TIMELINE SHOWING EVENTS LEADING TO THE STEPPING ASIDE OF THE SENIOR CASE OFFICER (All emails referred to available from GlosVAIN on request – all quotes in italics are taken directly from emails) Date Event Evidence Comments st Friday 21 Meeting of Senior Management Team to discuss case. Sequence of events Up to this point there was no evidence of a September Ben Gilpin, the Senior Planning Officer advises his document – p 253 of suggestion of the need for external 2012 manager Chris Kenneford that he is minded to refuse FoI Info. support or defer the application. “CK asked for my opinion on a Page 122 of FoI recommendation (stated at the time as one for requests - Email refusal/deferral)” from Ben Gilpin. Saturday Chris Kenneford telephones David Payne of BPP Copies of emails This goes against the information in the 22nd Consulting, asking him to submit an outline of how he between Chris “Sequence and events” document September could assist GCC in dealing with the application Kenneford and David prepared by Duncan Jordan for the Chief 2012 Payne provided by Executive, Peter Bungard, on 29/30th anonymous whistle October (see page 253 of FoI information) blower. –it says BPP were only contacted on 24th. Sunday David Payne submits outline proposal, which includes Copies of emails The “Sequence and Events” document rd 23 the suggestion that he would “review the County between Chris says that BPP Consulting was first September Council draft report(s) and liaison with the County Kenneford and David approached on 24th September (see Council – particularly regarding issues over which we Payne provided by above) differ in professional opinion or where evidence does anonymous whistle not support conclusions” blower. Monday Chris Kenneford sends email to David Payne agreeing Copies of emails The idea that BPP should take over from th 24 terms. This states that BPP should undertake a between Chris the senior planning officer is first mooted September ““Critical Friend” review and “sense-checking” of the Kenneford and David by Chris Kenneford, over a week before 9.45am emerging draft report being produced by the GCC Case Payne provided by Ben Gilpin asks to be removed from the Officer and his general position/professional views on anonymous whistle case. the application, robustly challenging these as necessary blower. to ensure that a defensible and watertight position is Chris Kennford has in effect entered into a established”. He also suggests that this might involve contract to employ BPP Consulting ““the taking-over” of the drafting of the Committee through this email. This understanding is report and recommendations, with a view to producing confirmed in Ben Gilpin’s email on p.122 a full revised draft (including draft Condition) by the which shows they were appointed on the Monday 24th 10.10am Wed 26th/Thurs 27th Sept Friday 28th Sept. Tuesday 2nd Oct Tuesday 2nd Oct Wed 3rd – Fri 5th first week of December for internal/Counsel review and then finalisation by early January” Chris Kenneford writes to his manager, Duncan Jordon, recommending that BBP Consulting be appointed and asking for a quick meeting to confirm. Email confirms that both Chris Kenneford and Duncan Jordan know David Payne “from a previous life”. He mentions the need to agree “a commissioning process for this piece of work.” Advice sought on procurement process. Chris Kennford asks for special dispensation to ignore the procurement route and states that the contract will be “well below the £50k threshold” Draft Business Case justifying the “Critical friend Review that BPP Consulting will be carrying out” produced. Case Officer, Ben Gilpin, receives email from David Payne informing him that Chris Kenneford has appointed BPP Consulting “to provide assistance with the preparation of the Committee Report” and asking for a meeting Case Officer asks to be taken off the case. Consultant’s brief broadened to include drafting of committee report and recommendations 24th September Copy of email provided by anonymous whistle blower. Ben Gilpin’s email of 4th October p.122 of FoI Information. Sequence of events document – p 253 of FoI Info. Email to Claire Smart p 132 of FoI Info. Email from Chris Kenneford to Duncan Jordon p131 of FoI Email from David Payne p.245 of FoI Information It is clear that Chris Kenneford has appointed someone he knows, and has not gone through any fair and open procurement process. Sequence of events document – p 253 of FoI information The case officer was not told of BPP Consulting’s appointment until after the event – see Ben Gilpin’s email on p.122. The Whistle Blower implies in her/his statement that the Case Officer’s position had become untenable. The email sent by Chris Kenneford on 24th September (see above) already included this as a possible requirement. That email was sent before any discussions with the Sequence of events document – p 253 of FoI information This advice was sought after BPP had already been told they’d got the job – see Ben Gilpin’s email of 4th October on p.122 which shows they were appointed on the 24th September The Justification is produced after the decision has been made. Is this the first time that the Case Officer is informed of the appointment? The wording of the email would suggest this. 4th Thursday October 5th Friday October 10th October 10th October 15th October 8th November Ben Gilpin writes an email to Sarah Pearse, much of which has been redacted. In it, he implies that BPP Consulting was appointed as a consequence of the meeting where he expressed his opinion that the application should be refused or deferred. Brief and terms and conditions “(in lieu of more formal contract)” sent by David Payne of BPP Consulting to Chris Kenneford Following email p.131 from Duncan Jordan to Chris Kenneford 3rd October which refers to need to ‘modify the brief’, Chris Kenneford emails David Payne an amended project brief “which now includes a requirement to draft the report and recommendations to Planning Committee” Sarah Pearse recommends removing the Javelin Park files from Ben Gilpin’s desk, and Steve Smart sends Ben Gilpin an email confirming that he has been “unassigned as case officer”. Email from David Payne to Chris Kenneford confirms that the total cost of their contract is now estimated at £40,425 + £8,085 VAT + expenses. The Business Case is updated and signed off the next day Email from Chris Kenneford to Steve Smart confirms that the brief given to BPP reflects their role and that “there is nothing beyond this in writing.” “The Order Confirmation Form is the only formal contract with BPP” Email from Ben Gilpin p.122 of FoI Information. Case Officer. Did the events all happen as a result of Ben Gilpin’s professional opinion of the application, stated as deferral/refusal? Email from David Payne, p133 of FoI Information. Email from Chris Kenneford p.155 of FoI Information. Further evidence that normal contracting processes were not pursued Email to Chris Kenneford p. 161 of FoI information The person who had been studying the application in depth for 9 months is now no longer involved. Email from David Payne p. 222 of FoI Info; and from Chris Kenneford and Business case p.233 Email p.283 of FoI Information The costs of the contract is now very nearly at the £50k mark where GCC’s contracting procedures would have required going out to tender. The proposal put forward on 24th September is now formally included in the agreement with BPP Consulting Again, formal processes were not followed. It is worth noting that when the contract with BPP got near the £50k mark, the contract was terminated. We believe other consultants have since been employed.