Ghent University is currently looking to recruit 3 Ph D students: To perform a multidisciplinary marine research project NEWSTHEPS: New strategies for monitoring and risk assessment of hazardous chemicals in the marine environment with passive samplers Research groups involved: Environmental Toxicology unit (GhEnToxLab), (prof. Karel De Schamphelaere & prof. Colin Janssen) Environmental Organic Chemistry and Technology (EnVOC), (prof. Kristof Demeestere & prof. Herman Van Langenhove) Laboratory of Chemical Analysis (LCA), (prof. Lynn Vanhaecke) Project description: This NEWSTHEPS project will run in the context of the BELSPO (Belgian Science Policy) program and is a continuation of other marine research projects in the same field (e.g. INRAM). The project will develop innovative approaches and novel practical techniques that address the current fundamental scientific and methodological issues related to the implementation of Good Environmental Status of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive in national and European waters. Novel and integrated passive sampler (PS)-based approaches (modelling and measurements) will be developed for both chemical exposure (monitoring) and ecotoxicological effect assessment (passive dosing). The project will focus on the quantitation of an extended set of priority and emerging organic micropollutants (targeted approach). Next to that, untargeted analysis with high-resolution mass spectrometry will be performed to develop qualitative screening approaches able to detect trace levels of a virtually unlimited number of known (suspect) and possibly unknown contaminants. This novel and integrated approach will allow (1) better measurement of contamination levels in the marine environment, and (2) to assess the ecotoxicity of multi-component mixtures including possible synergistic and cumulative effects and compound profiling or identification. The development and validation of an integrated model to quantify the environmental status of the Belgian coastal zone by predicting accumulation, trophic transfer and effects of chemicals in this specific (local) ecosystem are central issues in this project. Ultimately, this integrated approach will lead to the development of novel procedures for comprehensive environmental monitoring and risk assessment of a broad set of both priority and emerging contaminants in the marine environment allowing an integrated, more efficient, cost-effective and scientifically relevant way to assess GES. The project will start early September 2015 and will take 4 years. Your profile: We are looking for three highly motivated researchers with various education profiles and with great interest in and/or very good knowledge of at least one of the following fields: - Analytical chemistry Marine Ecology or Ecotoxicology Ecological Modeling Candidates should have an M. Sc. diploma (or should obtain one before 1 October 2015) and should have a good command of English. How to apply: Please send all of the following information via e-mail to all of the following addresses;; and - a brief (maximum 1-page) application letter (in which you explain your motivation for this project and scientific research in general) - curriculum vitae - proof of study results (e.g. score sheets) - short description (max. ½ page) of your M. Sc. thesis research (+ lab and promoter) Please send this information to us at the latest on 2 July, 2015. Please already note that interviews with candidates will take place on 9 July, 2015.