FY15 Cultural Tourism Funding - Worksheet for Narrative Questions

FY15 Cultural Tourism Funding - Worksheet for Narrative Questions of Application
Blue indicates Narrative Questions.
Evaluation Matrix top score(s) are shown as a guide. Complete matrix on Guidelines
page 9 & 10.
Each online narrative response will have a running total of characters used and
remaining. The approximate character and spaces count is shown below. There will be
some disagreement between preparation in Word, and the online application count.
To check Word count, for one individual question/response: Enter response in shaded
area. Select or highlight response to check. Go to “Review” tab, then select Word Count,
view Characters (with spaces). Every letter, space, punctuation counts as 1.
Report Fields:
Project Title: 15 words (100 characters/spaces)
Put your response here.
Project Information:
Project Description: 100 words (600 characters/spaces)
Put your response here.
NARRATIVE SECTION I - Enhance Orlando Area's Arts & Cultural IDENTITY - 25 Points:
IDENTITY: Project--Innovation & Uniqueness (15 points) - Evaluation Matrix Multiplier 3
Q1 How will this event be exciting, unique or innovative? (3,700 characters with spaces)
5 points – “Breaks new ground and/or is different from what has been done elsewhere or
involves taking great risk artistically.”
4 points – “Stands out creatively from the standard experiences of visitors and residents to
similar events.”
3 points – “Makes you stop, look and think. Is on the quality level of other similar experiences
here or in the state.”
Put your response here.
IDENTITY: Response--International/national attention and associations/ peer group standing/
leadership/ number of entries/ applications (10 points) – Evaluation Matrix Multiplier 2
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FY15 Cultural Tourism Funding - Worksheet for Narrative Questions of Application
Q2 How will this event will be of interest to colleagues in your field from across the world? (1,900
characters with spaces)
5 points – “Exceptional interest in and respect for this event from colleagues around the world.
Highest recognitions from peer group association. Taking a lead in the field.”
4 points – “Significant interest and respect for this event from colleagues around the country.
Recognized and involved in leadership with regional/national/international peer networks.”
3 points – “Belongs to and participates in regional or national peer networks. Colleagues in other
parts of the state are aware of the organization and the event.”
Put your response here.
NARRATIVE SECTION II: Quality (25 points)
Quality: Product – Artistic Excellence (15 points) – Evaluation Matrix Multiplier 3
Q3: What elements of this and past events will assure the highest artistic excellence? (2,200
characters with spaces)
5 points – “Exceptional elements of artistic excellence resulting in a world-class event.”
4 points – “Impressive elements of artistic excellence resulting in a high-quality event.”
3 points – “Quality elements of artistic excellence resulting in a satisfactory event.”
Your response here.
Quality: Reputation – Feedback/Professional and critical acclaim (10 points) – Evaluation Matrix
Multiplier 2
Q4: Give evidence of your organization’s high reputation and history of positive critical acclaim. (2,200
characters with spaces)
5 points – “Exceptionally positive reputation in regional, national, and international press and
extremely high admiration expressed by critics, peers and audience.”
4 points – “Has a positive reputation with critics, peers and audience from outside the area.”
3 points – “Is respected in our community with positive comments from critics, peers or audience.”
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FY15 Cultural Tourism Funding - Worksheet for Narrative Questions of Application
Your response here.
NARRATIVE SECTION III: Tourism (30 points)
Marketing & Public Relations (20 points) – Evaluation Matrix Multiplier 4
Three responses:
Q5A. Articulate your marketing and public relations plan–specify methods, mediums and
materials. (4,800 characters with spaces) (Detailed marketing budget will support this)
5 points – “Exceptional marketing and P.R. plan that will attract regional, national and international
attention to the event. Fully participating in Red Chair Project (now OrlandoAtPlay.com), Nonprofit
Search, as well as Visit Orlando and other resources and cross-promoting with other organizations.”
4 points – “Strong marketing and P.R. plan that attracts attention outside of the state. Participates
in some of the collaborative community resources and cross-promotes.”
3 points – “Adequate marketing and P.R. plan for attracting attention from outside the
four-County area. Participates in the community collaborative resource programs.”
Your response here.
Q5B. Detail timeline of entire event, including marketing and PR milestones within timeline of
entire event. (2,800 characters with spaces)
Your response here.
Projected Total Attendance (10 points) – Evaluation Matrix Multiplier 2
Q6a.i.: Projected Total Attendance: (NUMBER) ___________ and
Q6a.ii.: Projected segment of the total attendance who are tourists (from outside the four-county
area) (NUMBER)____________. (Panel judge up to max score, not set by scale)
Q6b: Explain efforts to reach residents and visitors alike. (500 characters with spaces)
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FY15 Cultural Tourism Funding - Worksheet for Narrative Questions of Application
PANEL may award UP TO:
5 points – Attendance of:
more than 30K (large request),
more than 20K (medium),
more than 10K (small request),
with more than 5K/3,333/ or
1,667 being tourists.
4 points – Attendance of:
more than 20K (large request),
more than 10K (medium
more than 5K (small request),
with minimum 3,333/1,667/ or
833 being tourists.
3 points – Attendance of:
more than 10K (large request),
more than 5K (medium request),
more than 2.5K (small request),
with minimum 1,667/833/or 416
being tourists.
Your response here.
NARRATIVE SECTION IV: Successful Implementation (20 points)
Outreach & Diversity (5 points) – Evaluation Matrix Multiplier 1
Q7: Describe your plan for educational outreach and for reaching a broad spectrum of the community.
(2,400 characters with spaces)
5 points – “Exceptional plan for reaching a broad spectrum of the community and high quality
educational outreach.”
4 points – “Above average plan for reaching diverse audiences and very good educational outreach.”
3 points – “Average plan for reaching diverse audiences and average educational outreach.”
Your response here.
IMPLEMENTATION: Operational Readiness (5 points) – Evaluation Matrix Multiplier 1
(Panel may refer to NonProfit Search portrait for key staff and board/committees)
5 points – “Extremely strong board and staff with nearly all logistic details confirmed.”
4 points – “Better than average board and staff with a majority of logistic details confirmed.”
3 points – “Average board and staff with a good amount of logistic details confirmed.”
Q8 a. Describe the composition and strengths of your board and staff. (950 characters with
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FY15 Cultural Tourism Funding - Worksheet for Narrative Questions of Application
Your response here.
Q8 b. List what major logistical details for the event are confirmed? (800 characters with
Your response here.
IMPLEMENTATION: Financial Readiness/ Forms (5 points) – Evaluation Matrix Multiplier 1
PANEL - refer to Budget Summary, and Financial Statements/Portrait summary, AND OPTIONAL
Explanatory Notes from applicant (below) regarding financial or governance items and ability to manage
the event based on past events:
 Forms, Attachments, next section
 Narrative (optional, below).
IMLEMENTATION: Financial Readiness/ Forms
5 points – “Extremely solid project budget, organizational financial condition, and ability to manage
the event based on past events.”
4 points – “Above average project budget, organizational financial condition, and ability to manage
the event based on past events.”
3 points – “Average project budget, organizational financial condition, and ability to manage the
event based on past event.”
Q9 Optional: Explanatory Notes on Finances or Governance (1,000 characters with spaces)
Your response here.
IMPLEMENTATION: Match (5 points) – Evaluation Matrix Multiplier 1
PANEL - refer to Form B Matching Funds & Documentation confirming match. Staff will review and
suggest maximum points, based on % of Match confirmed. Panel may elect UP TO the maximum points.
[No narrative response]
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