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General Information
Red T-Shirt Day
Tuesday at the state meeting will be red t-shirt day. Everyone should wear a red AEHC t-shirt in support
of our organization.
Come to the State meeting with a great attitude, and let’s have fun.
Cultural Arts- Judy Simmons, Chair, Bradley County
Again this year lap robes for UAMS Cancer patients will be the Cultural Arts Project. Each county is
asked to make at least one lap robe for patients to use during chemo treatment and to take home with
them. The categories are: hand quilted, machine quilted, crochet, or knitted. Only handmade items will
be accepted. Size is to be 36x40 inches. Competition is by popular vote. Awards will be made in each
of the four categories , first place $20, second place $15 and $10 for third place. Counties may bring
more than one to donate. However, only one will be judged.
Table Decorations for Tuesday and Wednesday Luncheons- Marnette Reed, chair, Jefferson County
Each county is to bring a table decoration. Table decorations should be a flower arrangement of silk,
dried or plastic flowers. Size is to be 14"x18". Use a 2" ribbon banner for placing the lettering "EHC
Celebrates Members" on the arrangement. Arrangements will be given away as door prizes at the
closing session on Thursday. District teams will be in charge of the drawings. Each person must place
their name tag in the drawing container at the Horner Hall entrance as they arrive for the Thursday
closing session.
Curtain Calls- Barbara Chappell, Chair, Marion County
Barbara has a number of items for display at Curtain Calls. She will accept more if you want to send to
her. Plans are to print the items and make the booklet available for sale at the state meeting. Contact
Barbara at: 870-436-3943, cell 765-749-0953 or email barbehcskills2013@hotmail.com.
Silent Auction, Patsy Wagner, Chair, Saline County
Each County is to bring two silent auction items. (Value should be at least $15.) All items should be new .
County will be given a form to set the minimum bid for each item at the registration time.
Craft Exhibits, Peggy Barnett, Garland County and Janie Woods, Garland County, Co-chairs.
The Craft show, located in the lobby of the Convention Center, will be open 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. both
Tuesday and Wednesday. Come shop for wonderful items that vendors will display. Remember that
AEHC members get a reduced rate for space. Contact Janie at if you want a space application:
Game Night
Tuesday evening will be game night- Paula Reach will be the chair of this. Cards and other games in
addition to Bingo will be offered. (If you plan to play bingo, please bring a small gift wrapped for prizes)
Annual Board Meeting
Wednesday Morning -- Officers to be elected at this time: President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary,
Treasurer. If you have someone in mind to fill these positions please fill out nomination form and turn
into Phyllis Pipkin, Past President and Nominating Committee chair by May 15, 2014. Cell phone: 501762-2701, sephpipkin@aol.com
“Let You Entertain Us”
A Talent Show will be held on Wednesday Evening. The acts/talent will come from you (one act from
each county). So bring your best talent and come have a great time with us . . . Singing, Dancing,
Reading poems, Skits, whatever the best talent in your county would be. Please send your entry to
mfisher@arkwest.com by May 15th. Only one per county please. Information needed: name of group,
city name, county name, and district and type of talent.
Project Books- Johnette Johnson, Chair, Montgomery County
All county project books will be on display in Horner Hall during the entire meeting. Project books
award will be presented at the Wednesday luncheon. Counties are asked to pick up their books before
the closing session on Thursday.
Fifty-Year Members- Johnette Johnson, Chair, Montgomery County
After completing the 50-60-70 & 70+ and Memorial form in this packet, also send the names of
members who have accumulated 50 years in the past year to Johnette Johnson, 3796 Hwy 270 East,
Mount Ida, AR 71957, email johnettej@msn.com, phones 870-867-4935, cell 501-454-9190.
Fifty-year members will be recognized at the Tuesday luncheon, it would be nice if the member could be
present to receive their certificate and award. For members who have never been recognized and/or
who have reached 60- or 70- years or 70+ years of membership, also contact Johnette .
Thursday Morning – Closing Session
Speaker for Thursday Morning
The speaker will be Dr. Jonathan Curtis, “The Magic of Leadership” . . . should be very entertaining . . . A
Also Installation of Officers by Dr. Anne Sortor, Associate Director – FCS & 4H Youth Development.
Drawing for door prizes
Memorial Service on Thursday
Send name, county, district and pictures of the deceased person to Terrie Jacobs, Chair, Sevier County,
1010 Polk 6, Wickes, AR 71973 or email to grannajacobs@gmail.com .
Memorials to be included in the State Program: Complete and send the enclosed packet page for
memorials to the State Extension office, Melody Curtis mcurtis@uaex.edu. Information should include
name, county and district. Deadline to get the deceased name in the program is May 1.