Email Archiving Software

Website page number: 4.53.3
Document title: MailMeter Discovery tech docs
Author: Existing site
Reviewed by: Oonagh McCutcheon
Status: Final
Email Archiving Software
Regulatory issues, business requirements, and storage management issues are all valid reasons to consider
email archiving software. In addition, email archiving software provides a record of all email messages sent and
received that can be searched to provide confirmation on purchase or change orders as well as documentation of
inappropriate email.
Once an email message is sent, most email systems do not even allow definitive management control over the
document. It's no accident that events such as this cause terror in the hearts of CEOs and corporate managers if
their companies lack effective email archiving software. Key company personnel can't troubleshoot such an event
when they don't even know it has occurred.
User-Friendly, Easy-to-Install, Affordable Email Archiving Software
The ultimate costs of legal fees, research and rebuilding a company's email history from backups will be far
greater than the cost of email archiving software. MailMeter solves these big problems by placing a wealth of
information about email usage in the hands of management, along with the power to retrieve problem documents
in seconds--and even to quarantine email accounts when necessary.
Our software takes the burden off your email server by keeping historic data in the MailMeter archive. Your email
account users will have access to their own email history in the MailMeter email archive. You will be pleasantly
surprised to find that such a powerful set of solutions is so user-friendly, easy to install and affordable.
MailMeter Archive
- Capture emails to lower cost storage
Compliance, Storage Savings, E-discovery
MailMeter is a comprehensive, yet easy to use, affordable and robust email archiving solution that captures and
pre-indexes email real-time to provide a complete, unalterable and secure email archive.
Regulatory compliance and policy enforcement
Email storage management
eDiscovery and litigation support
Monitoring email
Email records retention and retrieval
Optimize Your Email Server!
Archive from Expensive to Low Cost Storage - There is no reason to have expensive storage for emails
that are rarely accessed.
Get in Compliance - capture all messages before any user can delete them.
Reduce back up times - and potential recovery time. Users want to save every email. Use MailMeter Archive
to give them a low cost, "bottomless" mailbox with the optional MailMeter ISR, Individual Search and Retrieval.
Automatic Storage Optimization - Replace attachments on older messages using the MailMeter Storage
No More PSTs - use MailMeter Archive as a central data repository where users can access their own email
easily. Only keep a minimal amount of email in your server.
Archive Searching
The base MailMeter Archive includes a powerful search capability to search by email address, domain, date
range, message body text, attachment text or type, and word lists using wildcard, Boolean and proximity
How MailMeter Archive Works
MailMeter Archive is a software application that runs on a Windows Server (real or virtual). It
collects emails from the standard journaling interface on your email server (Microsoft Exchange,
Lotus Domino, Ipswitch IMail, SeattleLab SLMail Pro) and deletes them when they are secured in the
archive. There are options for capturing messages from the existing mailboxes (History Capture) and
from PSTs and NSFs (PST / NSF Import).
All components of a message - header, recipients, message body, and attachments are captured into
the MailMeter Archive SQL database and Archive Volumes. The SQL database must have full-text
indexing activated.
Archived messages and attachments are de-duplicated, compressed, encrypted, given GUID names
then stored in Archive Volumes (Windows folders) that can be located on any low cost, storage
device - local disk, SAN, NAS, USB, etc. The Archive Volumes are managed to a size of 4G. New ones
are created automatically as needed. Archive Volumes only need to be backed up once when they
are full and closed (contents don't change).
Messages are secured and protected in the MailMeter Archive. The administrator can delete emails
by date for record retention. There is also an optional Retention Manager for a more granular
control over message destruction by mailbox and by individual messages.
MailMeter server
Windows Server 2003 (x86 and x64) or Windows Server 2008 (x86, x64 and R2 x64)
CPU: 2 or 4 processors
Memory: 4 to 8 GB
Disk: Temporary work area = size of largest mailbox
Disk: Archive Volumes = any local, SAN or NAS device
SQL Server
Windows Server 2005 or 2008
CPU: 2 or 4 processors
Memory: 8 to 32 GB
Disk: Database = 40% of data collected