CFI Innovation Fund Internal Letter of Intent

Canada Foundation for Innovation - Innovation Fund
Internal Letter of Intent (MANDATORY)
Note: CFI applications are institutional, not individual applications. As such,
applicants must work with their Associate Deans of Research and Research
Facilitators in preparation of CFI proposals.
Please submit to CURO’s Institutional Research Facilitator (
no later than December 19, 2013
Name of Proposed Project Leader:
Department, Faculty:
CURC (if applicable):
Project Title (clear and descriptive):
Names and affiliations of Principal Users:
These individuals are similar to co-applicants and may be non-Carleton people. Please also indicate whether
or not the Principal User is confirmed as a team member.
Collaborating Institutions (Academic):
Please include names of any collaborating institutions and whether or not they are confirmed. A collaborating
institution is one that is going to get some of the purchased infrastructure. It does not include institutions
where you happen to have collaborators – they go in the “Principal Users” box, below, Please also indicate
whether or not the organization’s participation is confirmed
Carleton University Research Office
Partners (Non-academic):
Please include names of any partner organizations and whether or not they are confirmed. A partner is an
organization that is going to contribute to the research project (through scientific direction, governance, and/or
cash/in-kind contributions.
Estimated total cost of project:
$ (cash)
A reasonable, accurate estimate of the total amount the project is going to cost, taking into account all funding
sources (CFI, Ontario matching funds, partner contributions, University contributions).
Estimated amount to be requested from CFI:
$ (cash, up to 40% of total project cost above)
Part One: Project Details – Questions 1-9 (maximum 5 pages – this document will expand)
1. What infrastructure is being proposed, why is it required, and what research will you do with it?
Please begin this section with a summary in lay language. Also indicate availability of similar infrastructure at
regional, provincial, and/or national levels and explain why you can’t just make use of the existing
2. What is novel/innovative about the proposed research and/or approach to the research?
Please include why it is timely, how it will lead to breakthroughs, how it compares to existing research in
Canada and globally, and how it addresses federal priorities (this may include elements from NSERC’s
Strategic Target Areas, SSHRC’s Priorities, CIHR’s Roadmap, CFI’s Strategic Roadmap, and/or Canada’s
Economic Action Plan, as well as provincial priorities (this may include elements from Ontario’s Innovation
Agenda) if you plan on applying for matching provincial funds.
Carleton University Research Office
3. How does the project align to Carleton's Strategic Integrated Plan and Strategic Research Plan
(included as attachment in the email)?
4. How does the project support Carleton's Institutional investments over the last 5 years?
This includes hiring strategies, infrastructure investments, research commitments, etc. Keep in mind past,
present, and future priorities and investments (note this doesn't just pertain to CFI funding on campus but it
should be included, if relevant; this section can be completed with the support of the Faculty, the Department /
School and CURO)? If there hasn’t been any previous CFI funding in this area, please describe any existing
infrastructure that does support this project; please describe other related institutional investments.
5. How will the project build and/or strengthen value-added partnerships (both academic and in the
larger community)?
Mention existing and new collaborations or partnerships, in line with, and supporting the proposed research.
This includes researchers who are listed as principle users as well as partner organizations.
6. What are the significant improvements/benefits to Canada, how will they be realized (eg
commercialization, social policy improvements) and the timeframe in which they are expected?
Quantify and reference where possible (eg the research outputs will help to prevent 2,000 premature deaths
related to smoking with a consequent saving to Canadian governments of approximately $1B over the next
two decades).
Carleton University Research Office
7. What are the significant improvements/benefits to Ontario, how will they be realized (eg
commercialization, social policy improvements) and the timeframe in which they are expected?
Quantify and reference where possible (eg the research outputs will help to prevent 2,000 premature deaths
related to smoking with a consequent saving to Canadian governments of approximately $1B over the next
two decades).
Please complete ONLY if planning to apply for Ontario funding as well. In order to apply for matching
provincial funds, the project needs to meet provincial priorities. You may find Ontario’s Innovation
Agenda useful.
8. Explain how the proposed team (Principal Users and Collaborations) has the required research
excellence and collaborative relationships to ensure success of the research as well as the
mobilization of the results to the relevant receptors.
9. Please name 4- 6 world-class researchers who could potentially serve as reviewers for your
application? (minimum of 4 external)
(Yes or No)
Part Two: Response to previous feedback (maximum 1 page)
If applicable, please indicate how the proposal addresses any feedback received from the July 2013
Expression of Interest process. If the proposal was previously submitted to any CFI competition,
please indicate how it addresses the CFI committee’s comments/concerns.
Part Three: Budget Summary – Questions 1-3 (1 page max. in addition to the Simple Budget Table
in Part Four)
CFI will fund up to 40% of the total project cost. Typically, you can apply to the province for up to 40%
matching funds, with the additional 20% funding coming from other sources (eligible cash contributions
and/or meaningful in-kind contributions from vendors/partners)
Carleton University Research Office
1. What is your plan to obtain matching funds and how will they be secured, including an alternate
plan should matching funds not come to fruition.
2. Do you anticipate meaningful cash and/or in-kind contributions from eligible sources?
For the purpose of this LOI, meaningful contributions mean those beyond the normal educational vendor
discounts on equipment. Refer to Section 4.8 in CFI's Policy and Program Guide (included as an attachment in
the email).
3. Will the infrastructure require any renovations and/or construction? Provide a brief description (eg
build new 50,000sq lab on Parking Lot 7; repaint rooms 509 and 510 Tory, and fit new security system).
Note that if the answer is yes, you will need to have agreement from your Dean (See Part Five below) and will
be required to work with your Dean, CURO, and FMP on estimates and floor plans for the space.
Have you included these costs in your estimated budget?
(Yes or No)
Part Four: Simple Budget Table
Please complete the Table below (or attach your budget spreadsheet) based on Total Estimated Project Cost.
Eligible costs can be found in Section 4 of CFI's Policy and Program Guide.
Although a more comprehensive CFI budget isn’t required at this phase, it is good to be aware of such factors
as taxes, exchange rates, warranties, delivery to the actual space, uncrating costs, and installation.
(indicate one of
the following:
Carleton University Research Office
Total Equipment
Total Construction
Total Personnel
Grand Total
Part Five: Faculty Commitment (maximum 1 page)
Questions 1-3 for completion in collaboration with your Dean and Associate Dean, Research
1. Where will the infrastructure be located?
Space must be confirmed by the Dean prior to submission of this LOI to CURO
2. How does the proposed infrastructure and research align to the priorities of the Faculty?
3. What commitment (cash and/or in-kind) is the Faculty willing to contribute towards the project?
Carleton University Research Office
By signing below, you agree to submit the proposal for consideration into Carleton University’s
internal Letter of Intent competition for CFI’s Innovation Fund.
Signature of Proposed Project Leader:
By signing below, you agree to submit the proposal for consideration into Carleton University’s
internal Letter of Intent competition for CFI’s Innovation Fund.
You confirm that there is space available for the infrastructure and confirm any Faculty contributions
for the project.
Signature of Associate Dean, Research
Signature of Dean
Please provide completed form (by email) by no later than 12:00 noon on December 19, 2013 to CURO’s
Institutional Research Facilitator (Cathy Edwards)
Carleton University Research Office