Perth region

State NRM Program community projects
Successful projects announced:
December 2014
November 2013
October 2012
December 2011
May 2011
March 2010
LCDC – Land Conservation District Committee
NRM – Natural Resource Management
WoNS – Weeds of National Significance
Successful projects - December 2014
Northern agricultural region
Australian Wildlife Conservancy
The control of feral animals on Mt Gibson Wildlife Sanctuary (14112)
$48 000
City of Greater Geraldton
Chapman River wildlife corridor community awareness and regeneration experience (CARE) project: stage $47 100
two (14198)
Conservation Council (WA)
Building regional capacity for fairy tern conservation action (14014)
$27 000
Moore Catchment Council
Planting food for endangered Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoo in the Calingiri IBA (14163)
$40 000
Protecting and enhancing the Moore River biodiversity assets (14162)
$35 000
Rehabilitation of the north Guilderton dunes: stage two (14161)
$15 000
Protecting on-farm remnant vegetation in the West Midlands area: stage three (14089)
$20 000
City of Mandurah
Renewable and sustainable fencing practices of remnant vegetation at Marlee Reserve (14140)
$24 000
Peel Group of the Riding for the
Disabled Association
Site investigations and weed control for management of wetland interface (14033)
$14 060
St Stephen’s School
Blackberry eradication at Nanga (14225)
$17 000
West Midlands Group
Peel-Harvey region
Perth region
Armadale Gosnells Landcare Group
Project Palomino: restoring the Wungong River (14017)
$15 000
Bannister Creek Catchment Group
Bannister Creek living stream: final stage– Iveston Rd to Acacia Weir (14116)
$40 000
Blackadder/Woodbridge Catchment
Blackadder wetlands transition from tidal to freshwater project (14123)
$18 000
Bungendore Park Management
Weed control and dieback treatment: Bungendore Park and adjacent land (14065)
$18 000
Chittering Valley LCDC
Chasing remaining feral pigs in the Chittering Valley (14042)
$40 000
City of Canning
Black Creek biodiversity and water quality improvement project (14070)
$35 000
City of Cockburn
Lake Yangebup nutrient stripping basin and living stream (14027)
$26 000
Revegetating Rose Shanks Reserve within a rabbit proof fenced area (14148)
$22 000
Dieback Working Group
“Discovering Dieback” upper primary education package revision and launch (14222)
$25 000
Ellen Brockman Integrated
Catchment Group
Tracking remaining feral pigs in the Chittering Valley (14057)
$10 000
Friends of Forrestdale
Forrestdale Lake community education project (14135)
$17 000
Friends of Lake Claremont
Extension of revegetation to the northern and eastern boundaries of Lake Claremont to restore indigenous
woodland (14002)
$25 000
Friends of Mary Carroll Wetlands
Revegetation of the islands at Mary Carroll Lake (14016)
$11 000
Friends of North Ocean Reef – Iluka
Cape tulip control and eradication in Bush Forever site 325 (14041)
$10 000
Friends of Pioneer Park
Sawyers Road to Lion Street heritage trail project (14110)
$7 302
Friends of Queens Park Bushland
Land management and activities in Queens Park Regional Open Space (14006)
$40 000
Helena College Junior School
The Nyannia project: to protect and restore natural bushland adjacent to Nyaania Creek (14032)
$19 500
Perth region continued…
Herdsman Lake Community Advisory
Herdsman Lake Regional Park – Glendalough Reserve revegetation project (14130)
$14 000
Mt Henry Peninsula Conservation
Mt Henry Peninsula rehabilitation: weed and feral animal control (14011)
$7 000
Mullaloo Beach Community Group
Mullaloo dunes ecological restoration: year four (14037)
$11 360
Murdoch Environmental Restoration
Restoration and habitat protection for endangered fauna (14150)
$25 000
Shire of Kalamunda
Haas grass control in the Shire of Kalamunda (14165)
$17 200
Shire of Mundaring
Environmental recovery for the Parkerville/Stoneville/Mt Helena Fires 2014 (14107)
$30 000
South East Regional Centre for
Urban Landcare
Aquatic weed capacity building and management training (14068)
$35 000
Blackberry removal and restoration of Bull Creek Reserve: stage 2 (14119)
$27 000
Canning River foreshore restoration (14158)
$45 000
Post fire restoration in the Canning River Regional Park (14055)
$45 000
Protection and enhancement of the biodiversity of Booragoon Lake Reserve (14118)
$25 000
Combined management strategies targeting declared weed Hydrocotyle in Wilson Lagoon (14077)
$45 000
Wilson Wetlands Action Group Inc
Rangelands region
Carnarvon Land Conservation District Towards athel pine eradication in the Lower Gascoyne (14155)
$35 000
Central Desert Native Title Services
Lorna Glen/Matuwa cacti cull (14184)
$30 000
Wiluna women looking after country (14192)
$30 000
Goldfields Land and Sea Council
Weed control in the Dundas Nature Reserve (14217)
$35 000
Goldfields Nullarbor Rangelands
Biosecurity Association
Nullarbor cactus clean-up (14153)
$30 000
Kija Rangers – Kimberley Land
Control of Bellyache bush in the upper reaches of the Ord River catchment (14223)
$22 000
Kimberley Land Council
The Bardi Jawi Vine Thicket nursery regional pilot project (14177)
$40 000
Kimberley Rangelands Biosecurity
Association Inc.
Improving Pastoral Recognised Biosecurity Group Capacity (14109)
$23 000
Meekatharra Rangelands Biosecurity
Association Inc.
Walloping a WONS at Windimurra (14010)
$46 930
Nicholson Range Management
Nicholson Range conservation and restoration project: stage two B (14215)
$32 000
Ord Land and Water
Prickle bush control in the East Kimberley (14053)
$50 000
Rangelands Fibre and Produce
Control of significant outlier infestations of strategically important WONS (14040)
$30 000
Reef Life Survey Foundation
Volunteer scientific monitoring of Western Australian marine biodiversity (14126)
$30 000
Shire of Upper Gascoyne
Upper Gascoyne feral pig eradication project (14009)
$30 000
Upper Gascoyne Mesquite control project (14008)
$45 000
Rangelands region continued…
Society for Kimberley Indigenous
Plants and Animals
The Kimberley regional seed bank cooperative (14193)
$25 000
Theatre Kimberley
Kimberley environmental education puppet project (14211)
$25 000
West Kimberley Rubber Vine
Steering Committee
Aquila project: crowdsourcing volunteers to detect rubber vine in aerial imagery (14078)
$37 000
Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation
Ngurrawaana Rangers controlling Parkinsonia on Leramagadu Lease block (14005)
$35 000
South coast region
Albany Branch Western Australian
Wildflower Society
Albany Regional Herbarium Collection: building a comprehensive resource to meet community needs
$42 000
Esperance Regional Forum
Connecting gaps and protecting riparian vegetation in the Stokes Catchment (14030)
$49 600
Friends of the Porongurup Range Inc.
Declared and environmental weed control in the National Heritage listed Porongurup National Park (14185)
$35 000
Friends of the Western Ground
Parrot Inc
Saving the western ground parrot (14181)
$17 240
Green Skills
Sydney wattle eradication project: Torndirrup, Robinson, Grasmere – Albany region (14147)
$45 000
Wetland and biodiversity restoration in the Forest to Stirlings Gondwana Link 2015 (14167)
$45 000
Controlling weedy acacia species in the Ranges Link: Stirling to Porongurup (14188)
$45 000
Protecting the Stirling Range National Park from bridal creeper (14187)
$40 000
Shire of Denmark
Mitigating the risk of dieback on four priority reserves in Denmark (14182)
$10 600
Shire of Esperance
Twilight Cove restoration project (14101)
$16 380
Wilson Inlet Catchment Committee
Eastern states wattle control in Redmond: phase two (14058)
$23 000
Oyster Harbour Catchment Group
South west region
Blackwood Basin Group
Priority recovery waterway: salinity management in the Dinninup catchment (14105)
$40 000
Protecting, restoring and regenerating the Blackwood River (14087)
$35 000
Cape to Cape Catchments Group
Targeted on-ground action in the Margaret River catchment (14038)
$49 000
City of Busselton (Meelup Regional
Park Management Committee)
Rehabilitation of zone 6 in Meelup Regional Park (14072)
$23 000
Dumbleyung Landcare Zone
Protect and connect Tarin Rock bush blocks (14075)
$15 000
East Manjimup Primary School
Another link in the chain - restoring Manjimup Brook: stage 4 (14015)
$15 320
Friends of Big Swamp
Caring for a valuable urban wetland in a drying climate (14133)
$14 800
Geographe Catchment Council
A pilot of the Dairy Australia Fert$mart project in Geographe catchment (14094)
$25 000
Protecting biodiversity in Carbunup Reserve through Phytophthora management (14098)
$20 000
Protection and enhancement of biodiversity in Yoongarillup Reserve. (14097)
$10 000
Battling bridal creeper – The fight continues (14180)
$40 000
Fencing and revegetation works in the Katanning region (14103)
$40 000
South of the border: Extending red-tailed phascogales into Katanning (14013)
$10 000
Keipa Boodja Aboriginal Corporation
To preserve Waterloo Reserves for environmental, cultural and historical purposes (14176)
$20 000
Leschenault Catchment Council Inc.
Leschenault Catchment Council weed management and revegetation program (14115)
$50 000
Shire of Augusta Margaret River
WoNS control in Priority Shire Reserves (14172)
$12 100
Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup
Strategic planning for the Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup’s reserves and drainage easements (phase 1)
$10 000
Shire of Kent
Protection of remnant vegetation in the Chinocup, Gnowanalup, Nyabing and Lefroy catchments (14201)
$35 000
Katanning LCDC
South west region continued…
Tangaroa Blue Foundation
The Australian Marine Debris Initiative Training Videos - building community capacity (14169)
$17 000
Wagin Woodanilling Landcare Zone
Kill the bride: bridal creeper control program (14050)
$10 000
Protecting and enhancing the conservation and biodiversity of remnant vegetation and riparian land in the
Woodanilling region (14045)
$35 000
Walpole Nornalup National Parks
Rehabilitation of peat swamps in the Walpole Wilderness (14024)
$35 000
Wandering Primary P&C
Wandering Primary School: Reaching out to Carnabys, culture and community (14216)
$10 000
Warren Catchments Council
Ongoing control of isolated populations of highly invasive environmental weeds. (14166)
$15 000
Seed2Tree 2015 (14121)
$13 000
Shire of Westonia
Not so common: Protecting the biodiversity values of Westonia Common (14145)
$29 000
Wadderin Wildlife Sanctuary Inc.
Reintroduction of fauna to Wadderin Sanctuary: consolidating the gains (14056)
$27 990
WWF –Australia
Re-fencing Mount Caroline for threatened rock wallaby habitat protection (14069)
$21 443
Yaraguia Enterprises Incorporated
“Marlak Niran” - returning country to bushland" (14117)
$30 000
Wheatbelt region
Successful projects - November 2013
Northern agricultural region
Project title
City of Greater Geraldton
Chapman River wildlife corridor community awareness and regeneration experience project
$49 875
Conservation of Candy's Bush Reserve through traditional and ecological knowledge sharing
$32 450
Planting feed species for the endangered Carnaby's black-cockatoo in the northern Swan Coastal Plain
Important Bird Area
$45 000
Reconnecting fragmented Malleefowl (Leipoa Ocellata) habitat near Maya, WA
$36 325
Revegetation the Moresby Stage four
$50 000
Protecting waterways and remnant vegetation in the Chapman River catchment area
$50 000
Invasive species plan implementation in the western third of Chapman Valley
$47 000
Saltland stabilisation using NyPa (salt loving forage grass) to control erosion and improve soil drainage
$27 000
Protecting on-farm remnant vegetation to enhance wildlife habitat, in the West Midlands area- stage two
$50 000
Pest control to protect our sensitive vegetation in the West Midlands
$33 165
Moora Catchment Council
Shire of Chapman Valley
West Koojan - Gillingarra LCDC
West Midlands Group
Perth region
Project title
Active Greening
The greening project - pilot project
$20 000
Ardross Primary School Parents & Citizens
Protecting bats in Melville through providing habitats and education
$9 000
Armadale Gosnells Landcare Group
Palomino seasonal damp land stage two
$12 000
Bannister Creek Catchment Group
Nicholson Road bushland restoration and weed management (Bushforever site 456)
$25 000
Bungendore Park Management
Dieback treatment and weed control Bungendore Park and adjacent land
$18 000
Canning River Regional Park Volunteers
Urban weed control revision
$13 250
City of Armadale
Cilantro parkway conservation wetland
$20 000
City of Belmont
Improving connectivity of a regional ecological linkage, Ascot/Rivervale foreshore
$13 347
City of Canning
Ranford bushland environmental study and rehabilitation, Canning Vale
$28 000
City of Kwinana
Revegetation and erosion control in the Tuart woodland of Thomas oval bushland, Kwinana
$13 367
City of South Perth
Expanding the Collier Park golf course sanctuary
$24 000
Dawson Park Primary School
Dawson Park Primary School threatened ecological species conservation project
$10 000
Ellen Brockman Integrated Catchment
Management of two invasive species (pigs and foxes) in the Ellen Brockman region
$46 900
Friends of Bugle Tree Gully Reserve
Bugle Tree Gully restoration and community engagement
$12 000
Friends of Gidge Reserve
Gidge Reserve (2145) and FR Berry Reserve management plans project 2013-14
$15 000
Friends of John Forrest National Park
Control of geophyte, woody and herbaceous weeds in the catchment area of Priest Creek
$23 150
Friends of Lake Claremont
Extension of revegetation to the northern section of Lake Claremont to restore indigenous woodland
$28 000
Friends of Mary Carroll Lake
Revegetation of the islands at Mary Carroll Lake stage two
$11 000
Perth region continued…
Project title
Friends of Piesse Brook
Watsonia control at the Piesse Brook Gorge area
$17 000
Friends of Pioneer Park
Sawyers Road to Lion Street heritage trail project
$13 200
Friends of Queens Park Bushland
Environmental weed management and revegetation in Queens Park regional open space
$35 000
Friends of Talbot Road Nature Reserve
Friends of Talbot Road Nature Reserve weed management
$11 000
Friends of Upper Lesmurdie Falls
Rehabilitation of the upper Lesmurdie Falls
$40 000
Friends of Wireless Hill
Enhancing biodiversity in urban bushland at Wireless Hill
$34 000
Glen Forrest Primary School
Rehabilitation and protection of Jarrah forest at Glen Forrest Primary School
$17 688
Helena College Junior School
The Waabiny project
$20 000
JMH Action Group
To revegetate an area of unused land on Como Secondary College for biodiversity conservation
$30 000
Mt Henry Peninsula Conservation Group
Control weeds, feral animals and dieback fungal disease for conservation of flora and fauna biodiversity
$14 845
Mullaloo Beach Community Group
Mullaloo dune revegetation project year three
$10 000
Murdoch Environmental Restoration
Restoration and habitat protection for endangered flora and fauna
$46 000
Nature Reserves Preservation Group
Crumpet Creek project, Mundy Regional Park and Rocky Pool creek line, Kalamunda National Park
$10 000
North Swan LCDC
Bushland protection and restoration in Bullsbrook
$10 757
Nursery & Garden Industry of WA
Building capacity to respond to biosecurity issues identified- Perth metro phase one
$36 450
Perth region continued…
South East Regional Centre of Urban
Swan Estuary Reserves Action Group
Project title
Restoring the Bickley Brook upstream of the Bickley Reservoir
$17 050
Blackberry removal and the restoration of Bull Creek Reserve
$36 000
Protection and enhancement of the biodiversity of Booragoon Lake Reserve
$28 000
Construction of bird hide and interpretive signage for the Beckenham Open Space
$16 570
Canning River foreshore restoration
$50 000
Post-fire restoration in the Canning River Regional Park
$50 000
Conservation and restoration of remnant vegetation sites in Bush Forever Site 331
$26 600
Fern Road East revegetation
$20 000
Mills Street Stream- weed management in revegetated area
$10 500
Castledare revegetation and Wilson living stream
$20 000
Kent Street conservation loop
$20 000
Yellagonga Regional Park Woodvale revegetation enhancement project (Stage two)
$25 000
Wilson Wetland Action Group
Woodvale Water Land Owners
Rangelands region
Project title
Control of significant outlier infestations of strategically important WoNS weeds
$47 000
Carnarvon WoNS control partnership 2014
$50 000
Cactus control Marrilla (project one); cactus control Mardathuna (project two)
$20 000
Central Desert Native Title Services
Protecting the biodiversity values of Windich Springs and its catchment through collaborative land
management on the Canning Stock Route
$45 400
Reviewing the impact of tourism on the whale shark population off the Ningaloo coast
$30 000
Goldfields Land and Sea Council
Weed management in the Great Western Woodlands
$25 000
Goldfields Nullarbor Rangelands
Biosecurity Association
Mertondale / Menzies invasive cactus roundup
$40 000
Nicholson Range Management
Protecting the ecologically significant Nicholson Range in the Murchison from total grazing pressure
$50 000
Tackling invasive WoNS in the Ashburton catchment
$50 000
Tackling weeds on the Yannarie River
$48 250
Rangelands Fibre and Produce
Control of significant outlier infestations of strategically important WONs weeds
$40 000
Southern Gascoyne Group
Improving condition and reducing rainfall run off from stations surrounding the Shark Bay World Heritage
$45 500
Track Care WA
Bringing life back to Katjarra
$50 000
Upper Gascoyne LCDC
Upper Gascoyne erosion and sediment control demonstration
$37 500
Carnarvon Rangelands Biosecurity
Pilbara Mesquite Management
South coast region
Project title
Albany Community Environment Centre
Yakamia Creek Community weed control and revegetation project
$10 020
Banjelungup Aboriginal Corporation
Biodiversity planting to protect and connect Bitter Water Creeks/wetlands in the Fitzgerald
$22 000
Denmark Weed Action Group
Protection of biodiversity in public reserves in the Shire of Denmark by on-ground action and
community education
$15 000
Flinders Park Primary School
Bush tucker trail
$13 900
Friends of the Porongurup Range
Declared and environmental weed control in the national heritage listed Porongurup National Park
$50 000
Gondwana Link Ltd
Completing the circle of adaptive management across Gondwana Link
$30 000
Senecio glastifloius eradication
$38 000
Forests to Stirling Gondwana Link: from plans to action
$30 000
King River Weed Control and River
Restoration Group
King River and Willyung Creek weed control and riparian restoration project
$28 000
Moolyall Woodenup Catchment Group
Protection and extension of bushland corridors in the Moolyall Woodenup Catchment
$50 000
North Stirlings Pallinup Natural Resources
Protecting and linking on farm corridors to existing remnant vegetation in north east Ongerup
$25 000
Wellstead Community Resource Centre
Strategic control and community education of Sydney golden wattle control in Wellstead
$50 000
Eastern States Wattle control in Denbarker phase two
$13 000
Implementing the management plan for Mondurup Reserve
$12 000
Restoring the Govie Dam Reserve
$13 000
Eastern States Wattle control in Redmond
$18 000
Green Skills
Wilson Inlet Catchment Committee
South west region
Project title
Blackwood Basin Group
On-ground Salinity Management Work for the Gnowangerup/Scott's Brook
$25 000
Bush Heritage Australia
Kojonup Reserve Biodiversity Enhancement
$10 000
Capel LCDC
Arum Lily eradication Capel Tuart forests at Ludlow and Mininup stage two
$20 000
Darling Downs Residents Association
Clean up and revegetation of Darling Downs wetlands
$11 140
Dumbleyung LCDC
Continuing to sustainably manage catchments surrounding Dumbleyung Lake
$35 000
Freshwater Fish Group & Fish Health
Unit, Murdoch Uni
Conserving the unique aestivating freshwater fishes in the wetlands of the south-coast of WA
$41 350
Reducing nutrients leaving priority urban and peri-urban areas of the Vasse-Wonnerup catchment
$40 000
Western ringtail possums in our schools and community
$30 000
Geographe Primary School
Geographe Primary School - outdoor classroom
$17 500
Jarrahdale Heritage Society
Gooralong Brook restoration, Jarrahdale
$15 000
Native vegetation for the Carrolup
$17 000
Attacking Badgebups salinity
$33 000
Environmental care on the eastern flats
$22 000
Supporting enthusiastic farmers, Katanning
$5 000
Bridal creeper and WoNS wars - spreading the word
$37 000
Weed control for improving the health and resilience of threatened ecological communities in Serpentine
Jarrahdale and north Murray
$30 000
Geographe Catchment Council
Katanning LCDC
Landcare SJ
South west region continued…
Project title
Mountain bike facility creation to reduce impact on threatened ecological communities
$40 000
Environmental assessment of trails in national park with surrounding threatened ecological communities
$40 000
Ngalang Boodja Council Aboriginal
Restoration of native vegetation in public areas through partnerships and plant salvage
$42 100
Origins Centre
Weed control, reclamation and revegetation of community native remnant bushland
$9 000
Serpentine Jarrahdale LCDC
Feral animal control for increasing biodiversity on agricultural land in the coastal Peel-Harvey catchment
$40 000
Healthy habitats stage three
$30 000
Ephemeral wetland construction in Serpentine National Park
$38 000
Community awareness and control of Bridal creeper in the Kojonup Shire
$25 000
Extending on landcare activities in the Kojonup Shire
$24 000
Warren Catchments Council
Dung beetles address soil fertility and environmental health issues
$26 482
Freshwater Fish Group; Fish Health
Unit; Estuarine Research Group;
Murdoch University
Movement and abundance of key fishes in the Vasse-Wonnerup estuary following a substantial fish kill
$50 000
Margaret River Off Road Cycling
Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale
Southern DIRT
Wheatbelt region
Project title
Avondale Farm Project Association
Avondale flora and fauna plan implementation stage two
$14 000
Avongro Wheatbelt Tree Cropping
Revegetating saltland with selected Casuarina obesa & nitrogen fixing Frankia: freer nutrients, more pasture
$25 000
Men of the Trees
Revegetation of the east Beverly region WA
$30 000
Millennium Kids
A classroom without walls
$20 000
Shire of Koorda
Feral pest eradication with use of 1080 and monitoring
$24 450
Shire of Mt Marshall
Using biodiversity corridors to augment and connect existing remnant vegetation in Mt Marshall
$25 000
Shire of Trayning
Protecting Trayning biodiversity
$19 580
Shire of Westonia
Sandford rocks bird-hide
$29 500
Shire of York
Invasive species control in Beverley, Brookton, York
$11 000
Solomon Yulgan Catchment Group
Solomon Yulgan catchment Landcare revegetation project 2013-14
$18 000
Successful projects - October 2012
Northern Agricultural region
Project title
Centre for Marine Science and
Developing a photo identification software for individual recognition of Australian Sea Lions through a
community based approach
$16 864
Chittering Valley LCDC
Revegetation of Long Bridge Gully tributary
$20 599
Moore Catchment Council
Planting feed species for Carnaby's Black Cockatoo in the Moora and Koobabbie Important Bird Areas
$45 000
Catchment management of the Chapman River and its tributaries
$50 000
Invasive species management and restoration works on the Moresby Ranges
$50 000
Weed mapping along the Chapman River
$12 000
Restoring the Warradarge Creek to increase landscape connectivity in the West Midlands region.
$49 830
Shire of Chapman Valley
West Midlands Group
Perth region
Project title
Armadale Gosnells Landcare Group
Palomino seasonal damp zone
$48 600
Ensuring the ongoing protection of endangered and threatening species at Karakamia Wildlife Sanctuary
$48 485
Protection of endangered species at Paruna Wildlife Sanctuary through feral animal control
$23 033
North Swan Park species richness
$21 500
Australian Wildlife Conservancy
Blackadder/Woodbridge Catchment
Group Inc
Bungendore Park Management
Weed control and dieback treatment, Bungendore Park and adjacent land.
Canning River Regional Park
Extension of urban forest weed control
Cockburn Wetlands Education
Revegetation and habitat rehabilitation within Bibra Lake
Eastern Metropolitan Regional
Helping the Helena - water quality monitoring of pollutants for linkages in fish and mussel decline
$37 500
Saving a keystone species and the integrity of the ecosystem
$50 000
Friends of John Forrest National Park
War on Watsonia in John Forrest National Park - protecting the declared rare flora Diplolaena andrewsii
$24 700
Friends of Lake Claremont
Lake Claremont revegetation extension
$50 000
Friends of North Ocean Reef - Iluka
Cape Tulip control and eradication in Bush Forever site 325
Friends of Paganoni Swamp
Control of significant weeds on Paganoni Rd's southern road reserve ecological corridor
$17 000
Jane Brook Community Association
Jane Brook foreshore reserve rehabilitation
$50 000
Jillara Giants
Rehabilitation of the upper Lesmurdie Falls
$24 275
$18 000
$18 220
$24 205
$13 470
Perth region continued …
Project title
Mullaloo Beach Community Group
Mullaloo dune rehabilitation stage 2
$10 000
Mundaring Primary School
Weed control, habitat protection and environmental education program Mardo Reserve and road verge
around Mundaring Primary School
$23 750
Murdoch Environmental Restoration
Biodiversity management of Beeliar Regional Park
$48 000
Canning River foreshore restoration
$50 000
Protecting, maintaining and restoring refuges for aquatic life within the Yule Brook waterway and Bickley
$40 300
Restoring the Bickley Brook foreshore upstream of the Bickley Reservoir
$32 900
Shire of Kalamunda
Kalamunda Phytophthora dieback interpretation and invasive species control
$14 873
Swan Estuary Reserves Action Group
Restoration of the ecological integrity of the Marine Park foreshore in Alfred Cove - stage 1
$21 089
Town of Kwinana
Detailed Phytophthora dieback assessments and bushland condition mapping in the Town of Kwinana's
natural areas
$25 646
South East Regional Centre of Urban
Western Australian Mountain Bike
Woodvale Waters Land Owners
Removal/realignment of cycle trails from Reservoir protection area and access trails to disease risk area
Yellagonga Regional Park Woodvale revegetation enhancement
$44 200
$10 000
Rangelands region
Project title
Broome Bird Observatory
Building community involvement in protecting the internationally threatened shorebirds of Roebuck Bay
$10 940
Carnarvon Rangelands Biosecurity
Control of mesquite and parkinsonia within the Carnarvon Rangelands Biosecurity Association
Freshwater Fish Group & Fish
Health Unit, Murdoch University
Pilbara freshwater fish education project: a field guide and underwater documentary
Jarlmadangah Burra Aboriginal
Distribution and abundance survey of Aboriginal medicine tree B acuteangula along the Fitzroy River
$50 000
$35 000
$50 000
Control and containment of Bellyache Bush on Lake Kununurra
$17 000
Demonstrating erosion control on susceptible soils in the East Kimberley
$18 000
Mesquite control on Nicholson Station
$20 000
Shire of Upper Gascoyne
Gascoyne Junction flood recovery
$45 000
Track Care WA Inc
Protection and preservation of the natural assets in priority locations on the Canning Stock Route
$50 000
Upper Gascoyne LCDC
Gascoyne River catchment conservation, restoration and rehabilitation
$25 000
Useless Loop Community
Biosphere Project Group
Conserving threatened wildlife at Heirisson Prong, Shark Bay
Ord Land and Water
$34 000
South coast region
Project title
Albany Racing Club Inc
Protecting the biodiversity and integrity of the Torndirrup Nature Reserve from environmental weed threats
$38 250
Biodiversity conservation through the stabilisation of 4WD tracks within the Lowlands coastal reserve
$26 000
Phase 2: Centennial Park wetland living stream restoration
$29 000
Fitzgerald Biosphere Group
Celebrating 30 yrs of Landcare in the Fitzgerald Biosphere
$33 000
Friends of Fitzgerald River National
Restoration of the Twertup Field Studies Centre, Fitzgerald River National Park
City of Albany
$40 000
Forests to Stirling Gondwana Link - from plans to action
$30 000
Sydney wattle eradication pilot on Torndirrup Peninsular
$50 000
Green Skills
Ravensthorpe Agricultural Initiative
Advancing weed control and community involvement at Dunns Swamp
Shire of Denmark
Restoration of Poison Point and access restriction
$18 000
Shire of Plantagenet
Mt Barker urban wetland restoration
$40 000
Wellstead Community Resource
Protecting the integrity of the Wellstead and Pallinup biodiversity from the threat of weed invasion.
$15 980
$43 210
South west region
Project title
Baldivis Children’s Forest Inc
Revegetation of tuart woodlands, feral bee control and learning through community engagement and action.
$30 690
Managing salinity in the Dinninup catchment
$50 000
Qualeup Lakes improvement
$29 700
Regenerating the Wattle Creek catchment
$50 000
Cape to Cape Catchments Group
Development and implementation of the Calgardup Brook action plan
$50 000
Dumbleyung LCDC
Sustainably managing the catchments surrounding the Dumbleyung Lake
$45 000
Friends of Nangip Creek
Revegetation of Nangip catchment to reduce threats of salinity in Nangip Reserve
$50 000
Building community and industry capacity to achieve water quality outcomes
$42 700
Busselton urban wetland restoration
$29 564
Ecological restoration of Geographe streams
$39 250
Gynudup Brook and Tren Creek River Action Plan review and strategic fencing
$34 000
Riparian management on recovery streams in the Geographe Catchment
$36 000
Blackwood Basin Group
Geographe Catchment Council
John Tonkin College Bushrangers
Cadet Program
Construction and erection of bat/possum boxes to be used in the JTC LfW site
Katanning LCDC
Combined communities control of creepy WONS
$45 000
Landcare SJ
Reducing the threats in the nationally significant Brickwood Reserve Byford
$10 000
Ngalang Boodja Council Aboriginal
Conservation and restoration of flora and fauna at the Jack Mears Park spring, Collie
Serpentine Jarrahdale LCDC
Control of blackberry and arum lily, and site revegetation on the Serpentine River
$15 400
Shire of Manjimup
Mottram St Reserve returning a significant stream and forest reserve towards their natural state - stage 3
$49 200
$10 000
$40 500
South west region continued …
Project title
Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale
“Healthy Habitats” – a national award-winning Stewardship Program for conservation of biodiversity on
private property
$49 600
Shire of Waroona
Preston Lake trail upgrade
$20 000
Shire of West Arthur
Riparian protection and revegetation on Omaru and Carragaline properties in the Manywaters catchment
$35 000
Southern Dirt
A Nobleman's Folly - revegetating and protecting Cockatoo Creek Catchment
$15 000
Wagin Woodanilling Landcare Zone
SalinitySync - A sub-catchment approach to planning and implementing large scale saline land
$10 000
Warren Catchments Council
Maximising environmental value of remnant native vegetation: a blueprint for landholders
$50 000
Wellington Mills Community
Restoration of Ferguson River vegetation in the locality of Wellington Mills
West Arthur Declared Species Group
Understanding population influences and continuing to control feral pigs in the Shire of West Arthur
$26 942
$25 000
Wheatbelt region
Project title
Hyden Progress Association
Survey for the endangered red-tailed phascogale in the eastern wheatbelt of WA
$40 000
Lake Grace LCDC
Jam Patch protection
$40 250
Meenar Mortlock Catchment Group
Friends of Mortlock and Mortlock South mid-catchment restoration - Duck Pool to Northam
$25 000
Quellington Restoration Group
Friends of Mortlock and Mortlock South mid-catchment restoration - Duck Pool to Quailing Gully
$25 000
Shire of Kellerberrin
Communities working together to control feral pests for environmental conservation
$25 000
Shire of Kulin
Shire of Kulin revegetation and native bushland protection
$23 000
Shire of Merredin
Revegetation of the Cohn Creek section and exhausted gravel reserves in Merredin
$10 000
Shire of Quairading
Integrated NRM in the Quairading, Tammin and Cunderdin shires
$50 000
Shire of Toodyay
Malkup Brook restoration
$16 582
Shire of Westonia
Westonia vermin control stage 2
$13 086
Wadderin Group
Community action to restore biodiversity to the central wheatbelt of WA
$29 737
Successful projects - December 2011
Northern Agricultural region
Project title
Shire of Moora
Revegetation of identified key conservation sites in Moora
$17 646
Project title
Australian Wildlife Conservancy
Protecting threatened species on Faure Island Shark Bay
$12 460
Strategic and cooperative control of weeds on Mornington Wildlife Sanctuary
$30 600
Controlling animal movements onto Lake McLeod
$22 000
Fencing fragile areas surrounding the Exmouth Gulf
$42 300
Managing biodiversity - Yindjibarndi way
$22 500
Project title
Shire of Westonia
Vermin and weed control
$10 513
Rangelands region
Lyndon LCDC
Ngurawaana Group Aboriginal Corp
Wheatbelt region
Perth region
Project title
Armadale Gosnells Landcare Group
Restoring Southern River, Gosnells Bush Forever site 246
$14 400
Black Cockatoo Preservation
Society of Australia Incorporated
Replacing 25 acres of Northern Jarrah Forest for Black Cockatoo food source and roosting habitats
$40 000
Chittering Valley LCDC
Rehabilitation of Aquila and Carty Reserves
$42 500
City of Armadale
Post fire rehabilitation of Lloyd Hughes Park
$17 500
City of Vincent
Walters Brook restoration
$45 000
Ellen Brockman Integrated
Catchment Group
Mapping and treatment of dieback in the Ellen Brook sub-region
$39 384
Pearce Base-south - Ellen Brook revegetation stage 1
$50 000
Friends of Booragoon and Blue
Gum Lakes
Biodiversity protection and enhancement of Booragoon Lake Reserve
$22 500
Friends of Lake Claremont
Extension of revegetation to the north west section of Lake Claremont to restore indigenous woodlands
$50 000
Friends of Lightning Swamp
Weed control at Lightning Swamp to prevent the vegetation buffer from becoming a weed highway
$10 140
Friends of Mary Carroll Lake
Revegetation of the Five Islands at Mary Carroll Lake, Bush Forever site 124
$18 100
Good Shepherd Catholic Primary
Watsonia and noxious weed eradication
$14 000
Mullaloo Beach Community Group
Mullaloo Dune Revegetation Project
$10 000
North Swan LCDC
Bullsbrook biodiversity corridor stage 5
$22 840
South East Regional Centre of
Urban Landcare
Regeneration and revegetation of the Canning River Foreshore
$50 000
Perth region continued…
Project title
Swan Estuary Reserves Action
Restoration of the ecological integrity of Pelican Point A Class Reserve Stage 2
$15 713
Wilson Wetlands Action Group
Fern Rd East revegetation stage 2
$22 700
Project title
Blackwood Basin Group
Addressing salinity in the Dinninup catchment
$50 000
Cape to Cape Catchment Group
Protection and rehabilitation action on four high priority Leeuwin Ridge streams
$50 000
Greening Australia (WA)
Nell's Block community education
$36 190
Harvey River Restoration Taskforce
Upper and Lower Harvey River demonstration project
$25 572
Shire of Bridgetown Greenbushes
Wood for wildlife, conserving our bushland reserves
$14 850
Shire of Busselton
Phytophthora dieback assessment and management in Ambergate Reserve
$15 000
Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup
Watsonia control along Balingup Brook
$10 000
Shire of Manjimup
Mottram Street Reserve: returning a significant stream and town forest reserve towards their natural state
$39 600
Wagin Woodanilling Landcare Zone
The vital link – community corridor revegetation of the Great Southern Highway between Woodanilling and
$13 050
Warren Catchments Council
Control of isolated populations of highly invasive environmental weeds in the Warren Catchments Council
$22 000
South west region
South coast region
Project title
Albany Senior High School
Enhancing biodiversity and education by removing woody weeds
$31 100
Denmark Weed Action Group
Protection of biodiversity in public reserves in the Shire of Denmark
$10 000
Flinders Park Primary School
Involving schools to remove biological threats to our biodiversity while enhancing education
$12 000
Friends of the Porongurup Range
Declared and environmental weed control in and around the National Heritage listed Porongurup NP
$50 000
Green Skills
Denmark biodiversity revegetation and bush restoration eco-links
$10 430
Tenterden bushland vegetation and wetland conservation - Gondwana Eco-link
$29 120
Lake Muir Denbarker Community
Feral Pig Eradication Group
Feral Pig Control – Lake Muir Byenup Ramsar Wetlands, Walpole Wilderness Area and adjoining private
$25 000
Northern Mallee Declared Species
Wild dog management to protect the Esperance farming region
$40 000
North Stirlings Pallinup Natural
Linking bush reserves to enhance habitat for malleefowl and other threatened species in Monjebup
$43 100
Oyster Harbour Catchment Group
Controlling weedy acacia species in the Mt Barker Kendenup rail reserve
$32 900
Targeting riparian habitat in the King River - stage 1
$49 640
Controlling Eastern States wattle infestations in Denbarker
$50 000
Dieback survey and hygiene plan implementation for the Mondurup Reserve
$19 400
Invasive weed control along the Hay River
$10 000
Wilson Inlet Catchment Committee
Successful projects – May 2011
Northern agricultural region
Project title
Fowler’s fencing – linking Moresby Ranges and Chapman River
$19 500
Chapman River Wildlife Corridor Regeneration stage 1
$48 700
Malleefowl Preservation Group
Terra Grata malleefowl survey
$10 000
Moore Catchment Council
Improving habitat and connectivity in the farming landscape for birds in the Moore River catchment
$32 000
Moresby Ranges Plan Implementation phase 2 and engagement
$50 000
Upper Chapman River Catchment Action Plan Implementation
$50 000
Ensuring the long term effectiveness of saltland reclamation adjacent to the Moore River, Gillingarra
$50 000
Protecting on-farm remnants
$44 552
Sustaining our environment and agricultural assets through vermin control in the West Midlands
$43 900
City of Geraldton-Greenough
Shire of Chapman Valley
West Koojan Gillingarra LCDC
West Midlands Group
Perth region
Project title
Bungendore Park Management Committee
Dieback treatment and weed control Bungendore Park and adjacent land
$16 500
Canning River Regional Park Volunteers
Nicholson Rd billabong flood plain restoration
$23 815
Centre for Fish and Fisheries Research,
Murdoch University
Halting the infestation of the aggressive freshwater fish, the Pearl Cichlid in the Swan River
$45 588
City of Belmont
Garvey Park Foreshore Stabilisation Section 4
$32 786
Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council
Strengthening Our Streams - riparian restoration of priority areas of the Swan and Helena Rivers
$47 415
Friends of Lake Claremont
Revegetation of the north west section of Lake Claremont to restore indigenous woodlands
$45 000
Friends of Queens Park Bushland
Hand weeding and mapping environmental weeds in the Queens Park Regional Open Space Reserves
$30 400
Murdoch University
Invasive weed eradication within the Beeliar Regional Park - Murdoch University
$10 000
Shire of Mundaring
Watsonia roadside control within the Jane Brook catchment
$17 000
Nicholson Rd bushland restoration and weed management (Bush Forever site 456)
$43 585
Regeneration and revegetation on the Canning River foreshore
$50 000
Swan Estuary Reserves Action Group
The restoration of the ecological integrity of Pelican Point A Class Reserve
$32 785
Town of Kwinana
Revegetation and weed control on the limestone heath land of Chalk Hill, Kwinana
$13 000
Wilson Wetlands Action Group
Fern Rd East - revegetation stage 1
$22 655
South East Regional Centre for Urban
Rangelands region
Project title
Ashburton Aboriginal Corporation
Pilbara aboriginal native seed collection and propagation
$50 000
Australian Wildlife Conservancy
2011 bird survey of Faure Island wildlife sanctuary: shorebirds, pied cormorants and future translocations
$25 820
A natural and cultural heritage management strategy for Ngururrpa Country
$49 740
A comprehensive assessment of the natural and cultural assets of the Carnarvon Ranges
$50 000
Environs Kimberley
Roebuck Bay fine scale habitat modelling to determine key habitat for marine wildlife and prey
$26 950
Greening Australia (WA)
Eighty Mile Beach Ramsar site fencing
$50 000
Ord Land and Water
Protecting environmental and agricultural assets of the East Kimberley
$50 000
Central Desert Native Title Services
South coast region
Project title
Albany Heritage Reference Group
Aboriginal Corporation
Fish traps
$50 000
Bushcarers Group
Lake Seppings western shore rehabilitation
$10 520
Esperance Regional Forum
Riparian vegetation protection and livestock exclusion fencing in the Stokes Inlet and Coomalbidgup
$36 000
Fitzgerald Biosphere Group
Increasing land management capacity and protection of rehabilitation and conservation values in the Western
Fitzgerald Biosphere
$50 000
Frenchman Bay Association
Construction of bird hide at Lake Vancouver, Goode Beach, Vancouver Peninsula, Albany
$14 000
Friends of the Porongurup Ranges
Declared and environmental weed control in and around the National Heritage listed Porongurup National Park
$50 000
Gillamii Centre
The treatment of invasive Golden Wattle populations within the Gillamii service area.
$47 700
Green Skills
Senecio glastifolius eradication
$50 000
Meet and greet to preserve our reserves
$22 500
Greening tributaries of the Pallinup River and promoting landcare in the North Stirlings Pallinup region
$48 900
Improving the health, water quality and community awareness of Dunn's Swamp at Hoptoun
$11 100
Shire of Denmark
Biodiversity surveys Mt Hallowell Reserve and Wilson Inlet Foreshore Reserves, Denmark
$19 560
Shire of Esperance
Walker St Public Open Space
$20 000
Torbay Catchment Group
Drain restoration, revegetation and weed control along a section of Undeyup Creek
$22 969
Wilson Inlet Catchment
Watsonia control in Narrikup
$10 000
King River Weed Control and River
Restoration Group
North Stirlings Pallinup Natural
Ravensthorpe Agricultural
Initiative Network
South coast region continued…
Project title
Dujimerrup Twonkup Aboriginal
An indigenous restoration initiative: fencing and revegetation of riparian and remnant revegetation on
Dowrene Farm
$27 500
Grahams Land and Sea Aboriginal
Protection and enhancement of a heritage listed fragile wetland and surrounding remnant bushland
$38 000
Shire of Denmark
Revegetation of priority sites on the Wilson Inlet Foreshore Reserves, Denmark
$8 010
Tambellup Noongar Land
Aboriginal Corporation
Integrated property management to contain salinity and protect riparian land (Gordon River) on Tammar Farms
$45 300
Wongutha CAPS Development
Protection/enhancement of remnant bushland and addressing soil erosion with windbreaks and perennial
pastures Wongutha CAPS
$28 000
South west region
Project title
Blackwood Basin Group
Plans to action on ground funding for the Blackwood
$50 000
Arum Lily eradication in Capel Tuart forests at Ludlow and Minninup
Fencing to enhance the survival of diverse flora of Minninup Block of the Ludlow Tuart forest
$20 000
Cape to Cape
Protecting high value assets in the Quininup catchment by assessing its condition and on ground actions
$48 760
Coolup LCDC
Fox and rabbit control in the coastal Peel-Harvey catchment
Geographe Catchment Council
Keeping Geographe Bay OK – reducing nutrient from urban areas
$45 500
Continuing the fight against bridal creeper
From drain to living stream – Katanning Creek
$36 050
Much to do about saving a lake – Ewlymartup
$42 590
Keysbrook Environmental Group
Protection of rare flora against Phytophthora attack on conservation zone in Keysbrook
$14 100
Landcare SJ
Invasive species control and revegetation for protection of threatened ecological communities in Brickwood
Reserve, Byford
$17 600
Weed control in Reserves that contain TEC and Declared Flora in Serpentine
Instigating biological control methods against mistletoe within the old Rifle Range Reserve, Byford
Healthy habitats
$48 900
Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes
Strategic wash down bays, equipment and procedures to minimise soil stored Cape Broom seed dispersals
Southern Aboriginal Corporation
Improving fauna movement and rehabilitating saline lands on Marribank Farms to protect Blackwood River
$38 000
Capel LCDC
Katanning LCDC
Serpentine Jarrahdale Shire
Wheatbelt region
Project title
Shire of Mt Marshall
Protection and preservation of Mt Marshall Rock Reserve
$8 900
Shire of Quairading
Quairading Town Common Reserve water and revegetation
$15 000
Shire of York
Protection and conservation of the Avon River in the York Shire
$5 760
Southern Brook Catchment Group
Southern Brook revitalisation: protecting and enhancing key tributaries and conservation assets in the Southern
Brook locality
$48 983
Successful projects – March 2010
Northern Agricultural region
Project title
Bush Heritage Australia
Fire management and feral animal control on Charles Darwin Reserve
$19 000
Moore Catchment Council
Recovery and Protection of Moore River Catchments threatened natural assets
$199 800
Shire of Chapman Valley
Moresby Ranges Plan Implementation Phase 1 and engagement
$145 000
Perth region
Project title
Australian Wildlife Conservancy
Securing the future of the Karakamia Woylies
$50 000
Blackadder Woodbridge Catchment Group Blackadder Subcatchment biosecurity
$25 000
Chittering Valley LCDC
Weed control in Lake Needonga
$10 500
Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council
Native fish fauna monitoring of the Helena River
$34 459
Friends of Bennett Brook
Post fire restoration of Bennett Brook to protect water quality and the endangered Southern Brown
$72 728
Rangelands region
Project title
Australian Wildlife Conservancy
Calotropis control - Annie Creek
$24 000
Parkinsonia control in the Upper Fitzroy Catchment
$36 000
Weed eradication on Faure Island wildlife santuary in world heritage listed Shark Bay
$19 500
Centre for Fish and Fisheries Research,
Murdoch University
Conserving with community the endangered freshwater sawfish in the Fitzroy River
$110 000
Environs Kimberley
Managing fire and biodiversity conservation in the West Kimberley
$99 000
Kimberley Land Council
Assessing and managing the impacts of feral pigs on high conservation value waterways in the upper
Fitzroy River catchment
$36 128
North Kimberley LCDC
Kimberley Grader Grass Action Plan
$10 000
Pilbara Mesquite Management Committee
Advancing effective management of invasive weeds in Pilbara
$140 500
Tirralintji Aboriginal Community
Weed control at Lake Gladstone
$9 000
University of Western Australia
Effects of nutrient enrichment and toxic Lyngbya blloms on benthic invertebtates and migratory
shorebird communities of Roebuck Bay Ramsar site
$141 561
Yawoorroong Miriuwung Gajerrong Yirrgeb
Noog Dawang Aboriginal Corporation
Miriuwung Gajerrong fire management
$250 000
South coast region
Project title
Fitzgerald Biosphere Group
Buffering priority areas by controlling the spread of dieback - Western Fitzgerald Biosphere
$110 000
Green Skills
Geekabee Hill ecolink remnant vegetation
$17 570
Kimberley Land Council
Mitigation of biosecurity threats along the north east Kimberley coast
$106 000
Oyster Harbour Catchment Group
Management actions to address climate change and degradation of Oyster Harbour catchment
$116 000
South Coast NRM
Controlling priority invasive weed species in South Coast
$246 000
Environmental weed control surrounding the Porongurups
$49 500
Protection and recovery of high priority biodiversity assests in South Coast
$140 000
Protection by prevention -protecting priority areas from dieback; Eastern South Coast
$127 218
Protection by prevention -protecting priority areas from dieback; Walpole wilderness and Mt Lindesay
$104 218
Introduced wattle eradication South Coast
$6 000
South Coast Progress Association
Weeding Group
South west region
Project title
Augusta-Margaret River Tourism
Lake and Jewel Cave Hydrology and recovery
$150 000
Cape to Cape Catchments Group
Protecting and restoring ecological connectivity within the Cape to Cape catchment
$45 000
Hotham Catchment Landcare
Coordination of feral pig control to reduce the impacts in Peel-Harvey and Leschenault Catchments
$250 000
Katanning LCDC
Fighting bridal creeper in the Upper Blackwood
$84 600
Leschenault Catchment Council
Maintaining the WA Blackberry containment line
$229 676
Peel Harvey Catchment Council
Mayfield main drain sub-catchment water quality improvement plan including foundational activities
$53 669
Serpentine River Group/Lowlands
Conservation Association
Protecting and restoring freshwater ecosystem health in the Serpentine River, an adaptive management
$18 700
Shire of Capel
Fox control across the Capel, Dardanup and Busselton Shires
$74 996
Shire of Collie
Biodiversity assessment and planning, and commencing management of Shire of Collie natural reserves
$50 000
Shire of Murray
Fencing, weed and access control in priority Shire of Murray Reserves
$16 500
Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale
Protection and enhancement of a priority 4 species and enhancement of wetlands in bush forever site 378,
$14 000
Walpole-Nornalup National Parks
Protection of the Owingup Wetland System
$165 000
Warren Catchment Council
Control of Blackberry and Bridal Creeper in the Warren River catchment
$150 000
Wheatbelt region
Project title
Birds Australia, WA
Carnaby's Black Cockatoo Recovery
$250 000
Camm River Paleo-Valley
Rehabilitation Committee
Camm River Paleo-valley rehabilitation
$150 000
Shire of Mt Marshall
Mt Marshall Malleefowl Awareness
$15 000
Shire of Narembeen
Control of mammalian pest species to protect and enhance threatened Red Tailed Phascogale and allow reestablishment of other threatened fauna at Wadderin Sanctuary
$114 008
Western Australian Local
Government Association
Developing strategic road reserve asset management plans to maximise biodiversity, land, water conservation
outcomes by local government
$170 500
Wheatbelt NRM
Establishment of Wheatbelt Regional Biosecurity Group
$82 500
Red card for red fox and rabbit
$110 000
Riparian improvement of priority Avon River Pools - Gwambygine
$200 000
Water management planning for Avon Arc towns
$71 200