamb? IV. Comments on lights V. Fill in the blanks 1. Act of State means _____________________________________ A. An Act alone by the sovereign authority 2. Bonafide means ________________________________ A. In good faith 3. Sine due means _________________________________________ A. Without a day being appointed 4. Cognate means______________________________________ A. Of the same family 5. Hiba means ___________________________________ A. A gift under Muslim law 6. Insolvency means_________________________________ A. inability to pay one’s debts 7. Bigamy means ____________________________________ A. Having two wives at a time : having two husbands at a time, it is a crime 8. Habendum means ________________________________ A. A conveyance clause defining what estate or interest is granted by it 9. Exparte means ________________________________________ A. From one side only 10. Inquest means________________________________________ A. A judicial inquiry as to the cause of the death of a person. RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW, KAKINADA INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2013 -2014 (Regulations: 2013-2014) Academic Year : 2013-2014 1/5 LLB : II Semester POLITICAL SCIENCE-II (Foundations of Political Obligation) Part : A INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: I. Discuss elaborately the Political thoughts of Plato and Aristotle II. A. Explain is detail the concept of Power, Authority and Legitimacy B. Explain lucidly the Utilitarian School of Political thought III. Fill in the blanks 1) Politics is nothing but struggle for ____________________________ A. Power 2) According to Bertorand Russell - Power means ___________________ A. Power is capacity to influence the actions of others 3) Lasswell defined power is the participation in the _______________ _____________________ A. Making of decisions 4) Legitimacy is ____________________________________________ A. The Lawful exercise of power 5) Usurpation is ____________________________________________ A. The lawful exercise of political power 6) Communist Manifesto was written by __________________________ A. Karlmarx, Frederick Engels, 1848 7) General Will is propounded by ________________________________ A. Rousseau 8) Politics as Vocation written by ________________________________ A. Max Weber 9) Bentham propounded the theory of __________________________ A. Utilitarianisam 10) The term sovereignty is derived from the latin word _____________ which means _______________________________ A. Superanus; Supreme PART-B ASSIGNMENT TOPICS I. Explain the problem of Civil Disobedience and Political Obligation with reference to Gandhian and Neo-Gandhian thought II. Explain about different theories and kinds of punishment and the signification Punishmennt c) why should we honour promises and contracts III. Explain Political Concept of Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau and Karl Max IV. Explain about various theories of Origin and State. V. Fill in the Blanks 1. Thomas Hobbes is regarded as ____________________________ A. The originator of modern political philosophy 2. John Locke was the representative to thinker of the ____________ A. Social contract school 3. J.S. Mill was the best friend and follower of _________________ A. Bentham 4. J.S. Mill was the most important exponent of _________ A. English utiliterianisam 5. The Civil disobedience movement was led by _______________ A. Gandhiji 6. St. Thomas Aquinas was the supporter of ____________________ A. Natural Laws 7. Torture that a person should undergo on account of doing a wrong is called ___________________ A. Punishment 8. Common civil code is provided under article __________________ of The Indian Constitution A. 44 9. The book second treatise is written by ______________________ A. John Locke 10.The Book Grammar of politics is written by ___________________ A. Harod Laski RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW, KAKINADA INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2013 -2014 (Regulations: 2013-2014) Academic Year : 2013-2014 1/5 LLB : II Semester SPECIAL CONTRACTS Part : A INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: I. Define indemnity. What are the Rights of Indemnity Holder? II. A. Define sale what is the difference between sale and agreement to sell. B. Define Partnership and discuss the Law relating to the registration of a firm. III. Fill in the Blanks 1. Uberrimae Fidei ____________________ A. One requiring full disclosure of all material facts by the principal debtor or creditor to the surety before the contract is extended in to. 2. Nature of Surety’s liability is co-extensive _________________ A. The liability of surety goes along with liability of principal debtor unless and otherwise it is agreed 3. Nemo dat Quod not habet ___________________ A. No one can convey better title than what he himself has. 4. Agency by Estoppel __________________________ A. Where a person by his conduct or by words, spoken or written leads wilfully any person to believe that certain state of affairs exists and reduce to act on this belief so as to alter his previous position, he is precluded from denying subsequently, the facts of the state of affairs. 5. Agency by operation of law _____________________________ A. Sometimes agency arises by operation of law, where company informer by its promoter. 6. Delegatus non protest delegare ________________________ A. The person, to whom authority has been given, cannot delegate that authority to another. 7. Just in rem ______________________ A. Gives right to the buyer to enjoy the goods against the world at large including seller. 8. Just in personam ________________________ A. Gives a right to the buyer against the seller to sue for damages. 9. Caveat emptor _____________________________ A. Let the buyer beware. 10. Escrow ________________________________ A. Where a negotiable instrument is delivers conditionally for special purpose as a collateral security or to safe custody not for the purpose of transferring absolutely property therein, it is called escrow. PART-B TOPICS FOR ASSIGNMENT I. Who is unpaid seller what are the rights of the unpaid seller under the sale of Goods Act, 1930? II. Define Agency. How an agency can be created? III. Explain the following Cases a) Benarjee & Banerjee Vs H.S.W. Construction Ltd. AIR 1986 Cal.374. b) Nepal Food Corpn Vs U.P.I Import & Export Ltd. AIR 1988 Cal.283 IV. Fill in the blanks 1. Payment in due course _______________________________ A. Payment in accordance with the apparent terms or of the instrument in good faith and without negligence to any person, in possession therein. 2. Endorsement means __________________________________ A. Writing of a person’s name on the face or back of negotiable instrument or a slip of paper. 3. Sans recourse _________________________________ A. The holder of the bill may indorse it in such a way that he does not incur the liability of an endorser to the endorsee. 4. Sans Prais Endorsement _____________________________ A. Where an endorses does not what the endorsee or subsequent holder of the instrument to incur any expense on this account on the instrument 5. Negotiation back __________________________ A. Whereas endorser, after he has negotiated an instrument, again it’s holder before it’s maternity, the instrument is said to be holder. 6. Lien means ____________________________ A. Right of a person to retain possession of some goods belonging to another until same debt or claim of the person in possession is satisfied 7. Factor ______________________________ A. Factor is a merchantile agent entrusted with possession of goods for the purpose of selling them. 8. Doctrine of Ratification ____________________________ A. A person may act on behalf of another without his knowledge or consent as subsequently he gets correct from other person to this act, is called ratification. 9. Lien for expenses ________________________ A. A partner has a lien on the partnership property for expenses incurred by him on such property on behalf of the firm. 10. Express waiver means ___________________________ A. When the contract provides in Express terms that the seller shall not retain possession of goods, even if the price has not been paid, there an express waiver of lien. SEMINAR & CLINICAL LEGAL EDUCATION RECORD Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the award of the Degree of LL.B. Submitted By XXXXX (Regd.No.xxxxx) II Semester of 3 Year LL.B. RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA – 533 005 RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA – 533 005 Certificate This is to certify that ‘The Clinical Legal Education Record’ submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of the Degree of LL.B. is a record of bonafide work done by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, bearing Regd.No. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx during the Second Semester of 3 Year LL.B. under my guidance and that this record has not been previously formed as the basis for the award of any degree, diploma, associate ship, fellowship or similar title. Teacher – in-charge Principal RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW, KAKINADA INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2013 -2014 (Regulations: 2013-2014) Seminar and Clinical Legal Education 1/3 LLB : Second Semester Part –A Marks – 50 (Seminar write up:25 Marks and oral presentation– 25 Marks) Topics for Seminar 1. Joint Hindu Family and Coparcenary Rights 2. Rights of Hindu Women under Hindu Succession Act 3. Legal Person 4. Precedent 5. President Rule in the States – Article 356 6. Protection of Environment 7. Sustainable development 8. Electoral Reforms 9. Contract of Indemnity 10. Dishonour of a Cheque Note : Oral Presentation before the External Examiner on any one of the above topics and A written record shall also be submitted to the college. Part – B Marks – 50 (Record– 25 Marks and Viva - 25 Marks) Clinical Legal Education - Activities suggested 1. Internship at Advocate’s Office 2. Observation of Court Proceedings in Kakinada Note : A written record shall be submitted to the college on any one of the above. Seminar and Clinical Legal Education record shall be kept in same record which is to be in a Laminated Bounding in A4 Size along with Certificate from the college. Two copies shall be submitted. One copy shall be submitted to the college well in advance and another copy shall be carried by the student to the viva voce test after getting certificate. RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW, KAKINADA INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2013 -2014 (Regulations: 2013-2014) Academic Year : 2013-2014 1/3 LLB : II Semester FAMILY LAW –II (Property Relations) Part : A INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: I. Explain the Rules of relating to the property of male dying intestate. II. a) Explain the Rules governing Sunni and shia Law of Inheritance? b) Who are the Class-II heirs? Explain the rules of Succession Applicable to them. III. Fill in the Blanks 1. Sruti means __________________________________________________ A. Which is heard 2. Aprathibanda Daya is also known as _______________________________ A. Joint Family property 3. Karta is the __________________________________________________ A. Head of The Hindu Joint Family 4. Antecedent means _____________________________________________ A. Prior or Previous 5. Intestate means _______________________________________________ A. a person dies without making will 6. Heir means ___________________________________________________ A. Person entitled to inherit property of the deceased 7. Full Blood relation is ___________________________________________ A. When the father and mother of the two persons are the same, such persons are said to be “full blood relations”. 8. Alienation means ______________________________________________ A. Transfer of property from one person to another by way of sale, gift, lease, mortgage etc. 9. Stridhan means _______________________________________________ A. Women’s Property 10. Pre-emption means____________________________________________ A. Preferential right Part-B TOPICS FOR ASSIGNMENT I. Explain the law relating to Succession of Hindu Female dying intestate. Under Hindu Succession Act, 1956? II. Write a Critical Note on Wills Under Muslim Law. III.Write a Short Notes on a) Coparcenary b) Pious Obligation c) Succession Certificate d) Doctrine of Reversoner IV. Explain the following Cases a) Gurupad Vs Hira Bai AIR 1978 SC 1239 b) Raghavamma Vs Chenchamma AIR 1964 SC 136 V. Fill in the Blanks 1. Marumakkattayam means _________________________________ A. Sister’s Son under the Marumakkettayam Law of inheritance 2. Sunni Law is also known as _______________________________ A. Hanafi Law 3. Sharers means ____________________________________________ A. Nearest Heirs, who are entitled to distribute the property of Muslim dyeing intestate 4. Distant kindred means_____________________________________ A. Distant relation. In Muslim Law, distant kindred, is a relation of the deceased, who is neither sharer nor a residuary 5. Doctrine of Aul means ______________________________________ A. Increased the property 6. Testator means ___________________________________________ A. The person who makes a will is called Testator. 7. Codicil means _____________________________________________ A. It is an instrument made in relation to will. 8. Death-Bed -Gift means _____________________________________ A. When a person makes a gift out of an apprehension of imminent death and dies later. 9. Waqf means_______________________________________________ A. Dedication in perpetuity of some specific property movable or immovable by a person. 10. Mutawalli means ___________________________________________ A. A person, who manages the Waqf property. RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW, KAKINADA INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2013 -2014 (Regulations: 2013-2014) Academic Year : 2013-2014 1/3 LLB : II Semester JURISPRUDENCE Part : A INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: I. II. Examine the advantages of Legislation over other sources of Law. A. Who is a legal person? Explain the uses and purposes of incorporation. B. What is norm and Normative system? Discuss Kelson’s pure theory of Law. III. Fill in the Blanks 1. Demo tius nil nisi bonum __________________ A. Dead have no rights and can suffer no wrong. 2. Comitia cara curiata __________________ A. An assembly of all the bodied persons of the state 3. Sie utera tuo ut alienun non laedus __________________ A. Use your property in such a way as not to injure your neighbour 4. Ubijus ibi remedium _________________ A. When there is a right, there is a remedy 5. Malitia supplit aetatem _____________________ A. That the Act was done with the knowledge of its nature 6. Mejestas est summa in cives ac subeditors legibusque soluta protestas _________________ A. The absolute and perpetual powers within the state. 7 Quoun in verbis nulla ambi gui tas est nom debit admitti voluntatio quaestia ____________________ A. When there is no ambiguity in the words the question of intension ought not to be admitted 8. Salus populy est suprema lex ____________________ A. Regard for the public welfare is the highest Law. 9. Cessante ratione legis cess at ipsalex ________________________ A. Reason is the Soul of the Law, and when the reason of any particulars law ceases, so does the law itself. 10. Injure non remote causa sed proxima spectatur ___________________ A. In law the immediate, not the remote cause on any event is regarded. PART-B TOPICS FOR ASSIGNMENT I. Define and Discuss the basic Legal concept of reasonableness with reference to Indian Cases . Write about the sociological school and its importance of the present day with the supreme Court Decisions. II. III. a) b) c) d) Volksgeist Stare Decisis John Rawls theory of Justice Utilitarianism IV. Explain the following Cases a) Kesavanand Bharathi Vs State of Kerala AIR 1973 SC 1461 b) Nilabathi Behra Vs State of Orissa (1993) 2 SCC 746. V. Fill in the blanks 1. Ratio Ratio decidendi ________________________ A. Reason for the decision. 2. Obiter dictum is ______________________ A. An expression of opinion by a judge on a question immaterial to the ratio decindi. 3. Per incuria is ______________ A. The opinion of the court in a case in which the judges are all of one mind the question involved is so clear that it is not consider necessary to elaborate it by an extended discussion. 4 Res nullius ___________________ A. The property of nobody, things belonging to no one. 5. Res communis _______________ A. Things common to all by the law of nature 6. Actio personalies moritur cum persona ________________ A. A personal action dies with the person. 7. Altre ism _____________________ A. consideration for other people without any thought of self as a principle of conduct. 8. Utilitarianisim _____________________ A. That the moral and political rightness of an action is determined by its utility, define as its contribution to the greatest good of the greatest number (the Doctrine expanded by Jermy Bentham) 9. Themistes ___________________ A. Judgments dictated by the god. 10. Finis sinein litibus imponit __________________ A. A fine puts an end to litigation. RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW, KAKINADA INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2013 -2014 (Regulations: 2013-2014) Academic Year : 2013-2014 1/3 LLB : II Semester CONSTITUTIONAL LAW -II Part : A INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: I. Write about the powers and functions of the President of India. II. A. Write about the Doctrine of pleasure under Article .310 of the Constitution of India. B. Explain the privileges and Immunities of the members of parliament as well as a State legislature under the respective provisions of the Constitution of India. III. 1. Fill in the Blanks Federalism, this word is derived from the Latin word ________ ________ which means ______________ A. Foedus, Covenant or Agreement or Contract 2. In State of West Bengal Vs. Union of India AIR 1963 Se1241 the Court observed that constitution of India is ______________________ truly federal in character A. Not 3. Article _________________ deals with Fundamental Duties under Part IV of the Constitution of India A. 51A 4. The President of India is the _____________________ of State and _____________ Citizen of India A. Head, First 5. To become President of India a person must have completed the age of ________________ A. 35 Years 6. Article _____________ of the constitution provide for appointment of the Vice President of India A. Article 63 7. The Vice President of India is elected by the members of an electoral college consisting of the members of __________________ A. Both Houses of Parliament 8. According to Article _______________ the Prime Minister is the Head of the Union Council of Ministers A. 75 9. Article 153 of the Constitution of India provides for appointment of ________________ in each state A. Governor 10. Supreme Court of India is the ___________________________ and __________________ of the constitution A. Final Interpreter, Guardian PART-B TOPICS FOR ASSIGNMENT I. Give a detailed note on Presidents Rule ‘or’ State Emergency under Article -356 of the Constitution of India with relevant Case Law. II. Write is Basic structure or Basic features of the Constitution of India ? Explain in detail with land mark Cases. III. Write about the advisory Jurisdiction of the Supreme court of India U/Art-143 of the Constitution of India with relevant Case Law. IV. Explain the following Shorts questions. a) Pardoning power of the President of India b) Residuary Powers c) Financial Emergency d) Money Bill e) Elections Commissions of India f) Comptroller and Auditor General of India g) Writ of Habeas Corpus V. Explain the following Cases a) D.C.Wadhwa Vs State of Bihar AIR 1987.SC 579 b) D.K. Basu Vs State of west Bengal AIR 1997 SC 610 c) Visakha Vs State of Rajastan AIR 1997 SC 3014 VI. Fill in the Blanks 1. List I or the Union list contains _____________ subjects over which the union shall have exclusive power to make Law. A. 97 2. List II or the State List contains _____________ subjects over which the State Legislature shall have exclusive power to make Law. A. 66 3. List III or the Concurrent List contains _____________ subjects over which the union and State Legislature shall have exclusive power to make Law. A. 52 4. According to Article ____________, the Parliament is authorised to make a Law for adjudication of any dispute are compliant relating to the use, distribution or control of the waters of any Inter – State Rivers and River Valleys A. 262 5. According to Article _______ both centre and states shall have the contingency fund of India. A. 267 6. Article _____________ provides the scheme of distribution of revenue between the Union and the States. A. 268 7. Article _____________________ provides for the appointment of Finance Commission A. 280 8. Article ______________ of the Indian constitution grants special autonomous status to Jammu & Kashmir A. 370 9. Article _____________ deals with privileges of the Central Legislature and Article ______________ deals with the privileges of State Legislature A. 105, 194 10. According to Article ______________ of the constitution of India the State or Government is liable for the Torts committed by it servants. A. 300 RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW, KAKINADA INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2013 -2014 (Regulations: 2013-2014) Academic Year : 2013-2014 1/3 LLB : II Semester ENVIRONMENTAL LAW (Including Laws for the protection of the wild life and other living creatures including animal welfare) Part : A INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: I. Critically analyze II. A. B. the salient features of Stockholm Declaration 1972. Explain the evolution and Environmental Protection. development of Laws relating to Discuss the Social and Economic effects of Environmental Problems in India .How far Public Interest Legislation is helpful to solve these Problems III. Fill in the Blanks 1. Sustainable Development was talked at International level for First Time at ___________________________ A. Stockholm in 1972. 2. ‘Agenda – 21’ a programme for action for sustainable development is connected to ____________________ A. 1992 Rio Conference / Earth summit 3. Women movement against felling of trees in 1972 Tehri Garhwal District of UP is known as ________________ A. CHIPKO MOVEMENT 4. _______________ Amendment was passed in year _______ and provisions regarding the protection of Environment were incorporated into it. A. 42nd Amendment, 1976 5. The State shall endeavour to protect and improve the environment and to safeguard the forests and wild life of the country is in Art_________ A. 48-A 6. Connection on Biological Diversity was conducted in ______________ A. 1992 7. Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework was on __________________ A. Climate Change / Global warming 8. National Environment Tribunals were established under ______________ A. The National Environment Tribunal Act 1995 9. CRZ Stands for ______________________ A. Coastal Regulation zone 10. NCE PC Stands for _________________________ A. National Committee on Environmental Planning (NCEP) PART-B TOPICS FOR ASSIGNMENT: I. Explain the following Shorts questions. a) Environment Courts b) Biological diversity c) Chipko Movement d) Forest Conservation e) Water and Noise Pollution II. Explain the following Cases a) M.C.Mehata Vs Kamalnath ( 1997) I SCC 388. b) Olga Tellis Vs Bombay Municipal Corporation ( 1985) 3 SCC 5 45. c) Rural Litigation and Entitlement Kenada, Deharadun. Vs. State of UP (1985) ‘SCC 487. III. 1. Fill in the Blanks Connection on the Conservation of Migratory species of wild Animal 1979 is also known as ________________ A. BONN Convention 2. Pollution free Environment is a fundamental right under Act _________ A. Art 21 3 ____________ is the part of the surface of the earth and atmosphere which is inhabited by living beings. A. Bio sphere 4. Depletion of Ozone Layer (O3) is causal by ________________________ A. Cloro fluorocarbons also known as Halo carbons, 5. _______________ impasses duty on every Citizen of India to protect and improve natural environment. A. 51 A (g)s 6. In Vellore Citizen welfare forums Vs Union of Indian and others ‘AIR 1996’ Supreme Court layed principles of Sustainable development ‘they are _______________________________ A. Precautionary Principles ‘&’ Polluter pays principles ‘ 7 Union Carbide Corporation Vs Union of India and other AIR 1990 SC 273 , The facts of this case are Relates to __________ A. Bhopal Gas Disaster 8. The forest (Conservation) Act was enacted in the year ____________ A. 1980. 9 Noise pollution on the ground of religion by drums or loudspeakers cannot disturb the pace of others decided In______ A. Church of God (Full gospel) In India Vs KKR Majestic Colony welfare Association and others Air 2000.SC 10. Environmental Tribunals are established under _____________________ A. National Environment Tribunal Act 1995. RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW, KAKINADA INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2013 -2014 (Regulations: 2013-2014) Academic Year : 2013-2014 1/3 LLB : II Semester SPECIAL CONTRCTS Part : A INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: I. Define indemnity. What are the Rights of Indemnity Holder? II. A. Define sale what is the difference between sale and agreement to sell. B. Define Partnership and discuss the Law relating to the registration of a firm. III. Fill in the Blanks 1. Uberrimae Fidei ____________________ A. One requiring full disclosure of all material facts by the principal debtor or creditor to the surety before the contract is extended in to. 2. Nature of Surety’s liability is co-extensive _________________ A. The liability of surety goes along with liability of principal debtor unless and otherwise it is agreed 3. Nemo dat Quod not habet ___________________ A. No one can convey better title than what he himself has. 4. Agency by Estoppel __________________________ A. Where a person by his conduct or by words, spoken or written leads wilfully any person to believe that certain state of affairs exists and reduce to act on this belief so as to alter his previous position, he is precluded from denying subsequently, the facts of the state of affairs. 5. Agency by operation of law _____________________________ A. Sometimes agency arises by operation of law, where company informer by its promoter. 6. Delegatus non protest delegare ________________________ A. The person, to whom authority has been given, cannot delegate that authority to another. 7. Just in rem ______________________ A. Gives right to the buyer to enjoy the goods against the world at large including seller. 8. Just in personam ________________________ A. Gives a right to the buyer against the seller to sue for damages. 9. Caveat emptor _____________________________ A. Let the buyer beware. 10. Escrow ________________________________ A. Where a negotiable instrument is delivers conditionally for special purpose as a collateral security or to safe custody not for the purpose of transferring absolutely property therein, it is called escrow. PART-B TOPICS FOR ASSIGNMENT: I. Who is unpaid seller what are the rights of the unpaid seller under the sale of Goods Act, 1930? II. Define Agency. How an agency can be created? III. Explain the following Cases a) Benarjee & Banerjee Vs H.S.W. Construction Ltd. AIR 1986 Cal.374. b) Nepal Food Corpn Vs U.P.I Import & Export Ltd. AIR 1988 Cal.283 IV. Fill in the blanks 1. Payment in due course _______________________________ A. Payment in accordance with the apparent terms or of the instrument in good faith and without negligence to any person, in possession therein. 2. Endorsement means __________________________________ A. Writing of a person’s name on the face or back of negotiable instrument or a slip of paper. 3. Sans recourse _________________________________ A. The holder of the bill may indorse it in such a way that he does not incur the liability of an endorser to the endorsee. 4. Sans Prais Endorsement _____________________________ A. Where an endorses does not what the endorsee or subsequent holder of the instrument to incur any expense on this account on the instrument 5. Negotiation back __________________________ A. Whereas endorser, after he has negotiated an instrument, again it’s holder before it’s maternity, the instrument is said to be holder. 6. Lien means ____________________________ A. Right of a person to retain possession of some goods belonging to another until same debt or claim of the person in possession is satisfied 7. Factor ______________________________ A. Factor is a merchantile agent entrusted with possession of goods for the purpose of selling them. 8. Doctrine of Ratification ____________________________ A. A person may act on behalf of another without his knowledge or consent as subsequently he gets correct from other person to this act, is called ratification. 9. Lien for expenses ________________________ A. A partner has a lien on the partnership property for expenses incurred by him on such property on behalf of the firm. 10. Express waiver means ___________________________ A. When the contract provides in Express terms that the seller shall not retain possession of goods, even if the price has not been paid, there an express waiver of lien.