Oral Programme January 11 16:00-18:00 Registration 18:00

Oral Programme
January 11
16:00-18:00 Registration
18:00-20:00 Welcome Reception | Poster Session I
January 12
07:30-08:30 Registration and Coffee/Tea
08:30-08:50 Opening Ceremony, Plenary
Nanqi Ren, Harbin Institute of Technology , China
Michael Dunn, IWA, UK
Gilles Jonker, Elsevier, The Netherlands
08:50-09:20 [K1] Innovations in wastewater treatment for a sustainable development
Prof. Mark van Loosdrecht, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
09:20-09:50 [K2] Orange county water district– “New water” past and present
Mr. Michael R. Markus, Orange County Water District, USA
09:50-10:20 [K3] Arsenic removal from water: Principal, technologies and engineering
Prof. Jiuhui Qu, RCEES-CAS, China
10:20-10:50 Coffee break, Outside of the poster room, in corridors
10:50-11:20 [K4] Oxidation processes for water treatment: From kinetics to toxicological
Prof. Urs von Gunten, EAWAG, Switzerland
11:20-11:50 [K5] Intimately coupled photocatalysis and biodegradation (ICPB) for detoxification
of recalcitrant organics
Prof. Bruce E. Rittmann, Arizona State University, USA
11:50-12:20 [K6] Bio-H2 production technology from wastewater fermentation for
Prof. Nanqi Ren, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
12:20-13:20 Lunch- Kylin Villa
13:20-15:20 Parallel Session 1: Advances in technology for wastewater reuse
Session Chair: Hiroaki Furumai, University of Tokyo, Japan
Parallel Session 2: Solar and UV-driven technologies in water and wastewater treatment
Session Chair: David Sedlak, University of California, USA
13:20-14:00 [INV01] Life cycle assessment of seawater water supply-associated hybrid water
resource systems
Guanghao Chen, HKUST, Hong Kong, China
[INV02] Water and wastewater treatment: Applications with solar photocatalysis
Sixto Malato, Plataforma Solar, Spain
14:00-14:20 [O01.1]The question of pathogen quantification in disinfected greywater
M. Benami*, O. Gillor, A. Gross, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel [O02.1]
photo-Fenton using peroxymonosulfate or persulfate for organic micropollutants removal from
domestic wastewater: Comparison with heterogeneous TiO2 photocatalysis
M. Mahdi-Ahmed1, M. Brienza2, V. Goetz2, S. Chiron*1, 1Montpellier Université, France,
14:20-14:40 [O01.2]Characteristics of pollutants balance in the urban landscape lake
replenished with reclaimed water and optimized plan for pollution control
R. Chen*1, W.W. Wu2, X.C. Wang1, L. Yin1, 1Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology,
China, 2Kunming China International Research Centre for Plateau Lake, China [O02.2] Validation
of a UV-LED disinfection apparatus and its application to microorganisms in water
K. Oguma*, S. Rattanakul, The University of Tokyo, Japan
14:40-15:00 [O01.3]Selective enrichment of settleable microalgae for advanced wastewater
Y.S. Hu, X.D. Hao*, N. Hu, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, China [O02.3]
Application of advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) or ozone to degrade pharmaceuticals in
reverse osmosis brine matrices from municipal wastewater reuse facilities
Y. Yang*1, J.J. Pignatello2, J. Ma1, W.A. Mitch3, 1Harbin Institute of Technology, China,
2Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, USA, 3Stanford University, USA
15:00-15:20 [O01.4] Quantitative risk assessment of greywater reuse by epidemiological study
and QMRA
A. Busgang*1, E. Friedler2, A. Gross1, 1Ben Gurion University, Israel, 2Technion - Israel Institute
for Technology, Israel [O02.4] Sequential and simultaneous applications of UV and chlorine for
adenovirus inactivation
S. Rattanakul*, K. Oguma, S. Takizawa, The University of Tokyo, Japan
15:20-15:50 Coffee break
15:50-17:50 Parallel Session 1: Advances in technology for wastewater reuse (Contd.)
Session Chair: Guanghao Chen, HKUST, Hong Kong, China Parallel Session 3: New insights into
efficient processes to control emerging contaminants
Session Chair: Urs von Gunten, EAWAG, Switzerland
15:50-16:30 [INV03] Advances in water reclamation technologies and reuse
Jörg Drewes, Technische Universität München, Germany
[INV04] Coupling electrochemistry to peroxide activation as a means of transforming trace
organic contaminants
David Sedlak, University of California, USA
16:30-16:50 [O01.5]Treatment performances and fouling behaviours of AnMBRs with different
pore-sized ceramic membranes
X. Yue*1, Y.K.K. Koh2, H.Y. Ng1, 1Nationl University of Singapore, Singapore, 2Public Utilities
Board, Singapore [O03.1] Fluence rate distribution in photocatalytic UV reactors: A long
overlooked issue
M.K. Li*1, C. Wang1, J.R. Bolton2, Z.M. Qiang1, 1Chinese Academy of Sciences, China,
2University of Alberta, Canada
16:50-17:10 [O01.6] Study of pulsed corona discharge in pharmaceutical compounds
A. Sokolov*, S. Preis, M. Louhi-Kultanena, Lappeenranta university of technology, Finland
[O03.2] Use of solar advanced oxidation processes for wastewater treatment: follow-up of
degradation products, acute toxicity and estrogenicity
M. Brienza*1 ,2, M. Mahdi Ahmed3, A. Escande3, G. Plantard2, L. Scrano1, S. Chiron3, S.A. Bufo1,
V. Goetz2, 1University of Basilicata, Italy, 2CNRS, France, 3UMR 5569, France
17:10-17:30 [O01.7] Formation and control of NDMA during advanced treatments for
wastewater reuse
M. Sgroi1, P. Roccaro*1, S. Snyder2, 1Univeristy of Catania, Italy, 2The University of Arizona,
USA [O03.3] Toward a better understanding of solar disinfection using action spectra and solar
G.Y. Lui*1, D.J. Roser1, R. Corkish1, R. Stuetz1, N.J. Ashbolt2, 1University of New South Wales,
Australia, 2University of Alberta, Canada
17:30-17:50 [O01.8]Characterization of dichloroacetonitrile and dichloroacetamide precursors
during chlorination and chloramination of reclaimed water
H. Huang*1 ,2, Q.Y. Wu1, H.Y. Hu1, 1Tsinghua University, China, 2Sun Yat-sen University, China
[O03.4] Photoautotrophic carbon dioxide transfer and nutrients removal from water in a
direct membrane-carbonation photobioreactor
H-W. Kim*1 ,3, J. Cheng2 ,3, B.E. Rittmann3, 1Chonbuk National University, Republic of Korea,
2Wuhan University of Technology, China, 3The Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University,
Poster session II
January 13
09:00-10:40 Parallel Session 4: Nutrient recovery, technology and market related issues
Session Chair: Korneel Rabaey, Ghent University, Belgium Parallel Session 5: New materials for
water and wastewater treatment operations
Session Chair: Dionysios Dionysiou, University of Cincinnati, USA
09:00-09:40 [INV05] Biodegradation of naphthol green B and thiosulfate in wastewater
coupling with in-situ biosynthesis of FeS nanoparticles by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1
Hanqing Yu, USTC, China [INV06] Novel polymer-based nanocomposites for advanced water
treatment in laboratory study and field application
Bingcai Pan, Nanjing University, China
09:40-10:00 [O04.1] Release of phosphorous and nitrogen from organic wastes: Towards N & P
P. Westerhoff*1, Y. Yang1, T. Zhang2, M. Gifford1, 1Arizona State University, USA, 2China
Agricultural University, China [O05.1] Highly catalytic activity of laccase immobilized by
polydopamine on magnetic nanoparticles
M.F. Deng*, S.P. Zhang, H. Zhao, P.H. Du, H.B. Cao, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
10:00-10:20 [O04.2] Applicability of electrokinetic process for phosphorus recovery from
wastewater treatment plants
P. Guedes*, C. Magro, N. Couto, E.P. Mateus, A.B. Ribeiro, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
[O05.2] Elimination of organic micropollutants during enhanced wastewater treatment with
horseradish peroxidase-hydrogen peroxide (HRP-H2O2) process
S. Na*, Y. Lee, GIST, Republic of Korea
10:20-10:40 [O04.3] Recovery of phosphate by magnetic iron oxide particles and iron oxide
nanotubes in wastewater
J. Chung*1, M. Kim2, W. Lee3, H. Leem3, S. Kim3, J. Kim3, 1Samsung engineering Co. Ltd.,
Republic of Korea, 2Korean Minjok Leadership Academy, Republic of Korea, 3Hanyang University,
Republic of Korea [O05.3] The effect of the preparation method of graphene oxide on the
photocatalytic performance of graphene-znin2s4 for hydrogen generation under visible light
F. Tian*, R.S. Zhu, J. Tan, F. Ouyang, G. Cao, Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate
School, China
10:40-11:10 Coffee break, Kylin Villa
11:10-12:20 Parallel Session 4: Nutrient recovery, technology and market related issues
Session Chair: Jörg Drewes, Technische Universität München, Germany Parallel Session 6:
Microscopic level of catalytic water treatment processes: challenges and opportunities
Session Chair: Paul Tratnyek, Oregon Institute of Science and Technology, USA
11:10-11:50 [INV07] Looking beyond struvite for P-recovery
Xiaodi Hao, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, China [INV08]
insights into silver nanoparticle-based water treatment technologies
David Waite, University of New South Wales, Australia
11:50-12:10 [O04.4] Effects of C/S ratios and nitrate dose on a Denitrifying Sulfur
cycle-associated Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (DS-EBPR) process for phosphorus
recovery from saline sewage
M. Yu*1, Y.L. Li1, H. Lu1, G.H. Chen1 ,2, 1Sun Yat-sen University, China, 2The Hong Kong
University of Science and Technology, China [O06.1] Transformation of β-lactam antibiotics
during water treatment with ferrate(VI): Reaction kinetics, transformation products, and changes
of antibacterial activity
Y. Lee, GIST, Republic of Korea
12:10-12:30 [O04.5] Novel technologies for low phosphorus discharge consents and resource
M. Pidou*, R. Whitton, M. Santinelli, A. Muhammad, A. Soares, R. Villa, B. Jefferson, Cranfield
University, UK [O06.2] Transformation of ranitidine during water treatment with chlorine, ozone,
UV and UV/H2O2: Kinetics and effect on NDMA formation potential.
Z. Hidayat*, D. Jeon, J. Kim, Y. Lee, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of
12:30-13:30 Lunch, Kylin Villa
13:30-15:30 Parallel Session 7:Decentralized water recycling possibilities
Session Chair: Moo Young Han, Seoul National University, South Korea
Parallel Session 8:
Reactive membranes and membrane materials
Session Chair: Gianluca Li Puma, Loughborough University, UK
13:30-14:10 [INV09] An academic perspective of decentralized wastewater management
systems as a means of resource recovery
John Buchanan, University of Tennessee, USA
Photocatalytic membrane reactor
treatment: A synergistic approach for micropollutants removal and fouling control
Kwang-Ho Choo, Kyungpook National University, South Korea
14:10-14:30 [O07.1] Study of blast-furnace-slag effective life and phosphorus removal
mechanisms in an aerated blast-furnace-slag filter
R. Hamdan*1, D. Mara2, 1Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia, 2Universiti Of Leeds,
UK [O08.1] Characterization of carbon nanotube-based membranes and application for
pharmaceutical degradation
J.E. Yanez Heras*, C. Zwiener, Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tuebingen, Germany
14:30-14:50 [O07.2] Aerobic granular sludge in oily wastewater treatment process:
Performances, characteristics and potential utilization
S. Wang*1, W.X. Shi2, S.L. Yu3, J. Li1, 1Jiangnan University, China, 2Harbin Institute of
Technology, China, 3Tongji University, China [O08.2] Graphene oxide (GO) based PVDF hybrid
membranes for water treatment
X.W. Zhang, Monash University, Australia
14:50-15:10 [O07.3] Reuse of Bangkok water treatment sludge as superb plant growing media
P. Saradhuldhat*, T. Havanonda, Kasetsart University, Thailand
[O08.3] Application of a novel photocatalytic metal membrane with self-organized reactive
TiO2 nanotubes for the removal of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in water
M. Kim1, J. Chung2, J. Kim*3, 1Korean Minjok Leadership Academy, Republic of Korea,
2Samsung Engineering CO.Ltd., Republic of Korea, 3Hanyang University, Republic of Korea
15:10-15:30 [O07.4] Evaluating the potential of multi-sourcing urban water harvest at building
K.J. An*, Y.F. Lam, S. Hao, H. Furumai, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Effects of gas back-diffusion and membrane bundling on the Membrane-Aerated Biofilm Reactor
M. Aybar1 ,2, P. Perez-Calleja*3, C. Picioreanu4, K. Martin5, G. Pizarro3, L. Esteban Garcia3, R.
Nerenberg1, 1University of Notre Dame, USA, 2Catholic University of Chile, Chile, 3University of
Cantabria, Spain, 4Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, 5University of Michigan, USA
15:30-16:00 Coffee break, Kylin Villa
16:00-18:00 Parallel Session 9: Storm water harvesting and Technologies
Session Chair: John Buchanan, University of Tennessee, USA
Parallel Session 10: Catalytic processes and controls in radical-driven treatment reaction
Session Chair: Gregory Korshin, University of Washington, USA
16:00-16:40 [INV11] Science, technology and practice of rainwater harvesting
Moo Young Han, Seoul National University, South Korea
[INV12] Treatment of cyanotoxins by
visible light-activated titanium dioxide catalysts
Dionysios Dionysiou, University of Cincinnati, USA
16:40-17:00 [O09.1] Improving stormwater quality by bioretention basins: surface-modified
sand filters for bacteria removal
M. Deng, D.C.W. Tsang*, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong [O10.1]
effective heterogeneous catalysts in activation of peroxymonosulfate for phenol degradation
E. Saputra, Y. Wang, H.Q. Sun*, H.M. Ang, M.O. Tade, S.B. Wang, Curtin University, Australia
17:00-17:20 [O09.2] Water quality dynamics in innovative rainwater infiltration and storage
tank attached to road
H. Okui*, M. Imbe, T. Maruyama, Association for Rainwater Storage and Infiltration Technology,
[O10.2] Ozonation of diethyl phthalate in water with graphite supported cerium oxide
Z.Q. Liu1, Y.H. Cui*1, G. Wen2, J. Ma3, B.P. Zhang1, 1Huazhong University of Science and
Technology, China, 2Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, China, 3Harbin Institute of
Technology, China
17:20-17:40 [O09.3] Development of antimicrobial media and assessment in biofilter for
passive pathogen removal in field scale with the aim towards stormwater harvesting
Y.L. Li*1 ,2, A. Deletic1 ,2, D.T. McCarthy1 ,2, 1monash university, Australia, 2Cooperative
Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities, Australia [O10.3] Transformation of unsymmetrical
dimethyl hydrazide and hydrazine to NDMA during ozonation: kinetics, pathways, and
S. Lim*, Y. Lee, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Republic of Korea
17:40-18:00 [O09.4] Estimation of rainwater utilization at the individual house based on the
monitoring data for 30 years
M. Imbe, H. Okui*, Association for Rainwater Storage and Infiltration Technology, Japan
[O10.4] Oxidation of pharmaceuticals by zero-valent iron/polyphosphates in the presence of
oxygen at neutral pH
H-H. Kim*, H. Lee, H-E. Kim, C. Lee, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST),
Republic of Korea
Gala Dinner at the Kylin Villa
January 14
09:00-10:40 Parallel Session 11: Energy recovery
Session Chair: Hanqing Yu, USTC, China
Parallel Session 12: Catalysis in advanced reduction processes
Session Chair: Sixto Malato, Plataforma Solar, Spain
09:00-09:40 [INV13] Resource efficiency and recovery - Key drivers in future wastewater
management approaches
Jurg Keller, University of Queensland, Australia [INV14] Activation and catalysis in advanced
reduction processes for water treatment
Paul Tratnyek, Oregon Institute of Science and Technology, USA
09:40-10:00 [O11.1] Contribution of homoacetogenesis to heterotrophic methane production
with exogenous H2/CO2 involved
R. Liu, X. Hao*, Y. Cao, Y. Hu, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, China
[O12.1] Removal of hexabromocyclododecane with Cu nanoparticles formed in the
anaerobic environment
C.P. Tso*, Y.H. Shih, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
10:00-10:20 [O11.2] Synergistic effects of free nitrous acid (FNA) and hydrogen peroxide on
methane productionfrom waste activated sludge (WAS)
T. Zhang*, Q. Wang, L. Ye, D. Batstone, Z. Yuan, The University of Queensland, Australia [O12.2]
Catalytic reduction of bromate in water solution by ru/ac catalyst: reduction pathway, reaction
kinetics and operational parameters
Z.J. Dong1, W.C. Yin2, W.Y. Dong*3, 1Shenzhen Polytechnic, China, 2China Architecture Design
Academy Co. Ltd, China, 3Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School, China
10:20-10:40 [O11.3] Selection and breeding of a high-lipid containing microalga mutant strain
of Chlorella pyrenoidosa by ion beam implantation
R.J. Tu*1, W.B. Jin1, M. Wang1, W.M. Wu2, 1Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate
School, China, 2Stanford University, USA
[O12.3] Coupled effects of aging and weak magnetic
fields on sequestration of selenite by zero-valent iron
L.P. Liang*1, X.H. Guan1, P.G. Tratnyek1 ,2, 1Tongji University, China, 2Oregon Health & Science
University, USA
10:40-11:10 Coffee break
11:10-12:20 Parallel Session 13: Chemicals recycling/recovery
Session Chair: Jurg Keller, University of Queensland, Australia
Parallel Session 14: Catalytic methods in water reuse operations
Session Chair: Kwang-Ho Choo, Kyungpook National University, South Korea
11:10-11:50 [INV15] Combining mixed culture fermentation with electrochemistry for
simultaneous production and extraction of carboxylates
Korneel Rabaey, Ghent University, Belgium [INV16] Photochemical and photocatalytic removal
of contaminants of emerging concern in water and wastewater: Scaling down the reactor scale to
the micrometer scale
Gianluca Li Puma, Loughborough University, UK
11:50-12:10 [O13.1] Caustic soda recovery and sulfide removal from spent caustic streams with
electrochemical treatment
E. Vaiopoulou*1, I. Pikaar2, K. Rabaey1, 1Ghent University, Belgium, 2University of Queensland,
Australia [O14.1] Online monitoring-based examination of the efficiency of removal of polycyclic
synthetic musks and antineoplastic drugs by wastewater ozonation
W. Li1, G.V. Korshin*2, 1Nanjing Forestry University, China, 2University of Washington, USA
12:10-12:30 [O13.2] Carbon recovery from organic waste as bioplastics
E. Korkakaki*, M.C.M. van Loosdrecht, R. Kleerebezem, Delft University of Technology, The
Netherlands [O14.2] Occurrence of organophosphorus flame retardants in 5 municipal
wastewater treatment plants effluents in catalonia: Study of their degradation by ozone and
D.D. Ramos1, J. Cristale2, R.F. Dantas3, S. Lacorte2, C. Sans*3, R.P. Cavalcante1, A. Machulek1,
1Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, 2IDAEA-CSIC, Spain, 3University de
Barcelona, Spain
12:30-12:40 Conference Chair – Final Words
Conference Close
14:00-16:00 Academic Workshop
Writing and Submission of Articles for Water Research, with Q & A.
Keynote Speaker: Mark van Loosdrecht, Editor-in-Chief of WR
Chinese speaker: Xiaodi HAO, Editor of WR Technical Excursion
Visiting onsite water reuse demonstration project.
Organizer: Prof. Wenbiao Jin, HIT, China
For all interested attendees