June 2014 - StoneBridge Community Association, Inc.

July 1, 2014 4:00 p.m.
Attendance: The regular monthly meeting of SCA Board of Directors was called to order at 4:04 p.m., July 1, 2014
at Kay Cason’s home. Meeting was adjourned at 6:48pm.
The following Directors and officers were present:
Jamie Howell, President
Bobby Andrews, Vice President
Michelle Hollenshead, Secretary
Kay Cason, Treasurer
Jeff Free, Director
Judy Kendrick, Director
Harold Watson, General Manager
Welcome and Opening Remarks – Jamie
Renovations at the Golf Club and Cart Barn, Terms of Use – Art Schuldt
a. Cart Barn – upgrades & Suites Proposal
b. SCA Conditional Use Agreement Discussion
i. HOA Dues
ii. Gate remotes
iii. Meet with Mr. Ji first and then compile the Conditional Use Agreement after we have
been presented with proposal.
iv. Insurance Liability considerations
v. Restrictions on upkeep, aesthetics in line with SCA
Architectural Review – Art Schuldt
a. Covenant Violations on pool wall
i. Wall within 15 ft. of the setback requirements (approx.. 8.5 ft. )
ii. No plans submitted for approval prior
iii. No solid screening on South Side & only screened area on North Side
iv. Wall is over the 24 inch regulation
b. Art drafting violation letter to be submitted regarding the non-compliance
i. Kay motioned for Art to draft the Violation letter. Judy seconded, all in favor.
Entry Gate (Tabled Until after Meeting with Mr. Ji)
a. Harold will retrieve more bids on the Gate to ensure we are getting the best quality of work and
most cost efficient.
b. More discussion of liability as well as ongoing cost of maintenance and repairs.
c. Discussion of speed in neighborhood and ideas to encourage residents to slow down.
i. Letter to residents to abide the speed limit
ii. Jeff agreed to contact the city about the possibility of installing speed bumps on
StoneBridge Blvd
iii. It was suggested that BCPD be called to monitor the speed on StoneBridge Blvd
Swim & Tennis – Harold
a. Crawfish Boil – small profit, basically breakeven @ $51.72
b. Staffing at pool – begin cutting back in August
c. Pool Maintenance – be prepared for higher maintenance cost to ensure we maintain upgrades
i. Brushing daily
ii. Correct amount of chlorine (est. 13lbs each day)
iii. Filter Backwashed weekly
iv. Will continue maintenance until cold weather
v. Day after pool closes Harold will have “maintenance shut down day” – take down all
windscreens, collect chairs and store
Ponds & Wetlands/Roads & Grounds Reports – Harold & Bobby
a. Fountain Pump
i. Harold found that no release was required for installing the electrical line to the big
Waterbuy pond. Existing pedestals can be utilized.
b. Carp
i. Harold working on obtaining permit to purchase Carp
ii. Ordering about 15-20 more Carp to add to ponds
iii. Spraying efforts are proving to be very effective
iv. Discovered that the dye being used in the Imperical Circle pond retards the chemical
added for maintenance
c. Irrigation
i. All systems have been updated, parts installed and should find functioning properly
Financials – Harold
a. Reviewed usual financial reports
b. Discussion of paying down note as we have in the past (previously $25K applied toward principle)
c. Harold introduced idea of Summer Memberships for Associate members at a reduced rate of
$500 collected in full. No use of the gym, simply Pool & tennis, require credit card on file for
incidentals at the concession
Covenant Enforcement – Harold & Jamie
a. Trashcans – Board agreed that trashcans should be stored out of public view. Residents should
be notified in the following ways:
i. Reminder on sign
ii. Facebook announcement
a. BB goal – New release delivered, also received request to relocate the hitting wall. Same resident
has offered to move the hitting wall at his expense. It was discussed that the expense would be
cost prohibitive but it would be communicated to the resident should they inquire about it again.
b. Bids for insurance for common areas completed and added. Goode named as additional insured
to cover future liabilities.
c. Entrance Wall Fountain – TABLED UNTIL FALL
i. Discussion to enhance entrance
d. Chaise Lounges – New chaise lounges were purchased after being approved in May in special
meeting called to take advantage of special pricing.
e. Damage to DHP – Completed
i. Kay requested that Roger do a better job at detailing maintenance work . More itemized
billing going forward
f. Grass Clippings – Not in drains, $150 fine for blowing grass into drains (city ordinance)
g. Fencing perpendicular to Modica Lot – Replace fence, NO to painting or staining it
Real Estate Report – Jeff
a. Emailed to board last Thursday with updates on listings, sales, foreclosures
Goals and Projects for 2014-2015
a. Current Projects
i. Gate Feasibility Study & Installation (see above)
ii. Previous board approved the purchase of a fountain (110V Eco from Sugar Creek
Fountains) for the big Waterbury/Wilshire/Turnbury pond. Never acted upon. (See
iii. Previous board approved the purchase of an automatic external defibrillator for the S&T
facility. Never acted upon.
iv. Repair/Replace Deteriorating Sections of Modica Lott Fence and other perimeter
Complete Irrigation System Upgrades and Expansions (see above)
Repair Drought Damaged Common Area/Street Islands Lawns and Beds
Rebuild and Stabilize Imperial Circle Flagstone flower beds
Create and distribute a neighborhood directory – working on getting interests from
residents to have on portal.
**Judy motioned to remove projects 3,6,& 7; Michelle seconded; all in favor
b. Legacy Goals/Projects - TABLED
i. Playground project and funding – nothing has ever been initiated on raising funds.
ii. Redesign of Macey Ln. concrete islands
iii. Installation of sidewalk on south side of Stonbridge Blvd. from Macey Ln. to S&T parking
lot. Installation/completion of Sidewalk on west side of Waterbury Dr.
Adjourn – meeting adjourned at 6:48 p.m.
** Next meeting set for Tuesday, July 29, 2014
** Request timeline along with formal proposal in writing from Mr. Ji to the board for discussion/planning