EHN1-extension-coordination-meeting040 - Indico

EHN1 extension coordination meeting
Minutes of the 40th meeting held on 4rd December 2015
Present: F. Borralho (EN/CV), A. Beynel (EN/MEF-SU), P. Carrière (BI/EA), V. Clerc
(EN/MEF), J. Devine (EN/EL), M. Manfredi (GS/SE), B. Rae (EN/MEF- ‘chairman’), R.
Rinaldesi (EN/HE), M. Dole (GS/ASE), J. Chatron (EN/EL), S. Girod (EN/MEF), M.
Chamizo (PH)
1 - Integration (beam lines and infrastructure): progress and last up-dates
2 - Coordination & Planning
3 - Progress report by EN/EL
4 - Progress by EN/CV.
5 - Progress report by civil engineering
6 - WA105 and ProtoDune: questions to the infrastructures teams
1. Integration (beam lines and infrastructure): progress and last updates follow-up
F. Borralho adds the pipes rerouted from the gallery to the ground floor. The pipes touch the
structure on the North wall. M. Manfredi will give the height at which the pipes will be connected
to the wall (action: M.Manfredi, F Borralho). The firefighting water pipe is too big to be rerouted
to the ground floor at the end of gallery. It’ll be rerouted to the ground floor by the previous hole
(action: F.Borralho).
F. Borralho asks to raise up the cable trays in the technical gallery to liberate space between pipes
and cable trays. It would allow on the future to install additional pipes if required (action: J.
Chatron, J. Devine).
V. Clerc and S. Girod proposed to install the cryogenics equipment on the concrete platform across
H2/H4. However the place above the last magnet of H2 have to be free to ensure access to the
V. Clerc will add this proposition to the model and check with TE-CRG if they agree with this
2. Coordination & Planning
Coordination: for the extraction pump a visit will be planned with the company in charge. Still
waiting for the offer of the hypothetic third one.
(See transparencies on indico)
The North wall dismantling activites are progressing smoothly.
EHN1 extension overall planning: on the request of the WA105 detectors team the duration of
the inner detector installation has beenincreased. B. Rae asks to EN-CV if the Ar extraction duct
in pit A can be installed when the clean room is already there. F. Borrahlo answers that they will
not have enough space for that. B. Rae will modify the planning to avoid this coactivity (action:
3. Progress report by EN/EL
J. Devine informs that from March 2016 he will not be any more in charge of the project for
EN/EL activities. C. Patou will replace him. C. Patou will start coming to the meetings with J.
Device next week.
A. L. Perrot has sent an e-mail to all the groups to remind them that EN/EL needs the DICs and
DIRs as soon as possible to schedule the cable campaign phase 1.
4. Progress by EN/CV
A technical visit has been done for the rerouting of the 5 pipes at the extremity of the technical
EN-CV reminds that the specifications for the raw water and the demineralized water are still
A.L. Perrot still have to ask to colleague the technical specification of racks used in
(ALICE/LHCb) (action: A.L. Perrot).
Now that the beam lines elements are known P. Carrier should be able to give specification for
the demineralized water.
5. Progress report by civil engineering
(See transparencies on indico)
The excavation work continues. Pit A is finished. Pit B is ongoing. For the moment GS
announced the same delay (6 weeks). Handover is still planned for mi-August 2016.
6. WA105 and ProtoDune: questions to the infrastructures teams
Nobody from the detectors in the meeting.
7. A.O.B.
For carry materials on the ventilation and extraction platform, V. Clerc proposes to install a
block and tackle (“palant”). V. Clerc will design it and then submit it for validation to EN-CV
and EN-HE.
R. Rinaldesi confirms the date of January2016 to 21rd August2016 when Bonfanti will use
the Salève door to work on the second crane renovation. R. Rinaldesi reminds that a verification
of the crane structure is planned on 17th and 18th of December 2015.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 17th December at 14h00 in 530-R-030.
Minutes reported by B. Raë 10th December 2015