2014 PSMP Graduation Yearbook - Australian Public Service

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2014 Public Sector Management Program
On behalf of the National Board, I would like to congratulate the
participants graduating from the Public Sector Management Program
(PSMP) in 2014. Your class yearbook is a small memento of a significant
academic achievement. I hope it brings back fond memories and a sense
of satisfaction at challenges overcome.
The PSMP has supported you to develop further capabilities and skills for
the work that you undertake in the public sector. Equally important, the
PSMP is an invaluable way of building a deep professional network and
cherished friendships. I encourage you to remain in contact with your
program colleagues. These relationships will enable you to reach across
agency boundaries and enrich much of the work that you undertake
throughout your career.
The PSMP is a demanding program for participants, who have to balance
a competing workload and family commitments. I would like to recognise
the significant support that has been provided by your family, friends and
work colleagues. Most importantly, I would like to acknowledge the
dedication of the 2014 PSMP graduates and the significant commitment
that you have invested in your post-graduate qualification.
As a PSMP graduate, you are part of a program with a strong 20 year
history. Looking to the future, the PSMP will continue its proud tradition
developing the capability of participants to meet the public sector
management challenges of today and the future.
Once again, congratulations to the 2014 graduates.
Owen Livermore
National PSM Board Member
National Board
Ms Kathryn Campbell
Secretary, Department of Human Services
Mr Owen Livermore
Group Manager Employment Policy and Participation, Australian Public
Service Commission, Commonwealth Representative
Dr Patty Renfrow
Director Performance and Development, Public Service Commission,
Ms Della Prowse
Executive Director Workforce Development, Public Service Commission,
New South Wales
Ms Bronwen Overton-Clarke
A/g Deputy Director General and Commissioner for Public
Administration, Workforce Capability and Governance, Chief Minister,
Treasury and Economic Development, Australian Capital Territory
Mr John Cross
Assistant Director, Projects, State Services Authority, Victoria
Ms Louise Mills
Deputy Director, State Service Management Office, Department of
Premier and Cabinet, Tasmania
Ms Libby Doney
A/g Director, Strategic Workforce Planning and Development, Office of
the Commissioner for Public Employment, Northern Territory
Ms Megan Webster
Executive Director, Leadership and Governance, Office for the Public
Sector, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, South Australia
Dr Vince Hughes
Executive Director, Centre for Public Sector Excellence, Public Sector
Commission, Western Australia
Order of Proceedings
1. Ceremony welcome
Ms Liz Quinn
2. Key note address to 2014 graduates
Mr Stephen Sedgwick AO FIPAA
3. Presentation of certificates
Mr Stephen Sedgwick AO FIPAA
and Ms Gaylene Smith
Mr Stephen Sedgwick AO,
4. Announcement of ACT Public Sector Management Australian Public Service
Program highest achiever award
Mr Stephen Sedgwick AO FIPAA
5. Highest achiever award recipient presentation
Ms Jane Ackland
6. Closing remarks
Ms Liz Quinn
Ms Jane Ackland, PSMP
Highest Achiever Award Recipient
Meredith Ainslie
Shondy Anderson
Annmarie Bright
Kylie Burnett
Angela Carnovale
Roman Cholawinskyj
Tanya Collins
Brendan Dahl
Binu Damodaran
Farley Hayward
Sue Hilton
Diane Hodge
Kerry Hurrell
Joel Irlam
Paul Janssens
Rebecca Lane
Michelle Macken
Helen Matthews
Sarah McGrath
Matthew McMahon
Louise Memmolo
Kerry Miles-Greenup
Dwayne Purdy
Javier Ribalta
Michael Taylor
Erin Thuell
Margaret Walsh
Stacey Wehmeier
Karen Wilder
Jennifer Wilson
Helen Wright
Andrew Young
Meredith Ainslie
Department of Defence
Project summary
The policy for decommissioning and transitioning of Australian
Signals Directorate systems is being put in place to free up resources
and budget restrictions, allowing improvements in the current
delivery and support of newer capability services. The systems
deemed to be decommissioned will be identified through usage
metrics and discovery software.
Overall the policy has had positive feedback due to section heads and
team leaders being eager to have their full time equivalent positions
back in the branches. Closing and shutting down these areas frees up
resources and teams whose sole purpose it is to sustain these systems.
This policy has been highly beneficial to the organisation and will
continue to add value.
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
This program has given me the knowledge I required to undertake
the project work that was asked of me. The work-based project has
had much positive feedback and I looked forward to planning the
next phase. Personally, I did not believe I had the skills warranted to
complete such a major task, however the Public Sector Management
Program has given me the confidence to look forward to such
accomplishments in the future.
Project title
The decommission and
transition of Australian
Signals Directorate ICT
Gary Thorpe
Shondy Anderson
Department of Human Services
Project summary
Welfare programs within the Department of Human Services require
regular analysis to ensure they are operating efficiently, meet public
demand and achieve government outcomes. It was identified that
there were significant inconsistencies and in some cases, lack of
robust assurance processes, therefore presenting an opportunity for
improvement and development of a consistent program assurance
The project developed a framework under which programs could
achieve consistent, efficient and effective reporting which allows for
comparisons across programs and provide greater accountability,
transparency and clarity. The intent of the project was to improve the
way in which welfare programs manage their assurance activities and
increase program maturity. The framework strengthens program
assurance and provides clearer accountability and visibility of
program performance to the executive and serves to monitor and
address issues and risks.
Project title
An effective reporting mechanism contributes to public value by
increasing public confidence in the transparency and accountability of
Implementing a program
assurance framework for
welfare programs in the
Department of Human
Sharon Perkins
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
The Public Sector Management Program was both challenging and
rewarding, giving me a greater understanding of the mechanics of
government and the ‘whole of government’ agenda. I gained valuable
leadership skills which will equip me to achieve better outcomes and
have a more strategic approach to stakeholder engagement across
government. The work-based project was very beneficial, enabling me
to put all my learnings from the program into practice and implement
a feasible and valuable project.
The program has empowered me to face challenges head-on and
embrace opportunities which will guide me towards a successful and
meaningful career path.
Annmarie Bright
Department of Immigration and Border
Project summary
The initiative to develop an operational workforce plan (OWP) for
the division was realised as a result of a workforce/skills/capabilities
survey undertaken late last year to identify key skills and capabilities
currently held and required within the division. The survey also
sought ongoing training and development requirements. The practical
implications enabled the Compliance and Case Resolution Division
(CCRD) to realise the benefits of workforce planning holistically,
whilst also enabling and identifying the capability to promote the tool
(utilised for this project) for wider use across the department.
The report recommended the division and department would benefit
in recognising ongoing OWP as a key tool to manage business and
resource priorities. This includes, through agreement and further
promotion of OWP, that OWP aides in maintaining and enhancing
role/skill/capabilities, appropriate recruitment activities, mobility of
staff and alignment of resources in conjunction with current and
future business priorities and budgets.
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
The program itself took me right out of my comfort zone in a
positive and challenging way. Accomplishing the post graduate
program provided me with more confidence in my own abilities and
enhanced me professionally. I found experience and knowledge
acquired throughout my public service career enhanced my ability to
complete the assignments with the most challenging aspect being the
university style of writing - I have never undertaken university study
previous to this program.
Project title
Compliance and Case
Resolution Division
Operational Workforce
Capability Strategy: 2014 2016
Sharon Watts
Kylie Burnett
Department of Immigration and Border
Project summary
In response to recommendations made in the independent review of
incidents at the Christmas Island Immigration Detention Centre and
Villawood Detention Centre, the department committed to the
development and implementation of the Onshore Detention
Programs and Activities Operating Model. My project involved the
development and implementation of the model into the Onshore
Detention Centres. This project was completed and the Programs
and Activities Operating Model was rolled out in late 2013, and to
date is utilised by the Onshore Detention Service Delivery Network
and the Detention Services Provider. I continue to be involved in
managing and monitoring the delivery of this model.
The Program and Activities Operating Model has:
Project title
improved the mental health and wellbeing of detainees resulting in the reduction in the costs associated with the
physical and psychological medical treatment of detainees.
Onshore Detention
Programs and Activities
Operating Model
improved the level of engagement of detainees - resulting in
fewer security incidents.
Mark Painting
improved the quality of the programs and activities delivered
to detainees - resulting in the best possible preparation for
life after immigration detention, which results in the detainee
(if released from being held in detention) developing the
skills required to positively contribute to Australian society.
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
The program provided me with a fantastic opportunity for
networking with colleagues at similar points in their careers. These
networks provided vast experiences and support, which has provided
lifelong relationships I know I will maintain throughout my career.
The program also provided me the time and space to reflect on the
true value we as public servants can contribute to Australia, with my
project providing me the tangible evidence of this value.
Angela Carnovale
Department of Human Services
Project summary
The project’s aim was to review the Department of Human Services
Youth Protocol (the Protocol) and the operating guidelines for each
state and territory. The Protocol provides a framework that outlines
the respective roles and responsibilities of the Commonwealth and
state and territory child protection authorities for young people at risk
or who are unsupported and seeking income support. The project
focused on:
improving process and practice
broadening and strengthening the protocol
improving visibility
identifying clear accountability.
Comprehensive literature review and program analysis was
undertaken. This provided the project team with an understanding of
issues and barriers that needed to be taken into account and related
links to broader government initiatives.
The project found that the Protocol was an important mechanism for
specific action to be taken to assist vulnerable youth at first point of
contact. It is also a vehicle to facilitate better joint understanding and
working arrangements between jurisdictions and agencies. A Youth
Protocol Working Group was also established, with membership
consisting of multiple internal stakeholders. The Working Group
created opportunities to promote better practice in the delivery of
services to vulnerable young people through discussion and
resolution of issues.
Project title
Review the Department of
Human Services Youth
Protocol and its operating
Catherine Rule
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
The Public Sector Management Program (PSMP) provided an
opportunity to meet other people from different agencies and to
share our experiences. It gave me an appreciation of how we work as
individuals, how to balance our different personalities and to get the
best out of our people.
Although the PSMP was challenging I would definitely recommend it
to anyone who wants to enhance their knowledge and skills; however
it is important that you have really good time management skills.
Fitting in all the reading, research and assignments around my work
schedule was definitely a challenge.
Roman Cholawinskyj
Department of Defence
Project summary
The aim of the project was twofold: to review and recommend
improvements to the processes supporting the auditing of
Information Communications Technology (ICT) assets; and to
integrate those improvements into the Intelligence and Security
Group’s Knowledge Management repository.
The outcomes and goals of the project were firmly embedded and
aligned with the agency’s Business Plan - particularly in relation to
improving ICT services through refining compliance policy within
the intelligence domain - and therefore encourage customers and
management to enthusiastically support and resource this initiative.
The project outcomes, including lessons learnt and efficiency gains
realised through the new streamlined processes, are articulated within
the project debrief and final report. The project’s longer term value
and contribution to Group efficiencies will be measurable through
the comparison of quarterly balanced scorecards. Automatic
reporting has been configured using a business intelligence and
performance management software product. This reporting will
provide both current day snapshots and longer term service delivery
trending metrics.
Project title
A review of ICT asset
management and the
implications to knowledge
management within
Intelligence and Security
John McKenzie
The knowledge and skills gained through each of the four units of the
Public Sector Management Program (PSMP) have contributed to the
successful project outcome.
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
Public sector management and administration is a demanding
vocation. The PSMP has provided me with a greater understanding
of the mechanics of government and also my role as a manager in the
modern public sector. The course of study and integrated activities
has enabled me to reflect on my values, to put my career into
perspective, and to define and map my career goals. I recommend the
PSMP to anyone aspiring to management roles and seeking
leadership qualities within the Australian Public Service.
Tanya Collins
Department of Human Services
Project summary
A key challenge of implementing multi-disciplinary change across the
Department of Human Services (the department) is understanding
who should make necessary decisions and who should be involved
and informed throughout a program’s design, development and
implementation phases. The Simplifying Customer Entry Pathways
(SCEP) Program will simplify the enrolment process for customers
and make it easier for them to do business online. One key SCEP
deliverable will implement a consistent departmental enrolment and
customer identity verification service across channels (including
The existing management of customer identity varies in strength and
approach across the department (for Medicare, Centrelink and Child
Support customers) with multiple business owners. As such, this
project focused on the development of a suitable governance
structure within a complex environment that clarified the roles
accountable, responsible, consulted and/or informed for each
project. This will add public value through increasing clarity in
governance and operating more efficiently; minimising confusion and
duplication of effort as well as providing clarity around priorities and
Project title
Effective governance for
simplifying customer entry
pathways across the
Department of Human
John Kilner
The greater SCEP Program will add public value not only through
the department operating more efficiently and consistently, but by
simplifying and streamlining identity management; allowing
customers to access multiple departmental services via different
channels more easily.
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
The Public Sector Management Program has reinforced: my
understanding of our Australian public sector and political
environment; the value of working collaboratively; my ability to
effectively achieve results through people; as well as the importance
of committing time to ‘self’ – to reflect, maintain motivation and selfawareness in a dynamic and challenging environment. My application
of this collective learning has contributed to my overall effectiveness
as a manager and positioned me well to further develop my career as
a public servant.
Brendan Dahl
National Library of Australia
Project summary
A key challenge for the National Library of Australia is to provide
cohesive and consistent messages to the Australian public about its
resources and services. This occurs during onsite visitor experiences,
specifically when the public engages with Volunteer Gallery Guides.
At present, new volunteer guides do not have a specific component
in their training plan enabling them to easily come into the
organisation and gain experience or develop skills. This project
explored how an online training program could lead to improvements
in the quality of and capacity for library staff to induct and
collaborate with new volunteer recruits. The project was a significant
first step in developing a training module drawing on a broad range
of knowledge, skills and experiences. Participating library staff and
volunteers were unanimous in agreeing that an updated recruitment
process and structured training program should go ahead. Consensus
was that the program design should highlight interpretation and
research skills for any future recruitment cycle. Filling this gap in staff
training would add to public value through effective allocation of
library resources. The information and ideas I gained through each of
the units of the Public Sector Management Program (PSMP) has
contributed to this successful project outcome.
Project title
Development of an
e-learning module for the
National Library of Australia
volunteer guide program
Cathy Pilgrim
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
The PSMP was of immense benefit to me in providing an
opportunity to interact with colleagues from a range of other
Australian Public Sector agencies and seeing where functions of the
National Library exist within a broader context. It is clear that the
skills and experience gained through undertaking the PSMP have
impacted all areas of my work – from new ways of engaging the
public and consulting internal stakeholders, through to project
management skills. Each unit was relevant to my work, and overall,
the four units have provided a well-rounded preparation for my
future career in the Australian Public Service.
Binu Damodaran
Department of Veterans’ Affairs
Project summary
This project researched and reported on the importance of
succession planning and knowledge management in the ICT Branch
in the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA). Succession planning
is an important, systematic and strategic activity which ensures the
capability of an organisation to have the right people to take on the
right roles to enable organisational success. In the past few years
there has been an enormous amount of knowledge drain from the
department due to either people leaving seeking greener pastures or
due to natural attrition.
DVA has a strong history of retaining employees for longer periods.
Now, with more and more people reaching retirement age and with
the tight fiscal constraints and recruitment restrictions, there is a need
for strong succession planning and knowledge management strategy
to address the knowledge drain. The project made recommendations
and highlighted the importance of building structures that would
facilitate and enhance learning capabilities and participation.
Knowledge sharing through interaction, participation, cooperation
and the ability to collaborate effectively is critical to organisational
success and long term sustainability.
Project title
Succession planning and
knowledge management at
the Department of
Veterans’ Affairs
Shane McLeod
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
This program has given me a holistic view of public sector
management and has heavily influenced me in my day to day work
activities. It gave me a great opportunity to meet and network with
other managers from different public sector agencies.
Doing the self-reflection as part of the ‘Managing In’ unit has
influenced me to have a career role change within the department. I
am confident that I will be able to apply the management techniques
I learned as part of the Public Sector Management Program to my
work practices now and in the future.
Farley Hayward
Yarralumla Nursery
Territory and Municipal Services Directorate
Project summary
The driver for this project was the inability of the outmoded and
unreliable software system that the Yarralumla Nursery was using to
deliver the necessary visibility of operations and effective financial
and data reporting required by the business unit as a commercial
enterprise of the ACT Government.
The aim was to analyse the Pronto Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) system and its ability to provide a cost effective, fullyintegrated solution to achieve improved customer service and
inventory management. It was also vital that the system be well
supported and have the capacity to grow with the business. The
critical analysis of the Pronto ERP system and the outcomes of the
project indicated that it would deliver the required operational
efficiencies now and in the future.
At the conclusion of the project there were six recommendations
made which included the implementation of the Pronto ERP system
which were accepted. While the new system has not been without its
challenges in the early stages, it will enable easier access to customer
and purchase orders, resulting in improved response to customer
needs and quick access to complete and accurate reports to assist in
making informed business decisions.
Project title
Critical evaluation of the
Pronto ERP software
package and its capability
to meet Yarralumla
Nursery’s current and future
operational requirements.
Phillip Perram
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
The early stages of the program were challenging and required a
certain amount of discipline and sacrifice of personal time to
successfully complete the unit assignments which would not have
been possible without the support and understanding of family,
friends, work colleagues and fellow participants.
One of my major aims in enrolling in the program, besides obtaining
a qualification, was gaining a theoretical understanding of the
functions and complex inter-relationships of state and federal
government and how this is managed in a practical way on a daily
basis. Personally I enjoyed the opportunity to meet the other
participants and discuss issues and topics from a broad range of
Sue Hilton
Department of Human Services
Project summary
The Department of Human Services has implemented a number of
online and self-managed channels for customers to use, however face
to face customer contact through service centres continues to be at
an all-time high. This project analysed the reasons that customers
continued to attend service centres in person and measured how
much of that business could have been done through the selfmanaged or on-line channels. The second element of the project
reviewed the outcomes of a trial conducted in June 2013 where four
service centres participated in a trial where customer documents were
not scanned to the service centre where they were received, rather
they were forwarded to the scanning operation centre in Canberra for
The project made five findings and six recommendations for
improvement if customer documents were to cease being scanned in
service centres. As this decision did not progress, four of the
recommendations were not required, however the other two are
currently being implemented across the Department.
Project title
Review of recent customer
contact through Department
of Human Services service
centres and analysis of
local scanning trial.
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
Dianne Newman
Undertaking the Public Sector Management Program provided the
opportunity for me to reflect on my public sector experience and
personal values and to understand why this career has been the right
one for me. The various modules allowed me to challenge some of
my previous beliefs about the history of the Australian Public Service
and to think differently about my perceptions of the people that I
work with and lead. I could relate the content of each of the units to
positions that have had in the past and I have found many of the
readings and research documents useful when undertaking my
current position.
Kerry Hurrell
Department of Human Services
Project summary
In providing services directly to the Australian public it is important
that processes evolve to meet the demand placed on IT system
functions. The online capability allowing operational staff to raise
potential system issues resulted in a gap between the number of
system incidents raised and the resource capacity to resolve these
incidents. This impacted the department’s objective of providing
accurate child support assessments to customers through timely
resolution and the ability to monitor management performance
between operations and IT.
This project introduced a new step in the existing escalation process
and introduced vetting officers to assist with identification of genuine
system issues incidents that could be resolved through user
education. This additional step contributes to strategic management,
clearer visibility between operations and IT, improved time efficiency
and effective performance management.
The improved process will contribute to public value through
increasing resolution timeframe, and more effective allocation of
resources. The knowledge and skills gained through the Public Sector
Management Program have contributed to the successful
Project title
System process
improvement project
Christine Burnett
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
Completing the assignments for all four units and the work-based
project had a positive effect on most of the areas I work within. The
Public Sector Management Program helped me to understand my
own strengths and weaknesses as well as providing me with some
fundamental principles that assist the strategic thinking process and
project management techniques. I have found that each of the units
taught me some new skills, which when combined will enable me to
make a significant contribution to my own future goals within the
public service.
Joel Irlam
Department of Human Services
Project summary
Hypothesis: that the Older Australian, Disability and Carers (OADC)
Branch, within the Smart Centre division could effectively manage
the Progress of Claim (PoC) call queues in a manner other than
traditional call centre methods such as forecasting and scheduling.
The PoC process relies on a quality ‘warm hand-off’ from call centre
staff that use a process map to determine if a customer meets the
eligibility criteria for them to be transferred to a processing staff
member to complete the call. Prior to this current process, OADC
processing staff were taking calls directly from customers. This
proved to be inefficient as many of the calls were not related to a new
claim. By implementing this triage style system, the calls taken by
OADC reduced from about 950 calls per day to just 250 calls per day.
What little data that existed at that time was used to determine how
many resources would be needed to meet the expected demand on
each queue. Close monitoring of the queues would be needed to
resource the queues effectively. Not doing so resulted in many
abandoned calls across each of the queues.
Project title
Managing Smart Centres –
An alternate approach
Sherree Thorne
Without the means to accurately forecast (as call centres do) and
therefore schedule, OADC was working on a best guess model that
resulted in many abandoned calls and a reduction in the quality of
service for both staff and Department of Human Services (DHS)
customers. A saturation method was proposed whereby all available
and suitably skilled staff would log into their PoC program. This
approach would see an over-supply of resources but ensure that
abandoned calls were reduced to zero and call centre staff and DHS
customer expectations would be met.
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
This program allowed me to think more broadly and outside my
program responsibility. It enabled me to improve my writing skills,
strengthen my project management skills and critical thinking skills. I
learned a lot about myself and where my strengths lie as well as
recognising my challenges and how to overcome or accept them. I
was able to apply learnings from each unit to my role and the
workplace project allowed me to expand my knowledge base beyond
that of my current role. Professionally, my career options have
increased and personally I have gained the confidence to undertake
tasks I once considered too difficult or beyond me.
Paul Janssens
Department of Parliamentary Services
Project summary
My project was to provide a report to my Director, recommending
improvements and consistency for maintenance planning across four
maintenance trade groups in the Department of Parliamentary
Services (DPS). It also investigated having all of the Parliamentary
Services Level 4 (PSL4) staff in these groups having supervisory
responsibilities in a ‘leading hand’ capacity.
I enjoyed completing the project as it relates directly to my section
within the Department of Parliamentary Services (DPS). The short
term planning of maintenance by the Mechanical, Electrical, Building
Fabric and Landscape Services teams has been inconsistent with each
team using different planning methods resulting in varying levels of
customer service. There was a need to investigate whether efficiencies
and further improvements in customer service could be achieved by
collaborating during planning. My project involved several staff
workshops to determine how each of the trade groups currently plans
its maintenance work and what improvements could be made to this
planning. The project identified potential improvements in planning
as well as recommending that the PSL4 staff take on staff supervision
responsibilities to ensure work was being completed on time and to a
high standard.
Project title
Improvements in planning:
The development of an
improved planning process
for maintenance at
Parliament House.
John Harrison
I am hoping that my Director will implement the recommendations
in the report because I believe the recommendations will offer
genuine improvements in planning that will provide improved
customer service and add public value to DPS.
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
The Public Sector Management Program has had a beneficial impact
on my professional and personal life. I find that since completing the
course, I am more confident in writing briefs and business cases. I
now ensure that my written work is evidence based and I am able to
locate necessary references to support my claims. I also have a better
understanding on how the Government process works. Prior to
undertaking the PSM program I didn’t understand how my senior
management operated and I am now able to ‘manage up’ to achieve
my goals. I have a better understanding of the importance of
networking, Whole of Government processes and utilising external
consultants to achieve my work goals. On a personal level, I have
become more focused on myself, how I interact with others and
accepting the differences of others.
Rebecca Lane
Department of Health and Ageing
Project summary
The Low Aromatic Fuel Act 2013 came into effect in February 2013
with the objective of reducing the harm of petrol sniffing in Australia.
This project sought to manage the change associated with the
introduction of the Act by reviewing the existing petrol sniffing
prevention program and incorporating the new legislation into the
The people on the project worked to increase the understanding of
the Act within the department and established a guideline that
outlined how, why and when the Act could be applied. This helped
consistency and transparency when applying the Act,
increasing accountability to the public; and
consistency and clarity when consulting and communicating
with the public about the rollout of low aromatic fuel and the
use of the new legislation.
Over time, successfully integrating the Act into the rollout of the low
aromatic fuel program will help to further reduce the prevalence of
petrol sniffing and the harm it causes to individuals and communities.
Project title
Managing the use of the
Low Aromatic Fuel Act
2013: When to recommend
regulating the supply of
certain fuels to reduce the
harm of petrol sniffing
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
Julia Mansour
The Public Sector Management Program was the ideal way for me to
combine fulltime work and study. The units were highly relevant to
my workplace making it straightforward to learn and apply the theory
from the course materials. It was particularly useful to be able to use
examples from my work to complete my assignments. On a
professional level the program reinforced and built on my
organisational and management skills increasing my confidence as a
public sector manager. Personally, the program gave me the
opportunity to obtain a qualification in a way that worked for me, my
family and my workplace.
Michelle Macken
Department of Immigration and Border
Project summary
A key challenge for government agencies is managing the balance of
process elements and adapting to change both from a technological
and policy perspective. It can also be challenging for agencies to
proceed with innovative solutions, as encouraged through whole of
government initiatives. This project introduced, through a proof of
concept approach, an automated solution to assist in ICT contract
management. The element of ICT contract management which was
targeted for the pilot was the expenditure management element. The
impetus was to minimise extensive labour intensive processes
through automation, while fostering innovation, and in turn
extending the interoperability of end-to-end functions and the
corporate capability within contract management (as per the
Australian Public Service Commission’s Capability Review 2013
The project comprises phase one – Proof of concept and phase two –
full implementation. The public value is limited during phase one,
however past phase two it will be quite significant. Team resources
will be enabled to conduct more advantageous activities and a higher
level of analytics and metrics on contract commercials. This will
harvest a superior capability within the team which will facilitate a
mature and high calibre culture and philosophy within the
Project title
Proof of concept –
Expenditure Management
System ICT Contract
Management Services
Thomas Andrews and
Leanne Taylor
The knowledge and skills gained through each of the four units of the
Public Sector Management Program have contributed to a successful
project outcome.
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
The program has assisted in formalising my capabilities and also
extending them. I have also developed further cross agency networks
which are invaluable both personally and professionally. The skills
gained will further assist in my career progression within the
Australian Public Service (APS). The facilitators were fabulous and
able to strongly demonstrate the operability of the APS with their
explicit APS experience.
Helen Matthews
ACT Health Directorate
Project summary
The aim of the project was to establish an Occupational Therapist
(OT) Clinical Specialist role in order to improve clinical practice and
professional development in Rehabilitation Aged and Community
Care OT services. The role would foster a learning culture and an
enquiring mind.
Evidence indicated that successful implementation of the role would
facilitate change in attitude towards sharing knowledge and
developing clinical reasoning. Public value is gained through the
improved capability of health professionals and the resulting
increased quality and safety (National Safety and Quality Health
Service Standards 2011).
The role of clinical specialists in a health service is a key position of
influence that can significantly enhance patient care, clinical
satisfaction and engagement through improved clinical reasoning and
professional development. Health organisations strive to achieve high
standards of patient safety, collaboration and quality of care within
the increasing pressure of demand within an environment of limited
financial and workforce resource. Evidence shows that when
clinicians indicate a high satisfaction with their workplace, this
improves the indicators for patient care.
Project title
Implementation of a clinical
specialist position in
occupational therapy
services, Rehabilitation
Aged and Community Care
Maxine Scicluna
The project involved trialing this new role and evaluating the effect.
The positive outcomes deemed the role a success and permanent
establishment was recommended.
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
Undertaking the Public Sector Management Program was a greater
personal challenge than I initially anticipated, however one that I have
enjoyed and gained high personal satisfaction from achieving.
I was challenged, yet stimulated by the learning, the breadth of topics
and analysis of theory. The course enhanced my understanding of my
role as an ACT Government public servant, and how we work with
federal and local entities.
The topics were of high value to my position as a public health sector
manager and my understanding of health funding and relevance of
constituent engagement.
Sarah McGrath
ACT Health Directorate
Project summary
The Exercise Physiology Department in ACT Health is in a unique
position as it is one of the only known Exercise Physiology
Departments in a hospital setting in Australia, and therefore had
limited guidance in terms of exercise based practice and a template
for delivering exercise physiology services. The development of a
model of care was designed to address this shortfall to assist the
department and the profession more broadly. The Exercise
Physiology model of care provides a framework for comprehensive,
accessible and efficient provision of coordinated chronic disease
prevention and management for ACT residents. The Exercise
Physiology Department previously had no existing model of care or
similar document to guide clinical practice, operational structure and
service delivery which posed a significant threat to employees,
patients, the reputation of ACT Health and the Exercise Physiology
profession. In developing this model of care, the department and
profession has clearer guidance on business rules, scope of practice,
clinical boundaries and national guidelines.
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
Project title
Model of care document for
the Exercise Physiology
Department within ACT
Michael Keen
The Public Sector Management Program was a great way to learn
more about historical aspects like federalism and current practical
management strategies and tools. The program allowed an in-depth
analysis of a range of topics that were relevant to my role that could
be applied daily and to my work-based project. It challenged me to
think in terms of self-reflection and how to communicate and
manage people and teams. I now feel more confident in using the
skills learnt in the program to integrate into my managerial role.
Matthew McMahon
Department of Immigration and Border
Project summary
The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP)
regularly hosts events which have raised many thousands of dollars
for charitable organisations and encourages employees to contribute
in ways that enhance community benefit. This project evaluated if
there was public benefit derived from Australian Public Service (APS)
employee participation and involvement in the 2013 DIBP National
Office Golf Day, and how this benefit manifests in the workplace.
The report found that the hosting of the event provided a direct
public benefit through charitable donations by participants and
sponsors and indirect benefits such as increased motivation of APS
employees. The event enhanced and fostered a positive culture of
DIBP as an organisation which values its employees and seeks to
improve morale and provide greater team cohesion. The project also
provided a significant planning platform for future events of this
type. The Public Sector Management Program units provided a solid
platform to successfully plan, develop, implement and evaluate this
Project title
Evaluation of the 2013
Department of Immigration
and Border Protection
National Office Golf Day
Melinda Tynan
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
The Public Sector Management Program (PSMP) provided me with
the opportunity to explore and implement contemporary
management theories and practices used both in the private and
public sector, nationally and globally. I have been able to link the
learnings to my current work environment and across the
department. The PSMP has motivated me to pursue further academic
studies in management and I think it will give me a valuable edge for
a promotion in the APS.
Louise Memmolo
Australian Public Service Commission
Project summary
The Australian Public Service Commission promulgates staffing and
remuneration policy for Australian Government employment, which
is then implemented by individual Australian Public Service (APS)
agencies in relation to their employees. The provision of an executive
vehicle for personal use is a key element of the salary and benefits
package for Senior Executive Service (SES) employees as a strategy to
attract and retain high quality candidates for senior leadership roles in
the APS. The policy for the Executive vehicle scheme had not been
updated for some years.
The review examined and provided options for the Scheme within
the current remuneration framework which recognises agencies'
discretion to access government fleet vehicles for their SES
employees, or provide remuneration in lieu.
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
The Public Sector Management Program is a valuable way to gain an
in-depth yet practical understanding of how the public sector
operates. The contribution made by facilitators and other program
participants in sharing their experience from a range of APS agencies
provided me with an invaluable insight into the practical application
of any theory under discussion.
Project title
Review of the Executive
Vehicle Scheme as a
contemporary employment
benefit option for Senior
Executives in the Australian
Public Service
Owen Livermore
The work-based project gave me the opportunity to critically examine
and then apply a project management approach in reviewing a human
resource policy, and has provide me with the skills to use this
approach more routinely in the workplace.
Kerry Miles-Greenup
Department of Human Services
Project summary
The ‘Employee Relations – Human Resource (HR) Support Wiki’
supports the department to strengthen the capacity of the public
service workforce through improved HR processes. It achieves this
by sharing knowledge between teams that have common context,
story and passion around a topic. This resonates with the Wiki, as it
involves a group with a passion for upholding the Australian Public
Service Values and Employment Principles to ensure a safe, equitable
and fair workplace, free of harassment and discrimination. This group
is the department’s HR community.
The challenge in a HR context however is that knowledge can be
difficult to transfer as it is constantly changing and evolving
depending on context. The HR community is responding to the
knowledge management economy by emphasising collaborative
This project provides public value by ensuring the fair and equitable
treatment of our employees and by the use of consistent and current
practices and shared learning. By providing expert and represented
advice, not only is the HR community breaking down communication
barriers, but working together for the benefit of all of our employees.
This assists in ensuring more staff on the ground to service the
Australian community.
Project title
Employee Relations:
Human Resources Support
Colleen Wright and Leon
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
The program has given me the confidence in the skills that I have
developed over my career and has enabled me to pull these skills
together through an increased understanding of public service
management. The program provided me with a valuable opportunity
to expand my knowledge from not only the course content, but from
the diversity of my cohort and their experiences.
Dwayne Purdy
Department of Industry
Project summary
The Energy Efficiency and Renewables Division (EERD) constituted
a number of project governance boards in 2010 following the
identification of implementation deficiencies in the home insulation
and green loans programs. The purpose of these boards was to
ensure key decisions were taken with both internal and independent
advice from various stakeholders. Further, they were to strengthen
governance across programs where there were substantial financial,
organisational and reputational risks.
In 2012, the boards were merged to form a divisional advisory body
that formed an umbrella governance body for projects operating in
EERD. The board was subsequently expanded to include two
divisional managers who noted that the board appeared to them to be
a team-based reporting function, not its primary role of identifying,
recording, reporting and mitigating risks and issues facing current
projects. This prompted the broader membership to request that the
purpose, function and operation of the board, and more broadly, the
governance framework be reviewed with the realised outcome being a
strengthened governance approach to project management in the
Project title
The Energy Efficiency and
Renewables Division:
Governance refresh project
David Walker
The board was constituted with the sole purpose to ensure programs
are implemented to achieve maximum public value for Australian taxpayers. The sound implementation of programs also protects the
reputation of the Department of Industry.
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
The program has provided the opportunity for me to get to know the
public sector better, get to know myself better and to better analyse
information related to the work I do. Personally, the program has
shown me that I am capable of anything I set my mind to. I have
made lifelong friends who are now an integral part of my professional
network. This program offers so much more than just formal
Javier Ribalta
Department of Human Services
Project summary
The project originated as a result of a number of inefficiencies
identified in the allocation of the operational functions within the
Small Business Superannuation Clearing House Program (the
Clearing House), and the need to strengthen the co-location process
in the Department.
The allocation of operational tasks in the Clearing House was initially
established between geographically dispersed teams to ensure
program integrity; however over time it created duplication of
functions impacting on customer service and the departmental use of
resources. The public value added by the project is the consolidation
of the Clearing House function in a single location (Melbourne State
Office), streamlining service delivery in the Department of Human
Other benefits realised through this project included: implementation
of a new customer service model and procedures, improved staff
training arrangements, delivery of financial efficiencies and increased
innovation and effective change management in the Department of
Human Services. The project was implemented with minimal
disruption to customer service and maintained service standards
within the program’s Key Performance Indicators.
Project title
Enhancing service delivery
of the Small Business
Superannuation Clearing
Robin Priddin
The project was completed on time, to the agreed quality, within the
approved budget and in accordance with the departmental project
and change management framework.
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
The Public Sector Management Program (PSMP) provided me with
an opportunity to broaden my understanding of the public service,
the interactions between all tiers of government and the
implementation of changes in government. I also gained greater
appreciation of the middle public sector manager role in today’s
society. I highly recommend the PSMP to other colleagues, keeping
in mind the commitment required for its completion.
I am very appreciative of the opportunity provided by my department
to complete this qualification in support of my professional
development. Special thanks goes to my sponsor and work colleagues
who supported me over the entire length of the PSMP.
Michael Taylor
Department of Immigration and Border
Project summary
Previously when a passenger was refused immigration clearance to
enter Australia and turned around at an airport Secondary Line, their
biometrics were only captured if they were sent to a detention centre
to await their return flight. If their return flight was within a few
hours, passengers would be held at the airport and their biometrics
were not captured. The Airport operational environment previously
did not have the capability to acquire biometrics from passengers
who did not meet immigration clearance requirements and were
refused entry.
This project deployed mobile biometric capture capability to all eight
Australian International Airports prior to 30 June 2013.
The enrolment of biometrics has been well received by immigration
airport staff and is now accepted as part of their normal work
The facial images and fingerprints that are collected are automatically
compared against other facial images and fingerprints acquired by the
department from non-citizens under the Migration Act 1958 or the
Australian Citizenship Act 2007 and other fingerprints held on the
CrimTrac National Automated Fingerprint Identification System –
the central repository of law enforcement/criminal fingerprints.
Project title
Biometric enrolment at
Australian international
David Chadwick
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
I feel the Public Sector Management Program has given me the
confidence and skills to be more successful in my public sector
Erin Thuell
Department of Employment
Project summary
As the public sector continues to face new challenges, the Australian
Public Service needs to remain responsive to government and deliver
efficient and dynamic policy solutions.
Public policy executives need a broad understanding of the policy
communities they work in and more than ever are required to reach
beyond the public sector for policy solutions.
The Partnering with Community Mobility Project is a strategic human
resource management initiative that develops secondment
opportunities for staff to work in the private and not-for-profit
sectors. The project offers policy staff an ‘on-the-ground’ experience
and the opportunity to engage with front-line workers and citizens
affected by government policies. It aims to build the capability of
public service departments to remain responsive to the needs of
business and the not-for-profit sector in a complex policy
environment. The project seeks to enhance public value by increasing
civic engagement, developing highly capable public policy executives
and creating partnerships between government, communities and the
private and third sectors.
Project title
Partnering with community
Helen Innes
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
The Public Sector Management Program has given me an academic
grounding in the Australian Public Service beyond my departmental
experience and was a great networking opportunity.
Through each of the units I was able to broaden my understanding of
management in the contemporary public sector and bring those skills
back to the workplace.
The theory behind management and policy trends gave me the
framework to tackle challenges in the workplace in a new way and to
contribute at a higher level.
Margaret Walsh
Department of Defence
Project summary
Ensuring the right skills and capabilities for both current and future
business requirements is a challenge for any organisation. This project
addressed this issue through the delivery of a training plan that
identified desirable and highly desirable competencies. The training
plan provides a solution to the issue of planning for training
requirements for members of the Governance, Policy and
Administration Stream within the Department.
This effort will identify gaps and excesses in key skill and capability
areas, ensure adequate funding is considered during budget processes
and will form a key discussion point for stream members and their
supervisors as part of their performance conversations.
Project title
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
The work-based project assisted in the practical application of some
of the elements that I had learned during the Public Sector
Management Program. Professionally, I feel I have deepened my
understanding of the public sector through exposure to social policy
aspects and gained a broader understanding of how the various
elements of Government work both in concert and in conflict.
Governance, Policy and
Administration Stream
Training Plan Development
Daniel Webber
On a personal front, I am proud to have successfully completed the
Program whilst working full time in a challenging and demanding role
as well as maintaining a work-life-study sense of balance.
Stacey Wehmeier
Department of Defence
Project summary
This project sought to instil a common culture across the division
and to harness the functionality available in the existing technology
systems, to drive collaboration through facilitated workflows. The
long term vision of this project was that this would result in continual
process improvement across the division. This project also aimed to
deliver a knowledge management framework, inclusive of capturing
lessons learnt, to drive organisational improvement. The outcomes of
this project were intended to provide public value through the
improvement of product, and reduction of rework and staff turnover,
all of which incur a cost to the taxpayer through the expenditure of
departmental funding. The divisional leaders recognised this issue and
while top down alignment was improving, there was a need for
processes and supporting tools that support development of an
integrated divisional culture.
It became clear during the progress of the project, that the reverse of
the hypothesis proposed in the project title was true. Effective
knowledge management and improved processes could be used to
drive a collaborative culture, which would assist staff in reducing
rework and achieving improved delivery of products and services.
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
Project title
Building a collaborative
culture to drive improved
knowledge management
and process improvement
in the Capability Investment
and Resources Division in
the Department of Defence.
Ciril Karo
In a professional sense, this program broadened my understanding of
how government functions across the tiers of government. It clarified
aspects of my management role and assisted me in better
understanding how to improve the content of communications both
upwards and downwards. Personally, this program assisted me in
understanding what factors were important to me in my career. Of
particular relevance was getting a clearer perspective on the values
that I chose as my personal values, and using those values to help
shape the future of my career. Consequently, I was able to achieve
clarity and direction about my future.
Karen Wilder
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Project summary
The enactment of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act)
expanded the accountability framework for Commonwealth public
servants. For the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT),
implementation of the new legislation identified gaps in the internal
policy documentation and highlighted a number of challenges
associated with the extraterritorial application of the WHS Act. I had
just stepped into the WHS Manager role as the work-based project
component of the Public Sector Management (PSM) program
commenced and this alignment presented the perfect opportunity to
develop a strategic solution – a Work Health and Safety Management
System (WHSMS). The resulting WHSMS now provides a
framework for DFAT’s WHS policies, initiatives and programs. In a
relatively short space of time, the WHSMS has already become a
significant part of how we do business. It is envisaged that as the
system matures, it will influence and foster a culture of safe work
practices in Australia and overseas, creating public value through
WHS risk management and legislative compliance.
Project recommendations for supplementary action were also
approved as key WHS initiatives for 2013, including a review of
existing hazard identification and risk management processes,
enhancing internal review mechanisms to ensure continuous
improvement and a formal approach to the Regulator, to seek
clarification of the reasonably practicable filter when best practice is
neither reasonable nor practical in a particular safety climate.
Project title
Work, Health and Safety
Management System
implementation and
evaluation project
Kym Henkee-Poole
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
Balancing work and study commitments along with parental
responsibilities was a significant challenge across the program.
Maximum participation during the workshops is key to getting the
most out of this program and this presented a development
opportunity in itself. For me, the learning outcomes have been
commensurate with the program’s demands. For the department, the
system delivered by the work place project continues to meet the
DFAT’s business need and paves the way for further strategic and
cultural change.
Jennifer Wilson
Department of Industry
Project summary
The AusIndustry Systems Section was formed in mid-2011 to provide
centralised systems support and advisory services to the Customer
Service Management Network. In this environment, knowledge
creation, transfer and management is critical to success. The
continued centralisation of AusIndustry’s systems support, the
integration of customer delivery services across the network, and the
introduction of new technology to the Branch highlighted the need to
improve the co-ordination, dissemination and transformation of
knowledge between AusIndustry Systems and the Customer Service
Management Network; and the sharing of knowledge within the
Customer Service Management Network.
This need was evidenced by the number of system issues raised due
to user error; and feedback received from key stakeholder areas. The
issue was compounded by the number of inexperienced staff
recruited to deliver the Clean Energy programs and the move
towards integrated grants management teams. Balancing this was the
significant number of personnel holding in-depth knowledge around
specific aspects of the business and systems. At the time of the
project‘s initiation, there were no formal protocols or tools in place to
share this tacit knowledge and transform it into explicit, readily
accessible knowledge stores; or to manage the timely and targeted
flow of information and knowledge from AusIndustry Systems to the
network. Addressing this issue facilitated the organisation and
enhancement of the information and knowledge required to
continually improve customer service delivery, grants management
and the systems supporting those activities.
Project title
AusIndustry: Knowledge
transfer, creation and
Steve Stirling
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
The program gave me a deepened understanding of the drivers
impacting the modern public service. The unit on Australian
Federalism and Accountability were of particular value. The program
gave me the tools required to think strategically, understand and
appreciate the importance of innovation in public engagement and
service delivery, and the need for self-reflection. The benefits of the
program extend to the challenges of gaining stakeholder engagement
and commitment, and of technology to enhance the customer
experience and delivery high quality outcomes and support current
Overall, the program has been invaluable to my everyday work, my
professional relationships and to my on-going career.
Helen Wright
Department of Human Services
Project summary
The review of programs such as Leadership Dialogues (LDs) and the
associated internal administrative process was necessary to ensure
ongoing value for money in the delivery of staff engagement
initiatives. It also provided a better understanding and knowledge of
critical changes that impact on service delivery and how it can
strengthen organisational culture.
The aim of the project was to undertake a review of the LDs 2013
program and to identify opportunities for enhancements of the
program for future delivery of Leadership Dialogue events. The
review included the design of event administration procedures, which
did not exist previously. Filling this gap in the project management
process will contribute to public value through increasing
transparency in the management of such programs, and more
effectively allocate resources.
Despite suggestions that LDs may no longer be relevant, feedback
from key stakeholders overwhelmingly supported their continuation
in their current format. The continuing complex and changing
external environment driving attitudes means events such as
Leadership Dialogues continue to be the best format for face-to-face
engagement between staff and the Senior Executive of the
Project title
Leadership Dialogues: 2013
review and proposed
program delivery
Neal Mason
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
The Public Sector Management Program (PSMP) was personally
challenging and satisfying. It helped me to develop greater
appreciation of the enormous and challenging environment that
influences and drives the business of the Commonwealth and States
and the Public Service as a whole, and it has enabled me to gain
greater appreciation of the concept of ‘whole of government’.
Thinking about new ways of engaging the public has enabled me to
be a much more well-rounded and informed public servant. The new
knowledge I gained from participating in PSMP and the personal
reflection undertaken in unit three has reaffirmed my future career
aspirations as a leader in the public service where I believe the
knowledge and experience I have gained will help me to inspire
Andrew Young
Department of Human Services
Project summary
A key Government reform is to look at ways to reduce the red tape
burden (regulatory reporting burden) for business. Standard Business
Reporting (SBR) is an initiative to improve the efficiency of business
to government reporting through standardised definitions.
The Department of Human Services (DHS) has a number of
interactions with businesses across a multitude of programs, such as
the job seeker network, Child Support, Aged Care and Medicare to
highlight a few. While a number of the interactions are focused on
the individual, a number of these interactions trigger a requirement
for business to report (provide information) to DHS to complete the
My project was to work with a range of businesses to understand the
interaction they have with DHS, analyse and review the business
interactions and to identify potential “pain points”. This analysis and
review would support DHS to understand further opportunities
where SBR may be able to provide a reduction in the burden placed
on business to report.
Project title
Business Touch Point
Jess May
How has the program impacted on you both personally
and professionally?
The Public Sector Management Program has enabled me to gain
further skills and understanding of the Public Service as well as
develop my leadership skills further. Each unit enabled me to better
understand my own strengths and development areas through selfreflection and supported my abilities as a leader in recognising how to
get the best out of my staff. The program also gave me a greater
understanding of policy development, change and innovation and
how the public service is continuing to evolve through reforms and
strong leadership.