Lower Hunter Koala Study Final Funded by the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population, and Communities through the Sustainable Regional Development Program June 2013 Lower Hunter Koala Study DOCUMENT TRACKING ITEM D E TA I L Project Name Lower Hunter Koala Study Project Number 12SYDNRM-003 Robert Mezzatesta Project Manager PO Box 20529 World Square, NSW 2002 (02) 8536 8650 Prepared by Sophie Powrie, Daniel McKenzie, Andrea Sabella, Mark Walton, Steve Ward Approved by SW Status FINAL Version Number 1 Last saved on 8 February 2016 Koala photo from 2004 Port Stephens Community Monitoring Survey; Expert Koala Cover photos Workshop Feb 2013, Newcastle; Map of Data Audit Results Point Koala Records @ February 2013, ELA This report should be cited as ‘Eco Logical Australia 2013. Lower Hunter Koala Study. Prepared for Dept Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities’. Creative Commons This report is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This document has been prepared by Eco Logical Australia Pty Ltd with support from Paul Keighley and Alistair Cockburn, SEWPaC. We gratefully acknowledge the input of the expert workshop participants; Anthony Marchment (PSC), Dan Lunney (OEH), David Paull (PSC), Geoff Bartlett (HKPS), Indrie Miller (OEH), Lucas Grenadier (OEH), Mark Roselle (PSC), Paul Keighley (SEWPaC), Ray Williams (Ecotone) and Robbie Economos (LMCC). Disclaimer The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Australian Government or the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the contents of this publication are factually correct, the Commonwealth does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the contents, and shall not be liable for any loss or damage that may be occasioned directly or indirectly through the use of, or reliance on, the contents of this publication. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD i Lower Hunter Koala Study Contents Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................ 1 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 3 1.1 Context ......................................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Study Brief .................................................................................................................................... 3 2 Methods ....................................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Existing knowledge of Koala populations and habitat in the Lower Hunter ................................. 5 2.3 Stakeholder Consultation ............................................................................................................. 6 2.4 Koala Habitat modelling ................................................................................................................ 6 3 Results ....................................................................................................................................... 14 3.1 Koala Ecology ............................................................................................................................. 14 3.2 Historical Distribution in the Lower Hunter ................................................................................. 15 3.3 Present Population Distribution .................................................................................................. 15 3.4 Tree species ............................................................................................................................... 17 3.5 Habitat modelling ........................................................................................................................ 17 3.5.1 Model Limitations ........................................................................................................................ 26 4 Discussion................................................................................................................................. 27 4.1 What is the current population number of koalas in the Lower Hunter region? ......................... 27 4.2 What is the rate of change in this population and has this rate changed? What are the major and minor causes behind this? ................................................................................................... 27 4.3 What criteria should be used to identify high priority habitat areas? .......................................... 27 4.4 What is the current extent and quality of koala habitat in the region? ....................................... 28 4.5 What are the local key threatening processes and recommended conservation measures for koalas to assist with decision making for the Lower Hunter Regional Strategy and Regional Conservation Plan? .................................................................................................................... 29 5 Conclusions and Recommendations ..................................................................................... 32 6 References ................................................................................................................................ 34 Appendix A............................................................................................................................................. 39 © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD ii Lower Hunter Koala Study Abbreviations ABBREVIATION DESCRIPTION CKPoM Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management ERIN Environmental Resource Information Network GDE Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem GHM Greater Hunter Mapping (version 4 by NSW Office of Environment and Heritage) GIS Geographical Information System HKPS Hunter Koala Preservation Society LGA Local Government Area LH Lower Hunter LM Lake Macquarie NATF Native Animal Trust Fund OEH NSW Office of Environment and Heritage PSC Port Stephens Council SEWPaC Dept Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD iii Lower Hunter Koala Study Executive Summary This study was commissioned by the Department of Sustainability Environment, Water, Population and Communities (SEWPaC) to contribute to regional sustainability planning that will lead into a strategic assessment of future development in the Lower Hunter region under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). The study area included the Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Cessnock, Lake Macquarie, Maitland, Newcastle, and Port Stephens. This study utilises existing data available in the public domain to inform specific key information gaps regarding conservation planning needs of the koala in the Lower Hunter. The koala is listed as a vulnerable species in NSW under the EPBC Act and the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (TSC Act). The koala population at Port Stephens is a high profile one, and considerable research work has been undertaken within the LGA, but nevertheless, there remain information gaps for this area. The level of knowledge of the koala within the other LGA’s in the study area is poor, with much less information available for this study. Due to these data limitations, it is not possible to provide a reliable population estimate of the koala for the Lower Hunter region. Within Port Stephens, where more data is available, the koala population is estimated to be between 350 and 500 individuals (Phillips et al. 1996). A number of koala sightings have been recorded in the Cessnock and Lake Macquarie LGAs, but population size(s) are unknown. It is similarly not possible to reliably estimate rate of change of koala populations within the region. However anecdotal observations from Port Stephens LGA suggest that changes in koala numbers are not uniform, with some areas decreasing and one population at Boat Harbour/One Mile reported to be increasing. The current extent and quality of habitat across the Lower Hunter was modelled as part of this study, based on input from an expert workshop and a GIS modelling process. The resulting outputs were converted to low, moderate, high and very high koala habitat rankings. The greatest areas of very high and high ranked habitat were mapped in Port Stephens, Cessnock, and Lake Macquarie LGA’s. The Newcastle and Maitland LGA’s contained very little priority habitat and may therefore act as a barrier to koala movements in between population(s) in the Port Stephens LGA and Cessnock / Lake Macquarie LGA’s. A range of key threatening processes for the koala within the Lower Hunter study area were identified including (but not limited to): loss, fragmentation and degradation of habitat both at a fine and large scale; barriers to habitat connectivity (including natural and manmade structures); road fatalities; predation by dogs; disease (Chlamydia and other diseases); fire (including both control burns and natural fire); climate change; and groundwater abstraction (where it impacts on koala habitat). Conserving patches of greater than 100 ha with koala feed and roosting tree species; and seeking to incorporate connectivity between patches for koalas; were considered to be high priority conservation areas for koalas. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 1 Lower Hunter Koala Study As a result of this study, it is recommended that: Outcomes of this study should be incorporated into regional and local conservation planning in the Lower Hunter. Ongoing refinement of the model should be carried out as more specific or relevant information becomes available. This may include review by an expert working group, refinement of criteria weightings and the inclusion of newer or more targeted data sets as they become available (particularly updated regional vegetation classification). Testing of modelled habitat value should be undertaken prior to its adoption into local and regional planning to support long-term conservation of koala populations in the Lower Hunter. For example, population genetic analysis, field based koala pellet surveys and community surveys could be conducted. High priority conservation areas outlined in this study that are located outside of existing protected areas (such as National Parks) should be considered for long-term protection. Regional and local conservation planning should consider protecting existing connectivity and enhancing connectivity of koala habitat patches that are within 100m of another patch. Regional and local conservation planning should consider management of threats to koalas, including dogs, barriers to movement (road/rail), fire, disease and climate change. Ideally, monitoring of outcomes for koala populations should be undertaken. It is noted that this would require substantial resources due to the cryptic nature of the koala. However, given the recognisable nature of the koala and the public interest in this species, engagement with the community and key stakeholders may provide a qualitative form of monitoring through some (or all) of the region, though it is noted that this would not provide quantitative data on population size or change, which would require more formalised scientific formal studies. Koala research findings, and potential application of mitigation measures, should feed back into koala recovery planning processes as part of an adaptive management framework. Such a framework should include community, stakeholder and expert engagement. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 2 Lower Hunter Koala Study 1 Introduction 1.1 CO NT E XT The Lower Hunter Koala Study was commissioned by the Department of Sustainability Environment, Water, Population and Communities (SEWPaC) under the Sustainable Regional Development program (the program). The program facilitates regional sustainability planning that will lead to a strategic assessment of future urban development and associated infrastructure in the Lower Hunter region. This study is designed to address a key information gap for the strategic assessment. 1.2 ST UDY B RI EF This study is designed to collate existing knowledge of koala populations, habitat areas and conservation requirements across the study area in order to inform conservation planning for the Koala in the Lower Hunter. The Lower Hunter study area is made up of the Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Cessnock, Maitland and Port Stephens Local Government Areas (Figure 1). It is acknowledged that this study is one part of effective, long term koala conservation that will require a combination of good land use planning, active species management and mitigation actions. This, in turn, will need a collective effort from multiple stakeholders, guided by the Koala Recovery planning framework. Figure 1: Lower Hunter study area The driver for this study is the regional sustainability planning process and accordingly it poses a series of structured questions: © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 3 Lower Hunter Koala Study • What is the current population number of koalas in the Lower Hunter region? • What is the rate of change in this population and has this rate changed? What are the major and minor causes behind this? • What is the current extent and quality of koala habitat in the region? • What criteria should be used to identify high priority habitat areas? • What are the local key threatening processes and recommended conservation measures for koalas to assist with decision making for the Lower Hunter Regional Strategy and Regional Conservation Plan? The parameters of this study were to make use of existing data available in the public domain to inform the conservation planning needs of koala in the Lower Hunter and identify priority research areas that could be considered for future funding. Therefore, this study does not include any new field surveys for the Koala. The intention of the project is to collate all of the known available records and koala knowledge in the region to inform predictive habitat mapping, population estimates and trends and prioritise areas for conservation consideration. The study methods use predictive, spatial modelling informed by point records and known koala habitat requirements in combination with local expert knowledge. Point records are largely sourced from the NSW Wildlife Atlas and are therefore assumed to be a combination of systematic survey as well as opportunistic or ad hoc observations. The results of the predictive habitat maps and koala population information may be used to inform conservation land planning decisions at a regional scale. This regional scale perspective can assist strategic planners in prioritising areas for further research where more refined information is required and can assist in protecting high priority koala habitat areas. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 4 Lower Hunter Koala Study 2 Methods 2.1 O V E RV I EW This study applied a systematic approach to building a knowledge base on Lower Hunter koalas to inform the planning recommendations. The process comprised the following steps; Step 1 Review existing available literature, spatial data audit including contextual landscape information Stakeholder and expert consultation to draw on local knowledge and more broadly on species expertise and conservation planning experience Step 2 Stakeholder and expert knowledge of historical variations in koala numbers and trends in rate of decline and habitat dynamics form an essential information source for this study in light of the paucity of population studies across the whole study area Develop key criteria to define and map all koala habitat in the Lower Hunter Step 3 Develop criteria to identify high priority habitat areas Step 4 Data analysis and spatial modelling undertaken in a geographic information system (GIS) Step 5 Analysis of results Step 6 Report key recommendations regarding conservation and threats to Koala to support regional planning and management in the Lower Hunter region Step 7 Peer review by independent expert (Dr Tim Curran, Department of Ecology, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Lincoln University, NZ) 2.2 E XI ST I NG KNO W L ED G E O F KO AL A P O PU L AT I O N S AN D H AB I T AT IN T HE L O W E R H UNT E R In order to collate and build on existing knowledge of koala in the Lower Hunter, this study included a broad literature and data search of library resources, planning reports, council studies, carer group records and academic studies. The literature and data search had two specific goals; 1. to obtain as much information as possible on known records and habitat for koalas in the study area; and 2. to draw on research findings from other areas that may be applied to inform the study methods or recommendations. SEWPaC had previously conducted a wide literature search on general koala ecology and requirements as part of the EPBC koala referral policy development. The literature search included over 210 documents ranging from scientific research papers to koala plans of management and policy documents. A synopsis of key findings that are relevant to this study is included in this report. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 5 Lower Hunter Koala Study There is a substantial information base on koalas in the Port Stephens area that has contributed to this study. In addition, there are local area studies in parts of Cessnock and Lake Macquarie local government areas, as well as a number of development related studies across the study area. However, the geographically disparate nature of this data is a key challenge for this study addressing regional koala protection. 2.3 ST AK E HO L DE R CO N SU LT AT IO N As part of this study a wide group of local, regional, state and federal stakeholders were informed of the study process and invited to contribute through provision of species information, spatial data or information on related planning initiatives. An initial letter of introduction from SEWPaC was distributed to an agreed list of stakeholders by email and follow up phone calls made to interview key stakeholders. Following is summary of initial responses from the stakeholder groups. State Government Agencies: Department of Planning nominated a watching brief on project outcomes. NSW Office of Environment and Heritage participated through the provision of data, koala expertise and regional planning expertise. Local Government: Newcastle, Maitland and Cessnock Councils chose to take a watching brief and be informed of study outcomes. Port Stephens and Lake Macquarie Council were able to provide expertise and data to inform this study. Hunter Councils Environment Division was able to provide data through SEWPaC’s Environmental Resource Information Network (ERIN). Non-government koala organisations: Wildlife carer groups were represented by the Hunter Koala Preservation Society (HKPS) and the Native Animal Trust Fund (NATF) and both provided community data and expertise. The Australian Koala Foundation provided information regarding Koalas in the Medowie area (Port Stephens LGA). Following the initial stakeholder consultation, 17 koala and local experts were invited to attend a workshop to discuss the koala habitat conservation requirements in the study area, of whom 13 were able to participate. The workshop was held 19th February 2013 in Newcastle, NSW. The outcomes of the workshop have been used to guide the mapping methods and conservation recommendations. 2.4 KO AL A H AB IT AT M O DE LL I NG The Study identified criteria for priority koala habitat across the Lower Hunter by applying a systematic, expert-driven spatial model using the best available data using geographic information system tools. These criteria were discussed at the expert workshop and the expert-driven model was nominated as the best representation of environmental data with varying sources of uncertainty. The discussion and definition of the criteria for the model was informed by previous koala modelling methods that have been applied in the Lower Hunter (see Table 1); other model research results; and © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 6 Lower Hunter Koala Study most importantly, on the outcomes of the expert discussions at the workshop regarding local habitat requirements and data limitations to predict koala habitat in the study area. Table 1: Key predictors of Koala Habitat in models derived from broad-scale environmentally stratified surveys (Cork et al. 2000b). Details of survey and analysis Study Location Key predictors of koala habitat Data Analysis NSW National Parks and Northeast NSW Wildlife Service (79,000 km2) 932 presences Generalised additive modelling (1994) Kavanagh et al. Northeast NSW 40 presences, 251 (1995) (15,000 km2) absences Canonical correspondence analysis Cork et al. Northeast NSW 31 presences, 515 Generalised linear (1997) (26,000 km2) absences modelling Gentle topography, high proportion of adjacent areas cleared, low probability of dry sclerophyll on site, low to moderate moisture index, deep soil, moderate rainfall (1500-2500mm), moderate disturbance low ruggedness, south or north latitude within study area Low elevation, wet sclerophyll forest with dense understory, greater probability of occurrence in previously logged than unlogged forest, easterly longitude, few hollow trees Model 1: low foliar phenolics, increasing probability of occurrence with years since fire Model 2: low (<1000mm ) or high (>1500mm) rainfall, increasing probability of occurrence with years since fire, intermediate to high ratio of eucalypts to other tree species, increasing probability of occurrence with increasing annual daily mean temperature of 10-180 C Within Port Stephens, the most important determinant of the probability of koala presence, averaged across the landscape, is the distribution of primary/ secondary habitat, with anthropogenic factors such as road density and dog ownership of secondary importance (Rhodes et al. 2006). This study has found the predicted probability of koala presence increased with amount of primary /secondary habitat; and the predicted probability of koala presence decreased as road density increased (Rhodes et al. 2006). Therefore, this study has mapped potential candidate habitat areas based on ecological suitability and then constrained that footprint by measures of patch distance and road density (grid based). Expert discussions to drive the model definition at the workshop included the identification of appropriate data types for the model and relevant data sources; as well as a definition of methods and the criteria for specific use of the data within the context of the Lower Hunter. A summary of the following inputs and criteria for the model includes: Feed trees (preferred / supplementary) Soil landscape (high soil fertility) Vegetation types Proximity to water Large patch sizes not intersected by major infrastructure Recorded koala sightings Linear barriers defined as major roads and railway corridors. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 7 Lower Hunter Koala Study The model is based on numerous vegetation map inputs, with the Greater Hunter Vegetation Mapping (version 4) as the base where more detailed vegetation mapping data was not available. There are a number of variations in vegetation classification across each of the (five) vegetation mapping products used. However, a rudimentary study area wide map of proportional abundance (limited to a high moderate or low rating) of preferred primary, secondary and supplementary tree species within a vegetation classification unit was able to be compiled from the various inputs based on supporting information available for each of the mapping products used. Figure 2 shows the conceptual pathway recommended as an outcome of the workshop. explanation of each model variable is provided in Table 2. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD A brief 8 Lower Hunter Koala Study Koala Habitat Value Patch size Vegetation type Soil Types GHM v4 modified (Base Infrastructure Proximity to water layer) Composite vegetation Driscoll v5) 50m buffer to creeks (3rd Port Stephens Lake Macquarie (Bell & Fertile soil selection order +) + intersect with Major roads Major rail preferred vegetation map 2011 types Yengo (DECC 2008b) Cessnock Kurri Kurri Literature & previous (Bell & Driscoll) studies Documented preferred Point Records (prior to tree species 1985, post 1986) 94 soil types intersect with point records Output Derived input Raw input Assign presence (or Analysis / Treatment proportional abundance) rating to vegetation type Figure 2: Spatial model pathway to map potential koala habitat in the Lower Hunter © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 9 Lower Hunter Koala Study Table 2: Model Inputs Preferred Tree Species Description Primary & Secondary feed tree species Supplementary tree species used for shelter (temperature/weather), roosting, dispersal List of species distilled from Sources - - Previous studies (published reports) Expert knowledge Analysis of GIS intersect of koala records and vegetation types (GHM v4) Selection of vegetation types known to have preferred koala tree species (of all categories) Usage The proportional abundance of specific tree species in a vegetation community type was assigned to map polygon (where available), however, these statistics are usually an average representation of composite species and on-ground composition will vary among stands. Most koala habitat models are based on reports of the tree species that koalas use for food and shelter. The general consensus of these models is that koalas use few eucalypt species intensively at any given site but often use other eucalypts and some non-eucalypts less intensively (Cork et al. 2000b). Rationale Tree species that are known to be preferred by koalas for food occur in the study area (Matthews et al. 2007, Phillips et al. 2000, Curtin & Lunney 1995). However, koalas do not feed equally on all “food” tree species. Individual tree selection, or palatability, is thought to be context-dependent and influenced by nutrient foliar levels and leaf moisture content (Moore et al. 2010, Moore and Foley 2005). In addition, koalas are known to use a variety of other tree species for shelter and roosting (Ellis et al. 1995, Matthews et al. 2007). Recent studies indicate feed tree selection may be mediated by temperature and time of day (Ellis et al 2009, Crowther 2012). Point Records of Koala Description Compiled koala records - Sources NSW Wildlife Atlas including o 1986/87 statewide survey (Reed et al 1989) o Yengo community survey 1995 (Curtin & Lunney 1995) o NSW public survey 2006 (Lunney et al 2009) o State Forest records - Lake Macquarie Council records - Port Stephens Council records - Carer Records including o Hunter Koala Preservation Society & o Native Animal Trust Fund © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 10 Lower Hunter Koala Study Data accuracy – Usage - 1000 m accuracy is adequate due to movement potential of Koalas - 10,000 m accuracy is inadequate Date of Records - 0 = no record; - 1 = prior to 1985; - 2 = 1986 to current Known occurrence indicates habitat use at a point in time and provides a geographic coordinate for habitat (or movements), irrespective of quality. The records inform general distribution irrespective of tenure; however, they do not reflect distribution limits. The dataset is considered opportunistic rather than systematic across the whole study area; however, the perceived geographic bias in the dataset is untested. Rationale Records may be intersected with model variables to determine candidate areas of suitable habitat. This approach does not map koala abundance or site occupancy (Cork et al 2000). Expert knowledge is applied in addition to point records to determine koala habitat patterns in the Lower Hunter. Workshop discussions recommended one date filter (1985) be applied to capture all records from the 1986/87 statewide koala survey. SEWPaC are currently consulting on 3 draft date categories (pre 1990, 1990-2000 and post 2000). These 3 categories could unnecessarily exclude point records from analysis and were not recommended for the LH Study by the workshop. Vegetation Map Description Native, extant vegetation distribution (1:25,000) - Whole Study area base layer = GHM v4 - Fine scale mapping Sources Usage Rationale o Lake Macquarie (Bell & Driscoll v5) o Port Stephens (composite map 2011) o Cessnock Yengo and Parr (DECC 2008b) Kurri Kurri (Bell & Driscoll 2010) Select vegetation types known to contain preferred koala tree species, and analyse percentage cover as a function of high, medium or low of preferred tree species where data permits and assign primary, secondary or supplementary attribution. Vegetation maps are used in conjunction with other environmental variables to identify suitable habitat in large study areas that require predictive modelling approaches rather than systematic field surveys. Vegetation type has been established as a major predictor in identifying suitable koala habitat in previous studies (Phillips et al. 1996, Matthews et al. 2007, Moore et al. 2010) Soil Types Description Soil Landscape Maps - Soil Landscapes of the Gosford-Lake Macquarie 1:100,000 Sheets (Murphy 1993) - Soil Landscapes of the Newcastle 1:100,000 Sheet (Matthei 1995) Sources © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 11 Lower Hunter Koala Study - Soil Landscapes of the Port Stephens 1:100,000 Sheet (Murphy 1995) Select fertile soil types based on: - Intersect of koala point records (94 candidate soil types) - Published tree preferences on identified soil types Usage Rationale o Aeolian And Swamp soil landscapes of Quaternary origin o soil landscapes derived from Nerong and Paterson Volcanics o alluvial deposits of Quaternary and Permian origin (Phillips & Callaghan 1996) The use of feed trees by Koalas is directly related to foliar nutrient levels which are a function of soil fertility (Moore et al. 2010, Moore and Foley 2005, Phillips & Callaghan 1996). Proximity to Water Description Distance to water dependent vegetation - Land and Property Information (Topographical) Drainage Maps - Bureau of Meteorology NSW Groundwater Atlas Sources Usage Rationale Buffer creek lines (3rd order steams and above) with 50m buffer. Include candidate habitat areas where buffer intersects preferred vegetation types. Feed tree species selection research indicates moisture content influences koala tree selection (Moore et al. 2010). Leaf moisture content cannot be generated for this study, however, leaf moisture is assumed to be proportionally greater where reliable surface or groundwater source is nearby. In addition, riparian koala habitat is considered high affinity, high density capacity habitat (Ellis et al. 2010). Access to freshwater resources for drinking, especially as drought refuge is important for long term koala conservation in variable climatic conditions. Infrastructure Description Presence of major infrastructure or density of minor infrastructure - GHM v4 major roads layer - Land and Property Information Infrastructure Maps - Major barrier roads (speed limit) & rail split remnant vegetation into 2 patches Sources Usage - o F3 Freeway o Richardson Road, o Lemon Tree Passage Road, o Nelsons Bay Road, o Port Stephens Drive, o Gan Gan Road o Rail corridors – north/south & east/west Other roads and infrastructure barriers that may reduce koala habitat quality have been incorporated into the vegetation patch size indicator. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 12 Lower Hunter Koala Study Rationale Major roads and railway deemed to be barriers between patches even though individual koalas will cross them (at risk of death/injury). Patch Size Description Area of native, extant vegetation in remnant patches greater than 100m apart Sources Vegetation extent and infrastructure data as above Usage Patch size and context e.g. road density and other barriers used to inform habitat categorisation. Rationale The expert workshop noted that koalas can cross greater distances than 100m; however, this increases vulnerability during crossing. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 13 Lower Hunter Koala Study 3 Results 3.1 KO AL A E C O LO G Y Koalas are largely solitary animals, however they are not territorial and individual home ranges may overlap (SEWPaC 2012). The size of koala home ranges varies throughout the species distribution, likely due to quality, structure and connectivity of habitat. The expert workshop found that a home range of 10ha is expected to be suitable for supporting a few individuals in high quality habitat in the Port Stephens area; however, one individual koala was known to live within a 2 ha home range within Port Stephens after being forced out of its original home range due to fire. Koala populations in Yengo National Park in the Cessnock local government area are reported to have an estimated 80ha home range due to low quality habitat (Curtin and Lunney 1995). A dominant male’s home range usually overlaps with those of several females, to which he maintains access during the breeding season (Cork et al. 2000a & b). The physiology of the Koala reflects its low nutrient diet and the need to conserve energy. Their rate of metabolism and therefore their energy and nutrient requirements are half that of the average mammal (Cork et al. 2000a & b). Koalas may spend up to 20 hours a day resting and sleeping, being most active around early morning, dusk and during the night, in order to conserve water and energy (Van Dyck and Strahan 2008; Kavanagh and Stanton 2012). This need to conserve energy may make Koalas more vulnerable to disturbances that reduce the ability of food or increase foraging effort (Cork et al. 2000b). Koalas weigh 4–14 kg and can live for 15+ years in the wild based on unpublished results from tagged koalas at Campbelltown (Robert Close pers. comm). The koala’s oestrous cycle is 27–30 days, and pregnancy generally lasts between 34 and 36 days (Cork et al. 2000a). Females give birth to a single infant weighing about 0.5 g and 2 cm long in the warmer months of, on average, 2 out of each 3 years (Cork et al. 2000a). Young koalas are weaned by 12 months but may remain associated with the mother for another 11 months. Tree use and diet choice by koalas have previously been linked, with varying degrees of support, to tree size and species (Moore et al. 2010). More specifically, this relates to concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, fibre, volatile terpenes, soluble sugars, and moisture within leaves (Moore et al. 2010). Koalas have also been found to visit trees less frequently that contain high foliar concentrations of deterrent plant secondary metabolites known as formulated phloroglucinol compounds (Moore and Foley 2005). There can be variation in the palatability of browse within the same species, and this combined with the spatial context with regards to surrounding trees affects koala tree selection choices (Moore et al. 2010). Koalas may also change diet and select different tree species throughout the year to reflect increased energy requirements in winter and increased water requirements in summer (Ellis et al. 1995). Although suitable feed trees are often thought to be the primary factor in koala distribution, the presence of large shady trees used for diurnal shelter may also be important in some areas or during extremes of temperature (Ellis et al. 1995, Ward 2002). Several non-food trees in the Port Stephens LGA are used during the day (including Angophora costata, Eucalyptus signata and Corymbia. gummifera) and selected taller trees were used more intensively during summer suggesting their use as shelter (Matthews et al. 2007). © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 14 Lower Hunter Koala Study Koalas feed disproportionately on a small number of tree species in relation to the total number of eucalyptus species across the koala’s distribution. These species vary according to location and between different koala populations. The use of feed trees by Koalas in the Port Stephens LGA is directly related to soil fertility. The main geomorphological units preferred by Koalas are Aeolian and Swamp soil landscapes of Quaternary origin. These soil landscapes derive from Nerong and Paterson Volcanics and Transferral and alluvial deposits of Quaternary and Permian origin (Phillips and Callaghan 1996). 3.2 HI ST O RI C AL DI ST RI B UT IO N IN T H E LO W E R HU NT ER Koalas were previously widespread in eastern Australia and an intensive hunting industry developed following an increase in population density in some regions during the late 1800s. However by 1910 the industry had collapsed due to a shortage of Koalas (Meltzer et al. 2000). The landscape of the Lower Hunter has been dramatically altered over the past 200 years. This has resulted in considerable loss and fragmentation of koala habitat and the inevitable reduction in abundance and distribution of koalas (Knott et al. 1998; Kavanagh et al. 2007; Crowther et al. 2009). An estimated 75% reduction in Koala habitat has occurred within Port Stephens LGA since European settlement of the area (Knott et al. 1998). As early as 1900 Koalas are thought to have disappeared from several areas in the Lower Hunter Region such as; Maitland, Morpeth, Bolwarra, Phoenix Park, Woodville, Wallalong, Miller’s Forest, Nelson’s Plains and Hinton (Knott et al. 1998). These areas are now extensively cleared for agriculture and expanding urbanisation. Estimates suggest that as much as 80% of the secondary Koala habitat categories and between 4060% of the remaining areas of primary habitat within the Port Stephens LGA are no longer utilised by koalas (Phillips et al. 1996). Historical estimates of population size suggest well below 1000 individuals distributed over the entire Port Stephens study area and likely between 350-500 animals in total, though it is noted that this population estimate was noted as being “speculative but considered” (Phillips et al. 1996). Lunney et al. (2007) undertook population viability analysis for a 7,000 ha study area within Tomago Sandbeds in the Port Stephens LGA, of which approximately 4,000 ha was considered to be koala habitat, bounded by Grahamstown Lake to the north, Fullerton Cove to the south, Siddons Swamp to the west and Majors Flat to the east. This study assumed a starting population of 800 individuals based on extrapolations from intense searches undertaken to rescue live and record dead koalas after fires from 1994 – 1998. 3.3 PR E S E NT P O P UL AT I O N D I ST RI BUT IO N Port Stephens LGA has a significant Koala population (PSC 2002); however, the Hunter Koala Preservation Society noted at the expert workshop that in some areas the numbers are declining. An indication of recorded koala sightings can be seen in Figure 3, below. Koalas generally prefer vegetation on fertile soils and within the Hunter-Central Rivers CMA this is true at higher elevations, whereas at low elevations koalas occupy less fertile soils. This dichotomy reflects the nature of the extensively cleared landscape of the Hunter Valley, with development dominating the © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 15 Lower Hunter Koala Study valley floors. Significant areas of preferred koala food trees only remain at higher elevations or on sandy and less agriculturally productive soils at lower elevations (Crowther, McAlpine et al. 2009). Anecdotal Evidence Anecdotal reports from long term residents, carers (including data from the Native Animal Trust Fund (NATF)) and ecologists can provide an insight into population trends and local population responses. Anecdotal reports can be a valuable information source in the absence of systematic data on population trends. In some cases the anecdotal reports can trigger research projects with a data collection component. Anecdotal observations were discussed in the workshop and the following comments were made: Ray & Anne Williams used to frequently record koala sightings in their back yard in the Medowie area. They have noticed a decline in the frequency of their observations and now don’t find any. Geoff Bartlett noted that Raymond Terrace used to have high koala activity, but this is no longer the case. Audrey Kooseman and local volunteers conducted koala searches at Tomarree Sandbeds following bushfires and found no animals or evidence of koala activity. This suggests the former population was depleted, relocated or eradicated. It is noted that other anecdotal observations may be available, but was outside of the scope of this project Figure 3: Recorded koala sightings (source: NSW Wildlife Atlas; Lake Macquarie & Port Stephens Council Records; NATF & HKPS carer records) © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 16 Lower Hunter Koala Study 3.4 T RE E S P E CI E S A list of potential koala tree species was generated from a literature review (Callaghan et al. 1994, Australian Koala Foundation 1996, Phillips et al. 2000, Port Stephens Council 2002, Biolink 2006, DECC 2008), and presented to the expert workshop for ranking as to primary, secondary, and supplementary koala tree species (see Appendix A for results and definition of koala tree species terminology). There are some instances where the group withheld input due to lack of data and supporting knowledge. It was proposed to use the highest category of tree usage where more than one level is attributed. It is noted that this approach is conservative and may possibly over predict koala habitat. Some specific considerations included: Eucalyptus camfieldii has been used in the Tomago sand mined area that has been opened up by road construction. The workshop noted koalas are probably opportunistic to new habitats depending on drivers for dispersal. Feed trees in close proximity to threats (e.g. wild dogs or major roads) may not constitute preferred habitat. However, there may be options to mitigate the impact by incorporating management measures such exclusion fencing for major roads combined with facilities such as underpasses and/or overpasses. Whilst recent literature emphasises the role of supplementary tree species for other habitat needs other than food, it is not known if there has been any systematic research whether koalas can survive in areas without supplementary (roost) trees. The expert group concluded that koalas would adapt usage of trees for shelter to the species available to them to complement preferred feed tree species. The use of Callitris pine and ironbark species as shelter trees was noted by the expert group. The workshop discussions also noted: Most of the available information was from the eastern Port Stephens area; whilst there were knowledge limitations across Cessnock, Maitland, Newcastle and Lake Macquarie areas. Koalas in urban areas can use different species (i.e. planted species like E. nicholii) than those in native woodland areas. This study focuses on existing mapped areas of native vegetation. E. parramattensis is an important species. Although Tomago Sands area is highly cleared (mining / fire), E. parramattensis is still used by Koalas in the area and will eventually regrow to provide important rehabilitated habitat. E. parramattensis potentially occurs in large areas of Lake Macquarie City Council area, but only a small area is known within the Morisset area. E. Parramattensis subsp decadens is also a co-dominant canopy species in the Kurri Sand Swamp Woodland EEC, which occurs near Kurri Kurri in the Cessnock LGA. 3.5 H AB IT AT M O DELL IN G The conceptual model pathway recommended by the workshop and literature review was used to source and prepare a number of relevant spatial data sets and compile the expert driven model identifying koala habitat across the landscape of the Lower Hunter. The spatial modelling was carried out using GIS analysis as an expert driven model which combined all the spatial datasets into a single dataset depicting relative value for koala habitat across the landscape of the Lower Hunter. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 17 Lower Hunter Koala Study The components of the spatial data model or multi-criteria analysis are presented below in Table 3. The process included the development of appropriate scoring and weighting for each recommended data variable identified through the workshop process. The multi-criteria analysis process of combining specific, agreed data sets is a recognised technique, identified as suitable for complex decisions which involve the comparison of decision elements which can be difficult to quantify; and ranks and prioritises values using decision analysis tools to summarise comparisons of the items importance (Saaty 1980; Crossman et al. 2009; Mendoza and Macoun 1999). The ranking and weightings associated with each data set were derived based on discussions of the relative importance for each of the data sources with relevant experts and through the literature review. This process was based on a Delphi technique (Linstone & Turoff 1975) to rank and prioritise the variables. The rationale for each variable criterion is defined in Table 2. The analysis was then carried out using GIS to combine all the spatial datasets into a single dataset. The base score derived for each data set was normalised (between 0 and 100) in order for data set scores to be measured with the same numerical scale and eliminate any numerical bias in the calculation (Zeiler 1999). All scores for each dataset were spatially maintained as separate attributes within the derived dataset. An interim weighting was applied to the two data sets representing feed trees preferred by koalas, depending on whether they were representing vegetation types containing primary or secondary feed tree species. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 18 Lower Hunter Koala Study Table 3: Data preparation, scores and weighting Base Data Derived Layer Name Description Values Vegetation Primary Feed Trees [allveg_prim] Selection of vegetation types known to have primary preferred koala tree species with the proportional abundance of the specific tree species within the vegetation type identified as either Nil, low, moderate or high 0, 20, 50, 100 Weighting x3 0 = outside of any vegetation classification containing identified primary feed trees. 20 (60) = vegetation types An initial multiplier of x3 (score depicted in brackets in values column prior to application of the additional model weighting) was applied to these data to distinguish from secondary feed or supplementary tree species with a low proportion of primary feed trees 50 (150) = vegetation types with a moderate proportion of primary feed trees 100 (300) = vegetation types with a high proportion of primary feed trees © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 19 Lower Hunter Koala Study Base Data Derived Layer Name Description Values Vegetation Secondary Feed Trees [allveg_sec] Selection of vegetation types known to have secondary preferred koala tree species with the proportional abundance of the specific tree species within the vegetation type identified as either Nil, low, moderate or high 0, 20, 50, 100 An initial multiplier of x2 (score depicted in brackets in values column prior to application of the additional model weighting) was applied to these data to distinguish from primary feed or supplementary tree species Weighting x2 0 = outside of any vegetation classification containing identified secondary feed trees. 20 (40) = vegetation types with a low proportion of secondary feed trees 50 (100) = vegetation types with a moderate proportion of secondary feed trees 100 (200) = vegetation types with a high proportion of secondary feed trees Vegetation Supplementary Trees [allveg_supp] Selection of vegetation types known to have supplementary tree species supporting shelter and roosting for koala with the proportional abundance of the specific tree species within the vegetation type identified as either Nil, low, moderate or high 0, 20, 50, 100 x1 0 = outside of any vegetation classification containing identified supplementary trees. 20 = vegetation types with a low proportion of supplementary trees 50 = vegetation types with a moderate proportion of supplementary trees 100 = vegetation types with a high proportion of supplementary trees © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 20 Lower Hunter Koala Study Base Data Derived Layer Name Description Values Soil / Landscape Soil Fertility [soilfert] Identification of areas with high soil fertility 0 or 100. Weighting x2 0 = outside of identified fertile soils. 100 = within identified fertile soils Extant Vegetation Vegetation proximity to Water [veg_waterprox] Extant vegetation within 50m of 3rd order or 0 or 100 higher drainage lines 0 = outside identified buffer x2 100 = within identified buffer © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 21 Lower Hunter Koala Study Base Data Derived Layer Name Description Values Koala Records Buffered Koala Sightings [koala] 100m buffer around known recorded 0, 75 or 100. sightings of Koala. 0 = not within 100m of a Weighting x1 known record. NB. Not a comprehensive data set, based on 75 = within 100m of a areas where sightings have been recorded known record dated 1985 only. or earlier 100 = within 100m of a known record dated 1986 or later Infrastructure – 1:25,000 Distance to Infrastructure [dist_road] 300m buffer around identified and mapped Score from 0 to 100. major barriers to Koala movement. 0 = within 300m of x3 identified infrastructure, 100 = 300m or greater from identified infrastructure © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 22 Lower Hunter Koala Study Base Data Derived Layer Name Description Values Vegetation and disturbance Patch Size [patch] The size of a patch of vegetation. A patch is Score from 0 to 100. defined as an area of consolidated 0 = smallest patch size to vegetation that is separated from other patches by more than 100m by mapped infrastructure to represent consolidated koala Weighting x3 100 = patch at least 100ha in size habitat. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 23 Lower Hunter Koala Study The final part of the analysis combined all the scores from each derived layer and applied the weightings identified in Table 3 to calculate the koala habitat value index. The values for each data set are added and multiplied by the assigned weighting (as defined in Table 3 above) to calculate a habitat value score using the following equation: Koala Habitat Value = {(allveg_prim*3) + (allveg_sec*2) + (allveg_supp) + (soilfert*2) + (veg_waterprox*2) + (koala) + (dist_road*3) + (Patch*3)} The final score (from 0 – 2400) was then normalised to provide a habitat value index from 0-100. The calculated index was then converted into four relative koala habitat value classes based on a quartile classification of the resultant data. The quartile classification is a grouping of the resultant data values into an even distribution of four equal groups, each group comprising of a quarter of the data. The data distribution can be seen in the graph below. The identified quartile break points defining the four classes were at 19, 33 and 48. Koala Habitat Value Index The four classes across the Lower Hunter study area to determine koala habitat value can be defined as: Lower koala habitat value (0 - 19) – Areas that have little or no identified mapped values for koala habitat within the landscape. The majority of these areas are highly disturbed, fragmented or urbanised. Moderate koala habitat value (20 - 33) – Areas that have some mapped koala habitat values within the landscape. In most cases the values within this category will provide supporting habitat for koala in the area. High koala habitat value (34 - 48) – Areas with priority koala habitat values. These areas will include a large proportion of the criteria for koala habitat and provide an important resource for koalas in the area. Very High koala habitat value (49 - 100) – An accumulation of priority values for koala habitat. These areas contain the majority of or even all values identified as criteria meeting priority koala habitat within the Lower Hunter area. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 24 Lower Hunter Koala Study Koala Habitat Value Classes Koala Habitat Value Index Weighted Data Variables Figure 4 summarises the analysis based on the criteria defined above. Figure 4: Derivation of koala habitat value model © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 25 Lower Hunter Koala Study 3.5.1 Model Limitations This study reports on the initial version of the model based on the outcomes of the expert workshop carried out as part of this study. It is expected that following further expert working group review there may be small refinements to both the data available for use in the model as well as weighting of criteria. The process has been specifically developed so that it may be re-run as future refinements are identified. Specific known limitations that may be refined in the future include: The assessment and model is landscape based; therefore the resolution of the information is restricted to approximately 1:25,000 The habitat model is based on a desktop analysis of the data available at the time of analysis and the majority of more detailed information was available for the eastern Port Stephens area, with distinct knowledge limitations (particularly for koala record sightings) in the Cessnock, Maitland, Newcastle and Lake Macquarie areas. Potential data uncertainties may arise from input sources; for example, specific areas of vegetation type can be misclassified or over/under estimated within discrete datasets; different scales, accuracy and currency can also affect spatial accuracy and uncertainty when combined. The model may, in some areas show an overestimation of priority koala habitat due to some of the contributing data sets. These include some areas of the soil landscape mapping which has been identified as “areas of high soil fertility”, such as soils derived from Aeolian and swamp landscapes around the Stockton Bight dune area, where there is in fact more subtle variations that are primarily linked with particular vegetation species (Dr Tim Curran, pers com. 2013). The availability of additional information or of more detailed data following this process, such as additional specific field survey information may modify or refine the outcomes of the model. It is also understood that regional vegetation mapping is currently being undertaken that could be included in an update or refinement to the model. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 26 Lower Hunter Koala Study 4 Discussion 4.1 W H AT I S T HE C UR R E NT PO P UL AT IO N NU M BER O F KO AL AS IN T HE LO W E R HU NT E R RE G IO N? It is difficult to estimate the koala population size within the Lower Hunter region. As stated in TSSC (2012) “Estimates of koala population size at regional and national levels remain highly divergent and contested. For many regions, there have been no surveys or published population estimates”. The situation for the Lower Hunter region is similar, with no koala population estimates available for the Cessnock, Lake Macquarie, Maitland, and Newcastle LGA’s. Some population estimates have been derived for the Port Stephens LGA, however, with Phillips et al. (1996) concluding that historical estimates of population size suggest well below 1000 individuals distributed over the entire Port Stephens LGA area and likely between 350-500 animals in total. Later population viability analysis modelling by Lunney et al. (2007) utilised a starting population within their study area of 7,000 ha of the Tomago sandbeds of 800 individuals. The Cessnock and Lake Macquarie LGAs both have a number of reported koala sightings as well as areas classed as both ‘high’ and ‘very high’ koala habitat value from the koala habitat modelling results from this study. Due to the areas of potential habitat present there may be koalas present, which even if occurring at low density could potentially be a population of approximately the same order as within Port Stephens. However, as no density estimates area available it is not possible to provide a koala population estimate within the Lower Hunter outside of the Port Stephens LGA. In conclusion, due to a paucity of data, it is not possible to provide a reliable population estimate of the koala within the Lower Hunter region. 4.2 W H AT I S T HE R AT E O F C H AN G E I N T HI S PO P UL AT IO N AN D H AS T HI S R AT E C H AN G ED ? W H AT AR E T H E M AJ O R AN D M IN O R C AU S E S BE HI ND T HI S? As a reliable population estimate is not currently available, it is similarly not possible to provide a reliable estimate of change in the Lower Hunter koala population. Nevertheless, given there has been an estimated 75% reduction in Koala habitat within Port Stephens LGA since European settlement (Knott et al. 1998), it is reasonable to predict that the Lower Hunter region has experienced a long-term decline in koala population due in part to habitat clearing. However, changes in koala numbers are not uniform within the Lower Hunter study area. This study found apparent decreases in Medowie, Anna Bay, Raymond Terrace, and Tilligerry Peninsula; but the Boat Harbour/One Mile population was reported at one point in time to be increasing. This indicates that the response and change of koala populations across the study area and over particular time periods may not be uniform. 4.3 W H AT C RIT E RI A S H O ULD B E U S E D T O I D E NT IFY H IG H P RIO RIT Y H AB IT AT AR E AS ? The study recommends that high priority conservation areas for the Koala within the Lower Hunter region have the following parameters (this may be updated to include further expert input): © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 27 Lower Hunter Koala Study Vegetation patches greater than 100 ha with feed and roosting tree species. Major roads and railways are deemed to be barriers between patches even though individual koalas will cross them (at risk of death/injury). Vegetated remnant areas more than 300m apart will be considered separate patches. (It was noted that connectivity for koalas will be enhanced the lower the separation between patches and the better the ecological linkages from the perspective of koala movement patterns). Recommended habitat buffer width of 50 m in urban areas These criteria were incorporated into the koala habitat modelling, along with other attributes identified from the workshop. The above, in particular conserving patches of greater than 100 ha with koala feed and roosting tree species; and seeking to incorporate connectivity between patches for koalas; can also be considered a priority for koala conservation within the Lower Hunter study area. Other areas of habitat will also exist, and may be able to support viable koala populations, particularly where supporting (or connected) patches greater than 100 ha with koala feed and roosting tree species. 4.4 W H AT I S T HE C UR R E NT E XT E NT AN D Q U ALIT Y O F KO AL A H AB I T AT IN T H E R EG IO N ? The current extent and quality of habitat was modelled as part of this study based on the criteria summarised in section 4.3, above. The resultant habitat was identified in Figure 4 and high priority conservation areas for the Koala can be seen in Figure 5 and summarised in Table 4, below. These areas are primarily associated with consolidated vegetated patches of suitable habitat. Table 4: Area of High and Very High priority koala habitat modelled in the Lower Hunter Area (ha) identified within % identified within existing conservation existing formal reserves conservation reserves High 18,525 23 79,827 Very High 4,886 22 22,604 23,411 23 102,431 Priority Koala Habitat Classes Total priority modelled koala habitat Total modelled area (ha) The model shows that while there are a number of areas supporting priority koala habitat reserved for conservation within the Lower Hunter; the majority of the lands (more than 75%) are not currently formally reserved for conservation. There is a concentration of priority habitat area within the Port Stephens LGA, in the north east of the region, particularly to the north of Medowie as well as in the vicinity of Stockton Bight which are either currently reserved for conservation or within identified high conservation land green corridors. Some of this area (particularly around Stockton Bight) corresponds well with previous koala habitat mapping (Phillips 1996). Other smaller pockets of priority habitat also exist in the north western part of the Port Stephens LGA which fall outside of any existing conservation reserves or corridors. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 28 Lower Hunter Koala Study Areas of priority habitat occupy large tracts of land across the south of the region, located within the Watagan National Park and associated high conservation value green corridors along the Watagan Range. However, there are also large areas of priority habitat identified within the State Forests of the Wollombi Valley and a number of pockets of priority habitat around Kurri Kurri and Branxton within the Cessnock LGA; as well as within lands around Lake Macquarie; all falling outside of existing conservation reserves. Essentially, existing development throughout the Maitland and Newcastle LGA’s provides a definite separation of habitat across the study area potentially forming two different habitat regions. Essentially two thirds of the priority habitat occurs in the south of the study area, while the remaining third is concentrated within the Port Stephens LGA. Figure 5: High and Very High value priority koala habitat It is important to note that the areas identified in this modelling process may be refined with the inclusion of more detailed data, such as updated regional vegetation mapping that is currently being finalised, or the refinement of model parameters through further expert discussion, such as criteria weighting. 4.5 W H AT AR E T H E LO C AL K EY T HR E AT E NI N G PRO C E S SE S AN D RE CO M M END ED CO N S ER V AT IO N M E AS U R E S FO R KO AL AS T O AS S I ST W IT H D E CI S IO N M AK ING FO R T H E L O W ER H UNT E R R EG IO N AL ST R AT E G Y AN D R E G IO N AL CO N SE R V AT I O N PL AN ? Koalas are subject to different threats and pressures across their distribution. In the Lower Hunter, the main threats discussed by the workshop were loss, fragmentation and degradation of habitat both at a fine and large scale; barriers to habitat connectivity (including natural and manmade structures); road © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 29 Lower Hunter Koala Study fatalities; predation by dogs; disease (Chlamydia and other diseases); fire (including both control burns and natural fire) and climate change. Modification of habitat in the Lower Hunter can largely be attributed to the high development pressure and piecemeal planning that has resulted in isolated fragments of habitat remaining amongst urban areas. The current State Environmental Planning Policy 44 – Koala Habitat Protection (SEPP 44) planning system is difficult to apply to areas of low population density or small development sites as ‘core’ koala habitat can be difficult to confirm. The workshop discussion agreed that the current rezoning process is ineffective in considering long-term koala conservation as the majority of habitat analysis should be done prior to rezoning. The cumulative impacts of progressive clearing were also noted as a process that is currently not adequately addressed and thereby impacting on overall koala conservation. Barriers to habitat connectivity include roads, rail, urban centres, wide water courses and open areas. In the Port Stephens area, the specific major road barriers are Richardson Road, Lemon Tree Passage Road, Nelsons Bay Road, Port Stephens Drive and Gan Gan Road (expert working group - workshop). In Lake Macquarie, the F3 Freeway is considered to divide western and eastern koala populations, however it is likely that some koalas cross under the freeway at creek crossings (expert working group workshop). Road fatalities and dog predation are two major threats associated with urban areas. The real scale of the threat from dog attacks is likely underestimated as many dog attacks would not result in the koala being found and recorded. Road fatality data is often recorded by local carer groups (expert working group - workshop). Diseases, and in particular Chlamydia, are known to significantly impact koala populations (Jackson et al. 1999). Chlamydia can cause infertility in koalas and can contribute to population decline. Fire, especially at a high frequency and intensity can cause mortality and adversely impact habitat availability for koalas (Lunney et al. 2007, workshop). However, control burns which are considered to be at a lower intensity are also thought to have a negative effect on koala populations due to the high frequency of these burns in areas that are already highly fragmented (Lunney et al. 2007), Climate change is predicted to affect koala habitat condition and cause more severe weather conditions which may impact koala survival rates (Adams-Hosking et al. 2012). Climate change is predicted to affect koala habitat by altering the structure and chemical composition of koala food trees, changing the composition of plant communities, changing the range of important habitat species, changing sea levels and further fragmenting habitat stands. Its influence on weather may negatively affect koalas, including increased frequency and intensity of drought and wildfire and changes in average temperature, rainfall and humidity levels (Adams-Hosking et al. 2012). In the Port Stephens area, much of the favoured koala habitat occurs below 20 m elevation. These habitat types are likely to have significant range restrictions due to fresh and salt water inundation (expert working group - workshop). Groundwater abstraction may also be a threatening process as E. parramattensis and E. robusta occur in groundwater dependent ecosystems (Williams et al. 2012), particularly as these species are primary koala food trees and they often occur on waterlogged soils, so changes to the watertable could affect these tree species, for example at the Tomago Sandbeds, and thus could potentially negatively affect koala habitat. In relation to the identified threats to the koala in the Lower Hunter, the long-term conservation of koalas is reliant on understanding habitat requirements and population dynamics and incorporating this © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 30 Lower Hunter Koala Study knowledge into urban planning (expert working group - workshop). The modelling derived from this project should be incorporated into both local and regional planning to support long-term conservation of koala populations in the Lower Hunter. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 31 Lower Hunter Koala Study Conclusions and Recommendations 5 The koala is a cryptic animal, especially when occurring at low densities. Due to its readily recognisable appearance and high level of public interest, community sightings are often used as one method to investigate koala distribution. Available koala sightings for the Lower Hunter study area were compiled as part of this study. The majority of sightings were within the Port Stephens Local Government Area (LGA) where a substantial human population live in close proximity to areas of koala habitat. This is consistent with the high level of research and public interest in this region. Sightings were also present elsewhere within the Lower Hunter study area, such as the western portion of the Cessnock LGA. It is important to note that fewer records from outside of the Port Stephens LGA may be due to less research on koalas in these regions. Notwithstanding this, it is expected that the koala numbers are greatest in Port Stephens compared with other areas of the Lower Hunter region. This study found differences in changes in koala populations within the study area, with apparent decreases in Medowie, Anna Bay, Raymond Terrace, and Tilligerry Peninsula; but Boat Harbour/One Mile population was reported to be increasing. This indicates that the response and change of koala populations across the study area is not uniform. It is also important to note that due to low recorded numbers of Koalas outside of the Port Stephens area and lack of empirical evidence, the study was not able to estimate population size (and density) outside of Port Stephens. As a result of this study, it is recommended that: Outcomes of this study should be incorporated into regional and local conservation planning in the Lower Hunter. Ongoing refinement of the model should be carried out as more specific or relevant information becomes available. This includes: o Review and refinement of criteria weightings through any scheduled Lower Hunter expert working groups o Inclusion of newer or more targeted data sets as they become available (ie refined regional vegetation classification) Testing of modelled habitat value should be undertaken prior to its adoption into local and regional planning to support long-term conservation of koala populations in the Lower Hunter. There are a variety of research methodologies which could be utilised, but might include: o Genetic analysis and testing to seek to determine if different koala metapopulations exist within the Lower Hunter study region between Port Stephens and the Lake Macquarie / Cessnock LGA’s, as suggested by the apparent break in ecological connectivity through the Newcastle and Maitland LGA’s. Should this be confirmed then it would have implications for the management of the koala in the region, as there would be two (or more) separate metapopulations for management o Field based koala faecal pellet survey to seek to determine whether koalas are present, and their comparative use of different tree species and habitat types, and o Community survey (via postal survey and/or other methods) to seek to capture public koala sighting records. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 32 Lower Hunter Koala Study High priority conservation areas outlined in section 4.3 that are located outside of existing protected areas (such as National Parks) should be considered for long-term protection. Regional and local conservation planning should consider protecting existing connectivity and enhancing connectivity of Koala habitat patches that are within 100m of another patch. Regional and local conservation planning should consider management of threats to koalas, including dogs, barriers to movement (road/rail), fire, disease and climate change. Ideally, monitoring of outcomes for koala populations should be undertaken. It is noted that this would require substantial resources due to the cryptic nature of the koala. However, given the recognisable nature of the koala and the public interest in this species, engagement with the community and key stakeholders may provide a qualitative form of monitoring through some (or all) of the region, though it is noted that this would not provide quantitative data on population size or change, which would require more formalised scientific studies. Koala research findings, and potential application of mitigation measures, should feed back into koala recovery planning processes as part of an adaptive management framework. Such a framework should include community, stakeholder and expert engagement. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 33 Lower Hunter Koala Study 6 References Adams-Hosking, C., McAlpine, C., Rhodes, J. R., Grantham, H. S. and Moss, P. T. (2012). "Modelling changes in the distribution of the critical food resources of a specialist folivore in response to climate change." Journal of Conservation Biogeography Diversity and Distributions: 1-14. Allendorf, F. and Leary, R. F. (1986). Heterozygosity and Fitness in Natural Populations of Animals. Conservation Biology: the science of scarcity and diversity. M. E. Soulé. Sunderland, Massachusetts., Sinauer Associates: 57-76. Australian Koala Foundation (1996). The Koala Habitat Atlas. Project No 6: Port Stephens Local Government Area. Report prepared for Port Stephens Council by Steve Phillips, John Callaghan and Valerie Thompson. Vegetation Mapping by Robert Payne. Australian Koala Foundation Brisbane, Qld. Bell S. and Driscoll C. (2007) "Vegetation of the Cessnock-Kurri region, Cessnock LGS, New South Wales: Survey, Classification and Mapping. Report to Climate Change and Environment Protection Group DECC, Newcastle. Bell S. and Driscoll C. (2012) "Native Vegetation Community Equivalents NOV 2012" extract of Vegetation Mapping of Lake Macquarie LGA Stages 1 to 3 & 5. Draft report to Lake Macquarie Council Biolink (2006). Medowie structure plan; Ecological Review and Advice. Draft report. Report prepared for Port Stephens Council. Callaghan, J., Leathley, S. and Lunney, D.(1994) Port Stephens Koala Management Plan. Draft for public discussion. 27 September 1994. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service and Port Stephens Council. Cork, S. J., E. M. Cawsey, A. O. Nicholls, M. Yialeloglou, and M.P. Austin (1997). Improving prediction and assessment of diet and habitat quality for koalas. Investigation of relationships between koala abundance and the nutritional composition of foliage in northern NSW. 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Swamp Shea-oak x C. gummifera Red Bloodwood x* E. agglomerata Blue-leaved Stringybark E. amplifolia Cabbage gum E. botryoides Bangalay E. camfieldii Heart-leaved Stringybark E. capitellata Brown Stringybark E. carnea Thick-leaved Mahogany x E. crebra Narrow-leaved Red Ironbark x E. dwyeri Narrow leafed Red Gum E. eugenioides Thin-leaved Stringybark E. fibrosa Red Ironbark E. glaucina Slaty red gum E. globoidea White Stringybark E. grandis Flooded Gum E. racemosa or E. signata Scribbly Gum E. largeana Craven Grey Box AREA x* x* GB x* x x GB x x x GB x © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 39 Lower Hunter Koala Study SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME PRIMARY SECONDARY E. longifolia Woollybutt E. microcorys Tallowwood GB E. moluccana Grey box x* E. nicholii Small-leaved Peppermint E. oblonga Narrow-leaved Stringybark GB E. paniculata Grey Ironbark x E. parramattensis subsp. decadens Parramatta red gum also referred to as Drooping red gum E. pilularis Blackbutt E. piperita Sydney Peppermint E. propinqua Small-fruited Grey Gum E. punctata Grey Gum E. resinifera Red mahogany E. robusta Swamp mahogany SUPPLEMENTARY AREA Unsure for PS Unsure for PS GB (urban plantings) x GB x x x*+ Unsure in PS x* x GB E. saligna Sydney Blue Gum E. scias Large fruited red mahogany E. siderophloia Grey Ironbark E. sparsifolia Narrow-leaved Stringybark E. tereticornis Forest red gum Unsure in PS x x Unsure in PS Unsure in PS x GB E. umbra Broad-leaved White Mahogany x* Eucalyptus acmenoides White mahogany x* © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 40 Lower Hunter Koala Study SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME PRIMARY SECONDARY Melaleuca nodosa Prickly-leaved paperbark x Melaleuca styphelioides Prickly Paperbark x M. linearifolia Paperbark M. quinquenervia Broad-leaved Paperbark Syncarpia glomulifera Turpentine GB SUPPLEMENTARY AREA x x * Needs more work + Locally preferred in the Port Stephens LGA x Dan Lunney, David Paull, Ray Williams, Anthony Marchment, Mark Roselle GB Geoff Bartlet Primary = preferred feed tree; Secondary = occasional feed tree (seasonal), less frequent; Supplementary = other use, occasionally used © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A PTY LTD 41 Lower Hunter Koala Study HEAD OFFICE SYDNEY ST GEORGES BASIN Suite 4, Level 1 2-4 Merton Street Sutherland NSW 2232 T 02 8536 8600 F 02 9542 5622 Level 6 299 Sussex Street Sydney NSW 2000 T 02 8536 8650 F 02 9264 0717 8/128 Island Point Road St Georges Basin NSW 2540 T 02 4443 5555 F 02 4443 6655 CANBERRA NEWCASTLE NAROOMA Level 2 11 London Circuit Canberra ACT 2601 T 02 6103 0145 F 02 6103 0148 Suites 28 & 29, Level 7 19 Bolton Street Newcastle NSW 2300 T 02 4910 0125 F 02 4910 0126 5/20 Canty Street Narooma NSW 2546 T 02 4476 1151 F 02 4476 1161 COFFS HARBOUR 35 Orlando Street Coffs Harbour Jetty NSW 2450 T 02 6651 5484 F 02 6651 6890 ARMIDALE MUDGEE 92 Taylor Street Armidale NSW 2350 T 02 8081 2681 F 02 6772 1279 Unit 1, Level 1 79 Market Street Mudgee NSW 2850 T 02 4302 1230 F 02 6372 9230 PERTH Suite 1 & 2 49 Ord Street West Perth WA 6005 T 08 9227 1070 F 08 9322 1358 WOLLONGONG Suite 204, Level 2 62 Moore Street Austinmer NSW 2515 T 02 4201 2200 F 02 4268 4361 GOSFORD Suite 5, Baker One 1-5 Baker Street Gosford NSW 2250 T 02 4302 1220 F 02 4322 2897 DARWIN © ECO LOGICAL AUSTR ALI A 16/56 Marina Boulevard Cullen Bay NT 0820 T 08 8989 5601 PTY LTD BRISBANE PO Box 1422 Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 T 0400 494 366 42