College and Career Readiness: Initiative, Strategy, and Programming Asset Mapping Tool This tool contains three parts: 1) A table to map your existing initiatives, strategies, and programming to support college and career readiness (pages 1-4) 2) Questions to prompt your analysis of current strengths and gaps (page 5) 3) A place to document your big take-aways in order to prepare for developing next steps (page 5) Refer to the integrating college and career readiness roadmap rubric for ideas for the types of things you can include in your asset map, and to assist with thinking through your strengths and gaps. Part 1: Complete the table to map your existing initiatives, strategies, and programming to support college and career readiness: In column A, list the initiative, strategy, or program name that relates to increasing college and career readiness for students in your district or region. In column B, select one tier (from a tiered system of support model, such as MTSS) that best fits the objective of this program/initiative: o Tier I = the strategy or program is core/universal (intended for 100% of students in a district or school) o Tier II = the strategy or program is supplemental/targeted (intended for about 5-10% of students in a district or school) o Tier III = the strategy or program is intense/individualized (intended for about 1-4% of students in a district or school) In column C, select which college and career readiness domains the strategy or program addresses: o Academic (A) – academic knowledge, skills, and practices o Workplace Readiness (W) – career awareness, exploration, and immersion and foundational workplace skills o Personal/Social (P) – positive personal and social development of students within a safe learning environment In column D, check off all of the Massachusetts college and career readiness targets that the strategy or program addresses: o Increasing the five-year graduation % o Increasing the MassCore completion % o Increasing the overall student learner gains in adult education o Increasing the # of students that enroll in postsecondary education o Reducing the # of students who enroll in developmental coursework in postsecondary education o Increasing the participation of students in career development In column E, write in other local priorities that your district or organization is focused on (e.g., attendance) and then mark off if the strategy or program addresses these other local priorities. 1 Organization: Date: Completed by: A, W X Tier 2 A, P X X X Tier 1 A, W, P X X X Workplace readiness (W) E Alignment with Other Priorities Increasing the participation of students in career development Tier 3 Tier 3 = intense / individualized Academic (A) Reducing the # of students who enroll in developmental coursework in postsecondary ed Increasing the # of students that enroll in postsecondary education College and Career Readiness Targets Addressed Personal/ Social (P) Tier 2 = supplemental / targeted Example 1: Internships through D Increasing the five-year graduation % Tier 1 = core / universal C College and Career Readiness Domains Addressed: Increasing the overall student learner gains in adult education B What tier is this strategy/ program? Increasing the MassCore completion % A College and Career Readiness Initiative, Strategy, or Program Name X Connecting Activities Example 2: High School Graduation Coaches Example 3: Senior capstone project X X 2 Personal/ Social (P) E Alignment with Other Priorities Increasing the participation of students in career development Workplace readiness (W) Reducing the # of students who enroll in developmental coursework in postsecondary ed Tier 3 = intense / individualized Academic (A) College and Career Readiness Targets Addressed Increasing the # of students that enroll in postsecondary education Tier 2 = supplemental / targeted D Increasing the overall student learner gains in adult education Tier 1 = core / universal C College and Career Readiness Domains Addressed: Increasing the MassCore completion % B What tier is this strategy/ program? Increasing the five-year graduation % A College and Career Readiness Initiative, Strategy, or Program Name 3 Personal/ Social (P) E Alignment with Other Priorities Increasing the participation of students in career development Workplace readiness (W) Reducing the # of students who enroll in developmental coursework in postsecondary ed Tier 3 = intense / individualized Academic (A) College and Career Readiness Targets Addressed Increasing the # of students that enroll in postsecondary education Tier 2 = supplemental / targeted D Increasing the overall student learner gains in adult education Tier 1 = core / universal C College and Career Readiness Domains Addressed: Increasing the MassCore completion % B What tier is this strategy/ program? Increasing the five-year graduation % A College and Career Readiness Initiative, Strategy, or Program Name 4 Part 2: Assess current strengths and gaps: Are all tiers being adequately addressed by college and career readiness programming? If not, where are the gaps? Are all college and career readiness domains being adequately addressed? If not, where are the gaps? Do we have programming, initiatives, or strategies that address all of the college and career readiness targets? How well do our college and career readiness initiatives align with other priorities in the school/district/WIB/institution/etc.? Part 3: What are the big take-aways to prepare for developing next steps: What is the biggest strength or asset in our district/community/region? What is our biggest challenge in our district/community/region? 5