DNA Fingerprinting

Name ___________________________________
Chapter 9: Biotechnology
9.1 – Manipulating DNA
Key Concept: Biotechnology relies on cutting DNA at specific places.
Scientists use several techniques to manipulate DNA.
 _____________________________________________ are used to work with DNA.
 Scientists use these tools in genetics research and biotechnology.
Restriction enzymes
 Collected from ___________________
 Used for _______________________________
 Cut DNA at ___________________________________________ (restriction sites)
Restriction maps show the lengths of DNA fragments.
 Gel electrophoresis is used to _______________________________________________________.
 A DNA sample is cut with restriction enzymes.
 Electrical current pulls DNA fragments through a gel.
 _________________________________________________ and travel farther than
larger fragments.
 Fragments of different sizes _____________________________________________
 A restriction map shows the ________________________________________________________.
 Only indicate _________, not DNA sequence
 Useful in _______________________________
 Used to study __________________
9.3 – DNA Fingerprinting
Key Concept: DNA fingerprints identify people at the molecular level.
A DNA fingerprint is a type of restriction map.
 DNA fingerprints are based on parts of an individual’s DNA that can be used for _______________
 Based on _______________________________________
 Noncoding regions have __________________________________________
 Number of repeats differs between people
 _________________________________________ is a DNA fingerprint
DNA fingerprinting is used for identification.
 DNA fingerprinting depends on the probability of a match.
 Many people have the same number of repeats in a certain region of DNA
 The probability that two people share identical numbers of repeats in several locations is ____
________ (only one chance in ___________________ people that they would match)
 ___________________________________________________to make a DNA fingerprint.
Uses of DNA Fingerprinting
 Evidence in ______________________
 _________________ tests
 _________________ requests
 Studying ____________________
 Tracking _______________________________
9.4 – Genetic Engineering
Key Concept: DNA sequences of organisms can be changed.
History of Genetic Engineering
 Humans have been changing other organisms _______________________________
 Farmers would ___________ plants or livestock _______________________________ to be mated
and get the results they wanted
 Example: cow that produced a lot of milk and a bull that had big muscles (muscles are the parts of the
animal we eat when we have meat) might be chosen to be mated
 Example: domesticated dogs
 Called ______________________________ or selective breeding
 A clone is a _________________________________________________ of a gene or an organism
 Cloning occurs in nature
 ___________________ (binary fission)
 Some ______________ (from roots)
 Some simple ________________ (budding, regeneration)
Cloning mammals
 Process called _______________________
 Nucleus is ______________________________ cell
 Nucleus from a cell from the animal to be cloned is ____________________________
Pros/Cons of Cloning
 ____________________________ into humans
 Save __________________________________
 _______________________ rate
 Clones “______________” and less healthy than original animal
 Decreased ____________________________
Genetic Engineering
 Involves changing an organism’s DNA to ________________________________
 Based on the use of recombinant DNA
 Recombinant DNA contains __________________________________________________
Genetic engineering produces organisms with new traits.
 Restriction enzymes cut ____________________________________
 ________________________________________________________________________
Uses of Genetic Engineering
 Transgenic bacteria can be used to ____________________________________
 Bacteria can be used to ____________________________________for diabetics
 _______________________ are common in agriculture
 transgenic bacteria ________________________________
 plant ____________________________________
 many crops are now ______________________________ (GM)
 Transgenic animals are used to study __________________________________
Concerns about Genetic Engineering
 Possible ____________________________________ of eating
GM foods
 Possible effects of GM plants on ______________________________
Complete the following:
1. Under each column in the autoradiograph, write the letters associated with each individual's genotype.
For example, the genotype of the mother in the first column is A/D. Then, circle the letter in the
child's genotype that represents the gene inherited from the mother.
2. Which "letters" must the child have inherited from its father?
3. Based on this information, what evidence suggests that the alleged father could be biologically related
to the child? Tell if the father is really the father under each column.