MEETING OF PARISH TEAM, 24TH MARCH 2015 PRESENT: Father John Joe Maloney, Patrick Cusack, Marie O’Brien, Maureen Pipes, Karen Scott, Marty Niland, Ursula Ngwu, Jo Fox, Theresa Alessandro, Susan Moore. WELCOME: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave a particular welcome to Theresa Alessandro who was attending her first meeting of the Parish Team; he went on to explain that there had always been a place for a Justice and Peace representative on the Team and Theresa, who was in the process of founding a Justice and Peace Group, had agreed to fill this vacancy. APOLOGIES: Kevin Meehan. PRAYER: The meeting began with a prayer led by Karen. MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on 20th January 2015 were agreed as a correct record. MATTERS ARISING: There were no matters arising other than those which would be dealt with as part of the appropriate agenda item. COMMUNICATION: Jubilee CD: It was agreed that a small number of photographs would be displayed in the porch area and that copies could be ordered by interested parishioners. Plans for 2015: These had been circulated to Team Members and were now displayed on the Parish Website. The Plans were correct as of the end of January and further items could be added as required. Items would not be removed and would thus would provide a record of both coming and past events. Parish Newsletter: All copies of the Lent/Easter/Mission Newsletter had been distributed. Parish Records: It had become clear that there was a growing need to update parish records as people moved in and out of the parish. Information gleaned whilst delivering personal invitations to the Parish Mission would be helpful and it was also agreed that, on two weekends, a census would be carried out of those attending Mass which would ask for names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses. Photographs of Parish Team: New photographs were taken at the meeting to allow displays on the website and in the porch area to be completed. Local Newspapers: An article had recently been placed in the newspaper circulating in Leicester Forest East. Contact had been made with Braunstone Alert and Braunstone Life regarding the possibility of placing articles. It had been discovered that Braunstone Alert published, mainly, details of social events and announcements but did not usually publish articles of the sort that we would be submitting; Braunstone Life would welcome articles and publication dates had been secured. Father John Joe had sent a copy of the Mission Poster to the Diocesan Newspaper and, following the Mission, articles would be prepared for both the Diocesan and local newspapers. PLANNING AND STRUCTURES: Parish Hall Kitchen: Mops and other cleaning equipment had now been moved from the kitchen to a cupboard in the men’s toilet. It was emphasised that all hazardous substance must be kept in a locked cupboard not simply kept out of the reach of a child. Hazardous materials were any that could cause injury, even if this was highly unlikely, and included cleaning materials and other items which could cause harm if, for example, they were swallowed or came into contact with the skin or eyes. A check would be made to ensure that all accessories were available for the Hoover, a new lock was needed for the crockery cupboard and it was agreed that a lock should be fitted to the door leading from the Hall into the Kitchen. Paper Towel Dispensers: New dispensers and toilet roll holders had been purchased and fitted in the toilets in both the Church and the Hall. Alarm for Toilet for Disabled People: This was now working correctly and arrangements had been made for regular monitoring. Kirby Muxloe Cemetery: The cemetery has an area which has previously been reserved for Catholic burials but a recent decision of the Parish Council meant that this consecrated area would not be extended and that Catholic burials would, in future, take place throughout the cemetery. Following representations, a meeting was arranged between Father John Joe, the Parish Chairman and representatives of the Parish Council where our concerns were expressed. After some discussion it was agreed that Catholic area would be extended. The Parish Council representatives gave details of a large bid for funding which was being prepared and which, if successful, would allow the extension of the cemetery, the building of a shelter and a war memorial. We agreed to provide written support for the bid. We were also told that the group responsible for overseeing the proposed development at Lubbesthorpe already has a representative of the Christian Churches but that a Catholic representative would be welcome; Father John Joe had since spoken to Fr. Hadley about the offer since the development would be largely in his parish. It was hoped that a cemetery would be included at Lubbesthorpe since local cemeteries were beginning to be overcrowded. It was reported that both a school and a cemetery had been in the original plans for the Thorpe Astley Development but neither had been built. It was also reported that burial plots in the Kirby Muxloe Cemetery could no longer be purchased by residents of Leicester Forest East although ashes could still be interred. The possibility of allowing ashes to be scattered or buried within Blessed Sacrament grounds was discussed – this practice had been adopted at St. Peter’s Hinckley. Enquiries would be made as to whether any permissions were required. EDUCATION AND FORMATION: Bible Study: Difficulties had been experienced in finding suitable dates for the completion of the course which began in Advent. Copies if the three remaining sessions had been obtained and it was agreed that the course would be completed in autumn on an in-house basis. Three sessions of a course based on a DVD entitled “Head to Heart “would be offered in September. Lenten Study: The six session course “The Gift” had been well attended and very well received. Formation of Children and Adults: The First Communion and Confirmation programmes were progressing with 18 and 16 candidates respectively. Father John Joe reported that 20 people who had enquired about the Faith were now receiving instruction and support with six due to be received into the Church at Easter. LITURGY AND WORSHIP: Change of Mass Times: Voting had favoured a 10.00 am Sunday Mass although voting had been very close; the change would be introduced on 12th April. A notice board showing the new Mass times would be erected and information provided to local newspapers. African Mass: The African Chaplaincy had now agreed that there should be a special Mass at 12.00 noon on the third Sunday of each month. The community would also be responsible for the music on the first Sunday of the month. Changes to Rotas: New rotas had been drawn up for Readers and for Special Ministers of Holy Communion but insufficient numbers had responded to allow a rota to be drawn up for Welcomers or for volunteers willing to play a part in the Offertory. EVANGELISATION AND MISSION: Parish Mission: Over 40 people had volunteered to take out personal invitations to the Parish Mission which would be held 25th April to 1st May. Posters and invitations would be ready by the weekend of 28th/29th March. A number of Team Members agreed to arrange for posters to be displayed in their neighbourhoods. Mission in Art Weekend: This would be held Friday evening and Saturday 5th/6th June and, it was hoped, would include a concert on the Friday evening and an open church on Saturday at which displays would provide information on Blessed Sacrament Church and on Catholicism. It was hoped that the weekend would attract the wider community. Braunstone Faith’s Forum: It had been decided that this year’s Community Carol Service would be held at Trinity Methodist Church. SPIRITUALITY: Father John Joe reported that he hoped that a small grotto, intended as a place for quiet reflection, could be built in the garden area. SOCIAL EVENTS: Seniors Meal: A fish and chip lunch had been arranged on 13th February and had been well attended and much appreciated. The Chairman expressed sincere thanks to the generous parishioner who had funded the lunch but wished to remain anonymous. Quiz Evening: This had been held on 30th January and had been very enjoyable although not very well attended by parishioners. Poor attendance at social events was fairly common and it was suggested that more needed to be done in terms of early advertising, the use of posters and also use of the website. Parish Outing: The date of 1st July had been agreed although not the destination. It was suggested that the possibility of having the outing on a Saturday rather than a Wednesday might be explored. FINANCE: The Parish Treasurer had been unable to attend the meeting but wished to report that he was in the process of preparing the accounts for the Annual General Meeting and of submitting the claim for Gift-Aid. HEALTH AND SAFETY: Risk Assessment: This had been sent to the Diocese who had indicated that they would, if possible, like some additional details – these could be provided without difficulty. Portable Appliance Testing: Difficulty had been experienced in securing a quotation from the company which usually carried out the tests. Father John Joe agreed to contact other parish priests to find out who they used. Fire Doors: These had now been checked and were in order, including the door leading from the Chapel. Fire Extinguishers: Positioning of the fire extinguishers and appropriateness of those currently in use had been checked with the company responsible for servicing them. The extinguisher in the kitchen was still appropriate but would be changed to a new type at renewal. The extinguisher which appeared to be shown in the porch, on the poster showing escape routes, was actually sited in the organ loft. Fire Wardens: The list of Fire Wardens for the weekend Masses would be updated. Accident Notices: Any accident, however small, needed to be recorded in the accident book which is kept in the Parish Office and this information, together with the location of the accident book, needed to be displayed close to the first aid boxes in the porch and Hall. Safeguarding: The current situation had been discussed with the Parish Safeguarding Officer who had confirmed that a new regime and guidance from the Diocese was expected in May. We would then need to review our own arrangements. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: Braunstone Awards: The Pop-In had been nominated for an award in the Group Service to the Community category. The Parish would be represented at the Awards Ceremony and details would be included in the Parish Bulletin and in a future article submitted to local newspapers. Justice and Peace: Three people had attended a meeting to discuss the formation of a Justice and Peace Group. A social event was being planned for the afternoon of Saturday 9th May with displays, children’s activities, Fairtrade tea and coffee and cakes. It was hoped that some of the younger members of the Parish might join the group. It was hoped that the Parish would be represented at the Diocesan Justice and Peace Conference due to be held in July in Derbyshire. Tea Dance: The possibility of arranging such an event would be explored. These had proved popular in some parishes. Travellers Site: It was reported that the local site would reopen soon and that members of our parish who were members of the travelling community would be able to return to the site. Father John Joe agreed to bless the site if he was invited. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Tuesday 26th May at 7.30 pm. The date of the Annual General Meeting was confirmed as Monday 22nd June at