考试命题方法 Guideline of Assigning Tests 一、 命题的基本原则 Fundamental Principles 1、目的性原则:Purpose of the tests 平常的检测主要是诊断教学内容的掌握 情况,月考、期中、期末考试及学业水 平测试则主要是检查考生的学习水平。 Quizzes mainly check how well the students master the teaching content; while monthly tests, mid-term tests, final tests as well as academic proficiency tests mainly check on students’ learning levels. 一、 命题的基本原则 Fundamental Principles 2、层次性原则:Different Cognitive Structures 根据考生认知结构的差异性,按照教材内容的 难易度,编制具有一定梯度的不同层次的试题。 每一题中的各个小问题难度应有区别,要有一 定的梯度,由浅入深。 According to how different the students’ cognitive structures are and how difficult the textbook contents are, questions in the tests should be assigned differently. Each question should be distinguished by their difficulty from the easier ones to harder ones. 一、 命题的基本原则 Fundamental Principles 3. 科学性原则:Standardization 编制试题时必须坚持科学性原则,题目本身绝对不能 有科学性错误,同时语言表述要严谨规范,尽可能采 用相应的学科语言。试题在语法和标点的使用上应该 正确无误,按法定要求使用计量单位名称和符号。 Expressions should be rigorous and standard. Units of measurement and symbols should be used properly. No mistake is allowed in grammar, punctuation or the question itself. Use the relevant subject language as much as possible. 二、命题方法 Methods 第一,要制定详细的命题计划。 在编制试卷前,应确定检测范围,如某单元、期中 阶段、期末阶段,确定范围后要理清知识点,及该 知识点的目标要求,形成试卷编制的基本内容。命 题的内容要准确反映单元(或章节)的教学重点与 难点。 Firstly, a plan in detail is required. Before assigning tests, make sure the test range, such as a certain unit, mid-term or final, is set. Then clarify the knowledge and the relevant aim demand, which form the basic content of a test. The content of the test should reflect the key points and difficult points in the unit (chapter). 二、命题方法 Methods 第二,要收集并编制试题。 1、选择合适的试题形式和类型。理科试题一般分为:基础、 计算、操作、应用等各种形式的习题。 2、科学合理编排试卷。要综合考虑试题的形式、要评价的 学习结果、试题的难度、数学知识的特点来做出科学合 理的安排。 Secondly, collect and assign test questions. 1. Select the suitable question forms and types. Science tests are usually divided by basic, calculation, practice and application. 2. Arrange the questions scientifically and reasonably. The forms, learning result that needs to be assessed, difficulty of the test and features of maths knowledge should all be considered while assigning questions. 二、命题方法 Methods 第三,要审查后写出参考答案,并制 定评分标准。 Thirdly, write the reference answers after checking and set the evaluation standard. 审查后作出参考答案:要认真试做, 根据完成情况作出修改。 Write the reference answers after checking: Tests need to be done first carefully and alter the tests according to the performance. 二、命题方法 Methods 第四:难度的控制技巧 Fourthly, manage the difficulty 1、降低难度的技巧 Decrease the difficulty (1)改填空题、问答题为选择题 (2)在问答题中增加辅垫性的设问,即多设问,赋分值降低 (1) Change ‘fill in the blanks’ questions, questions need longer answers to multiple choices. (2) Add more questions to decrease the scores of each question. 2、增加难度的技巧 Increase the difficulty (1)改填空题、选择题为问答题。 (2)减少设问,增加赋分值。 (3)试卷难度难易进行适当搭配,一般说来,先易后难。 (1) Change ‘fill in the blanks’ questions and multiple choices to questions that need longer answers. (2) Reduce the number of questions to increase the scores. (3) Match the test difficulty by starting the tests with easier questions. 三、试题类型 Types of tests 把握原则: 卷纸中要同时体现基础知识类(60%) 和能力提升类(40%)题目,以能更好 全面测试学生学习掌握情况。 Principle: In the tests, both basic(60%) and advanced(40%) questions are required, aiming at testing students’ overall learning situation. 三、试题类型 Types of tests 语言学科类:Language Subjects: 根据卷面各考查项目的难易程度值:基础题70%,综合运用 题20%,提高题10% According to the difficulty of each part: basic 70%, comprehensive practice 20%, advanced 10% 题型: Types: 词汇方面:拼写,补全词语,看图写词语,连线 语法方面:单项选择,看图造句,用正确词填空,变换句 式练习,造句,按词语的正确形式填空 综合:阅读,写作 Vocabulary: Spelling, complete the words, write words according to pictures, match Grammar: Multiple choice, sentence-making according to pictures, fill in the blanks with the correct words, change the sentence pattern, sentence-making, fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words. 三、试题类型 Types of tests 数理学科类:Mathematics and Science: 理科学业考试试题常见的有选择题、填空及简答题、 实验探究题和计算应用题等类型。 Common test types of science subjects are multiple choices, fill in the blanks, experiments and problem solving. 题型 Types 选择题 multiple choices 填空及简答题 fill in the blanks 实验探究题 experiments 计算应用题 problem solving 题数 Numbers 15 10 4 4 分值比例 Ratio 40 30 10 20 四、若干命题建议 Suggestions 避免“繁、偏、怪”试题,保证考试对 教学的正确导向,考察出学生基本学 习知识掌握情况。 1. Avoid questions that are not relevant to the teaching content or too complicated. Make sure the tests are based on testing the students’ general learning situation. 1. 四、若干命题建议 Suggestions 试题要密切联系生产、生活及环境密 切联系。 2. Tests should be based on a tight connection with daily life and environment around us. 2. 四、若干命题建议 Suggestions 结合学生上课实际所学习的内容以及 学习进度,教师可以原创试题内容, 也可以对所学习的题目所以简单改动。 3. Teachers may create questions or make simple changes to questions according to teaching content and learning schedule. 3. 四、若干命题建议 Suggestions 考察全面,突出主干。对学生进行了 较全面地考查,试题突出了对主干知 识的考查。 4. Tests should be able to check the students’ overall skills and their learning levels. 4. 综述,以上为基本命题依据和方 法,教师命题可结合自身学科特 点进行命题。 In conclusion, above is basis and methods of test assigning. Teachers may assign tests according to their own subject features. Thank you 谢谢