PFSU Year A Suggested Genres Aut 1 Why Do You Love Me So Much? - Stories about Families. - Traditional Tales e.g. Goldilocks - Questions. Aut 2 Why Do Leaves Go Crispy? - Poems & Rhymes about harvest/ autumn - Non –fiction texts about autumn. - Winter themed stories and poems (retelling sequences). Write/draw reports about animals. Can I Have A Dog Yet? Why Do Spiders Eat Flies? How Does That Building Stay Up? Are Eggs Alive? Suggested Genres - - - - Year A Suggested Genres Lower Juniors - Spr 2 Which Was The Biggest Dinosaur? - Adventure Stories. - Texts which compare real and fictional. Year B Information texts. Explanations. - Infants Spr 1 Where Does Snow Go? The Enchanted Woodland - Recounts - Information books & letters - Lists & instructions - Narratives. Year B Suggested Genres Superheroes - Descriptive sentences - Comic strips - Fact files - Labels & captions - Express views. Year A Suggested Genres Scrumdiddlyumptious - Recounts - Recipes - Instructions - Nonsense poetry - Non-chronological Stories & poems about minibeasts. Action songs. Reports. - Stories & Nonfiction books on the theme of buildings. Songs & rhymes about building things. Muck, Mess & Mixtures Bright Lights, Big City - - Labels, lists and captions. - Recipes - Poetry - Narrative - Leaflets Splendid skies - Recounts - Performance Poetry - Postcards - Non-chronological reports Road Trip USA - Postcards - Diary writing - E mails - Myths & Legends - Acrostic poems Recounts, labels & captions - Adventure narrative - Instructions - E mails - Character study Bounce - Classic Poetry - Fairy tales/ Traditional tales - Personal recount Gods & Mortals - Character profiles - Instructions and commands - Myths & Legends - Discussion Action poems. Farm animal stories. - Nonfiction texts about routines and seasons. Paws, Claws and Whiskers - Fables - Recounts - Nursery rhymes & poems - Booklets & lists Instructions Street Detectives - Nursery rhymes - Adverts - Diary writing Potions - Labels & Instructions - Letter writing - Play scripts - Non-chronological Sum 1 Can We Explore It? - Stories & Nonfiction books on the theme of journeys, exploration & travel. - Chanting rhymes. Did Dragons Exist? - Myths. Fact files Job description. Write letters. Sum 2 Am I The Fastest? - Stories, poems and action songs on the theme of fast, slow, sports & games. - Write instructions Why Can’t I Have Chocolate For Breakfast? - Stories & Non-fiction books on the theme of food. - Instructions. - Lists. The Scented Garden Dinosaur Planet - - Fact files - Riddles - Non-chronological reports Recounts Non-chronological reports - Instructions - Narrative - Information books Beat Band Boogie! - Newspaper reports - Lyrics - Invitations Burps, Bottoms & Bile - Explanation texts - Fact files - Idioms - Fantasy Narrative - Slogans & persuasive Wriggle & Crawl - Lists and Leaflets - Instructions - Reviews & information books - Poetry - Writing for different purposes. Traders & Raiders - Character profiles - Historical fiction - Classic poetry - Reports Year B Suggested Genres Upper Juniors reports - Adverts Blue Abyss - Poetry using personification - Dilemma stories - Biography - Persuasive letters - Ballads Year A ID Suggested Genres - Year B Suggested Genres Descriptions narrative - Non-chronological reports - Adverts - Facts & opinions - Tributes - Calligrams Scream Machine - Performance poetry - Short narrative with dialogue - Signage and e mails - Adverts - Non-fiction books - Playscripts Tremors - Narrative using personification - Recounts - Historical fiction - Newspaper reports Poems about volcanoes Frozen Kingdom Predators - Recounts - Leaflets - Poetry - Dilemma stories - Speeches - - Chronological report Short narrative Diaries Haiku poetry Letter writing Revolution - Historical fiction - Non-chronological reports - Biographies - Limericks - Diary/journal writing Gallery Rebels Expressionist poetry Surrealist narrative Explanation texts Research Short narrative Stargazers - Mnemonics - Myths & Legends - Free Verse Poetry - Newspaper reports - Science fiction/graphic novels reports - Classic poetry Mighty Metals - Non-chronologicalreports - Classic fiction - Explanation texts - Glossaries List poetry texts Heroes and Villains - Biography - Dialogue - Riddles - Fairy Tales - Comic Strips Tribal Tales - Information books - Adventure stories - Fact files - Letters - Poetry using similes & metaphor Peasants, Princes & Pestilence - Narrative using personification - Journals - English poetry - Persuasive speech/discussion - Letters Tomorrow’s World Hola Mexico - - Blood Heart - Non-chronological reports - Shape poetry - Slogans & adverts - Biography - Narrative using personification Darwin’s Delights - Labelling & journals - Explanations texts - Diaries - Letters - Newspaper reports Email and blogs Websites News reports Thriller narratives Podcasts Invitations Postcards Instructions Myths and Legends Performance poetry Beast Creator - Non-chronological reports - Instructions & adverts - Comic strips - Limericks and kennings - Fantasy narrative