Level test for manual

Level 1 (low beginner)
Level 1students have very limited English Skills. They don’t basically use English for
communication and therefore they have a little confidence in speaking it. They usually begin by
not responding, they are shy at expressing themselves. They improve very slowly and
sometimes only after repeated practices. Their method of learning is to imitate what they hear.
Listening and Comprehension
Silent most of the time due to lack of potential to understand the language.
Incapable of answering simple questions and textbook exercises. Answers should need to be
provided by the teacher.
May require repetition of instructions and questions before understanding.
Vocabulary and Expressions
Has very limited vocabulary, recognizes and can use very few words.
Recognize basic and simple words that are most commonly used and heard.
Cannot understand many words and questions.
Lack expressions.
Grammar and Sentences construction
Cannot construct meaningful sentences.
Responds with individual words or silence.
Inability to construct a sentence.
Teacher should help the student all the time.
Has great difficulty pronouncing words with letters L,R,W,P and F.
They have tail sounds.
Needs a lot of practice to improve.
Native tongue influences pronunciation and intonation. Making English words difficult to
Makes significant pauses that disrupt communication.
Dead air and insufficient responses
Has very limited communication skills.
Level 2 ( High beginner )
Level 2 students can understand phrases and short sentences. They can communicate limited
information in simple memorized phrases and greetings. They can construct simple sentences bust
sometimes produce basic errors. They use simple vocabularies and everyday expressions.
Listening and Comprehension
Has better listening skill than level 1, easier to communicate with.
May respond with memorized sentences sometimes without understanding their meaning.
Instructions and questions still have to be repeated once or twice.
Sample situations must be given.
May require Korean translation at times.
Vocabulary and expressions
Understands very simple expressions but having difficulty using them in context.
Knows and uses many basic and simple words that are most commonly used.
Grammar and sentences construction
Responds with simple phrases and broken sentences.
Makes frequent grammatical errors especially with word order and function words.
Can sometimes construct simple sentences.
Native accent is still dominant, making some English words unclear.
Some English words may be uttered correctly by pronouncing them very slowly or repeating
them once or twice.
Lacks intonation
Can converse in simple sentences with the use of key words.
Responds with “I don’t know” or “I’m sorry”.
May respond with learned phrases and memorized words.
Dead air and significant pauses may occur.
Level 3 ( Low intermediate )
At level 3, Students understands complicated speech. They use English spontaneously but may
have difficulty expressing all their thoughts and ideas due to limited vocabulary and command of
language structure. They speak using simple sentences which are comprehensible but frequently
commit grammatical errors.
Listening and comprehension
Needs minimal repetitions only.
Can recognize words faster.
Can answer situational and complex questions.
Vocabulary and Expression
Repeats commonly used words everyday with confidence.
Knows simple and complex words.
May need explanation of terms occasionally.
Grammar and Sentences Construction
Can construct simple sentences correctly most of the time.
Commits minimal grammatical errors especially with the use of tenses.
Can express their ideas and thoughts.
Has a good pronunciation but not consistent all the time.
Native intonation is still audible but arises only on occasion.
Monitors his or her pronunciation and they correct themselves immediately.
Can express thoughts and Ideas in simple sentences.
Meaning is sometimes unclear.
Delay responses due to uncertainty.
Loves to talk
Loves correcting themselves.
Level 4 ( High intermediate )
At level 4, Students can communicate in English in new or unfamiliar setting. Students at this
level may read with considerable fluency and are able to locate and identify the specific facts within the
text. They can read independently but may have occasional difficulties.
Listening and Comprehension
Can respond quickly without any difficulty.
Can follow normal speaking pace.
Can sustain a spontaneous conversation.
Can be asked by questions How and why.
Vocabulary and Expressions
Makes apparent effort to analyze words and phrases.
May commit some inconsistencies and ask for corrections.
Makes effort to analyze words and phrases.
Grammar and Sentence Construction
Can construct a complete sentence.
Makes minimal grammatical errors.
Monitors speech and is able to self- correct.
Pronunciation is generally good and said clearly with correct intonation.
A bit of native accent is noticeable.
Pronunciation improves quickly when corrected.
Often self-corrects.
Can maintain a simple conversation on a familiar topic.
Sentence-length responses are common.
Communication may still be not that smooth due to limited knowledge of certain topics.
Levels 5 - 6 ( Advanced )
Students can express themselves fluently and spontaneously at this level. Students have a good
command of technical and academic vocabulary as well of idiomatic expressions. Errors are minimal,
difficult to stop, and generally corrected when they occur.
Listening and Comprehension
Provide instance responses to questions.
Recognizes ideas or messages given.
Can identify jokes, figures of speech, and can initiate/ sustain conversation.
Can communicate effectively and with ease.
Vocabulary and Expressions
Has a broad vocabulary, can understand figurative expressions and idioms.
Comprehension may be influenced by the local culture.
Can sustain a flow of thought.
Grammar and Sentence Construction
Sentences and construction is accurate at this level, Subject and verb agreement and tenses are
Commits grammar errors but recognizes them immediately.
Still commits mistake under pressure.
Student is now able to speak words well and enunciate clearly.
English words are pronounced with the correct accent.
Some mistakes may be noticed when the student talks fast and loses control.
Native intonation may show when encountering unfamiliar words.
Can converse with ease and confidence.
Ask questions without hesitation.
Speaks in paragraph length but can stammer under pressure.
Higher order of thinking skill questions are answered easily.