PR Bleeding Referral Form Note to GPs: This form is specifically to refer patients under age 40 that you believe have HAEMORRHOIDS OR ANAL FISSURE to a nurse led clinic for confirmation of diagnosis and treatment. Contact details: GSTT KCH Other Address Phone Email Referral Date Referring Clinician Practice Details ~[Today...] ~[Free Text: Referring Clinician?] ~[Surgery Address Line 1] ~[Surgery Address Line 2] ~[Surgery Address Lin3 3] ~[Surgery Tel No.] Patient Name DOB ~[Forename] ~[Surname] ~[Date Of Birth] Patient Address ~[Patient Address Block] Patient Tel Mobile NHS Number Hospital Number ~[Telephone Number] ~[Mobile]~[Mobile Number] ~[NHS Number] ~[Hospital Number] Referral Checklist 1. Have you considered 2 week wait criteria Yes No 2. Please indicate treatments used? E.g. Laxatives, topical therapies (local anaesthetics/astringents/topical steroids)/ GTN ointment- for anal fissures only 3. Date of first onset of symptoms: 4. Previous episode? (When/ How long?) 5. PR Bleeding (Please tick box) Bright Red Mixed with stool On the tissue 6. Pain A Altered Coating the stool In the pan Yes No Yes Yes No No Character 7. Mucous 8. Pruritus Ani History of presenting complaint Please comment on presence of; Constipation, weight loss, change in bowel habit Include here what you consider to be the likely cause of bleeding Past Medical history Relevant Medications Including over the counter laxatives/ suppositories Allergies Family History Examination findings Digital Rectal Examination Essential prior to referral Further Investigations Including previous Proctoscopy or colonoscopy Notes Patients with first onset of symptoms after age 40 should be referred to the main colorectal clinics and have U&Es checked and documents for quicker consideration of CTE/ colonoscopy at the clinic Please use appropriate treatments for an adequate duration, for example GTN ointment for a maximum of 8 weeks for anal fissures only. Please kindly fill all sections of the form completely to avoid unnecessary delays