Holme Church of England primary school ~ Collective Worship rota Autumn 2 2015 Assemblies should follow a four part model of worship and the format “Gathering, Engaging, Responding, Sending” (GERS) which is the outline format for any act of collective worship. Please see http://www.ely.anglican.org/education/schools/collective_worship/ideas/ for more details on this model in order to ensure that the Christian message is really delivered well in each assembly. Good websites to use: http://www.ely.anglican.org/education/schools/collective_worship/ideas; http://www.barnabasinchurches.org.uk Focus on: Preparing for 2.11.15 9.11.15 16.11.15 23.11.15 30.11.15 7.12.15 14.12.15 Christmas Composer: Vivaldi Hymn/music (choices for the week) Shalom Down by the Riverside CP142 Give me Oil in my Lamp CP43 It was on a starry night Away in a Manger (new version) Once in Royal David’s City Hark the Herald Angel Bible reference (to be shared and referenced daily) Theme Romans 1:7 Remembrance poetry The story of Moses Stir up Sunday prayer Jeremiah chapter 33 verses 14-16 2 Peter chapter 3 verses 8-15a John 1: 6-8 All Saints Remembering the past Don’t be frightened! Advent 1 He is coming!! – Advent 2 He is coming!! Advent 3 He is coming!! Monday (Tam) (Tam’s duty) What is a Saint? Why do we remember the past? Don’t be frightened 1st weekend before advent Getting ready to get ready! Stir up Sunday (Diocese) What is an Advent Wreath? (http://www.barnabasi Class Collective Worship **9.30 – Nativity dress rehearsal The story of Christmas (Herod) The Story of Christmas (the birth) nchurches.org.uk/adve nt-candles/ (light first advent candle) Tuesday (teacher/children) (Ruth’s duty) Who was St Giles and how did he help others? Wednesday (Laura’s duty) St Etheldreda of Ely (Diocese) Thursday (Rachel’s duty) What does 'saint' mean to you? (use Barnabas in schools assembly http://www.barnabas inchurches.org.uk/sai nts-alive/ Friday (Kelly) (Kelly’s duty) Celebration assembly House assembly – Shared prayer writing about Remembrance Remembrance Edith Cavell http://historyshero es.e2bn.org/hero/w howerethey/86 Celebration assembly (light third advent candle Don’t be frightened but do keep safe (road safety, playing out) All ~Singing – Christmas songs/carol concert practise Don’t be frightened of technology but do keep safe (e-safety) how do people of other faiths prepare for a festival? How do Christians in other parts of the world prepare? He is coming! St Giles - Jon St Giles - Gordon All ~Singing – Christmas songs/carol concert practise All ~ Singing – Christmas songs/carol concert practise All ~ Singing – Christmas songs/carol concert practise All ~ Singing – Christmas songs/carol concert practise What Christmas means to me Celebration assembly Celebration assembly Celebration assembly Achievement Award Assembly Tam ~ Final message for Christmas (light second advent candle) **Carol Service, St Giles, 6pm