TERMS OF REFERENCE Position: Title of the project: Type of the contract: Duty station: Duration: Art design engineer (team leader) for designing concept and preparing design and estimate documentation of Barsakelmes SNR Visitor Center GRK/GEF/UNDP Project “ Improving sustainability of the PA system in desert ecosystems through promotion of biodiversity-compatible livelihoods in and around PAs” IС (Individual contract) not obliged to be connected to fixed duty station 90 calendar days after signing the contract Introduction Kazakhstan is the largest land-locked country in Central Asia spanning 271.73 million hectares. Desert ecosystems make up most of the country covering 136.3 million hectares or about 50% of the country’s territory (Table 1). Deserts are found in the Caspian lowlands, Mangyshlak peninsula, Ustyurt plateau, southern Turgay mesa and Kazakh melkosopochnik (Eastern Betpak-dala and Pribalhashe), Turan lowland (Aral), Kyzyl-Kum, Moin-Kum deserts, Alakol and Ili depressions, foothills of the Northern Tien Shan, and the Alatau and Jungar Tarbagatay mountains in the south. The project objective is to enhance the sustainability of protected areas in globally important desert and semi-desert ecosystems by expanding their geographic coverage, promoting a landscape approach and supporting biodiversity-compatible livelihoods in and around PAs. Nowadays there is an issue of establishing efficient, representative and sustainable PA subsystem in desert and semi-desert ecosystems of Kazakhstan. In its turn this work can`t be done without accurate actions aimed at conservation outreach, sustainable use and awareness rising of all stakeholders around desert and semi-desert ecosystems conservation. A Visitor Centre has a significant role to play in solving the issue as a visit card of any protected area. Barsakelmes State Nature Reserve (SNR) Visitor Centre is called for becoming an environmental and educational centre for local population as well as visitor`s of the region. Visitor center will be based on Nature Museum of Barsakelmes reserve. Project objectives envisage nature conservation and environmental knowledge outreach among population, which are related to demonstration of protecting site. The issue of Reserve’s Nature Museum reconstruction, updating and renewal of exhibition, new informational structures establishment in terms of current best practices in the field of museum affairs and visitor center establishment is entirely urgent. The goal of the service is to supervise the preparation of design and estimate documentation (further is DED) and designing concept of Barsakelmes SNR Visitor Center. Main tasks of the expert: 1. Examine the current condition of Museum of Nature in cooperation with Barsakelmes SNR staff and development team designing concept of Visitor Center; 2. Identify main topics (design) of Visitor Center in cooperation with the reserve’s staff and project team; 3. Make a list of hot topics and main objects; 4. Identify target groups of visitors. Hold the opinion poll to identify topics, ideas for Visitor Center; 5. Justify each element/object, which will be a part of the project; 6. Make proposals on reconstruction of Museum of Nature; 7. Express biodiversity conservation aspects (e.g. geology, geography, botany, zoology, climate, etc.) and social ones (history, culture, economic activity, population, etc.) in Visitor Center design idea. 8. Prepare concept plan consisting of sections, paragraphs, including elaboration of images and objects (exposition plan); 9. Develop design of Visitor Centre; 10. Submit drafts of objects (combining content and draft design to make it better understand and demonstrate variously); 11. Submit text materials in Russian; 12. Present Visitor Center’s exhibitions in terms of modern and interactive techniques of information presentation for target groups of different ages; 13. Present modern multimedia techniques in showrooms and exhibitions (technical specifications of equipment are to be submitted); 14. Arrange and utilize the space around Visitor Center and Barsakelmes SNR building up to the starting point of environmental trail; 15. Prepare preliminary estimate of expenses, including estimate documentation for Barsakelmes SNR Visitor Center establishment and project implementation plan; 16. Work out courses and ideas on promo production – museum guide, banners and other informational banners; 17. Perform general management of designer, accept and correct (if necessary) performed scope of work under his/her terms of reference; 18. Improve prepared drafts, draft concept based on preliminary comments and additions. Expected results: 1. Design and estimate documentation for establishment of Barsakelmes SNR Visitor Center is prepared; 2. Architectural and art design of Visitor Center’s interior and around space is prepared; 3. The Concept for establishment of Barsakelmes SNR Visitor Center is developed. Expected outcomes and payment: Outcome Timing 1 September 2014 Main topics (design) of Visitor Center establishment are identified; Summary of key topics and objects is prepared; Target groups of visitors are identified; 2 October Concept plan consisting of sections, paragraphs, 2014 including elaboration of images and objects (exposition plan) is prepared; Draft design of the objects is prepared; Preliminary estimate of expenses for establishment of Barsakelmes SNR Visitor Center is prepared; Courses and ideas on information support for Visitor Center are worked out. 3 November General model of Visitor Center, 2014 Exhibition model, Draft design of objects, Album, architectural and art design of Visitor Center are developed. Design and estimate documentation for Visitor Center is developed # 4 Notes: Concept of Visitor Center establishment improved in accordance with comments is submitted before 15 December 2014 Payment(KZT) 20 % out of total amount after the signing of the contract 40 % out of contract amount 40 % out of contract amount EXPERT is to provide punctual and sound scheduling, implement activities and achieve results in accordance with Project document and these terms of reference. EXPERT is responsible for the quality of submitted materials/design. EXPERT is to work under the supervision of Biodiversity projects national coordinator in close cooperation with Team Leader and national experts. Under this scope of work, one trip to Barsakelmes SNR with 7 days of duration is envisaged (Aralsk city, Kyzylorda region); All related expenses for travel, accommodation, terminals (if necessary) and daily subsistence allowance are included into total contract amount; Text reports are to be submitted electronically in MS Word for Windows files, graphics are to be submitted in hard copy and electronically. Требуемые навыки и умения: At least 3 years of professional experience in establishing of Visitor centers, museums of nature; University degree in arts/architecture/fine arts and graphics; Working experience in the area of design /decoration, and preparing DED and Concept; Ability to work in field for a long time, sometimes under the severe ecological conditions: Fluency in Russian, knowledge of Kazakh and English is an asset. COA(to be specified in figures) Project ID Activity 86425 Activity 1 Account Amount Fund Dep ID Impl Agency Donor 62000 55205 000936 10003 Total: Talgat Kerteshev UNDP Project Coordinator on Biodiversity conservation ___________________________________ Signature Date Victoria Baigazina Programme Associate ___________________________________ Signature Date