Welcome to Sheridan Hill Handbook - Clarence Central School District

Sheridan Hill
ReV. 8-15
Welcome Letter
History of Sheridan Hill
Floor Plan of Building
Student Drop Off Area
3, 3A
The School Day
Students Staying After School
Vocal Music
Instrumental Music
Physical Education
Health Office Information
8, 8A
Care of Property
Lost and Found
Unexcused Absences
Visiting the Building
Dropping off Items
Placement Process
Good Morning Sheridan Hill
Sheridan Hill School Improvement Team
Parent Teacher Organization
Dignity For All Students Act
Welcome to the Sheridan Hill Elementary School. We are very glad
that you will be a member of our school community.
This handbook is designed to help you become acquainted with the
school and its various programs. It contains a floor plan, attendance
procedures and other information that should help make your arrival at
Sheridan Hill smooth. We ask that you retain this publication for future use
during your "Sheridan Hill years".
We have developed a web page which may be of assistance during the
school year. To access the page you go to the Clarence School District home
page at www.clarenceschools.org.
Should you have any questions that were not addressed in this
handbook, please feel free to contact us at the Sheridan Hill Elementary
School (716)407-9250.
Lee V. Pierce
Mr. Lee V. Pierce
History of Sheridan Hill Elementary School
The Sheridan Hill Elementary School was first opened in September, 1959. It
was constructed from the same plans as the Harris Hill Elementary School with some
minor modifications. The approximate cost of the building and equipment was $925,000.
The first year of occupancy the school housed 493 pupils.
The building is located on a 10-acre plot. An adjoining site to the east and north
was later purchased to construct a second junior high school or middle school. To date
these plans have not materialized.
The Sheridan Hill Elementary school, along with the Parker Elementary School,
was closed in June, 1967, due to the declining enrollment. For a period of time the
Sheridan Hill building housed a private school, The Christian Central Academy. It was
later leased to the Board of Cooperative Educational Services for an alternative high
school program and to provide classroom space for pupils with severely handicapping
conditions. The Parker School was eventually demolished and the school site was deeded
to the Town of Clarence to be used as a town park.
A resurgence of residential building and population growth occurred in the school
district. At a special meeting of the Clarence Board of Education, which took place on
January 16, 1988, a decision was made to reopen the Sheridan Hill Elementary School in
September, 1988, to house pupils in grades K-6 due to increase in enrollment.
In 1994, the District built an addition on the then Clarence Junior High School.
The 6th graders were moved to that building in September, 1995. At that time the school
became the Clarence Middle School and the Elementary grade configuration became K-5.
In 2001, a renovation project was started. It resulted in the addition of twelve
classrooms, a new gymnasium and a new library/media center. Today we have a student
population of approximately 500.
Sheridan Hill Elementary School
Dear Parent/Guardian of Sheridan Hill Student/s,
The purpose of this communication is to solicit your assistance in making our
school drop off area and parking lot a safer place for our youngsters. This drop off area
is becoming very congested; partially because of illegally parked cars. I am asking that
parents assist us by doing the following:
 If you are just dropping your child off (not escorting your child into the building)
continue to use the drop off area – see accompanying map.
 If you are walking your child into school, park well away from the drop off zone.
You can park toward the back of the east parking lot or in the north parking lot.
 Do not park in the drop off area. It creates a hazard for students in the morning
and creates issues for busses in the afternoon.
 Do not park (even for a short while) between where the staff is parked and the
drop off zone. While I recognize parking there makes the walk shorter, it also
causes a great deal of congestion and, at times, forces cars to drive on the
 Do not pull into the bus circle.
We really need to have you park in a place that does not cause congestion in the
drop off area. Please use these guidelines for the safety of our children and school
As always, I thank you for your assistance and cooperation to this matter.
Mr. Lee V. Pierce
Attendance in school on a regular basis is very important. Please phone the office in the morning
to let us know if your child will be absent. To leave a message, call 407-9270. If you wish to
talk to a member of the office staff, call 407-9250 or 407-9251.
Each absence or tardiness must be explained in a note that is signed by a parent or guardian.
Notes should include the teacher’s name, child’s name and date/dates of absence and a brief
reason for the absence. Please take note that it is very important to arrive at school on time.
Students should be in their classrooms before announcements begin each day. It is
understandable that some dental/medical appointments must be scheduled early in the day.
Unless your child has such an appointment, it is your responsibility to have your child arrive to
school on time and remain in school until dismissal.
If you are aware of any future absence (trip, doctor or dental appointment, etc), please send a note
before the absence. This will serve as the excuse and will give the classroom teacher, as well as
the attendance clerk, information on upcoming absences or tardiness. If at all possible, please
schedule appointments so they do NOT interrupt the instructional program of your student(s) and
the others within the classroom.
All notes requesting early dismissal should be presented to the classroom teacher the first thing in
the morning. They will be forwarded to the Main Office. STUDENTS ARE TO BE SIGNED
Students who return to school after being excused for a period of time during the school day ( i.e.
doctor or dental appointment, etc.) need to report back to the Main Office before going to class.
A re-admittance slip will be issued.
Our school day begins with morning announcements at 8:06 AM. We are unable to adequately
supervise students prior to 7:55 AM, at which time students can go to their classrooms.
Therefore, we request that students do not arrive at school prior to 7:55AM.
Dismissal Time: 2:30 PM for grades -5
1. Arrangements are made to serve lunch to children in the Cafeteria. The lunches consist
of two main entrees, sandwich, soup, vegetable/s, milk and dessert. The Clarence School
District is equipped with the NutriKids lunch program accessible through the District
website. A new menu can be viewed at the start of every month. Go the Clarence
website, click on Schools, and then on the right side click on Quick Link.
2. If your child brings his/her lunch, he/she may buy milk to supplement food brought from
3. Lunch or milk money is to be sent in an envelope or purse marked with the child’s name.
Please figure amount carefully. Costs for lunch items are available on the District
Calendar/Menu, which can be viewed online at the start of each month. Lunches can be
prepaid online through the NutriKids program, or by having your child bring in a check
made payable to “Clarence Central Schools.”
4. Two cafeteria monitors are in the lunch room to assist in supervision of children
during lunches.
5. It will help if you and your child talk about table manners. We have found that
the cafeteria can be a more pleasant eating place if all of the children put good
manners into practice.
6. Lunch visits are possible. Please arrange for the visit in advance. Send a note at
least one full day (24 hours) prior to your visit. If you are not bringing your own
lunch, we will need to know what you will be having for lunch. Please do not
bring extra people, particularly younger children.
For the safety and security of your children, all students will be transported home on their
designated bus unless the school has been notified, in writing, of alternate plans (i.e.
permission to ride bicycles or walk, permission to be picked up by another person or
permission to stay after school).
Parents must contact the Transportation Department (407-9500/407-9501) to arrange for
a student to be placed on another bus, as capacity can be an issue. Any changes in a bus
must be for five days, and an alternate transportation form should be completed. Please
keep the Office informed of these changes with a written note. Any play dates need to
be arranged after the children are bussed home.
Students may remain after school only under the following conditions:
1. They have proper adult supervision.
2. A parent/guardian has been notified beforehand.
3. The Office has a note signed by a parent/guardian that verifies the student can
stay after school.
4. Transportation is provided or arranged for by a parent/guardian. (Include this
information in a note to the teacher.)
Students in Grades K-5 have Art once per week. They work on various projects related
to the curriculum being studied in their classrooms. Each student has artwork displayed
at the annual Art Show/Wildlife Exhibit held in the Spring.
1. Grades K-5 students have music class once each week.
2. Chorus: All students in Grades 4 & 5 participate in Chorus once a week.
Interested students in grades 4 & 5 are provided with an opportunity to receive lessons on
band and string instruments. The District has a limited number of instruments that may
be rented.
Beginning students will receive one lesson per week. Instruction will be scheduled in
small groups of like instruments during the school day. After ten weeks, teachers will
determine if student progress warrants continuation; pupils will decide if they want to
continue the experience. Reports will be issued at that time.
Brass, woodwind and string instruments may be rented from the school by first year players. Students
who already own their own instruments should make note of the fact on their application. If the
instrument is in playable condition, it may be used. Those who are renting school instruments should
include a check for $50.00, payable to Clarence Central Schools with the application. Please note that
if you rent an instrument from the District you are responsible should there be damage or loss.
Violin, Viola, Cello*, String Bass*
Oboe, Bassoon, Clarinet, Flute, Saxophone
Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, Baritone*, Tuba
Bass and Snare Drum, Timpani, Cymbals, Mallet
Instruments, Bells, Chimes, etc.
(Interested students should request “Percussion”)
In most cases, students who play large instruments will have one for home use and one for
Physical Education classes are held for all students two days each week.
1. Clothing: Students are required to wear sneakers during gym class. Shorts or
warm-up clothes are preferred. Fourth and fifth grade students may not wear
jeans during Physical Education classes.
2. Storage: Students in fourth and fifth grades are provided with a wire basket in
which to store their gym articles (sneakers, t-shirts, shorts, warm-up pants).
Students may bring their own locks for their baskets. Please mark your child’s
name on all gym articles in large letters.
3. Excuses: All students to be excused from Physical Education must have a parent
written request that must be approved by the nurse. All students excused from two
consecutive weeks of physical education classes must have a statement from a
physician giving the reason.
For the health, safety and comfort of your children, we recommend the following
clothing for the Sheridan Hill Physical Education Program.
Grades K-3
Shorts, Sneakers (required), T-shirt
Items of clothing may be worn under pants, skirts, dresses, and sweaters on
Physical Education days, as we do not have locker space for these classes. Outer
garments can then be taken off in Physical Education class.
Grades 4&5 Sneakers (required), Shorts, T-shirt, Powder, Deodorant, Comb/Brush
Fourth and fifth graders will be assigned lockers and will use the locker room
Cumulative Health Records – A confidential health record is maintained for each
student at Sheridan Hill. The record includes medical history, immunization dates,
reports of physical examinations, and results of all screening procedures. If there are any
changes in your child’s health status, please inform the Health Office. Especially
important are recent immunizations, surgery, illness, and allergies.
IMMUNIZATIONS - the following immunizations are required in order to be entered in
school in New York State.
1. Hepatitis- 3 doses
2. Varicella (chicken pox)- 2 doses (grades K,1,6,7); 1 dose (grades PreK, 2-5, 8-12)
3. MMR- 1 dose (Pre-K); 2 doses (K-12)
4. Polio- 3-5 doses (grades K,1,6,7); 3 doses (grades Pre-K; 2-5; 8-12)
5. DTap, DTP- 4 doses (Pre-K); 4-5 doses (grades K-5); 3 doses (grades
6. Tdap- 1 dose (grades 6-12)
** All immunizations must be documented with exact dates and signed by a physician.
Medications: The following regulations must be followed regarding dispensing
medications to school children. This pertains to both prescription and over-the-counter
A written order from the physician indicating the name of the medication,
frequency and
dosage required.
2. Permission in writing from the parent requesting that the school nurse dispense
the medication.
3. The medication must be brought to school in a properly labeled, original container
from the
pharmacist. Medication should be delivered to the school by a parent/guardian.
Emergency Cards: The emergency card must be on file in the Health Office. If there are
any changes in phone
numbers or other pertinent information during the school year, please notify us at once.
Health Office Information - continued
PHYSICAL EDUCATION - The physical education program requires that all students
participate. If your child is to be excused from gym, it is necessary to comply with the
DAILY - A note must be written by parent stating the reason for not
EXTENDED - If your child must be excused from gym for a period of one
week or more, please have your physician write a note indicating the
If your child is returning to school following an extended illness or injury it is then
necessary for your physician to write a note permitting him/her to resume all physical
education activities.
ANNUAL HEALTH SERVICES - The following health screenings are done each year.
Parent/guardian will only be notified if a problem is detected.
Growth screening, height and weight
Vision and hearing
Color perception
Scoliosis screening – grade 5
Blood pressure screening
Physical examinations are done by the school physician for grade levels K,
2, 4, Special Ed., and all students new to the district who have not brought
in a completed physical form signed by their own physician. (The student’s
personal physician must be authorized to practice in the State of New York.)
NEW YORK STATE LAW requires a physical exam for all the above mentioned. It is
highly recommended that your child be seen by your family physician, as he/she will be
continuing to care for your child. If a physical cannot be arranged, the school physician
will see your child. Please contact the Health Office for additional forms.
ILLNESSES AND ACCIDENTS - The school nurse will provide emergency care for
illness and injuries which occur while children are in school. Treatment is limited to first
aid only. Any necessary subsequent treatment is the responsibility of the parent/guardian.
When it is necessary for a child to be sent home, the school nurse will notify you.
Transportation of ill students is also the responsibility of the parent/guardian.
Please feel free to call the Health Office (716) 407-9256 anytime regarding health
services or any problem with your child. Thank you for your cooperation.
Bus Transportation
When waiting for the bus, students should be well away from the road and aware
of traffic.
Please help maintain bus schedules by being at the bus stop prior to arrival of the
Good behavior is very important to the safety of all children. We ask parental
support so behavior does not make the driver's job more difficult. Pupils should
follow directions of the driver and cooperate at all times. Pupils are not permitted
to move about or change seats while the bus is in motion; to stand in the stepwell
or forward of the driver's position; or to put their hands or arms out of open
windows. Pupils who do not behave on the bus may be refused transportation.
Parental Transportation
When driving students to school please use student drop off area (pictured on page
3). When picking students up at the end of the day, please park in either the east or
the north parking lot. Do not park in the drop off area. Students will be in the
cafeteria for sign out.
Always be sure your engine is shut off when you leave the car and please do not
leave small children unattended.
Always use the designated parking areas. Please do not use the bus circle,
especially at times when busses are scheduled to be there. Also, do not
park in
the area just outside the gym as that is a play area and a garbage/recycling pick-up
Do not use the bus circle between 7:45 and 8:15 AM, or between 1:45 and 2:45
These are times we will have busses using the Bus Circle area.
7:45 – 8:15
1:45 – 2:45
3:30 – 3:50 (band bus)
Bicycle Transportation
There is a bicycle rack located near the student drop off area of the school. Students who
ride bikes should be mindful of all safety rules and be very alert for traffic.
The students are encouraged to keep our building, its books and equipment looking
presentable. In cases where books are lost or unnecessarily damaged, desks are defaced,
or equipment destroyed, the student/s responsible will be expected to share in the cost of
repair or replacement.
Report Card grades are closed and reports issued 3 times per year.
Special Areas (PE, Art, Music):
2 times per year
Parent Conferences are scheduled for all parents in the fall. In addition, a second
conference will be scheduled for parents of Kindergarten and First Grade students in the
Spring. Additional conferences can be arranged by contacting the appropriate teacher.
Good communication between home and school is an important part of education. Open
House, report cards, and parent conferences are scheduled communication times. There
may be other times when contact between parents and a teacher is necessary. In those
cases, notes or emails are helpful as are phone conferences or face-to-face conferences.
Conferences need to be arranged with the teacher in advance.
There is a lost and found rack by the gymnasium entrance of the school. Articles will be
kept on the rack for approximately one month. After that time, they will be given to the
Goodwill. Articles such as watches, rings and money will be kept in the Main Office.
There is a lost and found for Physical Education located in the locker room area. If
something is left during Physical Education class, it is placed there.
If a student is out due to an unexcused absence, such as a vacation, homework will not be
provided. Vacations are a time for family. To keep skills strong, we recommend math fact
review, sight word practice, keeping a daily experience journal and independent reading.
There are many good reasons for visitors to be in the building. Classroom visitations
must be set in advance and arranged with the classroom teacher.
We expect that all visitors will report to the Main Office upon arrival at our building.
There is a visitor sign-in sheet in the front foyer. It is important for us to know who is in
the building and where they are located. Please sign in and put on a sticker with your
name on it.
Upon arrival to our building, we expect that all visitors will sign in and wear a sticker
with their name on it.
If you have something to leave at school for your child (i.e. projects, lunches, etc.) please
leave items in the office. Your child will be called down at an appropriate break in classes.
This will eliminate unnecessary interruptions.
*Book Fees
The Board of Education provides basic textbooks, workbooks, and library books for
students to use. Pupils should assume the responsibility for keeping their books in good
condition and protecting them from being damaged or lost. Students will be held
responsible for lost or badly damaged textbooks or library books.
*Pupils are more attentive to school work when parents take time to see that they do not
bring distracting toys, electronic devices and/or other miscellaneous objects to school.
*Knives or any other dangerous objects are not permitted on the school bus, in the
building or on the school grounds.
1. Teachers - may not be readily accessible during the school day. Messages will be
put into mailboxes by office personnel or you may email at any time.
2. Pupils - will be able to use the telephone when the call is of an emergency nature.
Cell phones must be kept in backpacks, coats or lockers. They must be kept turned
off in school and on the bus. Cell phones that are utilized in school or on the school
bus without permission will be confiscated and returned upon parent retrieval.
Sheridan Hill Elementary School
Placement Process
Each spring the faculty and I begin the process of constructing classes for the next school
year. I would like to explain to you the methodology we utilize here at Sheridan Hill Elementary
School to assign/place students to a class/teacher for the upcoming year. Considerations of
educational, academic and social factors are the primary determinates in placement discussions.
Please be assured that considerable time, energy and thought will be put into the formulation of
our schools’ class groupings.
While I welcome any information that you may wish to contribute to the process, please
do not request a specific teacher for your son/daughter. It is more important that you share
information about your child, such as his/her academic strengths/weaknesses, social/emotional
needs, etc. I ask that you forward the information to me in writing no later than April 15th. NO
The process of school groupings will begin in May and continue into the summer months.
The classroom teachers, our school reading specialist, other support staff and I will meet multiple
times to develop a final draft. The following criteria will be used to determine groupings:
 The child’s academic performance (teacher reports & assessment results)
 Social/behavioral characteristics
 The need for individualized services such as speech/language, reading and/or special
 Class size/gender equity
We will strive to form classes made up of students with varying ability levels and personality
Sometimes after the announcements of class placements, students express the concern
that they are not with a particular friend/s. I hope that parents explain that we all need to get
along with everyone and learn how to make new friends. Furthermore, explaining that
established friendships are not lost, simply that new friendships are found. Children need to
develop the social skills to meet new people and to work with a variety of adults. These
opportunities are stepping stones that provide the training ground for future placement in larger
middle and high school groups.
As the principal, I need to carefully weigh the information provided and look at the whole
picture. Teacher assignments may be changed; class sizes must be balanced and social
interaction patterns of children must be taken into consideration.
We have an excellent and highly qualified staff, as well as an excellent relationship with
the community. I am sure that whomever your child has for a teacher, the experiences will be
positive and last a lifetime.
I would like to offer you, in advance, my appreciation for your support of this process.
Sincere regards,
Mr. Lee V. Pierce
This program takes place on various mornings throughout the school year. There are
usually two per month scheduled. We have an assembly of all Sheridan Hill students grades
K through 5. The program generally begins at 8:20 AM and lasts approximately 20
minutes. Our program often includes: special announcements, birthday
acknowledgements, special activities and songs. Parents are always welcome to
observe Good Morning Sheridan Hill. We ask that you stand at the wall area to avoid
interruptions to classes.
The Sheridan Hill School Improvement Team is a shared decision making group which
works to help set direction and implement improvements at our school. The group is
comprised of parents, teachers, non-teaching personnel and administration. The SIT group
meets every other month with all meetings open to the public.
1. To promote the interest of parents in the educational process used
in our school.
2. To foster a fine educational program for our children.
3. To integrate the parents, teachers and administrators of Sheridan
Hill students into an enthusiastically functioning unit.
Code of Conduct
Can be found at:
Sheridan Hill
Code of Conduct
Dignity for All Students Act
In reference to the Dignity for All Students Act, Clarence Center Elementary, Harris Hill
Elementary, Ledgeview Elementary, Sheridan Hill Elementary, Clarence Middle School
and Clarence High School will require and maintain a climate of mutual respect and
dignity for all students regardless of actual or perceived race, color, weight, national
origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender or
The Dignity for All Students Act Coordinators shall be accessible to students and staff for
consultation and guidance as needed to implement this law. At the Sheridan Hill
Elementary School Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Agnello will accept reports regarding violations
and conduct investigations as appropriate.