Classroom Grants Application - Palm Springs Unified School District

The Foundation for the Palm Springs Unified School District
Instructions, Applications and Deadlines
980 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way, Palm Springs, CA 92262
Phone: 760-416-8455 Fax: 760-416-8456
As the nonprofit for the Palm Springs Unified School District, our Foundation builds public-private partnerships to
strengthen our schools and create opportunities for students to achieve.
Our Foundation’s vision is to mobilize individual investors, businesses, teachers, parents, and community leaders to
ensure the success of all our students. By tapping into passion and power, we will unite our community members and
join forces to fulfill the promise of public education and prepare every student for success.
Grant Category:
 Academics  Arts  Health & Well Being  Technology
Access to community resources
In school programs/projects
Special events/performances
Artist, teacher and scholar in residences
Teacher collaboration & development
Apps and or equipment to enhance professional practice and engage students
Teacher collaboration and development
Field Trips
Three (3) categories of grants are available to Palm Springs Unified School District
teachers, counselors, librarians, and other certificated personnel:
 Classroom Mini-Grant $500
 School Site Grant $1000  Collaborative Grant $2500
On a maximum of two (2) sheets of paper (typed, double-spaced, no less than 12 point font and 1-inch margins), in 500 words, include
the following:
Description of project and how the funds will be used.
Clear and concise explanation for use of funds (if funds are to be used as part of a project whose final cost exceeds the grant
amount, include how additional funds will be obtained).
How the project relates to Academics, Arts, Health & Well Being and or Technology
Upon being selected for a grant you agree to submit a one page report upon the completion of your project which is
to include testimonials (Ex: video footage, photographs, and or student statements)
Grant Application Deadline for the 2015-2016 Academic Year: Wednesday September 2, 2015
All applicants must adhere to the grant application guidelines.
By submitting a proposal, applicants agree to follow these guidelines if the proposal is funded.
Applicants must submit one (1) original packet and (9) photo copies (3-Hole Punched) of the completed application to:
Applications can be submitted via PSUSD Intra-District Mail: Attn: The Foundation/Javier Sanchez.
Application can also be dropped off in the reception area of the District Office on Tuesday September 1st
or Wednesday September 2nd during regular business hours.
Applications will be evaluated by The Foundation for the Palm Springs Unified School District Board of Directors.
Grant award notifications will be announced upon completion of all evaluations.
For questions please Email:
The Foundation for Palm Springs Unified School District
980 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way, Palm Springs CA. 92262
Phone: 760-416-8455 Fax: 760-416-8456
The Foundation Grant Application 2015-2016
☐Classroom Mini-Grant $500 ☐School Site Grant $1000 ☐Collaborative Grant $2500
(Funding Projects up to $500)
Name: Click
here to enter text.
Email Address:
School Site:
here to enter text.
Contact Number:
Click here to enter text.
School Address:
(Funding Projects up to $2500)
Date: Click
Click here to enter text.
Principal’s Name:
(Funding Projects up to $1000)
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
School Phone:
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter
Click here to enter text.
Site Administrator:
Click here to enter text.
Dollar Amount Requested: Click
here to enter
Email Address:
Click here to enter text.
Estimated Project Start Date: Click here to
End Date: Click here to enter text.
enter text.
Principals Signature
Grant Category:
☐ Academics ☐ Arts ☐ Health & Well Being ☐ Technology
Project Tittle:
Click here to enter text.
Number of Students Impacted: Click
here to enter text.
To Submit please include the following:
 Cover Letter
 Estimated Project Budget
 Completed Application Form
 Required Signatures
 Maximum two page project description
 (1) Original (9) Photocopies (3-Hole Punched)
_____Upon being selected for a grant I agree to submit a one page report upon the completion of my project which is to include
testimonials (Ex: video footage, photographs, and student statements)
All applications should be completed and submitted no later than Wednesday September 2, 2015.
If you have any further questions please contact the Foundation Administrative Secretary Javier Sanchez via email or by contacting the Foundation office at (760) 416-8455
Applications can be submitted via PSUSD Intra-District Mail: Attn: The Foundation/Javier Sanchez or
dropped off in the reception area of the District Office on Tuesday September 1 st and Wednesday September 2nd
during regular business hours.