GESD Template for Weekly Lesson Planning K-8 Name: Sample 2nd grade Plan Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Date Proficiency Level Pre-emergent 1 Emergent ELD Oral English/Conversation & Vocabulary-60 min Mon., Tues, Thurs., Fri. 9:30-10:10 3 Basic 8 Intermediate 12 Proficient Content: Life Cycle of a Butterfly W 9:00- 9:20 Application/Academic Vocabulary (40 min.) IILS1:HI-2 summarizing main ideas and supporting details from read-alouds in complete sentences. IIL2:HI-4 using grade specific academic vocabulary and symbols within context. ELP Standard(s) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Language Objective Language Objective Language Objective Language Objective Language Objective TSW identify targeted tier 3 vocabulary words (metamorphosis, pupa, larva, hatch, emerge) in text read aloud by teacher. TSW retell with a partner the details of a read aloud in complete sentences. TSW orally rehearse their writing plan using “self-talk”. (p.82 WFTB) Returning to the text, TSW participate in class discussion analyzing the life cycle of a butterfly to tell the difference between the stages. TSW independently explain to a small group the life cycle of a butterfly using a self-made graphic organizer. Learner Evidence Pictures matched correctly to vocabulary words on a graphic organizer. PE, E, B: Repeat vocabulary, reference pictures for support TSW justify placement of pictures on the graphic organizer using the appropriate academic vocabulary and transition words. Learner Evidence Learner Evidence Learner Evidence Sentences are complete and include details from the text, appropriate academic vocabulary, and subject/verb agreement. Sentences are complete and use appropriate academic vocabulary, transition words, and the conjunction “because”. Notes written in journal demonstrate comprehension of the differences between the stages of the butterfly life cycle. Learner Evidence Appropriate academic vocabulary is used. Sentences use correct syntax. PE, E, B: May reference concept chart and sentence frames for support and will match vocabulary to pictures to demonstrate understanding. ELD Oral English/Conversation & Vocabulary Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 10:10 – 10:30 OPR W 9:20 – 9:30 Sequential Processing (20 min.) ELP Standard(s) IILS2:HI-1: Articulate the 44 phonemes accurately. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Language Objective TSW orally read and answer questions about phonograms with correct pronunciation. Language Objective Language Objective Language Objective Language Objective TSW orally read and answer questions about phonograms with correct pronunciation. TSW orally read and answer questions about phonograms with correct pronunciation. TSW orally read and answer questions about phonograms with correct pronunciation. TSW orally read and answer questions about phonograms with correct pronunciation. Learner Evidence Learner Evidence Learner Evidence Learner Evidence Learner Evidence TSW use correct pronunciation of the phonograms and respond to questions with 75% accuracy. TSW use correct pronunciation of the phonograms and respond to questions with 80% accuracy. TSW use correct pronunciation of the phonograms and respond to questions with 80% accuracy. TSW use correct pronunciation of the phonograms and respond to questions with 85% accuracy. TSW use correct pronunciation of the phonograms and respond to questions with 90% accuracy. 1 GESD Template for Weekly Lesson Planning K-8 ELD Reading Block- 40 min Content: Life Cycle of a Butterfly Mon.,Tues., Thurs., Fri. : 8:30-9:10 W: 8:30 – 8:50 Whole Group Reading (Life Cycle of a Butterfly) ELP Standard(s) IIR4:HI-7 summarizing the main idea and details from text, using complete sentences Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Language Objective Language Objective Language Objective Language Objective Language Objective TSW identify the topic of an expository passage by finding the subject of each sentence. TSW organize facts about the main idea in a bubble map. TSW transfer facts about the main idea into a flow map to show sequence. Learner Evidence Learner Evidence Subject of each sentence will be highlighted. Completed bubble map containing the main idea (life cycle of a butterfly) and at least 5 facts. RTI - Reading - 40 min Learner Evidence Facts contained in the bubble map will be transferred accurately into the flow map. TSW apply knowledge of transition words used to show order and label a flow map accordingly. Learner Evidence A minimum of 4 transition words used in the correct sequence. TSW independently create a graphic organizer depicting the life cycle of a butterfly which includes key vocabulary and transition words. Learner Evidence Correctly completed life cycle of a butterfly using key vocabulary and transition words. Content: Life Cycle of a Butterfly Mon.,Tues., Thurs., Fri. : 9:10 - 9:50 W: 8:50 – 9:10 Small Group Reading (95% Group Materials) IIR2:HI-1 distinguishing between initial, medial, and final sounds ELP Standard(s) IIR2:HI-9 reading…applying the most common letter-sound correspondences…consonant/vowel digraphs and dipthongs Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Groups and Skills Groups and Skills Groups and Skills Groups and Skills Groups and Skills Group A – PA Skill 5.2 Group A – PA Skill 5.3 Group A – PA Skill 5.4 Initial Phoneme Identification Sorting by Initial Phoneme Sorting by Exclusion Group B – PLL Skill 4.1 Initial digraphs (ch/sh) Group C – PLL Skill 9 Silent Letters (kn / gn) Group A – PA Skill 4.6 Onset-Rime, Substitution Group B – PLL Skill 4.1 Initial digraphs (ch/sh) Group A – PA Skill 5.1 Initial Phoneme Isolation Group C – PLL Skill 9 Silent Letters (kn / gn) 2 GESD Template for Weekly Lesson Planning K-8 ELD Writing Block- 60 min Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.. 9:50 – 10:50 WPR Wed. 9:10 – 9:40 Sequential Processing (10 min.) ELP Standard(s) IIW2:HI-1: Legibly writing all upper and lower case letters and numerals attending to form and spatial alignment. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Language Objective Language Objective Language Objective Language Objective Language Objective TSW write phonogram sounds with handwriting elements. TSW orally read sounds and blend them into words. TSW write and read a simple sentence. TSW write phonogram sounds with handwriting elements. TSW orally read sounds and blend them into words. TSW write and read a simple sentence. TSW write phonogram sounds with handwriting elements. TSW orally read sounds and blend them into words. TSW write and read a simple sentence. TSW write phonogram sounds with handwriting elements. TSW orally read sounds and blend them into words. TSW write and read a simple sentence. TSW write phonogram sounds with handwriting elements. TSW orally read sounds and blend them into words. TSW write and read a simple sentence. Learner Evidence TSW write 10 phonograms, 10 words, and 1 sentence with 75% accuracy. Learner Evidence TSW write 10 phonograms, 10 words, and 1 sentence with 80% accuracy. Learner Evidence TSW write 10 phonograms, 10 words, and 1 sentence with 85% accuracy. Learner Evidence TSW write 10 phonograms, 10 words, and 1 sentence with 90% accuracy. Learner Evidence TSW write 10 phonograms, 10 words, and 1 sentence with 95% accuracy. Writing Elements (50 min.) ELP Standard(s) Content: Life Cycle of a Butterfly IIW1:HI-3: completing a written summary of the key events or ideas of informational text using simple sentences. IIW4:HI4: organizing a student generated text using transitional words to indicate a beginning, middle, and end. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Language Objective Language Objective Language Objective Language Objective Language Objective TSW use the writing process to write an opening sentence and extend with details to clarify. (p.81 WFTB) TSW add transition words and phrases to the flow map and write a closing sentence. (p.82-83 WFTB) Learner Evidence Flow map includes opening sentence and 3 details and reasons. (p.81 WFTB) Learner Evidence Flow map with appropriate transition words and closing sentence summarizing the topic. (p.82-83 WFTB) TSW write the 5 paragraphs using the flow map as a guide. (p.84-88 WFTB) Learner Evidence Completed opening paragraph and first reason paragraph following the flow map. (p.84-88 WFTB) TSW write the 5 paragraphs using the flow map as a guide. (p.84-88 WFTB) Learner Evidence Remaining 2 paragraphs and closing paragraph following the flow map. (p.84-88 WFTB) Content: Life Cycle of a Butterfly Mon, Tues., Thurs., Fri. 1:00-1:40 ELP Standard IIL1(N):HI-4 using singular possessive nouns. Learner Evidence Finished 5 paragraph essay graded according to the WFTB rubric on p. 90. PE/E: Pictoral draft with labels (words and phrases) PE/E: Picture matched to the appropriate transition word. ELD Grammar 40 min TSW edit and evaluate their writing piece using the WFTB rubric on p. 90. W 9:40-10:00 ELP Standard IIL1(Adj.):HI-4 using singular and plural possessive adjectives. ELP Standard IIL1(prep.): HI-6 differentiating among prepositions. ELP Standard IIL1(V):HI-5 producing declarative, negative, and interrogative sentences using simple present tense verbs with subject-verb agreement. ELP Standard IIL1(Q):HI-11 producing interrogative sentences beginning with “Why”. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Language Objective Language Objective Language Objective Language Objective Language Objective TSW use prepositions telling why (for, to) giving reasons for particular questions. Vocabulary Frames Why do we use a stapler? What would you use ice for? TSW develop 3 simple present tense declarative sentences including either a possessive noun or possessive adjective and a preposition telling why (for, to) to tell facts about the life cycle of a butterfly. Using sentences written on Thursday, TSW change the simple present facts into interrogatives. TSW identify possessive nouns and code sentences to show the subject of the sentence. Learner Evidence 5 sentences coded correctly. TSW identify possessive adjectives and code sentences to show the subject of the sentence. Learner Evidence 5 sentences coded correctly. (e.g. butterfly’s wings ) (e.g. its wings ) Learner Evidence 4 correctly formed sentences using the prepositions will be orally spoken to team members and written in grammar journals. Learner Evidence Learner Evidence 3 simple present tense sentences including either a possessive noun or possessive adjective and a preposition telling why (for, to) telling facts about the life cycle of a butterfly. 3 simple present interrogative sent. including either a possessive noun or possessive adjective and a preposition telling why (for, to) asking “why” questions about the life cycle of a 3 GESD Template for Weekly Lesson Planning K-8 butterfly. 1. Building background before text is read is critical to front-load concrete learning experiences (pre-teaching vocabulary, using pictures, films, or real objects) in the selected text thus students are able to comprehend the main concepts of the text, which many times are presented abstractly. 2. If there are Pre-Emergent/Emergent students in the classroom, check the ELP standards to see the scaffold of each standard for them. Remember, you will not be planning something “different” for PE/E students. The same standard will be assessed with a different approach (See writing – Friday). 3. Relate the writing assignment to the content (Life Cycle of a Butterfly) throughout the four ELD blocks. 4