Supporting Information Notes S1 & Tables S1–S5 Notes S1 Description of datasets and analyses Data The state of Victoria is located in south-eastern Australia and extends from 34°4’ S to 39°6’ S and 140°59’ E to 149°42’ E, covering just under 230,000 km2. Home to 5.7 million people, it has a temperate climate with the majority of annual rainfall occurring in the cooler winter months (mean varies between 300 mm to 2300 mm across the region, BOM 2007). Vegetation in the state has been categorised into 20 broad vegetation groups, known as Ecological Vegetation Classes (Table S1, DSE 2009). These can be broadly thought of as ecosystem types. We use plant occupancy (i.e. presence/ absence) and cover abundance data collected by the Victorian Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI, formerly DSE) between 1970 and 2011. Foliar projective cover of plant taxa was estimated in 29,991 30 m² quadrats using the Braun-Blanquet scale and converted to midpoint averages prior to analysis. The mean number of quadrats surveyed per ecosystem was 1,501 (SE 287), with the least surveyed ecosystem type being Rocky Outcrop or Escarpment Scrubs (189 quadrats; Table S1). Of 4,609 taxa recorded across the state, 3,575 were native to Victoria and 1,036 were non-native (or alien) to Victoria (967 taxa were alien to Australia). Alien species were recorded in 21,871 of the 29,991 quadrats surveyed. Native species were recorded in 29,983 quadrats. The Global Invasive Species Database is managed by the Invasive Species Specialist Group of the IUCN Species Survival Commission and contains information about 965 invasive taxa, 458 of which are higher plants (ISSG 2013). The GISD focuses on alien species that may negatively impact native biodiversity and is compiled from contributions by ISSG members and invasive species experts. The database covers a broad range of taxonomic groups that invade a broad range of environments and includes qualitative information about the types of habitat that each species invades (16 habitat types included). Despite a slight geographical bias that stems from differences in funding (ISSG 2013), the GISD provides an opportunity to examine global trends in invasive plant species invasion. We restrict our examination to higher plants. We use the GISD to assess Hypotheses 1 and 2 and the Victorian data to assess Hypotheses 1, 3 and 4. Analysis Recognising that definitions of riparian habitats vary and that species occupying these zones may be found in other aquatic-terrestrial transition zones that require similar ecophysiological 1 adaptations, we take two approaches for comparing among habitat types. 1) We use the classifications as supplied by the two databases (GISD: ‘Riparian zones’, Victorian data: ‘Riparian Scrubs or Swampy Scrubs and Woodlands’, hereon Riparian Scrubs) and refer to these simply as riparian zones. 2) We use a broader category of riparian zone by grouping several ecosystem types (GISD: ‘Riparian zones’ and ‘Wetlands’; Victorian data: ‘Riparian Scrubs or Swampy Scrubs and Woodlands’, ‘Wetlands’ and ‘Riverine Grassy Woodlands or Forests’) and refer to this as ‘Broad Riparian’. We assessed the likelihood of each of the four hypotheses proposed in the following ways. Hypothesis 1: A high proportion of the alien species that invade riparian zones exclusively invade riparian ecosystems Of the entire alien species pool recorded in Victoria and in the GISD, we calculated the proportion that exclusively invades riparian ecosystems. This gives an indication of ecosystem specialisation or habitat fidelity. We did this for both datasets. For the Victorian data, we also determined the proportion of native species that are only recorded in riparian ecosystems. Because the native data is not subject to introduction bias (though it could be subject to differences in frequency, condition and ecological threat), it provides a point of comparison allowing us to determine whether the alien species pool is relatively more biased towards riparian species. Hypothesis 2: Riparian invaders have higher propagule pressure and more dispersal opportunities than species that invader other types of ecosystems We used the GISD for this analysis. We did not have information about the fecundity of individual species nor their dispersal ability, so had to rely on information about species’ dispersal modes to test this hypothesis instead. The GISD lists the types of dispersal modes used by each species. There are 12 categories: animals, vegetative, water currents, wind, agriculture, ornamental, garden escape, contaminated soil, hikers, vehicles, forestry, unspecified. We assume that species that use a greater variety of dispersal modes have the potential for more effective and widespread dispersal. Using information about the dispersal modes used by higher plants, we compared the number of dispersal modes used by species that invade riparian ecosystems versus those that do not. Given the importance of hydrochory for riparian plant dispersal, we also examined trends in hydrochory (i.e. species recorded as using water currents as a means of local dispersal). To test whether riparian invaders have a closer association with humans than species that invade other ecosystem types, we created an additional category indicating human-mediated dispersal. If species were recorded as dispersing by at least one of seven categories 2 (agriculture, ornamental, garden escape, contaminated soil, hikers, vehicles and forestry) they were listed as being dispersed by humans. We compared the prevalence of human-mediated dispersal and the number of dispersal modes used by riparian and non-riparian invaders using one-way ANOVAs in Minitab 16.2.4. Data met the assumptions of the tests. Hypothesis 3: A greater proportion of the alien species pool invades riparian ecosystems compared to other ecosystem types. We calculated the proportion of invaders recorded in each ecosystem. For the GISD, this was based on information about the habitats each individual species invades. For the Victorian data, we specified that a species must occur in at least 10 quadrats for a given habitat type to be considered an invader of that ecosystem (i.e. excluded the equivalent of 5% of quadrats of the least sampled vegetation type). This was to avoid census errors in species observations and difficulties associated with ecosystem classification (e.g. where a site is effectively in a transition zone between two types of vegetation or has recently changed from one vegetation type to another). Hypothesis 4: Invaders of riparian zones are more successful and invasive than those of other ecosystems Using the Victorian data, we determine whether alien species in riparian zones contribute higher cover relative to their richness in comparison with other types of ecosystems. We calculated the proportion of total vegetation cover and total species richness in each quadrat that was made up of species that are alien to Victoria (proportional alien cover and proportional alien species richness). In doing this, we use relative alien cover as a measure of invasion level. Proportional cover of alien taxa indicates the relative contribution that they make to the local plant community. Examining relative alien cover in relation to relative alien species richness indicates whether alien species, on average, are more or less abundant than the average native species. If relative alien cover is greater than relative alien richness, alien species are effectively ‘punching above their weight’ in terms of abundance (Catford et al. 2012). We consider ecosystems that have a higher ratio of relative alien cover to relative alien richness as containing more successful invaders. References BOM. 2007. Climate of Australia. URL 3 Catford JA, Vesk PA, Richardson DM, Pyšek P. 2012. Quantifying levels of biological invasion: towards the objective classification of invaded and invasible ecosystems. Global Change Biology 18: 44–62. DSE. 2009. Accessing Native Vegetation data. URL 14E522C816829EBF3F7CA25700C00240E63 - desc ISSG. 2013. Global Invasive Species Database (GISD) In. Invasive Species Specialist Group, IUCN (The World Conservation Union). 4 Table S1 Number of quadrats surveyed for each ecosystem type (or Ecological Vegetation Class) in Victoria between 1970 and 2011. Ecological Vegetation Class Quadrats surveyed Wet or Damp Forests 4965 Dry Forests 4578 Lowland Forests 2788 Plains Woodlands or Forests 1851 Heathy Woodlands 1724 Riparian Scrubs or Swampy Scrubs and Woodlands 1693 Heathlands 1568 Sub-alpine Grasslands 1558 Mallee 1549 Plains Grasslands and Chenopod Shrublands 1283 Lower Slopes or Hills Woodlands 1032 Riverine Grassy Woodlands or Forests 923 Coastal Scrubs Grasslands and Woodlands 815 Montane Grasslands 704 Box Ironbark Forests or dry/lower fertility Woodlands 649 Wetlands 615 Rainforests 537 Herb-rich Woodlands 506 Salt-tolerant and/or succulent Shrublands 464 Rocky Outcrop or Escarpment Scrubs 189 5 Table S2 Our approach for testing four hypotheses proposed to explain high levels of riparian invasion based on characteristics of invading species. Datasets: GISD, Global Invasive Species Database; Vic, Victorian Department of Environment and Primary Industries vegetation quadrat data. Hypothesis Test Dataset Our findings 1) More riparian specialists High proportion of the alien GISD, Vic No support in alien species pool species pool exclusively GISD Support Vic Support Vic Little support invades riparian zones 2) Higher colonisation and Greater prevalence of propagule pressure of human-mediated dispersal riparian invaders and higher number of dispersal modes used by species that invade riparian ecosystems compared to species that invade other ecosystems 3) More alien species can High proportion of the alien pass the environmental species pool occurs in filters of riparian zones riparian ecosystems compared to other ecosystems 4) Riparian invaders are Relative abundance of more competitive and species invading riparian invasive than other invaders ecosystems is higher than invaders of other ecosystems 6 Table S3 Results of a one-way ANOVA comparing the number of dispersal modes used by species that invade and do not invade riparian zones. Degrees of Sum of Mean freedom squares squares Riparian 1 97.03 97.03 Error 456 1258.17 2.76 F P 35.17 <0.001 Table S4 Results of a one-way ANOVA comparing the prevalence of dispersal using water currents among species that invade and do not invade riparian zones. Degrees of Sum of Mean freedom squares squares Riparian 1 2.941 2.941 Error 456 93.873 0.206 F P 14.29 <0.001 Table S5 Results of a one-way ANOVA comparing the prevalence of human-mediated dispersal among species that invade and do not invade riparian zones. Degrees of Sum of Mean freedom squares squares Riparian 1 3.066 3.066 Error 456 111.327 0.244 F P 12.56 <0.001 7