Development of Feudalism notes 2

The Development of Feudalism in Western Europe
Directions: You will create a concept web over the major topics of literature and philosophy.
You will place the terms inside of your web and connect words by lines and writing connector
phrases between the words. Try to make as many connections as you can. Most words
connect to multiple other words. Your connector phrases are explanations of how the two
terms relate to one another.
Feudalism Terms:
Roman Catholic Church
Look at next page for details
Monarch – The monarchs were the top of the feudal society and were very strong.
Lord – In the feudal system, people pledged their loyalty to a lord.
Knight – Knights were warriors under this system.
Peasants – Most people during the Middle Ages were peasants, and they were the lower class
under this system.
Fiefs – These were land grants under this system.
Manors – These were large estates under this system.
Moats – These were developed to protect the manors during this time.
Roman Catholic Church – The church owned a great deal of land under this system.
Nobles – Upper society during this time period and afterwards
Nobles – Vassals or nobles were relied upon by the monarchs to provide enough knights and
Lords – Monarchs were feudal lords. When a monarch gave a fief to a lord, the lord became his
Nobles and Peasants
Complete the Venn diagram to compare and contrast the lives of nobles and peasants on a feudal
manor. In the overlapping parts of the ovals, write or draw three ways these groups were
similar. In each of the other parts of the ovals, draw or write three ways they were different.
Most privileged life
Member of nobility
Given manor(s) to run
Lived in grander structures
Had to manage and defend
his land and people who
worked it
Appt official to ensure work
was being done
Acted as judges – power to
fine and punish
Held posts in king’s gov’t
Sent knights into warfare
Leisure activity: hunting,
hawking, feasting, dancing,
board games, and reading
Most lived
on manors
once a
Legally classified as
free or unfree
Worked the land of the
nobles or some other
skilled work
Paid taxes to the lord
Had to give portions of
their grain to the lord
Lived in small houses
with 1-2 rooms with
little furniture or
other possessions
Answer the following questions:
What were Charlemagne’s greatest accomplishments? How was he helped by the Catholic
Charlemagne unified nearly all the Christian lands of Europe into a single empire.
Pope Leo III helped him by giving him the blessing of the church (the church was a
central part of society) and crowning him Holy Roman Emperor in 800 CE.
2. Why was there a need for order after the death of Charlemagne in 814?
The rulers who came after Charlemagne failed to defend the empire against
invasions. In addition, Europe was threatened by Muslims, Magyars, and Vikings in
the 9th and 10th Centuries.
Letter writing:
Pretend you are a knight in medieval Europe. You would like to let future
generations of your family know what life was like on a feudal manor. Write a
letter to them below. Be sure to mention these things:
The main groups of people who live on your manor
What each person or group does for the others
What works well in the feudal system and why
What doesn’t work well in the feudal system and why
Label and
What responsibilities did monarchs have in the feudal system?
- Kept order and supplied protection to their vassals.
answer the
Monarch Why is William the Conqueror considered an important monarch?
- After his victory at the Battle of Hastings in 1066, William brought
the idea of feudalism to England.
What responsibilities did lords have in the feudal system?
- For managing and defending their manors and acting as judges
- Fought for their own lords in times of war and supplied soldiers
- Also appointed leaders
What was the role of noblewomen in the feudal system?
- Responsible for raising and training their children and sometimes the
children of other noble families. They were also responsible for
overseeing their households.
What responsibilities did knights have in the feudal system?
- Mounted soldiers in feudal system and were expected to be loyal to
their church and lord, to be fair, and to protect the helpless
What was the code of chivalry? What stages did a boy go through to become
a knight?
-code of chivalry – set of rules of behavior that all knights were expected
to live by
- Training for knighthood – page, squire, knight
What responsibilities did peasants have in the feudal system?
- Most worked at raising crops and tending livestock
- Some worked as carpenters, shoemakers, and smiths
- Paid taxes to the lords
How were the lives of male and female peasants different?
-In addition to working in the fields, peasant women had to care
for their families and homes.
Think about which individuals or groups in our society are most similar to the various social clases in European Feudal
society. List those modern groups/individuals next to each level of feudal society, and draw symbols to respresent them.
Then list some of their similarities and differences.
Social Classes in
Feudal Europe
Individuals/ Groups Similarities and Differences between these
in Our Society
two groups
S- rulers/leaders
D- President answers to other branches
S- manage the land, appt officials to ensure things
are done
D- no “nobility” in USA, don’t life on manors, no
protection (like moats) around homes, don’t act as
S- trained to protect (fight); some USA consider it a
way of life
D – USA doesn’t have to go through so many steps,
don’t help women in every way possible, don’t have to
perform in tournaments
American citizens
S – work land or jobs, pay taxes to gov’t
D – USA all free; houses varies in size,
free to many whom we wanted, can move
up or down the social classes
Feudalism Notes
This nickname was given to the Middle Ages. Dark Ages
The period known as “The Middle Ages” is characterized by trade, land ownership, strong
central govt. or no religion? Explain your selection. The Feudal system and the control
of the church (which held a large amount of land)
Who would most likely have said, “If you give me your loyalty, I will give you land and
protection.”? A vassal or a lord
What was a knight’s most important training? There is debate for the correct answer
here—so think of what their main purpose was in the Feudalism activity. Although they
were trained in chivalry, their most important training was for fighting.
Serf were peasants who were not allowed to marry without permission from the
lord/can’t leave the land.
What do these medieval items have in common? They were all used in military strategy
or where examples of military technology.
o Stone Wall
o Moat
o Knight’s armor
In the feudal system an individual’s social status was generally determined by what? birth
What does the word feudalism mean? The economic and political system that developed
in Europe during the Middle Ages
Which city was added to the empire by Charlemagne by 814? Rome
On which river is Tours located? Loire
Which island was added by Charlemagne by 814? Corsica
What physical feature did Charlemagne cross to enter Italy? The Alps