Beauty Tips For Fair Skin We all secretly desire for long, lustrous hair and flawless complexion. But this isn’t all about just about face packs. For this we need to intake some specific foods and need to follow some skin care basics that are often ignored or overlooked. We often try fairness creams, face scrubs and other beauty serums available in the market. No harm in trying beauty products to look your best at all occasions. However, if you have homemade face packs and scrubs to look beautiful naturally, why will you opt for the synthetic products available in the market? Moreover, all the ingredients for home made face packs are readily available in your kitchen. So you really don’t need to invest in expensive lotions to have a glowing skin. Following some simple habits and eating right is the easiest way to look gorgeous always. Lack of time makes it impossible to take care of your skin at home, so you have to wait till Sunday to do a quick five minute face cleanup. That is not enough if you desire a healthy fair skin. You actually don’t need to work really hard on it; using simple homemade packs will repair the damages from within and give you the desired complexion. You need to realize that protecting your skin from further damage is important. Otherwise, all your attempts will be of no use as your skin will keep sustaining damage and you will keep wondering why none of the treatments are showing any results! So here some tips to make face packs at home. You will also find a diet on how to get fair skin naturally and other basic habits that are often ignored. So why wait! Simple Daily Skin Care Necessities: Your skin needs time and care for rejuvenation and regeneration. Without basic care, improving your skin condition and tone would be a difficult task. This is why you need to follow these skincare basics to ensure a youthful, glowing skin. a. Drink Lots of Water: Make it a habit to drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water every single day.This is not just a common advice, water is essential for proper functioning of the body. There is fluid loss from the body due to evaporation and sweating and also via urination. This loss needs to be compensated by drinking plenty of water and juices but not soft drinks.When water intake is not equal to water output then dehydration takes place.Generally fluid loss takes place in warmer climates, among those who does grueling exercise routines at high altitudes and in older people who don’t tend to feel thirsty. The body is composed of 60% water which is required for various body functions like digestion, respiration, absorption, circulation, transportation of nutrients and maintenance of normal body temperature. When you are low on water the brain triggers the body’s thirst mechanism. Water is a non-calorie beverage and it is the safest way to lose weight. Water energizes you and relieves you from fatigue. When you are dehydrated and tired your face looks really dull. The skin mirrors your health, so you should treat water like a nutrient and drink it. Water keeps your skin hydrated but it doesn’t remove wrinkles. Since water improves digestion it makes your face fresh and free of acne. b. Sleep Well: If you don’t sleep it shows on your face. You look irritated and tired. The solution is don’t skip your beauty sleep and do not stay awake till late hours in the night. Lack of sleep cause the blood vessels to dilate and this result in dark circles. The skin undergoes repairing, restoration and rebalancing while you are sleeping. The dead skin cells give away to newer cells and the face gets an instant lift. All the hormonal and metabolic changes occur in the body while you are sleeping. So lack of sleep disrupts the body processes. Seven to eight hours of sleep is absolutely needed if you want a healthy skin. However, don’t oversleep it can cause cell breakdown, maintain a balance. Fix your sleeping and waking time. Sleep on a soft pillow and also make sure the pillow cover is also soft. c. Exercise: You must exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. If you have skin problem like acne, psoriasis and rosacea take ample precautions before exercising, but don’t let skin problems hinder your active life. Dermatologists say that exercise helps to increase blood circulation that itself boosts skin health. When you do any physical activity the blood carries oxygen and nutrients to all the cells, including your skin cells and makes it healthy. Exercise also helps to remove cellular debris and free radicals from the body and cleanse it from within. Sometimes, stress causes the sebaceous glands to secrete more sebum and this triggers skin problems like eczema and acne. Exercise helps to de-stress and this keeps skin problems at bay. Most important, exercise tones your body and makes you look beautiful. How to Make a Good Career Choice Life is not as easy as most people say it is, in order for you to understand/live life in a nice fulfilling way you have to take some time off and be by your own, no distraction by your side. Even your career choice will not be bad at all. 1 Most of us are in the position of making a career choice very early on in life and when we are young, it isn't so easy to decide whether or not the career we choose will suit us for a lifetime. Making a good career choice is actually about a lot more than choosing a job; it's about choosing something that will provide you with the lifestyle you seek. Don't decide until you're ready. Although this seems obvious advice, too many young people feel pressured into making a choice before they are really sure of what it is they want to do. In fact, many young people don't even know who they are, let alone what they want to become! If you need time, take off a year or two to go and discover yourself and what you're good at. School doesn't teach you a lot of life skills – life does. Many successful people take off time to slowly work out what it is that makes them tick and brings them fulfillment. 2 Look for breadth in your career choice. Instead of trying to narrow down your options, it can be helpful to keep open as many options as possible within your chosen trade, profession, or field of expertise. That way, you gain maneuverability and flexibility as you and the job change. For example, if you want to be a marine biologist, why not consider also taking a course in photography and writing, so that you can write or photograph stories about what is under the sea on a freelance basis. Keeping open your options might mean a little extra study but it will be worth it in the long run when you gain increased flexibility. 3 Work to your strengths. Even if you are well into your chosen course, training, internship, or induction for your career, and find that you are always relying on your less strong attributes, it pays to stop and reassess the worth of continuing on this course. A lifetime spent working in an area where you don't get to rely on your strengths for the majority of the time will cause you a great deal of stress and disharmony and can prevent growth and enjoyment of your career. A good career will, on the whole, have you working to your strengths. 4 Volunteer in your desired career. There is no better way to know whether or not the career is for you than to just pitch in and get your hands dirty. It's much more likely to happen if you take on such roles without payment, especially where the employer understands your motivations. If you can handle the work thrown to you and still want more, you're likely to be onto a winner. Moreover, the network contacts built up during volunteer experiences are priceless. 5 Talk to people who work in your desired career. Ask them such questions as: "Do you still enjoy working in this career after all these years?", "What is it about this job that you like the most?", "What are the downsides to this job?", "Do you find that this job lets you have a good work-life balance?" Ask away and you will soon get a good sense of fit for you. 6 Listen to advice but make your own decision ultimately. Parents, teachers, friends, careers counselors – all of them tend to mean well but they're not you. It's you who has to feel comfortable with the cloak you wear, the boots you strap on, and the daily routine that you adapt to. Nobody else can truly know what works for you. Also, don't be put off by stories from people who have nothing to do with your career but have a bag of hearsay to feed you, both good and bad. They don't know, and often what they do know is gleaned from the entertainment industry, hardly a decent resource for reality! Be polite but do your own research and thinking on the matter. The same principles apply to a change of career, something that happens often in mid-life but can also happen early on, or even much later. As with making your first decision, having the right information at your fingertips is crucial, including information about the acceptance by the industry or business in question of taking on someone in your position. Again, don't listen to other people's stories; you can rely more on those who actually work still in the particular career you intend to switch to, but even then, they cannot fully comprehend what you might bring to a new career with your previous experience in tow. Do your research, soul-searching, additional training, and stick with your convictions. Importantly, change of career is considered to be a lot more normal and responsible than it has been at any other time in history (leaving out politicians, of course!). Tips The same principles apply to a change of career, something that happens often in mid-life but can also happen early on, or even much later. As with making your first decision, having the right information at your fingertips is crucial, including information about the acceptance by the industry or business in question of taking on someone in your position. Again, don't listen to other people's stories; you can rely more on those who actually work still in the particular career you intend to switch to, but even then, they cannot fully comprehend what you might bring to a new career with your previous experience in tow. Do your research, soul-searching, additional training, and stick with your convictions. Importantly, change of career is considered to be a lot more normal and responsible than it has been at any other time in history (leaving out politicians, of course!). Feng Shui Store | Interior What's New! Interior Designing Laughing Buddha: The Best Feng Shui Gift You Can Recieve. What can laughing buddha do for you? Everything! He will take away your stress, worries and fill your life with laughter. And yes he will take away your financial worries as well! Are you going through stressful times or demanding jobs? Are you loosing your patience, your temper or your laughter? Simply look at the laughing buddha. He can be your immediate mood lifter. He is the jolliest of all the souls just like Santa. I can bet you will feel his laughter and positive energy. Are you troubled with bills and financial troubles? Does the economy create constant feats and worries? Rub his tummy once a day. And he will take away all your financial worries. Meaning of different kinds of Laughing buddha and where to place him? There are so many kinds of laughing buddha in different poses holding different types of symbols and with different hand positions. So how to place his statue in home? Did you there is a significance of every symbol? 1. Where to place Lauging Buddha carrying a wo lu. This laughing buddha statue protects your health and brings you longevity. This year the illness star is in the east. So if your entrance is facing east direction or if the front door is in the east of the house display him near the entrance facing the main door. If the east of your house is in living room or bedroom you can place him there as well. But no need to place him in the east if its a toilet or kitchen. Instead be happy to place him in the east of your living room. 2. Is your Laughing Buddha sitting on gold coins or with a sack on shoulder? Is he holding a bowl or an ingot? That is your laughing buddha for wealth. His sack has all the goodies for you. This buddha protects your wealth and brings you abundance. This year the dreaded 5 yellows is in the north west. The number 5 brings loss, tragedy and misfortune. Do you have a bedroom or living room in Northwest? Keep your laughing buddha in the north west. Is your main door in north west or facing north west? Place the laughing buddha facing the main door Use gold color laughing buddha to control the bad earth energy of the number 5. If the north west is in toilet or kitchen then you can place him in your personal wealth direction. Or place him in the south east of the house or living room. 3. How to place Laughing Buddha sitting on a dragon tortoise? The laughing buddha with dragon tortoise can do wonders to your career and income. You can place him display this laughing buddha behind you where you sit in office. Let him be your support. At home you can place him in the north of your home or living room. 4. Where should we keep Laughing Budda surrounded with children? Laughing buddha with children is great for you if you are planning to concieve a child and raise a family. You can place him in the west of your home or living room or the bedroom. 5. Do you have a Crystal Laughing buddha ? Is he holding beads or pearls? This laughing buddha is trying to help you gain more wisdom, have better insight and study better. The beads symbolise pearls of wisdom. You can place him in the center of the house or our study room. The number 4 star is in the center this year. It will help you shine in your examinations. Alternatively you can also place him in the north east or in your personal growth direction. So where do you keep your laughing buddha? 1.Are you placing him in toilets and kitchens? Remember he is a diety, a god. Donot place him in bathrooms and kitchens or store rooms. And make sure the wall against which you place him doesnot have a bathroom. 2.Are you placing him on the floor? Its rude to look down upon the statue of laughing buddha. You must respectfully place him at the eye level. 3. Donot place your feng shui laughing buddha beside tons of electronic equipments with magnetic fields flying around over his head. Recipe See all 3 photos! Vanilla is the king of ice cream flavors. This version without eggs has a brighter, more pronounced vanilla flavor." Ingredients 3/4 cup white sugar 1 cup heavy whipping cream 2 1/4 cups milk 2 teaspoons vanilla extract Directions 1. 2. 3. 4. Stir sugar, cream, and milk into a saucepan over low heat until sugar has dissolved. Heat just until mix is hot and a small ring of foam appears around the edge. Transfer cream mixture to a pourable container such as a large measuring cup. Stir in vanilla extract and chill mix thoroughly, at least 2 hours. (Overnight is best.) Pour cold ice cream mix into an ice cream maker, turn on the machine, and churn according to manufacturer's directions, 20 to 25 minutes. When ice cream is softly frozen, serve immediately or place a piece of plastic wrap directly on the ice cream and place in freezer to ripen, 2 to 3 hours.