Anderson School GATE Plan 2012

Spring of 2011
Academically/Intellectually Gifted Plan
Anderson Public School District #41
Mission and Philosophy
Gifted Students possess academic talents and abilities that differ from those of their peers to such a
degree that opportunities must be provided to help them develop to their greatest potential. In keeping
with the Anderson Schools' goal to offer instructional programs that address differences in abilities,
needs, and learning styles of all students, the Anderson School Board of Education is committed to the
identification of gifted students and to providing appropriate educational experiences for those
Montana Definition of Giftedness
“Gifted and talented children” means children of outstanding abilities who are capable of high
performance and require differentiated educational programs beyond those normally offered in public
schools in order to fully achieve their potential contributions to self and society. The children so
identified include those with demonstrated achievement or potential ability in a variety of worthwhile
As required by Article 20-7-903 MCA, Anderson School District has developed a plan for the
provision of services to academically and intellectually gifted students. The purposes of this plan are as
 To provide various service options and educational experiences that support individual growth
at varying levels of abilities needs and interests and that allow students to learn and move
through advanced material.
 To utilize an identification procedure using multiple criteria to appraise students’ needs for
differentiated services.
 To provide fair access to all students without regard for ethic, socio-economic status and or
 To provide continuing staff development programs to enable teachers to appropriately serve the
need of advanced learners.
 To actively involve parents and other community members in an effort to enrich and extend the
learning opportunities of advanced learners.
 To increase parent/public awareness of learning characteristics and best practices in gifted
 To review program goals and objectives annually.
 To nurture academic and creative potential in identified gifted and advanced students through
creative and critical thinking and problem solving.
The Anderson School District has established the following goals for the Academically/Intellectually
Gifted Program:
 To utilize a range of assessment instruments to recognize the students who are academically
and/or intellectually gifted within the Anderson School District.
 To provide various service delivery options to meet the diverse needs of the students who are
recognized as academically gifted in the Anderson School District.
Spring of 2011
To provide, for all certified staff, classified staff and administrators, professional development
that reinforces the goal and objectives of the gifted education plan.
To actively involve parents, school faculty/staff and community representatives in the
continuous improvement of the gifted education plan.
To increase public awareness of the gifted education plan.
Identification and Placement
Grades K-2 Identification
The K-2 program focuses on nurturing and enriching the academic and intellectual potential in all
students. Through informal assessment in the regular classroom, students who are achieving above the
level of most of their peers in language and/or math will be provided differentiated instruction and
flexible grouping options for instruction in either language or math within the regular classroom.
The formal identification process for the GATE program begins in the spring of the second grade with
placement in the third grade. Anderson School recognizes that some students develop cognitive skills
more rapidly than their same-age peers. K-2 students who demonstrate a strong need for differentiation
through informal observation in the classroom may be referred to the Teacher Assistance Team for
further screening. The Teacher Assistance Team is comprised of the school administrator, special
education teacher, school psychologist, guidance counselor, Title I teacher and a classroom teacher.
Indicators of a strong need for differentiation are listed here:
 Reading two or more years above grade placement.
 Performing in math two or more years above grade level.
 Work samples completed at school that indicates mastery of skills two or more years above
grade level.
 Excellent performances in the curriculum for which the student is being considered for
The Teacher Assistance Team will consider all the above indicators, in addition to the social,
emotional, and developmental needs of the student and will determine if the student needs further
assessment. The regular classroom teacher will provide services for these students. Differentiated
services may include: curriculum compacting, subject and or grade acceleration.
Grades K-2 Referral Process
Teachers will use the following screening/assessment tools:
 TOPS Observation Form for Teachers K-2
 Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) – Spring of Grade 2
Grades 3-8 Identification and Referral Process
The initial referral process is a review of the general student population to determine which students
need further assessment for placement in the GATE Program. All students, regardless of ethnic group,
socio-economic background, or disabilities are considered for the possible inclusion in the GATE
program. Students must meet the eligibility standards to qualify for services.
Teachers will use the following screening/assessment tools:
 TOPS Observation Form for Teachers K-2
 Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) – Spring of Grade 2
 MontCAS – Grades 3-8
 Teacher Observation Intervention Form
 Peer Questionnaire (Optional)
Spring of 2011
Referrals may also come from parents, administrators, peers, classroom and specialist teachers.
Classroom teachers will follow the Teacher Assistance Team process for referral.
The Teacher Assistance Team will review the following assessments and surveys:
 TOPS Observation Form for Teachers K-2
 Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) – Spring of Grade 2
 MontCAS – Grades 3-8
 Teacher Observation Intervention Form
 Peer Questionnaire (Optional)
 Student Profile Grades 3-8
 Parent/Guardian Inventory of Child’s Interests
 Parent/Guardian Referral: Getting to Know Your Child
 SPOT Checklist – Teacher and Parent/Guardian Grades 3-8
The Teacher Assistance Team will make one of the following recommendations for all students
 Is currently in a learning environment that is appropriate and does not require additional
services at this time.
 Is in need of GATE services based on collected information.
To be eligible for GATE Services a student must score at the following criteria:
 Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) - 97
 MontCAS – 298
 Teacher Observation Intervention Form – 54/60
 SPOT Form – 90/100
Referral, Screening and Placement Timeline
Classroom teachers collect documentation on students showing academic/intellectual ability or
Teachers bring student to Teacher Assistance Team.
Teachers present student/s data (CogAT/screenings) to TEACHER ASSISTANCE TEAM. Team
makes recommendation.
Teacher presents student to TEACHER ASSISTANCE TEAM, plan is reviewed and recommendations
Transfer Students
Teacher reviews files of new students and makes referral to TEACHER ASSISTANCE TEAM.
Spring of 2011
Program Service Options
The program service options described in this section provide a variety of delivery models to meet the
individual needs of GATE students. These delivery options provide a continuum of services for
students as they progress grades 3-8.
Program service options consist of the following components:
 Learning Environment
 Curriculum Modifications
 Enrichment Options/Activities
Learning Environments
The classroom setting where students receive instruction
K-5 Options
 Cluster grouping
 Cross-age grouping
 Subject grouping
 Independent Study
 Accelerated learners
 Acceleration grade
6-8 Options
 Cluster grouping-Math and English Language Arts
 Acceleration cluster within class
 Acceleration within grade level
 Acceleration beyond grade level
 Dual enrollment
 Independent Study
Procedure to Resolve Disagreement
Step One: School Based GATE Committee
A. A parent/guardian may make a written request for a conference with the GATE Committee to
discuss concerns within 10 school days of notification of the Teacher Assistance Team
B. The Teacher Assistance Team reviews the student’s record and the Committee’s previous service
option decision. The committee may gather additional information about the student from teachers
and/or parent/guardian as needed.
C. The Teacher Assistance Team grants a conference within 7 school days of receipt of the request and
responds in writing to the parent/guardian within 5 days of the conference.
Step Two:
A. The parent/guardian may appeal the second decision of the Teacher Assistance Team in writing to
the Superintendent within 10 school days of the notification of the second decision of the GATE
B. The Superintendent reviews the grievance within 10 school days of receipt of the appeal.
C. The Superintendent responds in writing to the parent/guardian and the GATE Coordinator
concerning the outcome of the review within 10 school days of the review.