Aubrey Fulton Technology Lesson Plan November 16, 2010 Regions of France and le Passé Composé Standards: LOTE Standards: Standard 1: Students will be able to use a language other than English for communication Key Idea: READING & WRITING are used in languages other than English for the purposes of socializing, providing and acquiring information, expressing personal feelings and opinions, and getting others to adopt a course of action. Checkpoint B: Students will write short notes, uncomplicated personal and business letters, brief journals, and short reports ISTE NETS for Students Standards: Standard 3: Research and Information Fluency Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. c. Students evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks. d. Students process data and report results. Lesson Objectives: 1. Students will be able to gather and evaluate information on their assigned region of France using the internet. 2. Students will be able to create a journal written in le passé compose (a past tense) pretending that they took a vacation to their assigned region of France. Introduce the Learning Activity: A. I will introduce the topic of regions of France with a bell ringer. I will ask the students if they can list any regions of France besides Paris. I will tell students the objective for the day and will display this objective on a power point. B. I will explain how the students will be assigned a region of France with two people assigned to a region. I will show the students some pictures of these regions. I will then tell students that they will write a journal in le passé compose about a pretend vacation in their region of France. Provide Information: A. I will tell students that there are 22 official regions in mainland France. I will show the students a map of France showing the different regions. I will tell the students what kind of information they should be looking for. I will also give the students a worksheet detailing what information they should be looking for. I will also provide students with some possible websites to use. Provide Practice: A. Objective 1: Students will be able to use a computer to go on the internet and look for information on their region. Objective 2: Students will also be given time in class to work on their journals. They will have time to write journal entries about their pretend vacation to their region during class so I will be able to address issues and see how students are doing. Students will also have the opportunity to construct their journal using a computer during class if they would like. Students could use word processing software and programs where they can draw pictures if they would like to. B. Objective 1: Students will research their regions individually for the most part but will discuss their research with classmates. There will be one other student with the same region and they will have the opportunity to talk to this other student about the information they are finding. If students are having difficulties finding information on their own they will be able to work with the other student. Objective 2: Students will write their journal individually. They will have discussed some options with the other student with the same region but the actual writing will take place on their own. Provide Knowledge of Results: A. I will walk around the room while students are doing their research on the region. I will ask the students how they are doing and provide feedback by talking with the students. I will also provide verbal feedback once the students start writing their journals by looking at what they have written and making comments. B. I will collect the worksheets that the students use to do their research. I will review these worksheets and write comments and make suggestions if some important points are missing. I will also make written comments and grammar corrections if necessary on their journals. Review the Activity: A. I will ask for the students to summarize what they found and to tell the class a little information about their region. After the students have written their journals I will ask the students to summarize how to form le passé compose. Method of Assessment: A. The research of the students will be assessed by reviewing the student’s worksheet and talking to the students about their research. The journal will be assessed using the following rubric: Categories Use of le passé composé 0 Le passé composé is not used in the journal entries. Includes information and activities for their specific region Examples of activities and information about the assigned region are not present in journal. Number of entries Journal contains less than 4 entries. Each entry contains less than 3 sentences. Journal contains so many spelling and grammar mistakes that make comprehension difficult. Most sentences are formed incorrectly. Length of entries Grammar, spelling and sentence structure. 1 Le passé composé is formed incorrectly in many entries. Le passé composé is not used when appropriate for several entries. A few examples of activities and things to do are described in the journal. The journal provides minimal information about the region. 2 Le passé composé is formed correctly in most entries. Le passé composé is used when appropriate for the most part. 3 Le passé composé is formed correctly in all entries. Le passé composé is used when appropriate. Some examples of activities and things to do in the region are described in the journal. The journal provides some information on the region. Journal contains 4-5 entries. Journal contains 6-7 entries. Each entry contains 3 sentences. Journal contains multiple spelling and grammar mistakes. Many sentences are formed incorrectly. Each entry contains 4 sentences. Journal contains a few grammar and spelling mistakes. Most sentences are formed correctly. Several examples of activities and things to do in the region are described in the journal. The journal provides plentiful information about the region. Journal contains at least 8 entries. Each entry contains at least 5 sentences. Journal contains minimal spelling and grammar mistakes. Sentences are formed correctly