Alison - Teens Turning Green

Macaulay Honors College
Sustainable World Fight
Reach the sustainable world before your opponents do by answering the questions correctly.
The Cards:
Each card will have a question and an answer upon it. The player to your left will read the
question out loud and you will have to answer correctly. If you answer correctly, move up 1
space. If you answer incorrectly, move back 2 spaces. If you answer incorrectly on your first
turn, remain on the start position.
Macaulay Honors College
How to play:
1. Get your friends together and start playing Sustainable Fight! You will need 3-4 players
to start!
2. Each player will choose one playing piece and place it on the start position. The person
who is the oldest will start first, and then the game will continue clockwise.
3. On a player’s turn, the player to the left will read a question card to the player. The player
will then have 30 seconds to answer the question. If correct, the player will move forward
1 space. If not, the player will have to move back two spaces.
4. When a player reaches the sustainable world, the player wins.
Q1: Name the U.S. Governmental Agency that reigns over the U.S. Food Industry. Player must
state the whole name and its functions.
A: USDA – United States Department of Agriculture. The USDA watches over all parts of the
food industry including: production, transportation and consumption.
Q2: Which type of conventional food has the most pesticides when it reaches consumers?
A: Apples. Conventional apples have the most pesticides used on them and their skill holds many
of the pesticides.
Macaulay Honors College
Q3: Who was responsible for the whistleblowing of the use of the pesticide DDT for agricultural
uses .
A: Rachel Carson. Rachel Carson found out that DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane) has a
major detrimental effect on species of birds and the animal kingdom. Sue to her book, Silent
Spring, the U.S. EPA banned the use of the pesticide in the US.
Q4: Which type of farming style is NOT considered sustainable? (1) Monoculture farming (2)
Hydroponic Farming
A: (1) Monoculture Farming is not a sustainable practice because it relies heavily on the use of
pesticides and added synthetic fertilizers. These pesticides and fertilizers may seep into the
waterways and impact surrounding ecosystems. Additionally, it degrades the soil and reduces
Q5: What are the advantages and disadvantages of factory farming in the meat industry?
A: Advantages: a higher yield of product, smaller amount of land needed per animal
Disadvantages: confinement of thousands of animals in cramped conditions, creation of a huge
amount of waste, leads to air, water and soil pollution.
Q6: What does organic agriculture really mean?
A: A more sustainable method of agriculture that focuses on natural pest management, natural
fertilization and healthy soils. Most of all, organic agriculture focuses minimizing impact on the
Q7: The US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Organic Program requires a certain
quality. What are those regulations placed for the National Organic Progam?
 A: Prohibit most synthetic (and petroleum derived) pesticides and fertilizers (for a list see
the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances)
 Prohibit all antibiotics, genetic engineering, irradiation4 and sewage sludge
Require all organically produced animals have 100% organic feed (which does not
contain any animal byproducts or growth hormones)
 Require all organically produced animals to have access to the outdoors.
 Require that processed products labeled organic contain at least 95% organic ingredients.
Q8: Why does going to local food markets help support sustainable agriculture?
A: Local farmers markets bring produce and food to greenmarkets to sell and distribute goods.
When farms are close to areas of distribution, they can pick foods when they are ripe and ship
them to the market. There is less need for lengthy transportation for the produce. This allows for
less pollution.
Q9: Are pesticides safe for human consumption?
A: The definition of pesticide is a substance to help protect produce from pests. These pesticides
used in conventional agriculture are not healthy to humans. So, are less lethal then others and
when dissipated they do no harm. However others are proven carcinogens and neurotoxins.
Macaulay Honors College
Q10: Why are pesticides used on food?
A: Pesticides are commonly used to keep away pests. In the agriculture market today, there are
monoculture crops which make tons of the specific produce. In monocultures, you need a nonnatural way of preventing your entire crop from wilting. The agricultural business uses it because
it is cost effective.
Q11: What is the difference between organic food created by large corporations and sustainable
food production?
A: Organic food can be created by large corporations but sustainable food production needs to be
carried out by small farms that are close to where they sell their produce.
Q12: Are artificial hormones allowed in organic farming? What about sustainable food
A: Artificial hormones are not allowed in either type of farming.
Q13: What type of chemical do tomato farmers use to fumigate the soils of all living organisms
before planting for the season?
A: Methyl Bromide. This chemical removes all living organisms from the soil before planting
tomato plants.
Q14:How are organic meats classified?
A: Not only do they allow animals the freedom of movement, they also come from farms that use
organic feed, do not administer added hormones to promote growth or any antibiotics.
Q15: What can you do to help support sustainable food movement?
A: Buy from your local greenmarket, support organic foods (make sure they have the USDA
certified label), diversify new types of seasonal fruits instead of eating the same vegetables year