Learning Objectives for Chemistry major: Objective 1. Students will understand fundamental principles and applications in analytical, biological, organic, inorganic and physical chemistry. 2. Students will demonstrate an ability to apply modern methods of analysis to chemical systems in a laboratory setting including experimental design, use of technologies and instrumentation, attention to safety, and good laboratory practice. 3. Students will Assessment Exams contain 3-5 questions each o General Chemistry – 4 exams (pre/post each semester) o Quantitative Analysis – 2 exams (pre/post) o Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry – 2 exams (pre/post) o Organic Chemistry or Applied Organic and Biochemistry – 2 exams (pre/post) o Biochemistry I – 2 exams (prepost) o Physical Chemistry I or II, or Principles of Physical Chemistry – 2 exams (pre/post) o Exit Exam – one exam (ACS standardized Diagnostic of Undergraduate Chemical Knowledge or “DUCK” – 60 questions/2 hr exam to be administered during senior seminar) Senior Exit Interview questionnaire Alumni questionnaire Homogeneous Equilibrium (General Chemistry) Grignard Reaction (Organic Chemistry Lab) or Caffeine (Applied Organic and Biochemistry) Potentiometric titration (Quantitative Analysis) Contact Explosives (Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry) Intein (Biochemistry Lab) Spectroscopy of Dichlorobenzenes (Physical Chemistry Lab) Structure Analysis of Unknown (Instrumental Analysis) Research (where applicable) Senior Exit Interview questionnaire Alumni questionnaire Sample lab reports from General Expectations Questions written at varying levels (basic, intermediate, advanced). Proficiency defined as successful completion of the first two levels on post-test, and mastery is completion of advanced level on post-test. o 95 % demonstrate proficiency o 20% demonstrate mastery DUCK proficiency comparable to national norms (when determined) Information from Exit and Alumni interviews will qualitatively provide evidence to support quantitative results Observations of a random sample of students during the indicated laboratory experiment and rated according to departmentally devised rubric including common threads of: o Notebook use o Safety equipment and use (i.e. goggles) o Experimental set up, etc. Information from Exit and Alumni interviews will qualitatively provide evidence to support quantitative results Pre/Post collection of a random efficiently and effectively communicate scientific information including experimental results and analysis in both written and oral formats. Chemistry, Organic Chemistry Lab, Applied Organic and Biochemistry, Quantitative Analysis, Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry Lab, Biochemistry Lab SOAR grant proposals Presentations at regional and national meetings Presentations in Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry, Instrumental Analysis, and Physical Chemistry Lab Senior Exit Interview questionnaire Alumni questionnaire 4. Students will be able to access, retrieve, and interpret accurate and meaningful information from the chemical literature. Literature/topic search and summary in Organic Chemistry Lab and Biochemistry II Literature/topic search as part of Undergraduate research report Senior Exit Interview questionnaire Alumni questionnaire 5. Students will exhibit Selected exam questions from problem solving and General Chemistry I and II, Organic critical thinking Chemistry I and II, Applied General skills relevant to the Chemistry, Applied Organic and field of chemistry. Biochemistry, Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry, Quantitative Analysis, Physical Chemistry I and II, Principles of Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry I and II, Instrumental Analysis (e.g. “Design an experiment…”) Senior Exit Interview questionnaire Alumni questionnaire sample of lab reports (n = 3-5) and analysis of content and scores with 75% of the post reports earning minimum scores of 70%. Number of submitted SOAR grants to meet the minimum of 4 proposals with a success (i.e. funded) rate of 50%. Minimum of 50% of undergraduate research students present at regional or national meetings annually. Minimum of 75% of oral presentations are scored at a minimum of 70%. Information from Exit and Alumni interviews will qualitatively provide evidence to support quantitative results Minimum of 75% of assignments are scored at a minimum of 70%. Minimum of 75% of the literature review portions of research reports meet standard criteria adopted by department research mentors. Information from Exit and Alumni interviews will qualitatively provide evidence to support quantitative results Instructors in courses will identify 1-2 exam questions per year which exemplify problem solving and critical thinking skill relevant to chemistry and a minimum of 75% of students are scored at a minimum of 70% on those questions. Information from Exit and Alumni interviews will qualitatively provide evidence to support quantitative results