Ms. Pascal: Tina 張簡莛芸 400540018
Harold: Julie 范睿家 400540288
Narrator: Lena 楊雯珺 400540472
Ms. Pascal: Damn it! Damn it! You miscreant.
Harold: I understand.
Ms. Pascal: Oh, get bent, taxman!
Harold: Is there somewhere else we could talk about this?
Ms. Pascal: We gonna talk about this right here.
Harold: Okay! You didn’t pay part of your tax last year?
Ms. Pascal: So?
Harold: Is only 78 percent.
Ms. Pascal: Yep.
Harold: So you didn’t care about this?
Ms. Pascal: Yep.
Harold: Are you expecting an audit?
Ms. Pascal: I was expecting a sharp reprimand.
Harold: Reprimand? Ms. Pascal, you stole from the government.
Ms. Pascal: No, I didn’t steal from the government, I just didn’t pay you entirely.
Harold: Ms. Pascal, you can’t ignore this.
Ms. Pascal: Of course I can.
Harold: You can if you wanna get audited.
Ms. Pascal: Do you have the right to audit me, Taxman?
Harold: I’m right here to audit you!
Ms. Pascal: Fine! Actually, you know, it’s not fine. I’m a big supporter of erecting swing sets and building shelties. I am more than happy to pay those taxes.
Harold: What are you trying to say? Ms. Pascal, face the truth, you owed the government.
Ms. Pascal:
Harold: Would it be the letter that begins, “ Dear Imperialist Swine?”
Ms. Pascal: Yes.
Harold: Ms. Pascal, what you’re describing is anarchy. Are you an anarchist?
Ms. Pascal: You mean am I a member of --?
Harold: An anarchist group, yes.
Ms. Pascal: Anarchists have a group?
Harold: I believe so. Sure.
Ms. Pascal: They assemble?
Harold: I don’t know.
Ms. Pascal: Wouldn’t that completely defeat the purpose?
Narrator: It was difficult for Harold to imagine Ms. Pascal as a revoluntionary.
Harold: Not now.
Ms. Pascal: What?
Ms. Pascal: Tina 張簡莛芸 400540018
Harold: Julie 范睿家 400540288
Narrator: Lena 楊雯珺 400540472
Narrator: …dashing from tear gas. Harold wasn’t prone to fantasies and so he tried his best to remain professional, but, of course, failed. He couldn’t help but imagine
Ms. Pascal stroking the side of his face with the soft blade of her finger. He couldn’t help but imagine her immersed in a tub shaving her legs. And he couldn’t help but imagine her naked stretched across his bed.
Ms. Pascal: Mr. Crick? Mr. Crick. You’re staring at my tits. How dare you!
Harold: I was --? I don’t think I would do that. If I was, I can assure you it was only as a representative of the United States government. Sorry, I’m just having issues today.
So I’ll be back on Tuesday.
Narrator: Harold suddenly found himself beleaguered and exasperated outside the bakery… His face blushed and he spoke with stammer.
Harold: Shut up!
Narrator: …cursing the heavens in futility.
Harold: No, I’m not. I’m cursing you, you stupid voice! So shut up and leave me alone!