minutes of 12th January 2015 - Dudley Learning Disability

Directorate of Adult, Community and Housing Services
Complex and Inclusion Services
The Ladies Walk Centre, Ladies Walk, Sedgley, Dudley, West Midlands. DY3 3UA
Tel: (01384) 813252 Fax: (01384) 813502
Draft Minutes
Meeting Title
Learning Disability Partnership Board
Monday 12th January 2015, 1.30pm – 3.30pm
Insight House, Pearson Street, Brierley Hill, DY5 3BL
Brendan Clifford, Neil Davies (Chair), Sarah Offley,
Charles Muchenje, Diane Baker, Julie Cox,
Jo Forbes, Paul Jaunzems, Ann-Marie Carter,
Gilly Hammett, Alex Burns, Madeleine Cowley,
Mollie Berry, Dave Buxton, Gita Patel,
Saleem Naz, Maniza Begum, Cllr David Vickers,
Jacqui Howells, Adam Kirby
In Attendance
Shobha Asar-Paul, Paul Benge
Minute Taker
Susan Bradley
Neill Bucktin, Lynda Nock, Donna Patel, Viv Webb,
Sharon Davies , Rachael Burton, Tina Harrison
1. Welcome
Neil welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions
were made.
2. Apologies
Apologies were given as indicated above.
3. Minutes of Last Meeting and Matters Arising
The draft minutes dated Monday 10th November 2014 were
discussed and agreed.
An amendment to names – Page 1 Dr A Kirby should be
Adam Kirby and Page 7. Incorrect spelling Manna Begum
should be Maniza Begum also Maniza’s question was
LDPB Minutes 12.01.2015
relating to Christine Rowley’s
regarding the Chief Executive.
Matters Arising (Easy Read Minutes)
Page 2. Brendan said he has met with Nicola McGregor
and she has a lot of experience working with carers and
suggested inviting her to a meeting to discuss her role. Sue
to invite Nicola to the next Partnership Board meeting.
Page 3. Brendan raised the issue of the word ‘Safeguarding’
and said that it is used by the Government. It will continue
to be used but will look at changing the communication
mechanism in time.
Page 6. Donna Patel and Julie Cox attended the GP Event.
Julie said that the event went well and received positive
feedback from the evaluation forms. Approximately 70/80
GPs attended and every GP practice, total of 52 in the
Dudley Borough was represented. Racheal presented a
communication session and detailed information was
discussed on learning disability and the network.
4. Feedback from Dudley Voices for Choice
Feedback from Diane.
Dudley Voices for Choice have achieved their first year of
charity status. They are very proud of this and looking
forward to the future.
The Shine event is now planned and will be happening on
the 24th February. This is a celebration for Dudley's talent.
Dudley Voices for Choice hope that you will attend. There
will be singing, dancing, poetry and many other acts.
Dudley Voices for Choice are planning an event in line with
the Mencap campaign ‘Hear My Voice’, and have invited
all local MP's to attend a session with people with learning
disabilities and autism, to explain why they should vote for
Gilly asked about the Shine event invitations. Sarah said
they should be available in 2 weeks time. The event will
LDPB Minutes 12.01.2015
take place at Brierley Hill Civic Hall at 7pm.
5. Feedback from Carers Group
Madeleine said that she had met with Cllr. David Branwood
and Brendan to discuss carers’ issues relating to the
Independent Living Fund finishing in June 2015. There are 76
people within Dudley who currently receive the
Independent Living Fund. The total amount of funds people
currently have is 1.3 million which will be transferred to the
Local Authority next year. The Council are not committed
to spend these funds in the same manner.
Assessments were to be completed by the end of last year
but these have not yet taken place. Brendan is going to
look into this.
Brendan said that all people who receive Independent
Living Fund will be reviewed and assessments completed.
All clients have been notified and Social Workers are
arranging visits.
Dudley Voices for Choice will be meeting with MP
candidates. Brendan said that everyone should make an
effort to speak with the candidate to discuss their issues.
Dave asked regarding the carers grant for the Dudley
Carers Forum if this is secure as the membership is
expanding due to the Dudley User Forum finishing. Brendan
said the carers grant will continue and thoughts about any
changes would be discussed.
Mollie said that the views of children and their parents are
required and there is a need to give young parents the
opportunity to attend Board meetings.
Claire Allen, LD Network Co-ordinator will be meeting Nicola
McGregor to discuss services available for people with a
learning disability and carers information and how it is
Brendan said that the Carers Awards event which was held
at Insight, Brierley Hill was a good way of getting carers
together and sharing information.
Madeleine said that we need to know who the contact
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person is to receive the right information.
Maniza said that Coleen Snape supported many carers
within Ehsas over the years giving advice and helping with
completing forms she had a good understanding of Asian
ladies. Coleen’s role has now changed and support has
ceased. Approached Ali Mohammed, Diverse Support for
help with benefit forms but it is not his role. Citizen Advice
Bureau has no interpreter and no experts in this subject.
Brendan said that he will pass on her compliments to
Julie said that Coleen was allocated to Learning Disability
Services but is now part of the central Welfare Benefits
Brendan suggested inviting a Welfare Benefits Officer to a
Dave said that a lady from Dudley Citizens Advice Bureau
attended the Dudley Carers Forum to discuss the Carers
Disability Advice line, which specialises in advice for carers.
Contact details are: Free phone 08080 486486 (9.30am –
4.30pm) Further details via the link below
Gilly suggested a volunteer advocate would be more likely
to do a visit.
6. Feedback from Providers Forum
Ann-Marie said that the last Provider Forum took place on
Thursday 25th November 2014.
Steve Phipps, Chief Officer of Headway Black Country
attended and discussed Personal Health Budgets. A pilot
programme has taken place and it is soon to be rolled out.
There are case studies on line as examples.
Gilly said that Personal Health budgets are mainly used with
children detailing their health needs.
Donna Patel attended and discussed the Customer Journey
and the changes to Adult Social Care.
Ann-Marie said we need to take a fresh look at our role and
who will be coming to our Provider Forums.
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7. Budget Consultation – Paul Benge and Shobha Asar-Paul
The budget consultation presentation was circulated to the
members of the Board.
Paul and Shobha went through and discussed in detail the
budget presentation and the proposals for reducing the
They asked members of the Board for ideas and suggestions
on how to achieve the savings and what is important to
them and their priorities.
Paul said that there will be some impact to services due to
the savings required.
Since 2009/10 the Adult Social Care budget has been
reduced by 23 million.
Over the next 3 years a further 13 million savings are to be
made within Adult Social Care.
The Council need to finds an additional 29 million of savings
to balance the budget by 2017/18.
The Better Care Fund – The Government are integrating
Adult Social Care and Health. Funds are transferred from
Clinical Commissioning Group to Adult Social Care. Two
payments are guaranteed the other is relating to
performance and targets are to be met, which are
preventing hospital admissions and attaining earlier
The Care Act Grant relates to increased support to carers,
early assessment of care needs and deferred payments. It is
a new responsibility for Local Authority and costs may occur.
The 90+ age group is increasing which will be a pressure for
the Council.
Proposal for savings
Assertive reviews on existing care and support packages.
Julie said this will mainly be high level needs and high cost
placements and not just for learning disability clients but
physical disability and mental health clients. We will be
looking at alternative services/models. We will look at who is
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responsible for the placement and will be negotiating with
health for funding. The review will include information and
views from professionals and parents/carers, key questions
will be asked. It will be an in depth process and will not be
completed in isolation.
Alex asked once a review has taken place, will another one
take place in the future. Paul said he could not say this
would not happen due to further savings to be made in
future years.
Queens Cross - Gilly asked is centre service users consulted
regarding the proposed savings, Paul said yes, we will use
the centres as a resource, and there will be no drastic
change to the client group. The client will take leadership
of their life.
Unicorn - Julie said we want to open the centre up to more
people, looking at an alternative model. It is currently a
restricted service. Gilly said that surveys have been
completed. Alex asked if there would be staffing savings,
Paul said that there will be as people will access the
resource with their personal assistant.
Dave asked if the figures were available for the overall
running costs of the Unicorn. Brendan said it is
approximately over a million, Brendan to forward Unicorn’s
costing list to Dave.
EPlus – Refocus the service and make better links with other
related agencies such as the Job Centre, Connexions and
Colleges, etc. These agencies have a responsibility for
people with learning disabilities.
Budget consultations are taking place, which Shobha and
Paul are presenting. Madeleine said that she has been
invited to a budget consultation on 23rd January at the
Council House.
A budget consultation survey is available on the Council’s
website for the public to complete. Dave said that a
glossary is required, as abbreviations/headings would not be
familiar with the general public. Shobha said she will make
sure the public have the correct information.
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8. Self Assessment Framework (SAF) – Julie Cox
The Self Assessment Framework summary list key areas and
can be amended accordingly. Sue to circulate the
summary document and Carers survey to members of the
9.LD Partnership Terms of Reference/Membership including
Sub Groups
To be deferred to the next meeting.
Sue to circulate Terms of Reference to members of the
10. Easy Read Minutes
Dudley Voices for Choice have agreed to do an easy read
version of the Learning Disability Partnership Board minutes.
The first easy read version minutes was of Monday 10th
November 2014 which was circulated to the Board.
Brendan asked Sue to send both versions of the minutes
and the agenda together.
11. Bubb Report
The Bubb report was circulated to members of the Board.
Brendan said that Sir Stephen Bubb with the help from his
steering group published the report following Winterbourne
View events. It sets out recommendations and the need for
change. It is an important document and it is to be shared
and discussed with others.
People are to be discharged from hosptial more quickly
and safely as possible.
Gilly said that she is not aware of a group who meet with
inpatients to obtain their views on the treatment and
service they have received.
Julie said we do keep a register of all clients in assessment
and treatment beds and report back to NHS England on a
weekly basis. Case and Treatment reviews and discharge
plans are completed and independent reviews take place.
The Board receives a quarterly update.
Dudley Voices for Choice are involved with the clients and
LDPB Minutes 12.01.2015
a set of questions are asked.
4 people are currently registered on the Winterbourne View
list and aactively working with them, not all are based at
Ridge Hill some people are located in the surrounding
Julie recommended a NHS England document ‘Getting it
right for people with learning disabilities’ please view via link
12. Early Intervention for children with learning disabilities
whose behaviours challenge.
A briefing paper published by The Challenging Behaviour
Foundation sets out the evidence currently available
around early intervention approaches for children with
learning disabilities whose behaviour challenge.
Sue to circulate the document to members of the Board.
10. Any Other Business
 Safeguarding Information
Brendan said this was relating to the word
‘Safeguarding’ which has already been discussed
under ‘matters arising’.
 Request to change the meeting day of the Learning
Disability Partnership Board
Due to an internal weekly senior management
meeting changing from a Wednesday to a Monday,
members were asked if the meeting day could be
Members had limited availability and
Wednesdays were not possible. Brendan will take their
comments back for consideration.
11. Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting
Monday 9th March 2014, 1.30pm – 3.30pm at Insight House,
Pearson Street, Brierley Hill, DY5 3BL
If any parties disagree with any of the above minutes please
contact the sender.
LDPB Minutes 12.01.2015
Susan Bradley
01384 813291
01384 813502
LDPB Minutes 12.01.2015