Year 4 UOW- Favourite times

This unit of work has been produced by the Languages staff at Scone Grammar School with funds provided by the Australian Government through the School Languages
Date: Term 3 2013
Year 4 French: Unit 3
Unit Name: Favourite Times
Duration: 10 weeks
Stage: 2
Unit Outline
In this unit the students will learn to give a weather presentation and tell the time in French. They will also study pastimes, sports and seasons and then learn how to say
whether they like a particular sport. A revision of numbers 1 – 100 will also be included.
Cross-curricular priorities
HSIE: Cross-cultural Comparison of popular sports
Weather presentation on Smartboard
Geography of France
Filming the presentation
Maths: Graph of popular sports of the class
Targeted Outcomes
2.UL.1: A student recognises and responds to spoken texts in
Students Learn About
French in familiar contexts.
2.UL.2: A student identifies and responds to key words,
Students Learn to
the importance of listening for key words to assist
listen for meaning
locate key words and phrases in a text
engage in conversations to ask and respond to
the role of prior knowledge when attempting to read a text
phrases and simple sentences in context in written French.
2.UL.3: A student uses familiar language to share information.
elements of active conversation
2UL.4 A student uses models to write text to convey personal
the construction of text in order to convey meaning
information and ideas
2MBC. A student recognises the link between culture and a
sense of identity.
organise and present information, eg by selecting
from options to label pictures
features of lifestyles and belief systems in diverse
identify similarities and differences in daily life in
diverse communities
Weather presentation
Group activity – Sports Survey
Reading/Writing Listening Test
Year 4 French Unit 3
Unit Name: Favourite Times
Sentence structures
Tu aimes __________? Oui, j’adore/j’aime/je n’aime
pas/je déteste____________
C’est quand ton anniversaire? (Answer in months)
Weather vocab
Quel temps fait-il? La météo
Il y a du soleil, il y a du vent, il y a du brouillard, il pleut, il
neige, il fait chaud, il fait froid, il gèle, il fait beau, il fait
gris, le soleil brille, il y a beaucoup de pluie.
Quelle heure est-il?
Il est _-- et demie
Quels sont les mois d’été?
De quel couleur est/sont....?
Months and seasons
Janvier, févier, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet,août,
septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre
l’été, l’automne, l’hiver, le printemps
Quel temps fait-il? Il y a/il fait .......,
Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire?
Quelle est la date de Noël?
Comment vas-tu?
Tu as froid/chaud? Oui j’ai froid/chaud, Non, je n’ai pas
Popular sports
j’adore/j’aime/je n’aime pas/je déteste____________
je joue, j’aime fais, j’aime faire....
Je ne joue pas... je n’aime pas jouer.....
Je ne fais pas n’aime pas faire....
Numbers 1-100
Skoldo Book 2
Video Clips – Le Tour de France
Being French – Les Jours de Sport
Chez Mimi – on Clickview
Le Parc Astérix Cd 27 from TV5
Year 4 French Unit 3
Unit Name: Favourite Times
Suggested Learning Experiences
Video clips – Le Tour de France, - French Sports and Leisure Activities., weather presentations
Draw up a table of popular sports
Number activities and matching games.
Flashcards, Smartboard activities to introduce weather and seasons
Make group posters of the seasons and sports played in that season
Geography of France – mapping exercise
Keep a weather chart for a week
Written Vocabulary Activities in Skoldo programme
Oral – Interview – opinions about sports
Game – Students(or groups) are given a card with a time – they sit down when that time is read out – the winner is the last student or group to remain standing
Responding to questions – As-tu froid? Oui, j’ai froid. Je n’ai pas chaud / As-to chaud? Oui, j’ai chaud. Je n’ai pas froid.
Complete addition and subtraction sums using French vocab
Class discussion – Qu’est-ce tu aimes faire quand-it pleut? J’aime faire ........
Weather Presentation – students present a weather report for areas of France using the Smartboard.
This is a group task in which they take turns to give the weather report for different areas of France. This will be filmed.
Unit Test – telling the time, seasons and weather, giving opinions about sports.