Quarter, Year: Fall 2012

Syllabus: CIS 171 - Cisco Networking I
Quarter, Year: Fall 2012
Item #: 2318
Credits: 5
Section: A
Class Days, Times, & Dates: In-person, SNH 110, on Wednesdays from 3:00 PM to 5:40 PM,
09/26/2012 thru 12/12/2012
Hybrid Course Mode: 50% of classroom time is replaced by content and activities that take
place in a managed online classroom. Regular access to both Internet and edmail email
accounts are required in order to participate in the hybrid portion of this class. For info on
hybrid courses visit the Distance Learning Office at www.edcc.edu/online.
Course Description: First in a series of four courses preparing students for the Cisco Certified
Network Associate Exam. Topics include functions of each layer of the OSI reference model,
classes of IP addresses and subnetting, network design, topologies and protocols.
Prerequisites: CIS 125 with a minimum grade of 2.5 or equivalent experience
Instructor Name: Glen Cunningham
Telephone: 425-640-1339 ext. 7056
Office Hours: N/A
Email: glen.cunningham@edcc.edu
Office Location: N/A
Best Way to Reach You: email
Textbook Title and ISBN number: Textbooks are optional. The official curriculum is wholly
online, and provided at no additional cost as a Cisco Networking Academy:
Network Fundamentals: CCNA Exploration Companion Guide, ISBN-13: 978-1-58713-348-0
Other Optional Materials: (highly recommended) CCNA Portable Command Guide, 2nd
Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1-58720-193-6
Computer Resources: A classroom computer is provided for each student in SNH 110 during
regularly scheduled class times and days. In addition, all ACS computers are installed with the
software required for the Cisco classes, including Packet Tracer.
Cisco Networking Academy: We are an official Cisco Networking Academy, so you will be
using the curriculum developed by Cisco, located at http://cisco.netacad.net. You are
expected to access the site on a regular basis. You will also find practice quizzes, labs,
resources, and on-line tests for the course. This site may require that you download some
common plug-ins if needed.
Blackboard website: http://blackboard.edcc.edu/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp
Blackboard 24/7 technical support: http://www.edcc.edu/online/support/
Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Explain the fundamental concepts of routing and switching using the OSI layers and the
Protocol Data Units (PDU) to explain each step of the process. [COMMUNICATE]
2. Explain fundamental Ethernet concepts such as media, services, and operation.
3. Identify and describe the protocols and services presented in the OSI learning model,
as well as the industry-standard TCP/IP networking model. [REASON]
4. Demonstrate the troubleshooting techniques necessary to verify small network
operations and analyze data traffic utilizing common network utilities. [REASON]
5. Design and implement a hierarchical IP Addressing scheme using subnetting in order to
meet the needs of a medium size business. [REASON]
Degree Outcomes: This course is required for the Network Technology Associate of
Technical Arts Degree. As such, it meets all or part of the following degree outcomes:
Demonstrate intermediate understanding of telecommunication and networking
Demonstrate intermediate abilities to install, maintain, configure and troubleshoot
College-Wide Abilities (CWAs):
Communicate and interact respectfully through critical and imaginative expression
Act responsibly, both individually and collaboratively, within changing environments
Reason clearly using varied analytic and creative approaches
Explore critically and creatively the diversity of cultures, ethics, values, and ways of thinking
across communities
Follow this link for more information on the CWAs: http://www.edcc.edu/cwa/
Cisco NetAcad Hands-On Labs
25 %
Cisco Packet Tracer Labs
25 %
Cisco NetAcad Chapter Exams
40 %
Cisco Lab Final Exam
00 %
Cisco Curriculum Final Exam
10 %
100 %
Hands-On Labs: Printed copies of the Cisco NetAcad Hands-On Labs will be provided in
class. It is essential to follow the instructions precisely in order to attain the correct answers.
Please inform the instructor if you find any errors in the labs. The only guarantee of lab
equipment availability is during regularly scheduled class times. If you miss the scheduled lab
day, you are not guaranteed an opportunity to make it up.
Packet Tracer Labs: Cisco Packet Tracer Labs for each chapter are due a week after that
chapter is covered in class, as indicated on the Class Schedule. For each lab, you will need to
turn in a screenshot of the Assessment page showing that you have completed the lab.
Instructions on completing and turning in these assignments are found on Blackboard.
Chapter Exams: Availability of Cisco NetAcad Chapter Exams will be determined as class
progresses. Cisco NetAcad Chapter Exams must be taken according to the weekly schedule.
Cisco NetAcad Chapter Exams are open book and open notes. You have 2 opportunities to
take each exam (last one taken counts for your exam grade).
Cisco Lab Final Exam: The Cisco Lab Final Exam will be administered during the last week
of classes in SNH 110 using the Packet Tracer software installed on the computers in the
classroom. Students will have two hours to complete the assigned tasks. This lab final will
focus on the information learned and the labs performed during the quarter.
Cisco Curriculum Final Exam: The Cisco NetAcad Curriculum Final Exam will be available
on the Cisco NetAcad web site. This is a 50-question comprehensive exam of the material
covered in this class. This exam will not be monitored (not in classroom), and will be open
book and open notes. You can only take the Final Exam once, and the time limit will be 75
Grading Table:
4.0 - 3.9
3.8 - 3.5
3.4 - 3.2
3.1 - 2.9
2.8 - 2.5
2.4 - 2.2
2.1 - 1.9
1.8 - 1.5
1.4 - 1.2
1.1 - 1.0
0.9 - 0.0
Make-up or Late Work: Assignments made-up or turned in late will be marked 25% off.
Assignments more than two weeks late or after the next-to-last week of the quarter will be
marked 50% off. Exception to the rule is when an assignment has a scheduled due date closer
to the end of the quarter, as indicated on the Class Schedule.
Policy on V grade: An instructor-initiated withdrawal. The final grade issued if an instructor
initiates a class withdrawal before the end of the quarter, often in consultation with the student,
or if a student enrolls in a class but never attends or stops attending class. A faculty member is
under no obligation to grant an instructor-initiated withdrawal.
Policy on I grade: The incomplete is given at the discretion of the instructor only when the
student has done satisfactory work but could not, for some unavoidable reason, complete
some part of the coursework or take the final examination. The student and instructor prepare
and sign an “Incomplete Grade Contract” (located in division offices) specifying the work to be
completed. The contract will include the date by which all work must be submitted and the
grade that will be submitted if the work is not completed. Incompletes given prior to Fall
Quarter of 1990 will be assigned letter grades.
These and other grading policies can be found in the online college catalog
(http://catalog.edcc.edu) on the Academic Requirements page, under Student Grades.
Plagiarism Reference: Plagiarism and other forms of cheating will not be tolerated, including
but not limited to assignments that are copied in whole or part from another person, and
assignments which are copied verbatim from other sources such as the web, books, magazine
articles. Reference information is available at www.edcc.edu/syllabus/plagiarism.php
The Cisco Curriculum Final Exam will be online on December 13, 2012, 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM
If you require an accommodation for a disability, please contact Services for Students with
Disabilities at MLT 159, 425-640-1320 or ssdmail@edcc.edu.
You can sign up to receive email or text notifications of college closures or delayed openings
due to weather or other emergencies at http://www.schoolreport.org/. You can also call the
college’s switchboard at 425.640.1459.
If you are in a CIS 2 year degree program, you should keep your work from your classes so
you can organize it and submit it for your CIS 116 Exit Portfolio requirement.
Computer Information Systems: http://cis.edcc.edu/
Computers, Electronics and Networks: http://cen.edcc.edu/
Computer Science: http://cs.edcc.edu/
• Academic Calendar: http://www.edcc.edu/calendar/_academic.php
• Advising: www.edcc.edu/advising
• College Policies and Procedures: http://catalog.edcc.edu
• Counseling and Resource Center: www.edcc.edu/counseling
• Diversity Student Center: www.edcc.edu/dsc
• Learning Support Center: www.edcc.edu/lsc/Tutoring_Center.php
• Library, including online resources: www.edcc.edu/library
• Office of Student Life: www.edcc.edu/stulife
• Student Printing Guidelines: www.edcc.edu/acs/Printing
• Student Services: www.edcc.edu/es
• Student Resources: www.edcc.edu/support