IVANO-FRANKIVSK NATIONAL MEDICAL UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY AND URGENT MEDICARE, MEDICINE OF CATASTROPHES “Assert” Chief of Department EUM MC professor V. Crysa “____”________________ 2012 METHODICAL DEVELOPMENT IS FOR STUDENTS for realization of practical employment after an object "Civil defense" Theme № 2. " PROTECTING OF POPULATION AND TERRITORIES IS FROM EXTRAORDINARY SITUATIONS " It is prepared by the teacher of department Fabryka R. It is discussed on meeting of department “____”_____________ 2012 Protocol №_________. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2012 To learn the task of medical service of civil defense and composition of the basic forming, necessary for work in the hearths of extraordinary situations, and also learn basic principles and facilities of defense of population at extraordinary situations. 90 min 2. Time 3. Place of realization ауд. 5 4. Educational-material rigging 1. Educational purpose а) Literature 1. Law of Ukraine "On legal principles of civil defense" / of list of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2004, N 39, ст.488. 2. Kuchma М. М. the Civil defensive (civil defense) : the Train aid. it is Lviv: "Magnolia plus", 2006. 359 с. 3. Medical forces and establishments of government service of medicine of catastrophes. Methodical recommendations / are Under an editor В.О. Волошина. it is Kyiv, 1998. - 39 с. 4. Черняков Г.О., Кочін І.В., Сидоренко П. And. Medicine of catastrophes. К.: "Health", 2001. - 348с. 5. Дубицкий А.Е., Семенов И.О., Чепкий Л. П. Medicine of catastrophes. - К.: "Health", 1993. - 462с. 5. Educational questions and timing 1. Single state system of civil defense of population 2. Basic principles of activity of the system of civil defense 3. Task of civil defense 4. Defense of population 5. Facilities of collective defense 6. Dosimetric devices and their settings 2 1. SINGLE ST AT E SYST EM O F CIVIL DEFENSE O F PO PULATIO N The single state system of civil defense of population and territories (farther is the single system of civil defense) is an aggregate of organs of management, forces and facilities of central and local organs of executive power, organs of local self-government, upon which re- alization of public policy depends in the field of civil defense. Subsystems of the single system of civil defense are an aggregate of inferior to the specially authorized central organ of executive power of functional and territorial organs of management, upon which set a law tasks depend in the concrete spheres of civil defense. Service of civil providing of fire technogenic, defense is government service of the special character, safety, prevention and reacting on other extraordinary natural and military character, by liquidation of their related to situations of consequences, defense of population and territories from their negative influence. Operatively-rescue service of civil defense is the special militarized forming upon which protecting of population and territories depends from the extraordinary situations of technogenic, natural and military character, participating in the measures of territorial defensive, and also international rescue and other humanitarian operations. Forces and facilities of civil defense are divisions of civil defense, voluntarily emergency-saving equipment, rescue a personnel forming, fire other property, intended for of consequences of failures, floods, earthquakes and other and workers of organs and sub- and emergency-saving technique, extinguishing catastrophes of fires, liquidation of technogenic, bio- logical, radiation, chemical or ecological and military character, minimization of consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe. An area of possible defeat is separate territory or object, on which as a result of extraordinary situation of technogenic, natural or military character there is a threat to life or health of people or infliction of material losses. Liquidation of consequences of extraordinary situations is realization of complex of measures, which include emergency-saving and other urgent works which are carried out in the case of origin of extraordinary situations of technogenic, natural and military character (farther are extraordinary situations), and actions of dangerous factors, rescuing of life and maintenance of health of people sent to stopping, and also on localization of areas of extraordinary situations. Wrecking are works, sent to the search, rescuing and defense of people (including a grant to them of the first medical aid), defense of material and cultural values and environment during liquidation of consequences of extraordinary situations, with bringing in of workers, which have the special preparation, facilities of individual defense and rigging. Near-term measures from liquidation of consequences of extraordinary situation are operative realization of organizationally-technical and other urgent measures, minimum necessities of life-support of population, which suffered as a result of extraordinary situation, sent to providing . 3 Technogenic safety is the state of security of population, territory, objects negative consequences of extraordinary from the situations of technogenic character. Unfavorable domestic or non-standard situations are situations, which arise up in the way of life, unproductive sphere, which did not purchase the scale of extraordinary situation, but show by itself a threat to life and health of people or infliction of material losses. 2. BASIC PRINCIPLES O F ACTIVITY O F SYSTE M O F CIVIL DEFENSE Civil defense is carried out on principles: guaranteeing the state to the citizens of constitutional right of defense of life, health and their property, and to the legal entities are rights on the safe functioning; voluntarily at bringing in of people to realization of measures in the field of civil defense, related to the risk for life and health; complex going near the decision of tasks of civil defense; creation of the system of rational preventive safety with the purpose of the maximally possible, uations economic reasonable diminishing to probability of origin of extraordinary sit- minimizations of their consequences; territorialness and functionality of the single system of civil defense; to publicity, free access of population to information in the field of civil defense in accordance with a legislation. 3. TASK O F CIVIL DEFENSE The basic tasks of civil defense are: collection and analytical working of information are about extraordinary situations; prognostication and estimation of socio-economic consequences of extraordinary situa- tions; realization of supervision and control in the field of civil defense; development and implementation of legislative and other normatively-legal acts, observance of norms and standards in the field of civil defense; development and realization of measures of suppression are in the field of civil de- fense; creation, maintenance and rational use of material resources, necessary for prevention of extraordinary situations; development and implementation of the scientific and technical programs, sent to prevention of extraordinary situations; providing of functioning of the system of urgent help to the population after an only telephone number 112; the article 5 is complemented № 4499 - VI ( 4499-17 ) from 13.03.2012. 4 by a new indention by law operative notification of population is about an origin or threat of origin nary situation, measures which timely reliable are used informing of situation which of extraordiis folded, and for prevention of extraordinary situations and overcoming of their consequences; organization of defense of population and territories is from extraordinary situations, grant of the first psychological, medical and other aid to the victims; realization of urgent tions and works organization from liquidation of consequences of extraordinary situa- of life-support of suffering population; providing of permanent readiness of forces and facilities of civil defense is to prevention of extraordinary situations and liquidation of their consequences; grant with the use of facilities of civil defense of operative help to the population in the case of origin of unfavorable domestic or non-standard situations; studies of population to the methods of defense in the case of origin of extraordinary, unfavorable domestic or non-standard situations and organization of training; international cooperation is in the field of civil defense 4. DEFENSE O F PO PULATIO N With the purpose of effective realization of tasks of civil defense, diminishing of material losses and non-admission of harm to the objects, material and cultural values and environment in the case of origin of extraordinary situations central and local organs of executive power, organs of local self-government, inferior to them forces and facilities, enterprises, establishments and organizations regardless of pattern of ownership, the voluntarily rescue forming carry out notification and informing, supervision and laboratory control, shelter in protective building, evacuation, engineering, medical, psychological, biological, ecological, radiation and chemical defense. Notification and informing Notification and informing in the field of there is the operative revealing civil defense include: to the population of information about an origin or possible threat of origin of extraordinary situations, including through national, territorial and local CASS of the centralized notification; the done early creation stantly and organizationally-technical combination of the con- operating in-plant systems of notification and informing of population are with the special systems of supervision and control in the areas of possible defeat; the centralized use of communication, broadcast, television and other tools of in- formation transfer networks is regardless of pattern of ownership and submission in the case of origin of extraordinary situations. Among of the protective measures of the of Civil of defensive, carried out beforehand, an especially important value is occupied by organization of notification of organs of the of Civil of defensive, forming of CD of and population about the threat of origin of extraordinary situation. 5 Acquires of the special value of notification in the case of sudden origin of extraordinary situation of peaceful or military time, it reduces the losses of people considerably. For of providing notifications are used facilities of notification: communication (telephones, television, radios) means; hardware of mass information (television sets, radios-transceivers); electro-sirens; auxiliary facilities; An of of signal is of "Attention of all"! given by including of electro - sirens, productive honks and other signals. After of the serve of preventive signal of "Attention of all"! a population is under an obligation a plug in radio, TV-stations, broadcasting transceivers of the for listening of urgent report. Linguistic of information transfer with the use of broadcasting knots, TV-stations and a broadcast is the basic method of notification of populations in the extraordinary situations of peace - time and in the conditions of war. In a war-time, informing is carried out after such types of information : 1. "Air danger". 2. "Completion of air danger". 3. "Threat of chemical infection". 4. "Threat of radiation infection". In a peace-time, informing is carried out after such types of information : 1. "Accident is on a nuclear power plant". 2. " Accident is on a chemically dangerous object". 3. "Flood". 4. "About a possible earthquake". 5. "Stormy warning". Supervision and laboratory control A supervision and laboratory control include: creation and torial maintenance networks permanent readiness of national and terri- of supervision and laboratory control; organization of collection, contamination in of foods working and state information transfer environment, of feed, food raw material, feed-stuff, water by, chemical radionuclide's and infectious microorganisms. Shelter is in protective building 1. For providing of shelter of population in cities, villages, settlements the fund of pro- tective building is created by a way: complex mastering of underground space of settlements for the concertedly by both parties of placing in him of building and apartments of the productive and economic setting taking into account the necessity of adaptation and use of part of apartments for shelter of population tions; 6 in the case of origin of extraordinary situa- there are an inspection and registering underground and surface building and building, which answer the requirements of defense, building of underground space of settlements, mountain making and natural cavities; equipment is taking into account the requirements of defense of basement and other deepening apartments; building of deepening building, other immobile objects, adjusted for implementation of tasks of civil defense; building is in the period of threat of origin of extraordinary situations of the simplest depositories and shelters; building of separate depositories and against x-rays shelters. 2. The fund of protective building in a peace-time is used for economic, cultural and domestic requirements in the order which is determined by the specially authorized central organ of executive power on questions civil defense. Realization of measures is on evacuation of population 1. In the conditions of the insufficient providing protective building in settlements, where the located objects of the increased danger are, and also in a special period the basic method of defense of population are his evacuation and placing in areas, safe for a residence. 2. A population, which lives in settlements, which are astrophic submergence, chemical defeat, is subject evacuation, in the areas of possible catin the districts of origin of natural calamity, failures and catastrophes, if there is an instant danger to life and health of people. 3. In the case of population of temporal 4. General origin of extraordinary situation general or partial evacuation of or irretrievable character is conducted . evacuation of population in a special period is conducted in separate re- gions in decision of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in time: radio-active contamination an instant danger to life hazards are round nuclear power plants (if there is and health of population, which lives a defeat in an area); threats of catastrophic submergence of locality are with the less than for 4 hours running to of breach wave; origin of threat to life and health of population, which lives the origin of extraordinary situation of military character in an area. 5. Partial evacuation of population in the case of origin or threat of origin of extraordinary situation on corresponding territory is conducted in decision of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, if other is not set by a law. 6. During realization of partial or general evacuation it is not busy in a production and sphere of maintenance of population, students, students of educational establishments, pupils of child's houses, pensioners and invalids which hold back in houses for persons years old, together with teachers and educators, by an auxiliary personnel and members of their families evacuated first of all. 7. Evacuation of population from dangerous districts is conducted on foot and by export of his basic part the by a present transport. 7 8. With the purpose of prevention of displays of panic and non-admission of death of people during evacuation provided: planning of evacuation of population; determination of areas, suitable for placing of the evacuated population from po- tentially dangerous areas; organization of notification of executive power, of leading organs composition of central and local organs of local self-government, enterprises, establish- ments and organizations is regardless of pattern of ownership and population about beginning of evacuation; management realization of evacuation; creation minimum of necessary terms is for the vital functions of the evacuated population; studies of population to the actions are during realization of evacuation. Engineering defense of territory With the purpose of conditioning increased technogenic loading and of safe residence of population on territory with the risk of origin of extraordinary situations the measures of engineering defense are carried out territories which include : account during development of general layouts of building of settlements con- duct of town-planning in the conditions of the increased risk of possibility of origin of extraordinary situations on separate territories and in regions; realization of control after the rational placing potentially of dangerous objects taking into account the possible consequences of extraordinary situations for safety of population and environment in the case of origin of such situations; building of building, houses, engineering networks and transport communica- tions is with the set strength and reliability securities; development and input of measures are in relation to the accident-free function- ing potentially of dangerous objects; Psychological defense Prevention or diminishing of degree of negative psychological influence on a population and timely grant of effective psychological help is provided by realization of such measures : planning of activity and use of existent forces and facilities of subdivisions of the psychological providing of the specially authorized central organ of executive power is on questions civil defense; an exposure is by means of psychological and sociological methods of factors which assist the origin of social psychological tension; the use of modern technologies of psychological influence is for neutralization of negative influence on a population. Ecological defense Ecological defense 8 includes realization of nature protection measures, directed on, : protecting of deposits (gas, petroleum, coal, peat) is from fires, submergences and collapses; liquidation of forest fires and wind-fallen trees, snow breaks, wind-fallen trees, technogenic influence on the forest planting, and also their consequences. Radiation and chemical defense 1. Radiation and chemical defense includes the exposure of hearths of radiation and chemical contamination and realization of his estimation, organization and realization of dosimetric and providing chemical control, of radiation and development and input of the typical modes of radiation defense, chemical defense facilities, organization and realization of the spe- cial and sanitary treatment. 2. Radiation and chemical defense is provided by realization of such measures : the done early accumulation and maintenance are in permanent readiness of facilities of radiation and chemical defense, volumes and places of storage of which are determined it is differentiated in accordance with the areas of possible defeat; timely introduction of facilities, methods and methods of exposure and estimation of scales and consequences of failures, destructions on radiation and chemically dangerous objects; creation of compatible facilities of defense, devices of radiation, chemical secret service and dosimetric control; a grant to the population of acquisition option is in the personal use of facili- ties of radiation and chemical defense; development of the typical modes of radiation defense of population and functioning of objects is in the conditions of done early equipment radiation radiocontammant of locality; and chemically dangerous objects by facilities for realization of the special treatment of clothes, property and transport vehicles, and also sanitization of population, suffering as a result of extraordinary situation; development of general criteria, methods and methods of supervisions is in re- lation to the estimation of radiation and chemical situation. 5. FACILITIES O F CO L LECTIVE DEFENSE DEPOSITORIES ARE PROTECTIVE BUILDING OF IMPERMEABLE TYPE, INTENDED FOR PROTECTING OF PEOPLE FROM ALL STRIKING FACTORS OF NUCLEAR EXPLOSION, AND ALSO FROM TOXIC CHEMICAL AGENT AND BACTERIAL FACILITIES. In the extraordinary situations of peace-time depositories provide protecting of people from the action of high temperatures, poisoning of burning, defeat of TOXIC CHEMICAL AGENT and ionizing radiation foods. Depositories have basic and auxiliary apartments. To basic compartments belong for shelter, management points, first-aid stations. In depositories for medical establishments opened out operation-bandaging block, co-operation, sterilizing 9 apartment and others like that. To the auxiliary apartments filtration-vent apartments, apartments, belong for diesel-generators, electrical control box, apartments for storage of gas and oil materials, food, sanitary knots, platformsluice, platform. For admission of people a depository must have entrances and repair exits. If the height of apartments presents a 2,25-2,9 m, double plank beds settle down, if height a 2,9 m and anymore three-high. Air supply of depositories is provided after three modes. Mode 1 - clean ventilation. At such mode a filtration-vent system of depository purges air from a radio-active and other dust (in an antidustborne filter). Mode 2 - to filter-ventilation. External air in filters-absorbers clears up from TOXIC CHEMICAL AGENT, bacterial facilities and dust. Mode 3 are regenerations. It is the basic mode of defense under time failures on chemical dangerous object. If external air is considerably gassed by harmful matters and foods of burning, the regeneration of internal air is conducted, excessive pressure of air is simultaneously created into a depository. If it is impossible to conduct the regeneration of air in a depository, the serve of oxygen is carried out from bulbs. The amount of air on one man, which is given, is set depending on the temperature of air : in the case of the mode by 1 - 8-13м3/hours, in the case of the mode by 2 - 2-10м3/hours Deposi- tories must have a power supply from the town electric system, and in case of failure - autonomous. The water and sewage system of depositories system is connected to the town network. In case of failure of town networks in a depository capacities are foreseen for the emergency stock of drinkingwater from a calculation 3 л on one man on twenty-four hours, and also autonomous transceivers of faecal waters. A depository must have telephone connection with the point of management and loud speakers, connected to town and local broadcasting networks. On protective properties depositories are divided into 4 classes: 1 class - to 5 kg/of см2 maintain pressure of shock wave; 2 classes - to 3 kg/of см2 maintain pressure of shock wave; 3 classes and 4 - to 2 kg/of см2 and to 1 kg/of см2 maintain pressure of shock wave; After a capacity on: small - to 600 persons; middle - from 600 to 2000 persons; large - more than 2000 persons. After the place of establishment of location : built-in and separately located. After providing a filter-ventilation equipment : off-farm and simplified. At times building: those which are built in advance and fast to build (built at the threat of attack of opponent). Depositories must provide creation of necessary sanitary-hygienic terms. The basic indexes of these terms are: presence of carbon monoxide, temperature and humidity of air. In depositories air must have carbon monoxide no more 1% (maximum a possible concentration is immission limit 3%), relative humidity no more 70% (ГДК - 80%) and temperature, not higher 23°С (immission limit - 31°С). 10 The apartments of depositories are divided into basic and auxiliary. To basic take: apartment for shelter of people and platforms-sluices. To auxiliary are filter-ventilation chambers, sanitary knots, protected diesel power-stations, protected entrances and outputs, medical rooms, pantries for foods and water, repair exits. An repair exits settles down as an underground gallery the size of 90 х a 130 cm with an output on territory, which is not heaped (a half of building height is plus three meters) up through a vertical mine which. In small cities and settlements, rural locality, id est. in an out-of-town area, a basic danger radiation contamination of locality will present, that is why for defense of local population which is evacuated from cities, against x-rays prepare. Against x-rays shelters (TRUDGE) are protective building, which provide protecting of people from the striking action of ionizing irradiation, light irradiation and partly from a shock wave. After the degree of defense TRUDGE divided into 3 groups: 1 group - a gamut-irradiation weakens an action in 100-200 times; 2 groups - a gamut-irradiation weakens an action in 50-100 times; 3 groups - a gamut-irradiation weakens an action in 20-50 times. Natural or mechanical ventilation is foreseen in against x-rays shelters, energy- and watersupply from a general network. In default of sluice it is necessary to keep a reserve of water from a calculation 2 liters on one man on twenty-four hours. Simple shelters are building, which provide protecting of people from low-powered mechanical character of damaging factors, ionizing irradiation, some drastic poisonous matters. To them basement and semi-base apartments, trenches, cracks, can be taken. 6. CLASSIFICAT IO N O F DO SIMETRIC DEVICES A ND TH EIR SETTING Devices of radiation secret service of locality. For the conduct of radiation secret service the indicators of radio-activity and x-ray-meters are used. Indicator of radio-activity of ДП-63-А is intended for the exposure of nuclear contamination of locality, measuring of small levels of radiation and determination of contamination of locality of , by -radiations. Measuring range by from 0,1 to 50 р\hours Even a gamut-radiation measure on height of a 70-100 cm from a terrene. For determination of -radiation it is necessary to conduct two measuring on height of a to 30 cm from a terrene (one at the closed lid in days the case of device, and second - at open). The difference of the got testimonies testifies to the presence of -radiation. Signalling of device/indicator of of ДП- of 64 intended for a permanent radiation supervision and notification about nuclear contamination of locality. An of device works in the observant mode and provides by means of the automatic voice and light signaling a report about the reach level of radiation gamut - radiation 0,2 Р/of by hours of Feeds of device from the network of alternating current with tension 127/220 V or storage battery with tension 6 V. 11