Miss Emerald Philanthropy Pageant 2013 Sigma Alpha Professional Agricultural Sorority Event Date: Saturday, October 19, 2013—7:00pm— Loeb Playhouse Application Deadline: Friday, October, 4, 2013—5:00pm— Sigma Alpha Mailbox Application Packet General Rules 1. Each contestant must be registered as a Purdue University student with a connection to agriculture. 2. Each contestant must return the completed application packet and sponsorship fee by the deadline. No late entries will be accepted. 3. Each contestant must have a minimum GPA of 2.0. An unofficial copy of your latest transcript is required. 4. Each contestant must be in good standing with Purdue University and in their respected community. (i.e. must not be on academic probation, convicted of any charge, etc.) 5. Each contestant must be single. Ladies who have been married, had a marriage annulled, or have had children are not eligible. Ladies who are to be married during the year of her title are also ineligible. 6. Each contestant must not be considered a professional in pageantry. 7. Each contestant is required to attend the full rehearsal, held before the pageant. The rehearsal date and time will be given upon receiving a completed application packet and sponsorship fee. 8. Contestant may not have her own personal assistant in the dressing rooms during the pageant. Pageant coordinators will provide outside professional assistants prior to and during the pageant. 9. Each Contestant must agree to be personally interviewed by the judges, to appear in a business suit and formal wear on-stage for the judging. 10. Each Contestant must understand that the decision of the judging panel is final. 11. Each Contestant must be available to serve as a representative for the following Sigma Alpha and/or College of Agriculture events: College of Agriculture Annual Fish Fry, Sigma Alpha Professional Agricultural Sorority, Beta Chapter, Purdue University 128 Memorial Mall, Stewart Center #665, West Lafayette, IN 47907 Purdue Ag Week and Spring Fest. Other events requiring Queen’s presence may arise. Notification will be given in advance. 12. Each contestant must provide a $50.00 sponsorship fee made payable Sigma Alpha. Contestants may solicit only for the entry fee. No other monetary support is to be solicited by the contestants. Each contestant’s sponsor will be recognized in the pageant program if the name of the sponsor is submitted prior to the preparation of the program. 13. Once crowned Miss Emerald, the title is held for one calendar year, until the next occurrence of the next Miss Emerald Philanthropy Pageant. At this point, the title will passed on to the next selected candidate with the previous ineligible to enter the pageant again. 14. If the newly crowned Queen cannot fulfill all her duties or is found in violation of any of the aforementioned rules, she will immediately relinquish her title, crown and all prizes received upon the direction of Sigma Alpha. The first runner-up will then become eligible to hold the title. 15. All questions regarding the Miss Emerald Philanthropy Pageant are to be directed to the pageant coordinators: Chelsea Duvall, Kelsey Shaw, or Jenny Nolting at missemeraldphilanthropypageant@gmail.com. Sigma Alpha Professional Agricultural Sorority, Beta Chapter, Purdue University 128 Memorial Mall, Stewart Center #665, West Lafayette, IN 47907 Deadline to Enter: Friday, October 4, 2013 5:00 PM Please direct questions to missemeraldphilanthropypageant@g mail.com. Full Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Phone(s): ____________________________________________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________________________________ DOB: ______/_______/_________ Age: __________ GPA: __________ Parents/Guardian Name(s): ______________________________________________________ Year in School: ________________________ Major: _____________________________ College of Study: ______________________________________________________________ Sponsor: ____________________________________________________________________ Hobbies/Interests: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Connection to Agriculture: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Active member of the following community or school organization(s): ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Future Plans: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Please ensure you have read the Miss Emerald Philanthropy Pageant General Rules. Complete this entry form, read and sign the agreement form, attach at least a wallet-size photo (if possible), and submit a sponsorship Fee of $50.00 in a money order or check payable to Sigma Alpha, as well as a copy of your latest transcript (can be an unofficial copy) to the Sigma Alpha mailbox. Sigma Alpha Professional Agricultural Sorority, Beta Chapter, Purdue University 128 Memorial Mall, Stewart Center #665, West Lafayette, IN 47907 Rubric Miss Emerald Philanthropy Pageant will be based on the following rubric, with judges’ interpretation being taking into consideration. Category Personal Interview On-Stage Presence On-State Question Professional & Formal Wear Points 60 15 15 10 Total 100 Each contestant must understand that the decision of the judging panel is final. Sigma Alpha Professional Agricultural Sorority, Beta Chapter, Purdue University 128 Memorial Mall, Stewart Center #665, West Lafayette, IN 47907 Date: _____________________ I hereby acknowledge that the personal data as shown on this application is correct; and that I have read and understand the Miss Emerald Philanthropy Pageant general rules. I understand that I must submit a complete packet of application and $50.00 sponsorship fee. I understand the time manner and method of conducting the Pageant is solely within the discretion of the Pageant Officials and that the decision of the judges is final. I hereby agree to comply with all rules of the Miss Emerald Philanthropy Pageant. Contestant’s Name: _________________________________________________________________ Contestant’s Signature: _________________________________________________________________ Sigma Alpha Professional Agricultural Sorority, Beta Chapter, Purdue University 128 Memorial Mall, Stewart Center #665, West Lafayette, IN 47907