Literature Criticism Online

Rev 05/09
Literature Criticism Online presents the contents of the Gale series of Literary Criticism collections in an easy-to-use, round-theclock online format. This growing collection features the same literary criticism series found in print in the DBU Library, starting
with the April 2008 editions.
Basic Search (Default):
1) Enter search term in text box.
2) Use the adjacent drop-down menu to choose the type of information to search for:
Keyword, Full-Text, Named Author, or Named Work.
3) Choose the appropriate series, depending on the subject of your search. The choices are:
a) Classical & Medieval Literary Criticism (CMLC)
b) Contemporary Literary Criticism (CLC)
c) Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800 (LC)
d) Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism (NCLC)
e) Shakespearean Criticism (SC)
f) Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism (TCLC)
4) NOTE: if you are unsure which series to choose, select “All”
5) Click Search.
You can browse through alphabetical lists of author names and work titles by selecting the
“Browse Authors” or “Browse Works” tabs in the banner area. Choose the “Browse Topics” tab
to view a list of critical topics relating to various aspects of literature. HINT: use the Topics list
to generate ideas for thesis statements and paper topics.
Results List:
 Results are identified by type of information: Author Overview, Work Overview, or Topic
 Work overviews usually contain critical essays. Click the “Inside this Entry” link to view
a list of critical essays. Click on the titles to jump to that essay within the entry.
 Click the article title to access the entire article and options for viewing and printing.
 Save articles for viewing later by checking the “Mark” box. To view your saved items,
select the “View Mark List” button that will appear in the left toolbar.
Article View:
 Use buttons in the left toolbar to reformat for easy reading, display in PDF view for easy
printing, email the document to yourself or others, or perform other operations.
 Print size can be adjusted by using the “Scale” indicator.
 Navigate to next or previous pages by using the arrow indicators.
Citation information:
Choose the “Inside this Entry” link. Complete citation information will be displayed at
the bottom of the contents list.
 Not all critical essays are available online. Use the “Inside this Entry” link to view the list
of essays included in each overview. Essays and articles available in full text will have a
open book icon next to the title to indicate full text availability.
 Absence of a full-text icon may indicate that the essay is available in print from the
library’s collection of Gale literary criticism series. Ask a librarian for assistance.
For assistance please contact a Reference Librarian 214/333-5221 or 1/800/483-7048