Parent Questionnaire November 2015 - results Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know The school is welcoming and has 65 35 a happy atmosphere My child enjoys coming to school 72 28 My child feels safe at school 72 17 My child is taught well at school 60 35 My child is making good progress 60 31 My child is encouraged to work 62 28 5 hard and do their best My child’s lessons are not 29 45 5 19 disrupted by bad behaviour. My child receives an appropriate 23 64 7 2 2 amount of homework My child has the opportunity to 26 64 5 5 enjoy a range of extra-curricular activities The school communicates with 26 74 me effectively about how to support my child’s learning The school newsletters are helpful 52 48 and informative There is a good standard of 52 46 2 behaviour at Greens Norton The school deals with incidents of 31 24 2 41 bullying effectively I find it easy to approach the 58 38 2 2 school with questions or problems to do with my child. I think the school is well led and 62 36 2 managed My child is encouraged to lead a 52 48 healthy lifestyle I would recommend Greens 72 24 2 Norton to another family What do you think we do well as a school? What would you like to see maintained? Create a safe environment where children can build their own confidence and thrive. Encourage values. Encourage children to look after each other, promote healthy eating. There is a real sense that the children look out for and care about each other. This is clearly encouraged by staff. Children are enthused to learn and are given prompt feedback from looking in their workbooks. Children are given opportunities to do extra-curricular activities including sport and music. The caring, supportive ethos. The way learning is recorded in books in Y1. Very warm, welcoming and nurturing. Excellent and positive behaviour management and building self-esteem. I very much agree with ‘The school is welcoming and has a happy atmosphere’. This coupled with the educational standards gives our children an excellent grounding. There is care for the individual and not just the grades. No answer given 11 5 9 5 2 2 2 2 I think that the pupils throughout the school mix well rather than just individual classes or small groups of friends. I think the teachers are approachable and take the well-being of the child very seriously. I think Greens Norton School encourages a close family like relationship between the children throughout the school and this makes them feel safe and happy to come to school. The most important thing for a child. The new arrival in the morning has reduced excess excitement for a calm start to the day. School have worked with me with regards to assistance with the children i.e. social worker. Our child has really enjoyed the Tudor project and as parents we have enjoyed spending the time doing this. A very caring school with a lovely ethos. Excellent school community where all children feel valued and have opportunities to get involved. Great headteacher who has made a really positive impact on the way the school is run. Hardworking and dedicated teachers. Very friendly and welcoming school. Focused schooling to support individual needs. Celebration assemblies are a great idea, so nice to see children proud of their accomplishments. High standards of behaviour; encouraging healthy lifestyles, children of different ages playing together. The healthy eating is fantastic as it encourages the children to eat better foods. The teaching standard is also very good and the children are well behaved and well mannered. Individual class sizes. Good focus on good behaviour, promoting politeness and respect. Starting to ‘push’ pupils in attaining more. Warm friendly welcoming feel. Treating all children as individuals. Happy school. Very well run. Treat all the children as individuals and praise then well. Behaviour is managed well. Happy children. All staff are approachable and any issues I’ve had have always been dealt with quickly and effectively. Nice welcome into reception. Good opportunity to meet with teacher early on to discuss phonics and like the early parents evening to check our daughter is settling in well. Any other comments Love the school I would strongly recommend to others. The change in leadership has had a positive impact on our children and their ‘school experience’. Expectations of them are higher and that is a good change. Unsure when he’s able to attend school clubs? I really have very little to comment on, it would be nice to see some more extra curriculum activities that are non sporty. I.e. arts, crafts etc, but I know this replies on volunteers and it’s finding the people with time to spare. Having recently moved my child to the school I am very impressed with the progress my child has made and the high standards of teaching and care given to my child. I would love to see a home/school book in the book bag for us to communicate with our child’s teacher and vice versa. There are often things you need your child’s teacher to know that don’t require a meeting and can’t wait until the end of the day. The school has improved dramatically over the last two years . It is a much more positive atmosphere and my children are eager to get to school every day. Well done. More notice on what’s happening and when. More communication on the after school club, as we need to plan ahead. Additional homework as not enough to support my child’s development, as keen to learn more. The school has a lovely ‘family’ feel about it. I particularly like the fact that the head and staff know the children by both name and personality. The school has improved dramatically. A credit to the head and her staff. I believe the homework structure should revert back to the way it was. The school is good at helping with both social and academic skills. Wrap around care is essential for us, please continue to look into this. We are very happy with the support and care you have given our son to help him with his learning and the feedback you give us. Our child reports that non- teaching staff are not as good at resolving conflicts/issues in school as teachers. More info on the extra-curricular activities would be helpful. Very happy at this early stage (1st child in reception). Thank you for your time.