1 SUPPLEMENTARY LITERATURE 2 3 Supplementary Figure 1. Variation in sea turtle body size (CCL) with latitude of 4 foraging area (F1,60 = 15.05, r2 = 0.2; P < 0.001). Grey filled triangle = region A; Grey 5 filled square = region B; Grey filled circles = region C; Black filled circles = region 6 D; Black filled square = region E. 7 8 9 10 11 The latitude of the primary foraging site was significantly correlated with CCL, 12 whereby turtles foraging at higher latitudes were larger than those using lower 13 latitudes (Supplementary Fig. 1; F1,60 = 15.05, r2 = 0.2; P < 0.001). In additional, there 14 was possible longitudinal variation in CCL, such as between regions C (Ionian Sea) 15 and D (Aegean Sea), which were at similar latitudes (~37–38°N). 16 We found that turtles inhabiting northern latitudes were significantly larger 17 than those occupying southern latitudes, possibly due to richer foraging resources 18 (Coll et al., 2010). In contrast, no overall significant difference was recorded for body 19 size between neritic versus oceanic foragers, differing from the results of studies 20 elsewhere (Pacific Ocean, Hatase et al., 2002; Atlantic Ocean, Hawkes et al., 2006). 21 However, this lack of difference may have been due to low statistical power (i.e. a 22 type II error) and the small sample size of oceanic foragers, but may also exist due to 23 five of the six oceanic foragers also foraging in neritic waters, supporting field 24 observations by Casale et al. (2008). Supplementary Table 1. Deployment details for the 75 tracked turtles: (a) male (n = 38, of which five were tracked for more than one breeding season) and (b) female (n = 37, of which one was tracked for more than one breeding season). Note: female turtles 1–18 were previously published in Zbinden et al. (2008; 2011); male turtles 1–12 and 15–19, plus females 34–36, were previously published by Schofield et al. (2009; 2010a; 2010b) and Hays et al. (2010a; 2010b). CCL = curved carapace length; Migratory displacement = the shortest migratory distance in kilometres between the breeding site and first foraging site; Regions A–E are the dispersal directions defined in the methods of the main text; Foraging categories: NC = neritic coastal zone, NO = neritic open-sea, O = oceanic; st. mig. = started southward migration but track stopped; (R) = Resident to the breeding area. (a) Males Turtle CCL Deployed Duration Transmitter Seabed depth Latitude Category (cm) (days) (m) (º N) 1 81 2007 49 Sirtrack Fastloc 2 91 2007 51 Sirtrack Fastloc 3 81 2007 3 Sirtrack Fastloc 4 79 2007 17 Sirtrack Fastloc 5 90 2007 128 PTT 2009 58 Sirtrack Fastloc 7 87 2008 364 Sirtrack Fastloc >3000 44.41; 37.24 NO; O 2009 156 Sirtrack Fastloc 9 80 2008 367 Sirtrack Fastloc 15 37.74; 37.24; 38.05 NC; NC; NC 2009 102 Sirtrack Fastloc 11 90 2008 367 Sirtrack Fastloc 7 38.94; 39.01 NC; NC 2009 84 Sirtrack Fastloc 13 78 2008 367 Sirtrack Fastloc 2009 360 Sirtrack Fastloc 15 84 2008 64 Sirtrack Fastloc 16 78 2008 32 Sirtrack Fastloc 17 90 2009 178 Sirtrack Fastloc 18 98 2009 138 Sirtrack Fastloc 19 78.5 2009 52 SMRU - SRDL 20 102 2009 88 Sirtrack Fastloc 21 90.5 2009 11 Sirtrack Fastloc 22 89 2009 60 Sirtrack Fastloc 23 80 2009 368 Sirtrack Fastloc 18 37.82; 38.48; 36.78 NC; NC; NC 24 79 2010 507 Sirtrack Fastloc 25 75.5 2010 479 Sirtrack Fastloc 26 85.5 2010 407 Sirtrack Fastloc 27 85 2010 363 Sirtrack Fastloc 28 86 2010 349 Sirtrack Fastloc 29 82.5 2010 259 Sirtrack Fastloc 26 39.76; 36.71 O; NC 30 77.5 2010 75 Sirtrack Fastloc Migratory Region Location Displacement No. foraging/ wintering sites 0.1 C Ionian (R) 1 958 A Adriatic 2 unknown B not reached n/a unknown C not reached n/a 786 D Aegean 1 turtle returned to same primary foraging site 990 A Adriatic 2 67; turtle returned to same primary foraging site 23 C Ionian (R) 3 34; 57; turtle returned to same primary foraging site 177 A Amvrakikos 2 14; turtle returned to same primary foraging site 2.4 C Ionian (R) 1 turtle returned to same primary foraging site 897 A Adriatic 1 803 B Gulf of Gabes 1 981 A Adriatic 1 1080 A Adriatic 1 n/a A not reached n/a 911 D Aegean 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a 200 A Amvrakikos 1 31 C Ionian (R) 3 797 818 970 996 469 1537 B B B B D E Gulf of Gabes Gulf of Gabes Gulf of Gabes Gulf of Gabes Aegean West Mediterranean 76 C Ionian 6 72 37.71 44.41 8 38.64 3 37.71 28 47 64 16 44.73 35.07 44.32; st. m 45.57; st. m 38 40.11 5 5; 15; 38.97 1 1 1 1 1 2 45 28 34 14 10 >2000; 35.44 34.96 33.36 33.45 37.95 2 8 38.23; st. m 31 72 2010 50 Sirtrack Fastloc 32 88 2011 105 Sirtrack Fastloc 33 73 2011 161 Sirtrack Fastloc 34 83.5 2011 193 Sirtrack Fastloc 122 33.43; 34.29 NC; NO 35 72.5 2011 109 Sirtrack Fastloc 36 71 2011 172 Sirtrack Fastloc 8 37.71; 37.97 NC; NC 37 83 2011 193 Sirtrack Fastloc >1000; 25 41.26; 39.79 NO-O; NC 38 76 2011 104 Sirtrack Fastloc (b) Females Turtle CCL Deployed Seabed depth (cm) (m) (º N) 1 85 2004 2 86 2004 3 91 2004 43 36.77; 35.18 4 79 2005 >2000 45.27; 36.98 5 87 2005 10 44.88; 42.73 6 89 2005 7 45.51; 42.07 7 76 2005 8 86 2007 9 86 2007 10 82 2007 11 85 2007 5 42.73; 42.75 12 79 2007 104 34.75 13 88 2007 7 43.71; 42.05 14 87 2007 10 45.41; 31.61 15 76 2007 16 89 2007 17 82 2007 18 78 2007 19 78 2008 20 90 2008 7 44.56; 41.81 21 88 2008 22 88.5 2008 23 82 2008 Duration Transmitter Latitude Category (days) 50 144 948 993 C A B B Ionian Amvrakikos Gulf of Gabes Gulf of Gabes 1 1 1 2 892 0.2 B C Gulf of Gabes Ionian (R) 1 2 436 A Adriatic 2 810 B Libya 1 Migratory Region Location Displacement 124 Sirtrack Kiwi Sat 101 124 Sirtrack Kiwi Sat 101 135 Sirtrack Kiwi Sat 101 NC; NO 95 Sirtrack Kiwi Sat 101 NC; O 110 Sirtrack Kiwi Sat 101 NC; NC 120 Sirtrack Kiwi Sat 101 NC 93 Sirtrack Kiwi Sat 101 112 Telonics A-2010 316 Telonics A-2010 60 Telonics A-2010 59 Telonics A-2010 NC; NC 427 Telonics A-2010 NO 117 Telonics A-2010 NO; NC 96 Telonics A-2010 NC; NC 85 Telonics A-2010 134 Sirtrack Kiwi Sat 101 220 Sirtrack Kiwi Sat 101 672 Telonics A-2010 233 Sirtrack Fastloc 280 Sirtrack Fastloc NO; NC 131 Sirtrack Fastloc 88 Sirtrack Fastloc 22 Sirtrack Fastloc 11 3 60 37.99 39.01 33.82 19 3; 35.91 30 32.54 20 5 5; 45.24 40.85 14; 95- No. foraging/ wintering sites 1105 443 942 A A B Adriatic Adriatic Gulf of Gabes 1 1 2 1080 A Adriatic 2 1063 A Adriatic 2 30; 997 A Adriatic 2 40; 782 852 143 786 678 B B A B A Gulf of Gabes Gulf of Gabes Amvrakikos Gulf of Gabes Adriatic 1 1 1 1 2 98 89 5 35 5; 762 B Gulf of Gabes 1 894 A Adriatic 2 84; 1054 A Adriatic 2 33; 132 846 821 899 793 1101 A B B B B A Amvrakikos Gulf of Gabes Gulf of Gabes Gulf of Gabes Gulf of Gabes Adriatic 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 49 50 41 5 65; 38.94 34.81 34.88 35.08 35.41 907 1069 n/a A Adriatic A Adriatic n/a n/a 1 1 n/a 10 7 n/a 45.01 44.73 n/a 24; 34.52 35.44 39.01 35.41 24 17 25 26 27 28 64; 78 2008 45.14; 40.01 83 2008 85.5 2009 80 2009 88.5 2009 45.26; 44.25 29 82.5 30 83 31 80 32 74.5 >2000; 75 breeding 34 88 35 82 36 90 37 83.5 272 Sirtrack Fastloc NC; NC 3 Sirtrack Fastloc 145 Sirtrack Fastloc 41 Sirtrack Fastloc 707 Sirtrack Fastloc NC; NO; NC; NC 2009 104 2009 101 2009 60 2009 876 43.21; 37.36; 2011 360 42.91 2009 26 2009 460 2009 72 2009 156 Sirtrack Fastloc Sirtrack Fastloc Sirtrack Fastloc Sirtrack Fastloc NC; O; NO Sirtrack Fastloc Sirtrack Fastloc SMRU GPS-GSM SMRU GPS-GSM SMRU Solar 1022 A Adriatic 2 n/a 926 74 1086 n/a D C A n/a Aegean Ionian Adriatic n/a 1 1 4 887 211 896 873 B A B A Gulf of Gabes Amvrakikos Gulf of Gabes Adriatic 1 1 1 5 7; n/a 5 3 20; n/a 49.93 38.38 5; 9 44 4 35 44.36; 45.0 35.18 39.01 34.42 n/a 15 n/a 6 n/a 45.55; st. m n/a 37.35 7; turtle returned to same primary foraging site after not reached 961 n/a 393 D A n/a D n/a Adriatic n/a Aegean n/a 1 n/a 1 Supplementary Table 2a. Summary information of the foraging sites identified across the Mediterranean using adult male and female loggerheads tracked from Zakynthos, Greece. Foraging category, NO = neritic open sea; NC = neritic coastal. Tot. = total no. individuals; M = adult male; F = adult female. Thermal state, Avail = availability; Use = recorded use; Y-R = year round; S (Wi) = Seasonal (Winter); S (Su) = Seasonal (Summer); Unconf. = unconfirmed. Foraging site vicinity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Basin Sea/ Country Foraging Protected area Protected gulf category area West Balearic Majorca O No West Algerian coast Algeria NC No West Gulf of Tunis Tunisia NC Yes Zembra & Zembretta Marine Protected Area Central Gulf of Gabes Tunisia NC/NO No Central Gulf of Gabes Tunisia NC/NO No Central Gulf of Sindra Libya NC No Central Gulf of Sindra Libya NC No East Gulf of Izmir Turkey NC Yes Dilek-Yarimadisi Marine Protected Area East Straits of Dardanelles Turkey NC No East Aegean Greece NC No East Aegean Greece NC No East Aegean Greece NC No Central Ionian Greece NC No Central Ionian Greece NC No Central Ionian Greece O No Central Ionian Greece O Yes National Marine Park of Zakynthos Central Ionian Greece NC No Central Ionian Greece NC No Central Ionian Greece NC Yes National Park of Messolonghi-Etoliko Lagoons Central Amvrakikos Greece NC Yes National Park of Amvrakikos wetlands Central Adriatic Greece NC No Central Adriatic Albania O No Foraging records Thermal state M F Tot. Avail. Use 1 0 1 S (Su) S (Su) 1 0 1 Y-R S (Wi) 0 1 1 Y-R S (Su) 4 10 15 Y-R Y-R, S (Wi) 0 5 5 Y-R Y-R 0 1 1 Y-R Y-R 1 1 2 Y-R S (Wi) 1 0 1 S (Su) Uncon. 1 0 1 S (Su) Uncon. 0 1 1 S (Su) Y-R 1 0 1 Y-R Y-R 0 1 1 Y-R Y-R 1 0 1 Y-R S (Wi) 0 2 2 Y-R S (Wi) 1 0 1 Y-R S (Wi) 6 0 6 Y-R Y-R, S (Wi) 1 0 1 Y-R S (Su) 4 0 4 Y-R S (Wi) 0 1 1 Y-R Unconf. 4 3 7 Y-R Y-R 1 3 4 Y-R S (Wi) 1 0 1 Y-R S (Wi) in 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Central No Central Yes Central Yes Central Yes Central Yes Central No Central No Central No Central No Central Yes Adriatic Albania NC 1 1 2 Y-R Y-R, S (Su) Adriatic Croatia NC/NO Mljet National Park Adriatic Croatia NO Brijuni National Park Adriatic Croatia NC Limski Zaljev Special Marine Reserve Adriatic Slovenia NO Debeli Rtic Marine Protected Area Adriatic Italy NO 0 4 4 Y-R Y-R, S (Wi) 6 5 11 S (Su) S (Su) 0 3 3 S (Su) S (Su) 1 3 4 S (Su) S (Su) 0 1 1 S (Su) S (Su) Adriatic Italy NC 0 2 2 S (Su) S (Su) Adriatic Italy NC 0 1 1 S (Su) S (Su) Adriatic Italy NC 0 1 1 S (Su) S (Su) Adriatic Italy NC Torre Guaceto Marine Protected Area 0 1 1 Y-R Y-R Supplementary Table 2b. Published literature used to identify overlap in foraging sites with Zakynthos turtles (A) based on tracking datasets and (B) based on genetic data. Foraging category, NO = neritic open sea; NC = neritic coastal. Thermal state, Avail = availability; Use = recorded use; Y-R = year round; S (Wi) = Seasonal (Winter); S (Su) = Seasonal (Summer); Unconf. = unconfirmed. Species, Log = loggerhead; Gre = Green; Gender/Ageclass, M = adult male; F = adult female; Juv = juveniles, with gender not differentiated. Breeding populations, ? = unconfirmed; Zak = Zakynthos, Greece; Kyp = Kyparissia, Greece; Cyp = Cyprus; Syr = Syria; T = Turkey; Lib = Libya; Tunis = Tunisia; Mess = Messina; Cal = Calabria; Is = Israel; It = Italy. Sources: 1 = current study; 2 = Casale et al., (2007, 2010); 3 = Zbinden et al., (2008, 2011); 4 = Margaritoulis et al., (2003); 5 = Bentivegna (2002); 6 = Broderick et al., (2007); 7 = Hochscheid et al., (2007); 8 = Echwikhi et al., (2010); 9 = Chaeib et al., (in press); 10 = Houghton et al., (2000); 11 = Rees et al. (2012), Rees & Margaritoulis (2008); 12 = Lazar et al., (2004a,b); 13 = Vallini et al., (2006); 14 = Carreras et al., (2006); 15 = Casale et al., (2012a); 16 = Casale et al., (2010) ; 17 = Saied et al., 2012. Foraging class site 1 2 3 4 Basin Sea/ Breeding (Log only) gulf Green No. West Balearic West Algerian coast West Gulf of Tunis Central Gulf of Gabes Country Foraging Sources category Populations Majorca O Algeria NC Tunisia NC Tunisia NC/NO 5 Central Gulf of Gabes Tunisia 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Central Central East East East East East Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Gulf of Sindra Gulf of Sindra Gulf of Izmir Straits of Dardanelles Aegean Aegean Aegean Ionian Ionian Ionian Ionian Ionian Ionian Ionian Amvrakikos Adriatic Adriatic Adriatic Adriatic Adriatic Adriatic Adriatic Adriatic Adriatic Adriatic Adriatic Adriatic Libya Libya Turkey Turkey Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Albania Albania Croatia Croatia Croatia Slovenia Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Thermal Protection Species Gender /Age Avail. available S (Su) Y-R Y-R Y-R No No Yes No Log Log Log Log M / Juv M F M /F / Juv 1 1 1 ~10 NC/NO Y-R No Log M /F / Juv ~6 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC O O NC NC NC NC NC O NC NC/NO NO NC NO NO NC NC NC NC No No Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes Log Log Log Log Log Log Log Log Log Log Log Log Log Log Log / Gre Log Log Log Log / ?Gre Log Log Log Log Log / ?Gre Log / ?Gre Log / ?Gre Log / ?Gre F M /F M M F M F M F M M M M/F F M /F /Juv M / F /Juv M / Juv M / F / Juv F / Juv Juv M / F / Juv F / Juv M / F / Juv F / Juv F / Juv F / Juv F / Juv F / Juv 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 ~3 2 1 ~3 1 1 ~2 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 Y-R Y-R S (Su) S (Su) S (Su) Y-R Y-R Y-R Y-R Y-R Y-R Y-R Y-R Y-R Y-R Y-R Y-R Y-R Y-R S (Su) S (Su) S (Su) S (Su) S (Su) S (Su) S (Su) Y-R Loggerhead Juv Juv Juv Juv Juv Zak Zak Zak Zak; Ky Tunis; L Zak; Ky Tunis; L Zak; Cy Zak Zak; ?K Zak Zak; ?K Zak Zak; ?K Zak Zak Zak Zak Zak; Ke Zak; ?K Zak Zak; ?K Zak Zak Zak; Un Zak; Ky Zak; Ky Zak; Ky Zak Zak Zak Zak Zak Zak