Lit. Analysis TDEC Rubric

Literary Analysis Rubric for Single TDEC Short Answer Response
____Thesis statement includes all required elements (author, title, prompt words, thematic idea and tone)
and is an accurate answer to the prompt.
1. Does not include all the required elements
2. Thesis inaccurately answers the prompt
3. Thesis partially answers the prompt
___Ample detail (quotes) are present and are woven into the fabric of the writing. Quote fragments are used
(up to around 6 words), and fragment chosen is the most crucial part of the larger excerpt.
4. No details present (there may just be paraphrasing)
4A: not enough details
5. Detail does not support topic sentence and/or thesis
6. Quote fragments are not used (full sentences are used)
7. Quote fragment is too long
8. Quote fragment chosen is not the most crucial part of the excerpt
9. Quote weaving is attempted but not always successful
10. Quote weaving is not attempted
___Elaboration orients the reader with factual information. Elaboration should include context, placement
(what happened in the story leading up to the detail), device, paraphrasing, and parenthetical citation for the
11. Elaboration does not provide enough information about the detail, so the reader is left confused
11A: no elaboration given for the
12. Detail does not support thesis
13. Elaboration is not all factual—there may be analysis/opinion present religious procession honoring San
Fermin that’s going on that day.
14. Incorrect usage of parenthetical citation
13 A: No text evidence can be found
for statements presented as fact.
15. No parenthetical citation
___Commentary provides insightful interpretation of how the detail (quotes) and the device(s) analyzed
(diction, imagery, etc) supports the topic sentence and thesis. Student uses word glue from the thesis/topic
sentence in commentary.
19 A: Commentary doesn’t explain the
significance of details
16. Commentary simply summarizes the detail
19 B: No details/text evidence that relates to
17. Commentary restates thesis and/or topic sentence
commentary statements
18. Commentary explains the detail but not the device(s)
19. Commentary lacks the depth or insight needed to fully explain how the detail supports the topic
sentence and thesis.
20. No word glue present in commentary
___All analysis is written in 3rd person, present tense and quotes have been changed to present tense using
brackets if necessary.
21. Use of 3rd person inconsistent or not attempted
22. Use of present tense inconsistent or not attempted
23. Incorrect usage of brackets
Literary Analysis Rubric for Single TDEC Short Answer Response
8 (100) / 9 (105)
The writers of these essays
- articulate thesis clearly
- use appropriate, specific and compelling detail
- provide an in-depth explanation of detail which
shows awareness of the complexity of the reading
- insightfully explain how the details support the
- write in a mature, sophisticated, compelling style
7 (95)
The writers of these essays
- articulate thesis clearly
- use appropriate, specific and convincing detail
- provide an in-depth explanation of detail which
shows awareness of the complexity of the reading
- explain how the detail supports the thesis
- write in a mature style
6- (88) / 6 (90) / 6+ (93)
The writers of these essays
- present a thesis
- use specific and appropriate detail
- explain detail
- connect detail to thesis
- write in a generally clear style
5 (85)
The writers of these essays
- present a thesis
- may use uneven, inconsistent or limited detail
- may explain detail in an uneven, inconsistent or limited
- may have lapses in diction or syntax, but usually
convey ideas
3 (75) / 4 (80) / 4+ (82)
The writers of these essays:
- attempt a thesis that addresses the prompt
- may have generalized, inadequate or inappropriate
- fail to explain device, or do so in an unconvincing
- make a weak connection of detail to thesis (or no
- write with poor control of diction and syntax, and may
have lapses in grammar/mechanics
2 (72) / 1 (65)
The writers of these essays:
- may have misunderstood the prompt or substituted a
simpler task
- have consistent grammatical issues
- lack organization, development, and control of ideas