Developing an Effective Learning Contract for

Developing an Effective Learning Contract for
SWRK 3150 & SWRK 4120
The Learning Contract is a document developed by the field student and in
collaboration with field instructor. The field liaison is often consulted for input as well.
The Learning Contract is a tool designed to keep the focus on goal oriented learning. It
is a ccombination of what the student wants to learn, what the field instructor is willing
to teach, and what opportunities are within the agency’s mandate to provide.
The Learning Contract is part of the Field Evaluation Form. It is a working
document, meant to be flexible and dynamic. Throughout the field placement t h e
student and field instructor are encouraged to review the
l e a r n i n g o b j e c t i v e s and modify any of them if required, to acknowledge
changing needs and goals.
Defining Learning Objectives
A Learning Contract consists of learning objectives. Learning objectives are framed as
specific observable behaviours (Bogo and Vayda, 2000) and should be linked to the
criteria on which the student is being evaluated. In the Field Evaluation Form there
are five (5) sections representing five (5) skills sets. The learning objectives are
completed prior to each of the five (5) skills sets. In other words, the Learning Contract
flows throughout the Field Evaluation Form and there can be several learning objectives
for every section. The five skills sets that students are evaluated on are: 1)
Professionalism/Ethical Standards, 2) Assessment and Intervention Skills in Practice, 3)
Reflective Capacity and Critical Analysis, 4) Fostering and Promotion of Human Rights
and Social Justice, and 5) Integration of Policy and Practice. The next paragraph will
describe how a learning objective is developed.
The first section in the Field Evaluation Form is Professionalism/Ethical Standards.
There are a number of points under this section that address the skill set of a student
identifying as a professional and conducting oneself in a professional manner. The
student would be able to articulate social work ethics and principles that guide their
professional practice. The following is a part of the Field Evaluation Form and displays
where the Learning Contract is found.
1. Professionalism/Ethical Standards
The student identifies as a professional and conducts self in a professional manner. The student is able to
articulate social work ethics and principles that will guide his or her professional practice.
More than one learning objective is appropriate
The student should reflect on what they want to learn from their experience in the field
placement. Other questions that they should consider include what specific knowledge
they want to develop and what specific skills or techniques they want to learn or
sharpen (Ward and Mama; Breaking Out of the Box, 2010). In discussion with their field
instructor, the student will identify the objectives and activities that they will undertake
that relate to the learning objective, and a timeline when it is anticipated that the
objectives will be reached. Below is an example of a completed Learning Contract for
the skills set Professionalism/Ethical Standards.
Professionalism/Ethical Standards
The student identifies as a professional and conducts self in a professional manner. The student is able to
articulate social work ethics and principles that will guide professional practice.
Familiarize self with agency mandate.
Become aware of any Agency
documentation tools and ensure my
written work is professional
Review and practice within the CASW
Code of Ethics/Guidelines for Ethical
Review agency policy and procedure
manuals and other relevant
Ask field instructor if I could attend any
training on agency tools
Seek feedback from my field instructor
Complete case recording
Discuss ethical issues with instructor
First month of
In closing, it is important to note that developing the Learning Contract is the student’s
responsibility, to be completed in consultation with the field instructor. The field liaison
is a resource and all three parties will need to agree to the Learning Contract. Learning
objectives should be reviewed throughout the field placement to assess their relevance,
and can be modified, if required. Students and instructors are encouraged to contact
their field liaison if they have any questions regarding development of this contract.