Suggested format for curriculum vitae

George F. Corliss, Ph. D.
Name: George F. Corliss
University: Haggerty Engineering 296. 414-288-6599.
Home: 110 B E. Sutton Place, Waukesha, WI, 53188. 262-542-1340
Date and Place of Birth: June 22, 1947, Island Falls, Maine
Ph. D.: 1974, Michigan State University, Mathematics;
Thesis: Parallel Rootfinding Algorithms; Advisor: Jerry Taylor
BA: 1969, College of Wooster, Ohio. Major: Mathematics, 3.86/4.0, 5th in class, Phi Beta
Professional Experience:
1. 1978 – present, Marquette University
2001: Appointed Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Joint appointment with Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science
Joint appointment with College of Business Administration
1990: Appointed Professor, Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science
1982: Appointed Associate Professor, Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science
1978: Appointed Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
2. 1998-99 (sabbatical): Senior Consultant, Compuware, placed at Aurora Health Care as Project
3. 1991-92 (sabbatical): Senior Scientist, Argonne National Laboratory, Mathematics and
Computer Science. Participated in development of ADOL–C and ADIFOR tools for automatic
4. 1986 – 1990 (concurrent): Visiting Scientist, Institute for Applied Mathematics, University of
Karlsruhe (Germany)
5. Summer 1985: Visiting Scientist, ETH, Zurich
6. 1984-85 (sabbatical): Army Mathematics Research Center, UW – Madison. Developed software
for guaranteed bounds for numerical quadrature.
7. 1974-78: University of Nebraska – Lincoln, Assistant Professor of Computer Science and of
Mathematics and Statistics
8. 1969-1972 & 1973-1974: Michigan State University, Assistant Instructor of Mathematics
9. 1972-73: Unco, Inc., Washington DC, Analyst on social science research for State of Michigan
Current Teaching Interests:
Numerical analysis
Differential equations
Software development
Operating systems
Numerical optimization
Software engineering
Mathematical modeling
Linear algebra
Computer languages
Object-oriented programming
E-Commerce web design
Computer graphics
Computer architecture
Senior Design
Software testing
Current Research Interests:
Energy analysis and forecasting
Scientific computation and mathematical modeling
Guaranteed enclosures of the solutions of ordinary differential equations
Industrial applications of mathematics and scientific computation
Numerical optimization
Automatic differentiation
High performance computing
Software engineering
Funded Research Grants:
1. GasDay from industry. Licensing daily consumption estimation service, Oct. 2008 – present.
2. GasDay from industry. Licensing customer meter outlier detection service, July 2005 – present.
3. $9,500 from University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee (Southeastern Wisconsin Energy
Technology Research Center), Developing a Business Case for Sustainable Asset Renewal of
Existing Buildings, subcontract from MSOE from $85,000 total.
4. Summer support from GasDay for providing services to industry, working with graduate and
undergraduate students, and participating in the operation of the lab.
5. $50,000 from Kern Family Foundation, Student Transformation through ‘Innovation Exercises’,
Co-PI with Joe Schimmels, Fall, 2007.
6. $2,500 from National Wildlife Federation awarded to student Edward Speck-Kern, Marquette
University Electric Limo Student Transport, February, 2008, - May, 2009.
7. 2005: 9,357 Pounds from British Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council, John Pryce
(PI), ISL-Design: Meetings to Design an Interval Subroutine Library
8. 2005: GasDay from industry to support a graduate student research project to detect outliers
in meter readings. PI Ron Brown. I supervised the student’s research.
9. $50,000 from 3M Vision Opportunity Grant, $55,000 in hard university match, Challenges of
Offshore Outsourcing: Educational Response, joint with Kate Kaiser and Monica Adya, MU
College of Business Administration, 2003 - 06. The Industrial Advisory Board continues to
10. 2003: $16,900 from NCIAA, joint with Ron Brown, Development and Implementation of a Public
Gas Company Web-based Demand Forecasting Service
11. 2002: $15,000 from Michigan State University, Testing COSY and Taylor Arithmetics
12. 2000 – 2002: $300,000 from MU ITS, Portal and Imaging projects. Team of 3 – 5 GRA’s
prepared specifications for Web portal. Team of 1 – 4 GRA’s did business analysis and
implementation of Feith imaging systems for about 15 university units
13. $85,000 from Compuware for sabbatical leave, May 1998 - August 1999.
14. $100,000 from Sun Microsystems for Validated Global Optimization, 1997-98.
15. $140,000 list price of equipment donated by Sun Microsystems for JavaStation classroom,
16. Industry-Based Graduate Research Assistantships, $59,788 from the NSF. $30,000 from Penta
Technologies, and $30,000 from Johnson Controls, Inc., 1997-99. Joint with Steve Merrill and
Peter Tonellato.
17. Industry-Based Graduate Research Assistantships, $55,120 from the NSF. $24,000 from S.C.
Johnson Wax, and $24,000 from Johnson Controls, Inc., 1995-97.
18. $100,387 from the NSF for Acquisition of Laboratory Equipment for Research & Research
Training in Industrial Mathematics, 1994-1997.
19. 1995: $1,700 from NISA for research in optimization.
20. 1993: $6,000 from Repete Corp., Sussex, WI, Object-Oriented Programming in C++.
21. 1993: $2,700 from the Institute for Applied Mathematics, University of Karlsruhe, Germany,
Numerical Toolbox for Verified Computing I: Basic Numerical Problems.
22. 1992: $2,500 from the Institute for Applied Mathematics, University of Karlsruhe, Germany, CXSC Reference Manual.
23. $65,000 from Argonne National Laboratory, Scientist in Residence, Mathematics and Computer
Science Division, for 1991-92 sabbatical leave salary.
24. $68,006 from Cardiac Evaluation Center as part of a grant from the Wisconsin Department of
Development, Electrocardiogram Compression and Analysis, January 23, 1989 - January 22,
1990. Joint with Anne Clough.
25. 1989: $4,000 from the National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates
Program, Interval Techniques for the Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations.
26. 1989: $15,000 from Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford, England, to support the
development of a computer program written in Ada for validated numerical quadrature.
27. $95,195 from the National Science Foundation, Interval Techniques for the Numerical Solution
of Ordinary Differential Equations, November 15, 1988 - April 30, 1991. Joint with Gary S.
28. $44,256 from IBM Deutschland, Self-Validating Quadrature Near Singularities, October 1985 August 1986.
29. 1985: $3000 from IBM Deutschland, Composition of Illustrated Mathematical Texts for the
ACRITH Demonstration.
30. 1985: $5,000 from ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), Zurich, research in interval
mathematics and stiff ordinary differential equations.
31. $45,000 from IBM - Germany Research & Development Lab, Adaptive, Self-Validating
Numerical Quadrature, May 1984 - August 1985. Joint with L. B. Rall.
32. $17,053 from the National Science Foundation, Automatic Taylor Series Solution of Differential
Equations, June 1978-May 1979. Joint with Y.F. Chang.
Numerous small travel and equipment grants.
Other Research-related Activities (incomplete):
1. Referee’s reports: 2008 – 12; 2007 – 15; 2006 – 16; 2005 – 11; 2004 – 9; 2003 – 9; 2002 – 12;
2001 – 17; 2000 - 6; 1999 - 6; 1998 - 12; 1997 - 16; 1996 - 25; 1995 - 19; 1994 - 11; 1993 - 7;
1992 - 9; 1991 - 12; 1990 - 9; 1989 - 1; 1988 - 5; 1986 - 1; 1985 – 2.
2. 2008-present: Officer (Vote Tabulator) and active participant in IEEE P1788 Interval
Arithmetic Working Group working toward in IEEE standard for interval arithmetic.
3. 2005: Scientific Committee for Second Scandinavian Workshop on Interval Methods and their
Applications, Technical University of Denmark, August 25 - 27, 2005.
4. 2005: Program Committee, Gas Forecasters Forum, Hilton Head SC, October 26 – 28, 2005.
5. 2004: Scientific Committee for SCAN 2004, 11th GAMM - IMACS International Symposium on
Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Validated Numerics, October 4 - 8, 2004,
Fukuoka, Japan.
6. 2004: Scientific Committee for PARA04, Workshop on the State-of-the-Art in Scientific
Computing, June 20-23, 2004 Copenhagen.
7. 2004: Organizing Committee, AD 2004: The 4th International Conference on Automatic
Differentiation, Chicago, IL, July 19-23, 2004.
8. 2004: I led an effort within the interval analysis research community to challenge the
submission by Sun Microsystems of about 25 patent applications on material we believe to
have appeared in the literature previously. I conducted research into the prior art, submitted a
report, participated in several discussions with Sun management and attorneys, and tried to
help the interval research community better understand the patent process.
9. 2002 May 22-24: Lead organizer of SIAM Workshop on Validated Computing, Toronto, 80
10. 2002 May 26-30: Co-organizer & Chair of Fields Institute Workshop on Validated ODE’s,
University of Toronto.
11. 2000: Organizing Committee, Automatic Differentiation 2000: From Simulation to
Optimization, Nice, France, June, 2000.
12. 1996: SIAM Computational Differentiation Workshop, Santa Fe, New Mexico, February 12 - 15,
13. 1991: Organizing Committee, SIAM Workshop on the Automatic Differentiation of Algorithms
in Breckenridge, Colorado, January 6 - 8, 1991.
Publications – Books edited:
1. Martin Bücker, George Corliss, Paul Hovland, Uwe Naumann, and Boyana Norris, eds.
Automatic Differentiation: Applications, Theory, and Tools, Springer Lecture Notes in
Computational Science and Engineering, 2005.
2. George Corliss, Christèle Faure, Andreas Griewank, Laurent Hascoët, and Uwe Naumann, eds.
Automatic Differentiation: From Simulation to Optimization, Springer, New York, 2002.
3. Martin Berz, Christian Bischof, George Corliss, and Andreas Griewank, eds. Computational
Differentiation: Techniques, Applications, and Tools, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1996.
4. Klatte, R., Kulisch, U., Lawo, C., Rauch, M., and Wiethoff, A., C-XSC: A C++ Class Library for
Extended Scientific Computing, translated by Corliss, G., Lawo, C., Klatte, R., Wiethoff, A., and
Wolff, C., Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1993.
5. Klatte, R., Kulisch, U., Neaga, M., Ratz, D., and Ullrich, Ch., PASCAL-XSC Language Reference with
Examples, translated by Klatte, R., Ratz, D., and Corliss, G., Springer Verlag, 1992.
6. Andreas Griewank and George F. Corliss, eds. Automatic Differentiation of Algorithms: Theory,
Implementation, and Application, SIAM, Philadelphia, Penn., 1991.
Publications – Fully refereed journal articles:
1. Joshua A. Enszer, Youdong Lin, Scott Ferson, George F. Corliss, Mark A. Stadtherr, Probability
Bounds Analysis for Nonlinear Dynamic Process Models, to appear, AIChE Journal, 2010.
2. George F. Corliss and John D. Pryce, Interval Arithmetic with Containment Sets, Computing
78(3): 251-276 (2006).
3. George F. Corliss, Chris Foley, and R. Baker Kearfott, Formulation for Reliable Analysis of
Structural Frames, Reliable Computing, 13/2, 2005, pp. 125-147.
4. Ned S. Nedialkov (student), Ken R. Jackson, and George F. Corliss, Validated Solutions of Initial
Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations, Appl. Math. & Comp., 105 (1), 1999, pp. 2168.
5. George F. Corliss, and Weldon A Lodwick, Correct Computation of Solutions of Differential
Algebraic Control Equations, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM)
special issue ``Numerical Analysis, Scientific Computing, Computer Science'', 1996, pp. 37-40.
6. Y.F. Chang and George F. Corliss, ATOMFT: Solving ODEs and DAEs Using Taylor Series,
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 28/10-12, 1995, pp. 209-233.
7. Andreas Griewank, Christian Bischof, George F. Corliss, Alan Carle, and Karen Williamson,
Derivative Convergence for Iterative Equation Solvers, Optimization Methods and Software, vol.
2, 1993, pp 321-355.
8. Christian Bischof, George F. Corliss, and Andreas Griewank, Structured Second- and HigherOrder Derivatives through Univariate Taylor Series, Optimization Methods and Software Vol. 2,
1993, 211-232.
9. Christian Bischof, Alan Carle, George F. Corliss, Andreas Griewank, and Paul Hovland, ADIFOR
-- Generating Derivative Codes from Fortran Programs, Scientific Programming, vol. 1, 1992,
pp. 11-29.
10. George F. Corliss and Louis B. Rall, Computing the Range of Derivatives, IMACS Annals on
Computing and Applied Mathematics, Edgar Kaucher, S.M. Markov, and Gunter Mayer, eds., Vol.
12, J. C. Baltzer AG, 1991, pp. 195-212.
11. Christian Bischof, George F. Corliss, Larry Green, Andreas Griewank, Ken Haigler, and Perry
Newman, Automatic Differentiation of Advanced CFD Codes for Multidisciplinary Design,
Journal on Computing Systems in Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 6, 1992, 625-637.
12. George F. Corliss, Survey of Interval Algorithms for Ordinary Differential Equations, Journal of
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 31, 1989, pp. 112-120.
13. George F. Corliss and Gary S. Krenz, Indefinite Integration with Validation, ACM Trans. Math.
Software, 15, 1989, pp. 375-393.
14. George F. Corliss and Louis B. Rall, Adaptive, Self-Validating Numerical Quadrature, SIAM
Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing, 8/5, 1987, pp. 831-847.
15. George F. Corliss, How is the Teaching of Software Engineering Related to the Teaching of
ADA? Journal of Pascal, Ada, and Modula-2, May/June, 1984, pp. 31-33.
16. George F. Corliss, On Computing Darboux Type Series Analysis, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory,
Methods & Applications, V. 7, 1983, pp. 1247-1253.
17. Y. F. Chang and George F. Corliss, Solving Ordinary Differential Equations Using Taylor Series,
ACM Trans. Math. Software, 8, 1982, pp. 114-144. This is probably my single most influential
18. Y. F. Chang, George F. Corliss, Michael Tabor, and John Weiss, On the Analytic Structure of the
Henon Heiles System, Phys. Letters A, 1981.
19. George F. Corliss, Integrating ODE's in the Complex Plane-Pole Vaulting, Math. Comput., 35,
1980, pp. 1181-1189.
20. Y. F. Chang and George F. Corliss, Ratio-like and Recurrence Relation Tests for Convergence of
Series, J. Inst. Math. Appl., V. 25, 1980, pp. 349-359.
21. George F. Corliss and David Lowery (student), Choosing a Stepsize for Taylor Series Methods
for Solving ODE's, J. Comp. & Appl. Math., 4, 1977, pp. 251-256.
22. George F. Corliss, Which Root Does the Bisection Algorithm Find? SIAM Reviews, 1977, pp.
23. George F. Corliss, Computer Graphics Assisted Numerical Analysis Instruction, Computers and
Graphics, 1976, pp. 11-13.
24. George F. Corliss, Parallel Rootfinding Algorithms, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics,
Michigan State University, 1974.
25. George F. Corliss, Managing the Football Equipment, Scholastic Coach, 1969, pp. 46-48. Not a
technical paper, but I wrote it unsupervised as a college junior, and it received more editorial
review than any paper I’ve published since.
Publications – Fully refereed book chapters:
1. George F. Corliss and Jun Yu (student), Interval Testing Strategies Applied to COSY's Interval
and Taylor Model Arithmetic, in Springer Lectures Notes on Computer Science (LNCS no.
2992), Numerical Software with Result Verification: Platforms, Algorithms, Applications in
Engineering, Physics, and Economics, Rene' Alt, Andreas Frommer, R. Baker Kearfott, Wolfram
Luther eds., 2004, pp. 91 – 105.
2. George F. Corliss and R. Baker Kearfott, Rigorous Global Search: Industrial Applications, in
Developments in Reliable Computing, Tibor Csendes (ed.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, Netherlands,
1999, pp. 1-16.
3. George F. Corliss, Which Root Does the Bisection Algorithm Find? In Mathematical Modeling:
Classroom Notes in Applied Mathematics, Murray S. Klamkin (ed.), SIAM, Philadelphia, 1997, pp.
186-188. Reprinting of earlier fully refereed paper.
4. Andreas Griewank, George F. Corliss, Petra Henneberger, Gabriella Kirlinger, Florian A. Potra,
and Hans J. Stetter, High-Order Stiff ODE Solvers via Automatic Differentiation and Rational
Prediction, in Numerical Analysis and Its Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No.
1196, Springer, Berlin, 1997, pp. 114-125.
5. George F. Corliss and Robert Rihm, Validating an A Priori Enclosure Using High-Order Taylor
Series, in Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Validated Numerics, G. Alefeld and A.
Frommer (eds.), Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1996, pp. 228--238.
6. George F. Corliss, Where Is Validated ODE Solving Going? In Proceedings of the IMACS-GAMM
International Symposium on Numerical Methods and Error Bounds, J. Herzberger, ed. Akademie
Verlag, Berlin, 1996, pp. 48-57.
7. Louis Rall and George F. Corliss, Introduction to Automatic Differentiation, in Computational
Differentiation: Techniques, Applications, and Tools, Martin Berz, Christian Bischof, George
Corliss, and Andreas Griewank, eds., SIAM, Philadelphia, 1996.
8. George F. Corliss, Guaranteed Error Bounds for Ordinary Differential Equations, in Ainsworth,
Levesley, Light, and Marletta (eds.), in Theory of Numerics in Ordinary and Partial Differential
Equations, Oxford University Press, 1995, pp. 1 - 75. Lecture notes for a sequence of five
lectures at the VI-th SERC Numerical Analysis Summer School, Leicester University, 25 – 29
July, 1994.
9. Christian H. Bischof, Alan Carle, George F. Corliss, and Andreas Griewank, ADIFOR: Automatic
Differentiation in a Source Translation Environment, in Proceedings of the International
Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, Paul S. Wang (ed.), ACM Press, New York,
1992, pp. 294-302.
10. Gabriella Kirlinger and George F. Corliss, On Implicit Taylor Series Methods for Stiff ODEs, in
Proceedings of SCAN 1991: International Symposium on Computer Arithmetic and Scientific
Computing (Oldenburg, October 1 - 4, 1991), J. Herzberger (ed.), IMACS Annals on Computing
and Applied Mathematics.
11. Robert M. Corless and George F. Corliss, Rationale for Guaranteed ODE Defect Control, in
Proceedings of SCAN 1991: International Symposium on Computer Arithmetic and Scientific
Computing (Oldenburg, October 1 - 4, 1991), J. Herzberger (ed.), IMACS Annals on Computing
and Applied Mathematics
12. George F. Corliss, Overloading Point and Interval Taylor Operators, in Automatic
Differentiation of Algorithms: Theory, Implementation, and Application, Andreas Griewank and
George F. Corliss, (eds.), SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, 1991, pp. 139-146.
13. George F. Corliss, Christian Bischof, Andreas Griewank, Steven J. Wright, and Thomas Robey,
Automatic Differentiation for PDEs - Unsaturated Flow Case Study, in Advances in Computer
Methods for Partial Differential Equations - VII, Robert Vichnevetshi, Doyle Knight, and Gerard
Richter (eds.), IMACS, New Brunswick, NJ, 1992, 150-156.
14. George F. Corliss and Y. F. Chang, G-Stop Facility in ATOMFT, a Taylor Series Ordinary
Differential Equation Solver, in Computational Ordinary Differential Equations, Simeon Ola
Fatunla (ed.), University Press, 1992, pp. 37-77.
15. George F. Corliss, Overloading Point and Interval Taylor Operators, in Automatic
Differentiation of Algorithms: Theory, Implementation, and Application, Andreas Griewank, and
George F. Corliss (eds.), SIAM, 1991, pp. 139-146.
16. George F. Corliss, Validated Anti-Derivatives, in Computer Aided Proofs in Analysis (Cincinnati,
Ohio, March, 1989), Kenneth R. Meyer and Dieter S. Schmidt (eds.), Springer IMA Volumes in
Mathematics and Its Applications, No. 28, 1991, pp. 90-96.
17. George F. Corliss, Industrial Applications of Interval Techniques, in Computer Arithmetic and
Self-Validating Numerical Methods, Notes and Reports in Mathematics in Science and
Engineering, No. 7, Christian Ullrich (ed.), Academic Press, 1990, pp. 91-113.
18. George F. Corliss, Applications of Differentiation Arithmetic, in Proceedings of the
International Workshop on Reliability in Computing - The Role of Interval Methods in Scientific
Computing (Columbus, Ohio, 1987), Ramon E. Moore (ed.), Academic Press, NY, 1988, pp. 127148.
19. George F. Corliss, Performance of Self-Validating Adaptive Quadrature, in Proceedings of the
NATO Advanced Workshop on Numerical Integration: Recent Developments, Software and
Applications, Patrick Keast and Grame Fairweather (eds.), Reidel, Boston, 1987, pp. 239-259.
20. George F. Corliss, Computing Narrow Inclusions for Definite Integrals, in Computer
Arithmetic: Scientific Computation and Programming Languages, Edgar Kaucher, Ulrich Kulisch,
and Christian Ullrich (eds.), Teubner, Stuttgart, 1987, pp. 150-169.
Publications – Lightly refereed or edited:
I assign work to this category if there was some external quality control, but low probability of
1. George F. Corliss, R. Baker Kearfott, Ned Nedialkov, John D. Pryce, Spencer Smith, Interval
Subroutine Library Mission, in Reliable Implementation of Real Number Algorithms: Theory and
Practice, in the LNCS series of Springer Verlag, P. Hertling, C. Hoffmann, W. Luther, and N.
Revol, eds. , 2008: pp. 28-43.
2. John D. Pryce, George F. Corliss, R. Baker Kearfott, Nedialko S. Nedialkov, Spencer Smith:
Second Note on Basic Interval Arithmetic for IEEE754R. Numerical Validation in Current
Hardware Architectures, 2008.
3. George F. Corliss, An Industrial Mathematics Program, in War Stories from Applied Math:
Undergraduate Consultancy Projects, Robert Fraga, ed., MAA Notes #71, Mathematical
Association of America, Washington, D.C., 2007, pp. 5 – 24. Kick-off article from which the book
title is taken.
4. George F. Corliss, Course Integration, in War Stories from Applied Math: Undergraduate
Consultancy Projects, Robert Fraga, ed., MAA Notes #71, Mathematical Association of America,
Washington, D.C., 2007, pp. 47 – 54.
5. George F. Corliss and Kaj Madsen, Second Scandinavian Workshop on Interval Methods and
Their Applications, Reliable Computing, 12/2, April 2006, pp. 167 – 169.
6. H. Martin Brücker and George F. Corliss, A Bibliography of Automatic Differentiation, in
Automatic Differentiation: Applications, Theory, and Implementations, 2005, pp. 319 – 352.
7. George F. Corliss, Automatic Differentiation Bibliography, in Automatic Differentiation: From
Simulation to Optimization, George Corliss, Christèle Faure, Andreas Griewank, Laurent
Hascoët, and Uwe Naumann (eds.), Springer, New York, 2002.
8. George F. Corliss and Louis B. Rall, Bounding Derivative Ranges, in Encyclopedia of
Optimization, vol. 1, Panos M. Pardalos and C. A. Floudas (eds.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2001, pp.
209 - 215.
9. Louis B. Rall and George F. Corliss, Automatic Differentiation: Point and Interval, in
Encyclopedia of Optimization, vol. 1, Panos M. Pardalos and C. A. Floudas (eds.), Kluwer,
Dordrecht, 2001, pp. 108 - 113.
10. James B. Walters (student) and George F. Corliss, Automatic Differentiation: Point and
Interval Taylor Operators, in Encyclopedia of Optimization, vol. 1, Panos M. Pardalos and C. A.
Floudas (eds.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2001, pp. 113 - 118.
11. George F. Corliss, SCAN '98 Collected Bibliography, in Developments in Reliable Computing,
Tibor Csendes (ed.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 1999, pp. 383-402.
12. Paulina Chin (student), Robert M. Corless, and George F. Corliss, Optimization Strategies for
the Floating-Point GCD, in Proceedings of the 1998 International Symposium on Symbolic and
Algebraic Computation (ISAAC '98), Oliver Gloor (ed.), ACM Press, New York, 1998, pp. 228235.
13. Wenhong Yang (student) and George F. Corliss, Bibliography for Automatic Differentiation, in
Computational Differentiation: Techniques, Applications, and Tools, Martin Berz, Christian
Bischof, George Corliss, and Andreas Griewank, eds., SIAM, Philadelphia, 1996.
14. George F. Corliss, Automatic Differentiation Bibliography, in Automatic Differentiation of
Algorithms: Theory, Implementation, and Application, Andreas Griewank and George F. Corliss
(eds.), SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, 1991, pp. 331-353.
15. George F. Corliss, Design of Ada Library of Elementary Functions with Error Handling, Journal
on Pascal, Ada, and Modula-2, 6, 1987.
16. George F. Corliss, A Search for Interactive Computer Graphics Lessons in Numerical Analysis,
SIGSCE Bulletin, June, 1978.
17. George F. Corliss, Finding Eigenfunction Expansions of PDE's Using Taylor Series, Abstract
appeared in Notices of the AMS, pp. A-161, 1978.
Publications – Conference proceedings (lightly refereed) (incomplete):
1. Joshua A. Enszer (student), Youdong Lin (student), Scott Ferson, George Corliss, and Mark
Stadtherr, Propagating Uncertainties in Modeling Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, 3rd
International Workshop on Reliable Engineering Computing, Savannah GA, 2008.
2. Nancy Sobczak (student), Peter Tonellato, George Corliss, and Martin Seitz, Cluster
Methodology Defines Archetype Sentinel Consomic Rats, IEEE Symposium Series on
Computational Intelligence, 2007.
3. Mohamad Mneimneh (student), George Corliss, and Richard Povinelli, A Cardiac Electrophysiological Model Based Approach for Filtering High Frequency ECE Noise, Computers in
Cardiology, 2007, Durham, NC, pp. 109-113.
4. Xin Feng, Richard Kelnhofer (student), and George F. Corliss, A New Interval Bounding
Algorithm for Parameter Estimation from Bounded Error Data, in Proceedings of IFAC '99: 14th
World Congress of International Federation of Automatic Control (Beijing, China, July 1999).
5. Chang, Y.F. and Corliss, George F., Solving control problems with multiple constraints,
Proceedings of the 13th IMACS World Congress on Computation and Applied Mathematics,
Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, July 22-26, 1992, pp. 1331 - 1332.
6. Ron Brown and George F. Corliss, Optimal Acceleration of the Bifilar Hybrid Step Motor with a
Chopper Drive, in Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Symposium on Incremental Motion
Control Systems and Devices, Incremental Motion Control Society, Champaign, IL, 1987, pp. 205209.
7. George F. Corliss and Louis B. Rall, Adaptive, Self-Validating Numerical Quadrature, in
Transactions of the Third Army Conference on Applied Mathematics & Computing, 1984.
8. George F. Corliss and Louis B. Rall, Automatic Generation of Taylor Series in Pascal-SC: Basic
Operations and Applications to Ordinary Differential Equations, in Transactions of the First
Army Conference on Applied Mathematics & Computing, 1984.
9. George F. Corliss, Using ADA as a Design Language-Classroom Experience, in Proceedings of
the ACM 1983 Annual Conference, pp. 66-71.
10. George F. Corliss, Taylor Series Methods with Variable Stepsize Ratio and Variable order,
working papers for the 1979 SIGNUM Meeting on Numerical Ordinary Differential Equations,
1979, University of Illinois, Dept. of Computer Science, Technical Report, pp. 14-1 - 14-3.
Abstract appeared in ACM SIGNUM Newsletter, June, 1979.
11. Y. F. Chang, George F. Corliss, John Fauss, and Manuel Prieto, Convergence Analysis of
Compound Taylor Series, in Proceedings of the Eighth Manitoba Conference on Numerical
Mathematics and Computing, University of Manitoba, 1978, pp. 129-152.
12. George F. Corliss, Integrating ODE's along Paths on Riemann Surfaces, in Proceedings of the
Seventh Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Computing, University of Manitoba, 1977,
pp. 279-296.
13. George F. Corliss and Y.F. Chang, Three- and Five-Term Convergence Tests, in Proceedings of
the Sixth Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Computing, University of Manitoba, 1976,
pp. 135-153.
Technical reports, preprints, and other unrefereed publications (incomplete):
1. Rohan O. Kennedy, George F. Corliss, and Ronald H. Brown, Analysis of Customer Data to
Detect Meter Anomalies, GasDay Technical Report, June, 2006.
2. George F. Corliss, Testing COSY’s INSRF, Technical Report, Michigan State University
Department of Physics and Astronomy, 2003.
3. George F. Corliss and Andreas Griewank, Operator Overloading as an Enabling Technology for
Automatic Differentiation, Marquette University Department of Mathematics, Statistics and
Computer Science, Technical Report No. 431, April 1996.
4. George F. Corliss and Weldon Lodwick, Role of Constraints in the Validated Solution of DAE’s,
Marquette University Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, Technical
Report No. 430, March 1996.
5. George F. Corliss, Where is Validated ODE Solving Going?, Marquette University, MSCS,
Technical Report No. 423, June 1995.
6. George F. Corliss, Correct Computation of Solutions of Differential Algebraic Control
Equations, Marquette University MSCS, Technical Report No. 422, June 1995.
7. George F. Corliss, Introduction to Validated ODE Solving, Technical Report No. 416,
Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science (MSCS), Marquette University,
March 1995.
8. George F. Corliss, Selected Validated ODE Bibliography, 127 bibliographic references.
9. George F. Corliss, Automatic Differentiation Bibliography, 517 bibliographic references.
10. George F. Corliss, Representing Intervals in a Computer Algebra System, report for IBM
Thomas J. Watson Research Center, 1994.
11. Christian Bischof, George Corliss, Larry Green, Andreas Griewank, Haigler, K., and Newman,
Perry, Automatic Differentiation of Advanced CFD Codes for Multidisciplinary Design,
Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, January 1993,
12. George Corliss, ADIFOR Case Study: VODE + ADIFOR, Mathematics and Computer Science
Division, Argonne National Laboratory, August 1992, ANL/MCS-TM-168.
13. George Corliss, Automatic Differentiation Bibliography, Mathematics and Computer Science
Division, Argonne National Laboratory, July 1992, ANL/MCS-TM-167.
14. George Corliss, Andreas Griewank, Tom Robey, and Steve Wright, Automatic Differentiation
Applied to Unsaturated Flow - ADOL-C Case Study, Mathematics and Computer Science
Division, Argonne National Laboratory, April 1992, ANL/MCS-TM-162.
15. Christian Bischof, George Corliss, and Andreas Griewank, Hybrid Evaluation of Second
Derivatives in ADIFOR, Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne National
Laboratory, May 1992, ANL/MCS-TM-166.
16. Christian Bischof, Alan Carle, George Corliss, Moe El-Khadiri, Paul Hovland, and Andreas
Griewank, Getting Started with ADIFOR, Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne
National Laboratory, 1992, ANL/MCS-TM-164.
17. Christian Bischof, George Corliss, and Andreas Griewank, Structured Second- and HigherOrder Derivatives Through Univariate Taylor Series, Mathematics and Computer Science
Division, Argonne National Laboratory, March 1992, MCS-P296-0392.
18. Christian Bischof, Alan Carle, George Corliss, and Andreas Griewank, ADIFOR: Automatic
differentiation in a source translation environment, Mathematics and Computer Science
Division, Argonne Natl. Lab., Jan. 1992, MCS-P288-0192.
19. Christian Bischof, Alan Carle, George Corliss, Andreas Griewank, and Paul Hovland, ADIFOR:
Fortran source translation for efficient derivatives, Mathematics and Computer Science
Division, Argonne Natl. Lab., Dec. 1991, MCS-P278-1291.
20. Christian Bischof, George Corliss, and Andreas Griewank, ADIFOR exception handling,
Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne Natl. Lab., Jan. 1992, ANL/MCS-TM-159.
21. Kirlinger, Gabriella and Corliss, George F., On implicit Taylor series methods for stiff ODEs,
Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne Natl. Lab., Dec. 1991, MCS-P272-1191.
22. Corless, Robert and Corliss, George F., Rationale for guaranteed ODE defect control,
Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne Natl. Lab., Dec. 1991, MCS-P273-1191.
23. Christian Bischof, Alan Carle, George Corliss, Andreas Griewank, and Paul Hovland,
Generating derivative codes from Fortran programs, Mathematics and Computer Science
Division, Argonne Natl. Lab., 1991, MCS-P263-0991.
24. George F. Corliss, Reports for Biotronics, Inc.: 5-Point Derivative Formulas, Smoothing
Sampled Reflectance Spectra, How Should the Discrete Fourier Transform Be Interpreted?,
Rotation of Vectors, Orthonormality vs. Uncorrolated Vectors, 1990.
25. George F. Corliss, Introduction to C Programming, submitted to Strong/Corneliuson Financial
Management, Dec., 1990.
26. George F. Corliss, Software Development Lifecycle, submitted to Strong/Corneliuson
Financial Management, June, 1989.
27. Chang, Y. F., Corliss, George F., and Deshpande, Prajwal, G-stop facility in ATOMFT: User
manual, Technical Report No. 307, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer
Science, Marquette University, April, 1989.
28. George F. Corliss, Self-Validating Adaptive Quadrature: User Manual Addendum, January,
29. George F. Corliss, Survey of interval algorithms for ordinary differential equations, Technical
Report No. 302, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, Marquette
University, December, 1988.
30. George F. Corliss, How can you apply interval techniques in an industrial setting? Technical
Report No. 301, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, Marquette
University, December, 1988.
31. Williams, Donald L., Kemp, L. Franklin, Corliss, George F., and Cairns, Thomas W., Interval
methods for ensuring computational accuracy, Report No. F88-C-13, Amoco Production
Company, Tulsa, OK, December, 1988.
32. Davis, Paul H., Corliss, George F., and Krenz, Gary S., Bibliography on methods and techniques
in differentiation arithmetic, Report No. AM-88-09, Bristol University, Bristol, England,
September, 1988.
33. Davis, Paul H., Stephens, Bruce, Corliss, George F., and Krenz, Gary S., Specification of a
preprocessor for use with differentiation arithmetic, September, 1988.
34. Corliss, George F., Krenz, Gary S., and Davis, Paul H., Bibliography on interval methods for the
solution of ordinary differential equations, Technical Report No. 289, Department of
Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, Marquette University, September, 1988.
35. George F. Corliss, Interval techniques for tight, guaranteed bounds, Technical Report #272,
Marquette University, Dept. of Math/Stat., December 1987.
36. George F. Corliss and Gary Krenz, Interval methods for ordinary differential equations:
Survey and future directions, Technical Report #267, Marquette University, Dept. of
Math/Stat., November 1987.
37. George F. Corliss and Gary Krenz, Bibliography on interval methods for the solution of
ordinary differential equations, Technical Report #260, Marquette University, Dept. of
Math/Stat., August 1987, joint with Gary Krenz.
38. George F. Corliss, Roll Your Own Help Files, Madison Area PC Users' Group Newsletter, 1986.
39. George F. Corliss, Douglas Harris and Karl Byleen, Numerical Calculus Notes for MSCS 075,
172 pages, 1986. Printed and copyrighted. Revised and expanded to 242 pages, 1987; 256
pages, 1988.
40. George F. Corliss, Computing Narrow Inclusions for Definite Integrals, University of
Wisconsin Mathematics Research Center, Technical Report #2913, 1986.
41. George F. Corliss and Louis B. Rall, Adaptive, Self-Validating Numerical Quadrature,
University of Wisconsin Mathematics Research Center, Technical Report #2815.
42. George F. Corliss, Issue paper: Writing SFUN in Ada, 26 pages, submitted to IMSL, 1984.
43. George F. Corliss and Louis B. Rall, Automatic Generation of Taylor Series in Pascal-SC: Basic
Operations and Applications to Ordinary Differential Equations, joint with L. B. Rall, University
of Wisconsin Mathematics Research Center Technical Report #2497, 1983.
44. George F. Corliss, Self -validating numerical quadrature software package for IBM-Germany
Research and Development Lab, 1984.
45. George F. Corliss, Error handling, LOG, SORT, and AINT: Issue paper, 29 pages, submitted to
IMSL, 1984.
46. George F. Corliss, What Code Does the Super Brain Keyboard Send?, Super Letter, Dec./Jan.
Newsletter of the Super Brain Users' Group, 1983.
47. Y. F. Chang and George F. Corliss, Compiler for the Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations
Using Taylor Series, Technical Report, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Marquette
University, 1981, 93 pages.
48. Y. F. Chang, Roy Morris and George F. Corliss, ATSMCC Users Manual, Technical Report,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Marquette University,1980.
49. Y. F. Chang, Roy Morris and George F. Corliss, A Portable Automatic Taylor Series (ATS)
Compiler for Solving Ordinary Differential Equations, working papers, University of Illinois,
Dept. of Computer Science, Technical Report, pp. 38-1 - 38-2, 1979.
50. George F. Corliss, How to Use the Mathematics Instruction Package on CMS, University of
Nebraska Dept. of Computer Science Report, 86 pages, 1978.
51. George F. Corliss, Computer Graphics Assisted Instruction at University of Nebraska - Lincoln,
University of Nebraska Dept. of Computer Science Report, 1 87 pages, 1977.
Seminars and Speeches Given – International invitations (incomplete):
1. GasDay: Making Money from Mathematics,
2009 Nov 20: Schloss Dagstuhl Seminar 09471, Computer-Assisted Proofs: Tools, Methods, and
2. Towards an Interval Subroutine Library,
2006 Jan 5: Mathematical Software in Applied Mathematics, London Mathematics Society and
Cardiff School of Mathematics
2006 Jan 10: Schloss Dagstuhl Seminar 06021, Reliable Implementation of Real Number
Algorithms: Theory and Practice
2006 Jan 17: University of Szeged, Hungary, Dept. of Applied Informatics
3. Interval Subroutine Library? Technical University of Denmark, August 29, 2005.
4. Intervals in Structural Engineering, presented at Second Scandinavian Workshop on Interval
Methods and Their Applications Technical University of Denmark, Aug. 25, 2005. 40 minute
invited keynote address.
5. Tutorial on Validated Scientific Computing Using Interval Analysis: Interval Arithmetic,
Algorithms, and Tools, Second Scandinavian Workshop on INTERVAL METHODS AND THEIR
APPLICATIONS, Technical University of Denmark, August 24, 2005. Full day invited tutorial.
6. Validated Methods for IVPs for ODEs, SciCADE 2005, Nagoya, Japan, May 23-27, 2005
7. Formulation for Reliable Analysis of Structural Frames,
Fields Institute, University of Toronto, Dec. 7, 2004
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, Dec. 6, 2004.
8. Automatic Differentiation, AD 2004: The 4th International Conference on Automatic
Differentiation, Chicago, IL, July 19-23, 2004.
9. Validated Scientific Computing Using Interval Analysis, PARA'04: Workshop on State-of-the-Art
in Scientific Computing, Technical University of Denmark, June 20, 2004.
10. Applying Global Optimization in Structural Engineering, PARA'04: Workshop on State-of-theArt in Scientific Computing, Technical University of Denmark, June 22, 2004.
11. Applying Global Optimization in Structural Engineering, keynote speaker, Joint University of
Hertfordshire/Cranfield University Automatic Differentiation Workshop, Hatfield, United
Kingdom, Nov. 27, 2003.
12. 2003 Aug 14-16: Survey of Interval Methods for ODE’s, highlighted talk at the First Scandinavian
Workshop on Interval Methods and Their Applications, Technical University of Denmark,
13. 2003 Jan 19-24: Testing COSY's Interval and Taylor Model Arithmetic, Keynote talk, Numerical
Software with Result Verification, Schloss Dagstuhl, International Conference and Research
Center for Computer Science, Germany
14. 2002 May 22: SIAM Workshop on Validated Computing, invited 3 hour short course, Tutorial
on Validated Techniques, Interval Arithmetic, and Related Tools
Seminars and Speeches Given – Conferences (incomplete):
1. 2010 Jun 20-23: Ronald H. Brown (presenter), Yifan Li, Bo Pang, Steven R. Vitullo, and George
F. Corliss. Detrending Daily Natural Gas Demand Data Using Domain Knowledge. 30th
International Symposium on Forecasting. San Diego, CA.
2. 2010 Jun 20-23: Steven R. Vitullo (presenter), Ronald H. Brown, Monica Adya, and George F.
Corliss. Disaggregating Time Series Energy Consumption Data. 30th International Symposium
on Forecasting. San Diego, CA.
3. 2010 Jun 20-23: Steven R. Vitullo (presenter), Ronald H. Brown, Monica Adya, and George F.
Corliss. Disaggregating United States Real Gross Domestic Product. 30th International
Symposium on Forecasting. San Diego, CA.
4. 2009 Aug 20: Water Demand Forecasts, Industry/University Cooperative Research Center
Workshop, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee.
5. 2009 Jun 12: Forecasting Customer Demand for Natural Gas, Canadian Applied and Industrial
Mathematics Society, London, Ontario Canada.
6. 2006 Oct 18: George Corliss (presenter) Chris Spriggs and Rohan Kennedy, Art and Science of
Finding Lost and Unaccounted-for Natural Gas, Gas Forecasters Forum, Albuquerque, NM.
7. 2005 Jun 10: Validated Scientific Computing Using Interval Analysis, Department of Applied
Mathematics, Beijing Institute of Technology
8. 2005 Jun 7: Applying Global Optimization in Structural Engineering, Colloquium in the
Department of Automatic Control, Beijing Institute of Technology
9. 2004 Dec: Vladik Kreinovich (presenter) and George Corliss, Validated Scientific Computing
Using Interval Analysis, 3rd Annual Taylor Model Workshop, Miami Beach, FL.
10. Formulation for Reliable Analysis of Structural Frames,
Rice University, Houston, Nov. 5, 2004
Rose-Hulman, Terra Haute, IN, Oct. 22, 2005
11. 2004 Sep 16: George Corliss (presenter), Chris Foley, R. Baker Kearfott, Formulation for
Reliable Analysis of Structural Frames, NSF Workshop on Reliable Engineering Computing,
Savannah, Georgia.
12. 2004 Mar 9: Michelle Robinson (presenter) and George Corliss, Design of an automated system
for scheduling student rotations, 81st Annual Session of the American Dental Education
Association, Seattle, WA.
13. 2004 Mar: University of Louisiana at Lafayette:
Interval Analysis Applied to Structural Engineering,
Interval Analysis Applied to ODE Parameter Identification,
Applying Global Optimization in Structural Engineering.
14. 2004 Mar 13: Applying Global Optimization in Structural Engineering, National Conference for
Engineering Student Councils, held at Marquette University
15. 2003 Dec 20: Applying Global Optimization in Structural Engineering, Workshop on Taylor
Models, Miami.
16. 2002 Dec 16: Miami Beach Workshop on Taylor Models, Testing COSY’s Interval Arithmetic,
joint with Jun Yu
17. 2002 Dec 18: Miami Beach Workshop on Taylor Models, Exception Handling
Seminars and Speeches Given – University colloquia (incomplete):
1. 2008 Dec 14: We Revel in the Abnormal, Seminar at NiSource: Columbia Gas of Ohio
2. 2008 Mar 18: Automatic Differentiation, Optimization Seminar, University of Colorado –
3. 2008 Mar 18: Validated Methods for IVPs for ODEs, Mathematics Colloquium, University of
Colorado – Denver.
4. 2007 Mar 2: Making Money from Math?, Applied Mathematics Seminar, University of Texas at
El Paso
5. 2006 Sep 28: GasDay, UW Platteville
6. 2006 Jun 15: Analysis of Customer Data to Detect Meter Anomalies, Oklahoma Natural Gas. Joint
with Rohan Kennedy and Ronald H. Brown.
7. 2006 Feb 6: Towards an Interval Subroutine Library, MAS Research Group, University of Notre
Dame, West Bend, IN
8. 2005 Sep 15: Validated Methods for IVPs for ODEs, Center for Applied Math, University of Notre
9. 2005 Jan 7: Applications of Mathematics, La Veda Llena, Albuquerque, NM.
10. 2003 Sep 22: Software Testing, Strong Financial Corp., Menomonie Falls, WI.
11. 2003 Jun 9: McMaster, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, Validated Numerical Optimization
12. 2003 Jun 10: McMaster, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, Software Testing
13. 2002 Oct 24: Michigan Technical University, Houghton, Validated Numerical Optimization
14. 2002 Oct 25: Michigan Technical University, Houghton, Automatic Differentiation
15. 2002 May 29: Fields Institute, University of Toronto, Applications of Validated Computation
16. 2002 Mar: University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, Validated Numerical
Seminars and Speeches Given – Marquette colloquia and seminars (incomplete):
1. 2008 Nov 12: Forecasting Natural Gas Consumption, MU ACM Student Chapter
2. 2008 Sep 11: Making Money from Math?, MU MSCS Colloquium
3. 2008 Sep 2: On Writing, MU EECE Graduate Student Seminar
4. 2007 Aug 10 & 2006 Dec 7: Innovation at the University, presented as part of “Principles of
American Higher Education Administration” to visiting Beijing Institute of Technology
5. 2003 Mar: Bioinformatics Research Center, Medical College of Wisconsin, Capability Maturity
6. 2002 Nov 1: Bioinformatics Research Center, Medical College of Wisconsin, Software Testing
7. 2002 Apr 18, MU EECE Computational Intelligence seminar, Tutorial on Interval Arithmetic
8. 2002 Apr 19: Initiation banquet speaker for Phi Beta Kappa, Marquette Chapter, Being 'Liberal'
in a Technical World
9. 2002 Jan 18: MU Biomedical Engineering Brotz Seminar, Rigorous Solutions to Industrial
10. 2001 Sep: MU Electrical and Computer Engineering Colloquium, Validated Numerical
Industrial collaborations (see also Funded Research):
In 2005, for example, I reported meaningful technical discussions with representatives of the
following firms:
3M Industrial Advisory Board:
 Oracle
 GE Healthcare
 Rockwell
 Children’s Health Systems
 Briggs & Stratton
 Accenture
 Keane
 SecurePipe
 Direct Supply
 Northwestern Mutual
With GasDay:
 Several natural gas
local distribution
Other contacts:
 Repete Corp
 Centare Group
 Revere Group
 IT Fusion Business Center
 CCISAP Consulting
 Wisconsin Manufacturing
Extension Partnership
 3M Touch Systems
 Techteriors
 Aurora Health Care
[Not updated recently.]
2003: NCIAA. $16,000 to develop a web-based interface to GasDay. Joint with Ron Brown.
2001: Umlaut Casting, Chicago. Web site development.
2000 – 2003: Marquette University ITS. Portal and Imaging projects. Team of 3 – 5 GRA’s
prepared specifications for Web portal. Team of 1 – 4 GRA’s did business analysis and
implementation of Feith imaging systems for about 15 university units.
1998-99: Compuware & Aurora Health Care. I spent a sabbatical leave from June 1, 1998 August 13, 1999 as a senior systems analyst at Compuware, a large, international computer
consulting firm that employs several of my former students. Compuware placed me at Aurora
Health Care doing Y2K project management.
1998: Harken, Pewaukee. E-commerce, Web site development. Harken is the world's leading
supplier of high-performance yacht racing equipment.
1998: Miner & Associates, Milwaukee. Web site development.
1997-98: Sun Microsystems. Software and applications for interval techniques for global
solutions of nonlinear systems and optimization:
Bank One. Portfolio management using global optimization.
Swiss National Bank. Modeling international currency trading using global
 MacNeal Schwindler. Stress analysis of rocket nozzle designs, finite element analysis,
global optimization.
 GE Medical Systems. AC motor design optimization, global optimization, parameter
 Genome Thereputics. Genome search, neural networks.
9. 1998: Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford, Great Britain. Interval analysis, Ada software
10. 1996 – 1998: Johnson Controls. Enterprise modeling, operations research.
11. 1996 – 1998: S.C. Johnson Wax. Global marketing using data clustering.
12. 1995: NISA, Milwaukee. Research in optimization and selection of software for large-scale
numerical optimization.
13. 1994: IBM, Yorktown Heights. Representing intervals in a computer algebra system.
14. 1993: Repete Corp., Sussex. Systems analysis, computer graphical display, instruction in C++
and object-oriented development, software development for industrial process control.
15. 1991-92: Argonne National Laboratory, Mathematics and Computer Science, sabbatical.
Automatic differentiation of algorithms, numerical analysis, optimization, software
development. Team developed software being used by the Department of Energy, Boeing,
General Motors, AT&T, NASA, and many others.
16. 1990: Biotronics, Inc., West Allis. Pattern recognition, statistical analysis of light reflectances
in satellite or other remotely sensed data.
17. 1989 – 1990: Cardiac Evaluation Center, West Allis. Numerical analysis, digital signal
compression, analysis, and display for medical data. Resulted in a marketed product.
18. 1988 – 1990: Strong Mutual Funds, Menomonee Falls. Financial modeling, systems analysis,
instruction in C programming.
19. 1988: Amoco Production, Tulsa. Interval methods, numerical solution of partial differential
equations for portions of an oil reservoir simulation model. Contributed to the eventual
decision of an Amoco employee to attend Marquette
20. 1985: Prent, Beloit. Mathematical modeling, linear programming, statistical analysis of
optimum box size for shipping manufactured parts.
21. 1984 – 1987: IBM, Germany. Interval analysis, validated computation. Developed software
package for self-validating adaptive quadrature. IBM marketed our package as part of the
ACRITH product.
22. 1984 – 1985: Delco Electronics, Oak Creek. Modeling motion, numerical analysis, Ada
software development for commercial aircraft positioning instruments.
23. 1984: International Mathematical Subroutines Library (IMSL), Houston. Numerical and
statistical analysis, Ada software development.
24. 1982: US Olympic Team. Numerical analysis and computer graphics for the design of bobsled
25. 1982: Harken, Pewaukee. User interface, database design, software development for
marketing yachting equipment.
26. 1980 – 1995: North Sails, Pewaukee. Numerical analysis, computer graphics, software and
user interface design for the design and manufacture of yacht sails. This technology appeared
on every America's Cup contender, both US and foreign, from 1980 until about 1992.
27. 1972-73: Unco, Inc., Washington, DC. Employee on a social science research project.
28. Plus many projects of many students.
Professional Society Memberships and Offices Held:
Phi Beta Kappa, 1968-Present. Marquette Chapter President for 3 years
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1974-Present
Association for Computing Machinery, 1978-Present
Sigma Xi, 1989-Present. Marquette Chapter Secretary 1996 – Present
Canadian Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1998-Present
IEEE Computer Society, 2003 - present
Honors Received:
1. Indirect participant in the 1995 Wilkinson Prize (awarded to Chris Bischof and Alan Carle for
ADIFOR 2). Award presentation took place July 3, 1995, at the International Conference in
Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 95) in Hamburg, Germany.