LDHS History Honor Society Constitution

Lower Dauphin High School
History Honor Society
Article I. Mission Statement
Section I. Mission
A. The mission of the Lower Dauphin High School History Honor Society is to promote the
study of history through:
1) encouraging and modeling research and inquiry
2) exchanging ideas with like-minded peers and professionals, and
3) providing opportunities for members to volunteer their services to historical venues.
B. We hope to bring interested students, teachers, professional historians and writers of history
together for intellectual and social exchanges that are designed to promote and assist historical
understanding for members of the society.
C. This society is open to juniors and seniors who have earned an un-weighted, cumulative GPA
of at least a 3.25 (81%) AND an un-weighted, AP/Dual Enrollment history cumulative GPA of at
least a 3.6 (90%). The HHS advisors hold discretionary authority to make exceptions.
Article II. Membership
Section 1. Eligibility
A. All members of this organization must meet the following criteria:
1) A cumulative GPA of 3.25 (81%)
2) An AP or HACC History un-weighted GPA of 3.60 (90%)
3) Few, if any, Code of Conduct violations are tolerated. HHS Advisors and
administration will have the final determination of whether or not to accept applicants or
maintain membership.
B. The HHS advisors hold discretionary authority to make exceptions.
Section 2. Honor Code Reminders
A. All members of this organization must uphold Lower Dauphin High School’s Code of
Conduct. The rulings of the school board, administration, and the HHS advisors of Lower
Dauphin High School are binding for this Society.
B. A violation of LDHS Code of Conduct, as determined by the Advisors and administration,
may be grounds for immediate expulsion for a period of one year. After one year, if no other
Code violation has occurred, ex-members may reapply. Acceptance of a new applicant with a
Code violation may be delayed for one year for the first offense and may become grounds for
rejection for any additional offense.
Section 3. Applicants for Membership
A. By the end of October, LDHS HHS applications are available.
B. Applicants will be notified of their status by early to mid November.
C. Inductions will take place by mid-November. Attendance at the yearly induction ceremony is
mandatory for all inductees and established members. Members receive a membership certificate
after requirements have been met.
Section 4. Requirements
A. Monthly Meeting:
1) The LDHS HHS recognizes the efforts of students with various interests and numerous
responsibilities; nonetheless, members must be actively engaged in this Society. This means
attendance is required at several meetings (typically once a month before first period starts in Mr.
Longenecker’s room).
B. Options:
1) Conduct (Audio/Visual record & transcribe) an oral history of a US military veteran, in
conjunction with the US Army Heritage and Education Center and the HHS Advisors. (See an oral
history packet—at http://www.ldsd.org/Domain/640 --for help.) USAHEC training and possible
field trip are part of this experience. Your ‘historical work’ is stored in Library of Congress!
****NOTE: Since 2012-2013, this is strongly encouraged for that grade level. During your senior
year, to maintain membership, choose another option from the list below
2.) Tutor and document twenty hours of help in history at LDHS/LDMS each year.
3) Volunteer/intern at a history-related site that is authorized by the LDHS HHS
Advisor(s) and documented with a log sheet of twenty hours and a reflection paper each year.
‘History-related’ includes, but is not limited to museums, colleges, archives, state capitol,
newspapers offices, municipal government offices, historical societies, libraries.
4) Attend two history-related seminars and/or activities on a college campus that is authorized
and documented with a log sheet and reflection paper each year.
5) Participate in at least three history related essay/speech contests (VFW’s Voice of Democracy
Oratorical Contest for all grades, The Pennsylvania Society’s Benjamin Franklin Scholar
Contest for juniors) or participation in an individual or team history contest (History Bee or
History Bowl) during each year.
6) Conduct a substantive book review/talk with the HHS.
7) Develop and deliver a mini-lecture/presentation/lesson on a topic of your choice to the HHS
and/or a history class. Prior approval is needed and guidance will be provided for this lesson. It
can be done with a partner. Use of Web 2.0 technology is strongly encouraged.
8) Produce an original and significant research paper to be submitted to the Concord Review
during their junior year.
9) Do you have a better idea? Upon a member’s petition and at the HHS advisor(s)
discretion, other options may be authorized.
C. Communication:
1) A calendar of meetings and optional activities as well as reminder emails and/or text messages
will be sent to all members. These should assist with planning for the required attendance and
activity. To enhance communication, an official web page or unofficial social media may be
Section 5. Membership Size and Grade Level
A. Membership is dependent upon student interest and suitability. It is for juniors and seniors.
Article III. Society Activities and Voting
Section 1. Society Activities
A. Activities will include monthly meetings.
1) Featuring official business, debates, socials, historical film viewings, guest presentations,
book talks, etc.
Section 2. Voting
A. As the HHS advisor(s) determine, selected major decisions may be decided by member voting.
For a vote to occur, 2/3 of the general membership must be present. Decisions require a plurality of
those present. The President will vote in the event of a tie. T
B. The advisor(s) may vote to break a tie and/or make final decision regardless of votes.
Article IV. Officers
Section 1. Service and Elections
A. Officers and members are expected to perform duties as assigned in this constitution and by the
HHS Advisor(s). Elections for all officers will be held before the end of May and decided by a
majority vote of all members and officers present.
B. Members eligible as candidates for office will be juniors, but the voting will be done by all
C. The advisor(s) may vote to break a tie and/or make final decision regardless of votes.
Section 2. President
A. The President shall be the chief executive officer, preside at all sessions, call for and administer
the voting, and otherwise direct the activities of the Society.
B. The President is a one year position, with the understanding that the junior Vice President will
succeed to the Presidency as permitted by the HHS Advisors.
Section 3. Vice President
A. The Vice President, a junior, shall assume the duties of the President when the President is absent
and otherwise serve as the Program Chair.
B. The Program Chair will assist the President as requested (e.g. planning, making the agenda).
C. The Vice President will succeed to presidency as permitted by the HHS Advisors.
Section 4. Secretary
A. The Secretary shall keep accurate records of all meetings and minutes, enter the names of new
members into the roster, and take attendance at all meetings.
B. The Secretary will also be responsible for communications like email, texting, social media, etc.
Section 5. Treasurer
A. The Treasurer shall record and report accurately all of the financial transactions and collect the
dues at the start of the academic year from established members and applicants.
B. An accurate report of all expenditures and a balance is due to the LDHS HHS Advisor(s) and
officers at every meeting.
C. The Treasurer will also be responsible for leading discussions on how and when to spend HHS
money, this includes fundraising opportunities.
Article V. Financing
Section 1. Established Members: Dues? No.
A. Established members do not pay dues/fees.
Section 2. New Members: Dues? Yes.
A. All accepted members will pay a onetime, non-refundable due/fee of $25.00. All checks should
be written to the Lower Dauphin High School.
Section 3. Expenditures
A. Expenditures may include induction costs, Graduation Honor Cords, and other voted upon
Article VI. Amendments
Section 1. Proposal
A. Any member, officer, or Advisor may propose an amendment to the Constitution or suggest an
idea or activity (the meetings will have an open-forum segment).
Section 2. Ratification
A. Amendments to this Society’s constitution will need the unanimous consent of the officers and
approval of the Advisor(s).
Article VII. Ratification
Section 1. Ratification
A. This constitution is hereby ratified by the general membership with a
2/3 majority vote of all active members.
Updated: September 23, 2014