SETTLEMENT CASE STUDY - DARTFORD From the Spec: “Settlement case study comparing two or more of the following areas – an inner city area, a suburban area, an area of rural/urban fringe and an area of rural settlement” To include reference to characteristics such as: Characteristic Housing (ownership structure) Housing quality Ethnicity Age Structure Wealth/Income Employment Approximate social grade/socio-economic status General Health Provision of Services Social Issues Data source Neighbourhood statistics – tricy to find. Mr Simmons will provide a summary for you Fieldwork data ArcGIS Online. Add layer>search for layers>ethnicity ESRI insights ArcGIS Online. Add layer>search for layers>deprivation ArcGIS Online. Browse ESRI Map layers > demographics and lifestyle>UK economic activity ArcGIS Online. Browse ESRI Map layers > demographics and lifestyle>UK occupation & UK qualifications ArcGIS Online. Browse ESRI Map layers > demographics and lifestyle>UK health Fieldwork data Fieldwork data The implications of the above for social welfare…” RESEARCH TASK You are to research the socio-economic conditions of 2 of the areas: Wilmington Village (Rural/Urban Fringe settlement) Temple Hill (Inner City Area) In order to access the data you first have to identify the appropriate ‘Lower SOA’ (‘Super Output Area - a census area) to then follow through the statistics. Presentation This is a sizeable piece of work and will be invaluable for the examination so needs to be logically and effectively produced. 1) Table: You need to create a table such that you can easily compare your fieldwork and research data, as stated above for each area. Make sure you state the measurement and the units! 2) Comparison: Compare the fieldwork and research data for both places. Use data manipulation and phrases from the ‘Phraseator’. 3) Social Welfare. Comment on the implications for social welfare (quality of life) of your data for both places. Fieldwork On Thursday 27th we will visit both places. We will take photographs of the housing, interview a local community representative and investigate the provision of services. You will have time in the ICT suite to write up your fieldwork.