1 Supplementary Material 2 Transformation of dissolved organic phosphorus to phosphate using UV/H2O2 3 Section A. UV Fluence Calculations 4 UVCalc 1.0.5 (Bolton Photosciences) can be used to determine the UV fluence rate 5 (mW/cm2) for a given annular reactor design and a raw water UV254 absorbance. This fluence 6 rate is then multiplied by the UV exposure time to get the UV fluence (mJ/cm2). However, 7 UVCalc cannot account for the changes in UV254 absorbance that occur during the course of an 8 experiment. As a result, the program underestimates the UV fluence rate because as the 9 experiment progresses the UV254 absorbance decreases, leading to a corresponding increase in 10 the fluence rate. Due to this limitation, three values for UV fluence are provided for each 11 experiment: minimum, maximum, and modeled, shown in Tables A1 and A2. The modeled UV 12 fluence values are given in the research article. 13 UV254 absorbance data and UVCalc were used to model the actual UV fluence. First, as 14 shown in Figure A1 and Equation A1, UVCalc was used to determine an equation for UV 15 fluence rate based on the water matrix’s UV254 absorbance. 16 𝐹𝑙𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 = 2.473(𝐴𝑏𝑠)2 − 7.248(𝐴𝑏𝑠) + 8.260 17 (A1) Where Fluence Rate is the UV fluence rate (mW/cm2) and Abs is UV254 absorbance 18 (cm-1). Then, data from this study was used to determine equations for UV254 absorbance based 19 on the time of UV exposure and the shown in Figures A3–A4 and Equations A2–A3. The data 20 were modeled using an exponential regression because preliminary data from our study, shown 21 in Figure A2, and data from other studies clearly show that UV254 reduction is exponential for 22 the UV/H2O2 AOP [1,2]. Figure A3 and Equation A2 are for synthetic water experiments, 1 23 Figure A4 and Equation A3 are for H2O2 and raw Everglades water, and Figure A5 and Equation 24 A4 are for H2O2 and 2× diluted Everglades water. 25 26 27 28 29 𝐴𝑏𝑠 = 0.297𝑒 −0.096𝑡 𝐴𝑏𝑠 = 0.810𝑒 −0.032𝑡 𝐴𝑏𝑠 = 0.503𝑒 −0.052𝑡 30 estimated using Equations A1-A4. As an example, substituting Equation A3 into Equation A1 31 yields Equation A5. 32 𝐹𝑙𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 = 2.473 (0.810𝑒 −0.03260 ) − 7.248 (0.810𝑒 −0.03260 ) + 8.260 33 Where Fluence Rate is the UV fluence rate (mW/cm2) and t is time (secs). Integrating, Equation 34 A5 across time produces UV fluence, as shown Equation A6. Equation A6 shows an example 35 calculation for the modeled UV fluence at a UV exposure time of 60 minutes for H2O2. 36 𝑈𝑉 𝐹𝑙𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 = ∫0 (A2) (A3) (A4) Where Abs is UV254 absorbance (cm-1) and t is time (min). 𝑡 37 38 3600 21,800 𝑚𝐽 𝑐𝑚2 = 21.8 2 UV fluence can then be 𝑡 𝑡 2 (A5) 𝑡 2.473 (0.810𝑒 −0.03260 ) − 7.248 (0.810𝑒 −0.03260 ) + 8.260 𝑑𝑡 = 𝐽 (A6) 𝑐𝑚2 Where t is time (secs). This procedure was used to calculate all the modeled UV fluences 39 shown in Tables A1. One limitation of this approach is the limited data used to develop 40 Equations A2-A4. For this reason, we have provided the minimum and maximum possible UV 41 fluences for each experiment in Tables A1. The minimum UV fluence is calculated based on the 42 fluence rate at the start of the experiment, when the UV254 absorbance of the water matrix is 43 highest. In contrast, the maximum UV fluence is calculated based on the fluence rate at the end 44 of the experiment, when the UV254 absorbance is lowest. These two values represent the UV 45 fluence upper and lower bounds for all experiments. 2 Table A1. UV fluence for experiments conducted in this study. UV Exposure Time (min) Water Type Min Dose (J/cm2) 6 10 10-2X 12 12 60 60 60-2X Syntheticb Naturald Naturale Syntheticb Syntheticc Syntheticb Naturald Naturale 2.2a 2.0 2.7 4.4a 4.4a 21.9a 12.3 16.2 Max Dose (J/cm2) 2.7 3.2 4.3 5.6 5.5 29.7 26.6 29.1 Modeled Dose (J/cm2) 2.4 2.7 3.5 5.1 –f 28.5 21.8 26.1 a The average initial UV254 value for all synthetic waters was used in this calculation. H2O2 dose was 50 mg H2O2/L c H2O2 dose was 25 mg H2O2/L d Raw Everglades water. H2O2 dose was 100 mg H2O2/L e 2×-diluted Everglades water. H2O2 dose was 100 mg H2O2/L f Not enough UV254 data available to synthetic UV fluence. As a result, the modeled fluence for a H 2O2 dose of 50 mg H2O2/L was used as an estimate. b Figure A1. Average UV fluence rates for different UV254 absorbance values for the annular UV reactor used in this study. Calculated using UVCalc software. Figure A2. Changes in UV254 absorbance as a function of UV exposure time for raw Everglades water from STA-1W treated with UV light only. 3 Figure A3. Changes in UV254 absorbance as a function of UV exposure time for all synthetic waters treated with a H2O2 dose of 50 mg H2O2/L. Figure A4. Changes in UV254 absorbance as a function of UV exposure time for raw Everglades water from STA-1W treated with a H2O2 dose of 100 mg H2O2/L. Figure A5. Changes in UV254 absorbance as a function of UV exposure time for 2× diluted Everglades water from STA-1W treated with a H2O2 dose of 100 mg H2O2/L. 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 4 54 Section B. Triethly Phosphate (TEP) Molar Absorption coefficient, ε 55 TEP ((C2H5)3PO4) from Alfa Aesar was diluted to 1 M in both methanol and DI water [3]. A 56 Hitachi U-2900 spectrophotometer was used to determine the absorbance of these solutions 57 (subtracting the background solutions) at wavelengths from 200 – 400 nm. Using these 58 absorbances and the molar concentration of TEP, the molar absorption coefficient can be 59 calculated using the following equation: ε = A/cl 60 (B1) 61 Where ε is the molar absorption coefficient (M-1 cm-1), A is absorbance, c is the molar 62 concentration of TEP (M), and l is path length (cm). The results for both solutions are shown in 63 Figure B1 and Figure B2. The molar absorption coefficient for TEP is less than five at 254 nm 64 in both figures. These results show that TEP is a poor light-absorbing compound and does not 65 interfere with the creation of hydroxyl radicals during the UV/H2O2 AOP [4]. 1.0 ε (M-1 cm-1) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 200 66 250 300 Wavelength (nm) 350 400 Figure B1. Molar absorption coefficients (ε) for TEP in methanol for the wavelength range 200 – 400 nm. 67 5 1.0 ε (M-1 cm-1) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 200 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 250 300 Wavelength (nm) 350 400 Figure B2. Molar absorption coefficients (ε) for TEP in deionized water for the wavelength range 200 – 400 nm. References 1. Goslan E., Gurses F., Banks J. and Parsons S. (2006). An investigation into reservoir NOM reduction by UV photolysis and advanced oxidation processes. Chemosphere, 65, 11131119. 2. Vilhunen S., Vilve M., Vepsäläinen M. and Sillanpää M. (2010). Removal of organic matter from a variety of water matrices by UV photolysis and UV/H2O2 method, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 179(1-3), 776-782. 3. Watts M. (2008). Photochemical degradation of aqueous organics in chlorinated solutions. PhD Disseration, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA. 4. Watts M. (2008). Photooxidation and subsequent biodegradability of recalcitrant tri-alkyl phosphates TCEP and TBP in water. Water Research, 42, 4949-4954 6