P.O. Box 173, Gap, PA 17527-0173
Issue 19, Spring 2014
PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE: HAPPY SPRING! Just what did that Groundhog Day predict? We sure made up
for many warm winters of the past this year; nevertheless, our society has been forging ahead. Be sure
to read about the 2014 photo contest. Then check the progress of the book on Civil War Soldiers from
Salisbury Twp. which is now over 400 pages including photos. Negotiations are progressing for joining
with the high school for senior project and scholarship opportunities. The 10th annual Country Gourmet
Gala and Music Festival will be held June 7th, 2014. There will not be a genealogy class series this
spring, but there are plans to restart in the fall and to add new classes. Our website continues to get
many hits each week, and our Facebook responses are growing. Wanda does a great job of keeping
the info on both relevant. If you question whether a weather related cancellation has occurred or
forget when an event is happening check both online locations for updates. If you have news for the
membership let us know, and it can be posted as well. As President of this organization I have enjoyed
marvelous cooperation, assistance, encouragement, and friendships. I can only thank ALL who have
been helpful to me in my tenure as your elected guidance. This past year the board members worked
overtime to fill in for me from September to January when I had to drop out for a while. Things ran so
smoothly that many did not know I was gone! PERFECT, that is the way an organization should be. As
we move on through our 2nd decade it is hoped that more progress will be made, and the Society will
grow in popularity and membership. Every one of the Board members and their committees work
diligently to forward the cause of discovering, gathering and preserving the past for future
generations. It had been a great pleasure working with you and for you. Thank you all for your
support. - Leona Baker, President
Donations/Sponsors.......................... p2
Museum Acquisition......................... p3
Gala Update………………...................... p3
Welsh Mountain Fall Tour…………….. p4
Civil War Veterans Book Update……. p4
Genealogy Corner - J. Lowe............... p5
Genealogy Corner - Connect............. p6
William S. Trout Book……………………. p6
Monthly Meeting Calendar............... p7
WWII Poster Find……………................. p7
Books for Sale.................................... p8
Website............................................. p8
Membership………………………………….. p9
President: Leona Baker
Vice President: Sue Summers
Co-secretaries: Andrea & Michael Lingenfelter
Treasurer: Leonard Groff
Elected Members: Anna Mast, Alfred Gerhardt,
Sam Stoltzfus
Program Chair: vacant
Artifacts Chairs: Anna Groff, Doris Wambold
Museum Chairs: Paul Herr, Chris Doyle
Historian: Joan Lorenz
Membership Chair: Sue Summers
Webmistress: Wanda Smale
Gala Chairs: Doris Wambold, Lois Schrock
Edward Yancavage
Ken & Anna Skiles
Jean Fryberger
Francis Hopton
Lois Schrock
Albert See
Jeanne Zellers
Yvonne Styer
Dale Frankhouser
Gwen Dickinson
Wayne & Frieda Reiter
Gap Power
Adam Hostetter
Beiler Insurance
Joan Lorenz
Linnea Raffaele
Dr. John C. Bryer
Dr. Paul Herr
Karen Beacher-Winters
875 Brackbill Rd, Gap, PA 17527 - 717-442-0559
P.O. Box 56, Gap, PA 17527 - 717-442-3030
Descendants of Robert McCowan and Elizabeth Mercer by Dale Frankhouser
Seeing Lancaster County from a Trolley Window from Brett Snyder
Historical Society of Salisbury Township 2014 Calendar
Heritage Tour 275th Anniversary on the formation of Salisbury Twp. 1729-2004 from Doris Wambold
All Things Needful Tour Booklet 2003 from Doris Wambold
A poster by Dorothy Young for the signing of A History of Salisbury Township by Joan Lorenz
A Byler’s Food Market mug from Doris Wambold
1942 Salisbury Banner by Elaine Chalfant
49 Honor Roll of Veterans of Gap posters from 1946 from Brett Snyder
Thank you for your generosity.
- Doris Wambold & Anna Groff, artifact co-chairpersons
The Historical Society of Salisbury Township, now in its 14th year, has been gifted a building thanks to a
very generous donation from The JoAnn Group (Anne and Jonas Beiler, former owners of the Family
Center of Gap). The little house on the southwest corner of Newport Ave and Rt. 30 in Gap now has a
future as a Museum to showcase the rich and varied history of our area. The Museum Committee is
actively working to bring our dream to fulfillment. Called the Kennedy Tenant House, it appears on the
1863 wall map hanging in the Township Building. At one time the home of the town blacksmith, it is
right in the middle of the state-designated historic area of Gap. The Society will celebrate this
acquisition at our May 15th member meeting, 7:30pm in the Salisbury Township Building, 5581 Old
Philadelphia Pike, White Horse. All are invited.
The next step to make the new building into a museum is to go before the zoning board of Salisbury
Township. Before this can happen there are a couple of things that need to be done. We will be
researching possible architects, and then have one of them complete a rendering to show what needs
to be done including a downstairs bathroom, climate control, handicap ramp, and parking facilities. We
also will be researching land management companies and having a land management survey done.
This should all take somewhere between two to five months.
In the meantime, there are several other tasks that can be completed. We will be meeting with the
neighbors to explain our plans. We will also contract for outdoor maintenance and work on cleaning
out the dirt and dust and what was left behind inside including the outdated kitchen equipment. We
are starting to research museum cataloging methods and will be implementing the methods we decide
on soon. We are also working on keeping updated with PennDot’s bypass plans. Last but not least, the
committee is researching financial assistance possibilities. We will be planning a reception to present
our ideas to local contractors and builders, but this will not take place until after the zoning is secure. If
you would like to help or know of someone else who can, please give Leona a call and let her know.
- Leona Baker, President (717-442-4071)
Mark your calendars for Saturday, June 7, 2014 for the 10th Annual Country Gourmet Gala and Music
Festival, proceeds to benefit The Historical Society of Salisbury Township. It will be held at the Salisbury
Township Park, Gap, PA, from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Local restaurants will be serving their specialties so
there will be good food and plenty of it. Back by popular demand will be the Chestnut Ridge Bluegrass
Band. Food and entertainment are all included in the entrance fee, which is $10.00 for adults, $5.00
for children 6-12, and five and under are free. Advanced tickets may be purchased at $8.00 for adults
and $4.00 for children. Call Doris Wambold for advance tickets at 717-442-4844. Also, we are looking
for volunteers to help us out that day. If you would be able to help for one hour or more, please call
Doris at 717-442-4844. We look forward to seeing you there, and appreciate your support of our
endeavors and your support of The Historical Society of Salisbury Township.
- Lois Schrock, Gala co-chair
The tour will be held on Saturday, September 27th, 2014, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. The base of
operations will be at the Welsh Mountain Community Park on Sandmine Road. Along with a short
introduction to the day by Anita Wills, a local history collector, there will be displays about those who
have a long history of living in these mountains, namely the Lenni Lenapi Indians, renegade Civil War
soldiers, escaping slaves, and the Gap, Green, and Buzzard gangs. Writers of local history will be there
for book signing and sales. Food at the park is also planned. In the newly developed Lancaster
Conservancy area there will be encampments depicting the above to offer further insight into the lives
of those who made the Welsh Mountains their home. Then follow a short route to several of the local
cemeteries where interpreters will bring to life a few of the interred. Watch for posters and fliers and
be sure to check our website, www.salisburytwphistory.org, for updates.
- Leona Baker
The project came about as the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War drew near. I approached
our Historical Society of Salisbury Township to approve the writing and publication of a book of Civil
War Veterans of Salisbury Township. I had a conversation with Al Brown, a researcher with the West
Caln Township Historical Society, who, in the course of compiling the veterans of the Civil War of West
Caln Township had already amassed the information for 100 veterans in Salisbury Township. At that, I
approached Alfred C. P. Gerhardt, Jr., a veteran, who is a researcher in our Historical Society to see if
he was interested in getting together a book honoring and gathering the data for the Civil War
Veterans of Salisbury Township. He said that he was interested. Alfred Gerhardt could get started
immediately writing the biographies of the researched 100 and Al Brown could continue uncovering
more. And so the partnership began with Al B. doing the lion’s share of the research with Alfred G. also
helping with research but writing all of the biographies.
The book is a giant of research with careful and complete referencing from its two compilers. The book
contains 421 veterans, each with a biographical description that includes parentage, family members,
birth and death dates where possible, dates of mustering in and out of the War, physical descriptions,
regiments, companies, marriages, children, jobs, pension status, an account of where they and their
families lived until their deaths and place of burial if found. Photographs and letters from individual
veterans are included with their biographies. In addition there are appendices that state their war
record of the battles in which they fought with numbers of casualties, identities of all regiments,
infantry and cavalry and identities of all Colored Troops’ infantry regiments. Also included in the
appendices are lists of Draft Exemptions with reasons, Substitutes paid to serve, Conscientious
Objectors, Civil War Pensions and more.
Following the “Introduction,” chapters include Chapter One, “The Home Front,” that explains what was
happening at home such as communication, civil aid groups, death and dying on the battlefield, farm
management, the family and the economy and wounded breadwinners returning home. Chapter 2 is
“The Veteran’s Biographies;” Chapter Three, “A Union and also A Confederate Veteran,” featuring
Martin Buzzard who fought for both sides; Chapter Four, “Confederate Veterans,” about Mary Louise
Walker and her husband John Coleman Roberts; and Chapter Five, “ Patriots,” civilians who made
extraordinary contributions to the war from the home front. The publication should be ready for
September 2014.
- Joan Lorenz
James Lowe
On January 18th in the year 1832, my great-great-grandfather James Lowe was born in Salisbury Township,
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. His mother, Esther, is buried in the Pequea Presbyterian Church Cemetery in
Salisbury Township. She died on December 15th, 1870, aged 64 years 10 mo & 26 d.
At the time of the 1860 census James was living in the home of John Reeser in
Salisbury Township (Gap Post Office), Lancaster County. James was a farm
James enlisted as a Private in Company B of the 178th Pennsylvania Infantry
Regiment on November 8, 1862. James enrolled and was mustered in as a Private in
Company B of the 11th Cavalry - 108th Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers on
August 22, 1864 at Lancaster, Lancaster County. At the time of enrollment he was
31 years old. He was discharged on May 16, 1865 per General Order No. 83 and
was Honorably Discharged at Harrisburg July 27, 1865.
James married Susanna Martha Weiler on March 19, 1867 in New Holland,
Lancaster County. Family history passed down says they met when James was on
his way home from the war, when he noticed Susanna outside hanging clothes on
the line to dry. He stopped to talk and two years later they were married. Although he
was quite a few years older, they were married for 39 years and had 11 children.
In 1869-70, James was a laborer in Gap, Salisbury Township, according to a Lancaster County Directory. The
1870 census shows that James was living with Susanna and two daughters. They were still in Salisbury
Township, Gap Post Office, Lancaster County and he was a still a farm laborer. At that time he had a personal
estate valued at $300.00. In 1875-76, another Lancaster County Directory shows James as a laborer in Pequea
(Salisbury Township). By 1880, James and Susan had six daughters and a son. They had moved to Paradise
Township, Lancaster County and also had a boarder living in their home. James’ occupation was laborer.
According to Lancaster County Directories, James was a laborer in Bellemonte, Salisbury Township, in 1884,
1886, & 1890. The 1890 Veterans Schedule shows James living in Paradise Township, Bellemonte Post Office, in
Salisbury Township. In 1895, a Lancaster County Directory shows that James was a laborer in Paradise.
James applied for an Invalid Pension on December 20, 1897. In the 1900 census James and Susanna were
renting a home in Salisbury Township, and had a grandson living with them. James was a day laborer and
Susanna had given birth to a total of 10 children, 6 of whom were living. [In actuality, Susanna had given birth to a
total of 11 children.] By 1903-04, James was a laborer in Cains, Salisbury Township, according to another
Lancaster County Directory.
Lancaster Daily Intelligencer
June 30, 1906
James Lowe died on Thursday at his home, near Kinzer, Paradise
Township. A week ago, while picking cherries, he was stricken with
apoplexy, and fell to the ground, landing on his head. He was seventy years
old and a farmer by occupation. He served in the Civil War and was a
member of the Grand Army of the Republic. His wife, one son and four
daughters survive. His funeral will take place on Monday, with services in the
Pequea Presbyterian Church at two o'clock.
James is buried in the Pequea Presbyterian Church Cemetery. Susanna applied for a Widow’s Pension on July
23, 1906. She died in 1917 and was buried beside her beloved James.
*I am currently seeking information on James’ mother, Esther. James’ death certificate lists his mother as Esther
Marlow (maiden name). However, I believe the recorder of information misunderstood the information that my
great grandmother Lydia gave to him. I believe he wrote Esther Mae Lowe as “Esther Marlow.” I don’t think
Marlow was her maiden name at all. I cannot find her anywhere on any census as Esther Lowe or Marlow. She
was born approx. February 20, 1806 and died December 15, 1870.*
If you have any further information, please contact me at blabonteluvr@aol.com. Thank you
- Wanda Smale, Webmistress
Tidbits and Connections
*We get many requests on our website from researchers who are looking for us to supply much
needed connections. There are some questions that we can answer, and if it is of general interest we
will print it here as an interesting tidbit for you. If you can help provide information or if you need
some help with your research, please email Leona Baker at j.l.baker@earthlink.net or at 717-442-4071.
Please remember to leave your contact information including email if you have it.*
Q: Which cemetery is the oldest in Salisbury Township? Could it be the Pequea Presbyterian Church
A: There are 3 burials in the Gault Cemetery in the 1700's. The earliest is 1759. Pequea Presbyterian
has an earlier burial. A James Stewart died on March 9, 1750. So we would say that Pequea
Presbyterian is the oldest and Gault is probably second oldest. - Anna Groff, Cemetery Recorder
LOOKING FOR INFO: Dr. E. H. McCleery, famous for establishing a wolf park in Kane, established a wolf
park near Gap in 1930. The park was located along Route 30, just west of the Lancaster County line. I
am looking for any information about this park, and am particularly interested in knowing when (and
why) the wolf park closed, seeing photos/documents/newspaper clippings of the wolf park, and
hearing from people who remember anything about the wolf park. I look forward to hearing from you
if you remember the park! Additionally, I have a web form here if anyone would like to electronically
submit information about the wolf park: http://mccleerywolves.com/memories. - Kirsten Canfield
WANTED: Looking for someone to assist with genealogy research in Salisbury Township. Gentleman
from Milwaukee is interested in finding his ancestors and is willing to offer monetary return.
- The Leech Family is searching for Buchanan, Jenkins, Gault, Armor, McCamant, Robert Smith, or
George Leech.
- A researcher is searching for information on John S(?). Gault and his son, James Alexander Gault.
- The James Madison Walker family researcher is searching for connections to Coates, Dickinson,
Brooke, Kreider, Fawkes, or Ammon descendants.
TOWNSHIP? The Historical Society is looking for any pictures or stories you may have.
NEW BOOK: LIVING TO ONE’S-SELF, The Life and Poetry of William S. Trout
This book, written by Terry Zeller, covers the life of William Trout who grew up in Gap in the early to
mid-1900s. Bill started teaching in the Mt. Airy one room school. In the 1950s, he moved to Gap
Consolidated School and later became a well-loved professor at Millersville College (now University).
He was an inspired poet whose readers easily relate to his musings about everyday happenings. Terry
Zeller will be speaking at the November 2014 meeting, and will bring his book to sell.
THURSDAY, MAY 1st: Historical Society of Salisbury Township Quarterly Board Meeting - board member
and officer nominations will be finalized.
THURSDAY, MAY 15th Elections and Public Program - 7:30 pm, Salisbury Township Municipal Building:
A Celebration: The successful acquisition of a museum building
SATURDAY, JUNE 7th: 4:00 - 7:00 pm, Gap Park: 10th Annual Country Gourmet Gala and Music Festival.
Call 717-442-4071 to inquire about advance ticket sales.
SATURDAY, JUNE 14th: 11:00 am - 8:00 pm, White Horse Fire Hall, at the intersection of Rt. 340 and Rt.
897 S. White Horse Fire Company’s 100th Anniversary Celebration and Engine Housing. The community
is invited to attend this all-day event free of charge. Food and entertainment will be provided by the
fire company.
SATURDAY, JUNE 21st: 3:00 pm, Sadsbury Park: Summer Picnic in conjunction with the East Fallowfield
Historical Society It is a potluck, so please bring a dish with enough to feed your family.
REMINDER: The picnic in June will take the place of a June meeting.
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th Public Program - 7:30 pm, Salisbury Township Municipal Building: A
Mennonite Woman’s Life in Salisbury Township 50 Years Ago by Alice Hostetter
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th Fall Tour - 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, Welsh Mountain Community Center and
Park: A tour through the history of the Welsh Mountains from Native Americans through present day
In October, 1946, Howard L. Rutter (1884-1968), of Gap, produced a “Gap PA Honor Roll”, listing all
participants in WWII from Gap. I have no idea what the circumstances were regarding the creation of
this poster, or who may have sponsored it – perhaps the VFW. The poster measures approx. 14” x 201/2”, and features a circular space at the top in which one would “Place Picture of Soldier Boy”.
I’ve come across these posters about three times over the last 20 years at local auctions – they would
sell for around $40 or $50 if in nice condition. I purchased one on Ebay last November, for $9.99 plus
shipping. A few weeks later, I noticed the same vendor (in Mobile, Alabama) had another one up for
sale. I contacted him to find out how many he had – and soon found myself in possession of all 50
copies at $4.00 each, or $200 total including shipping. I did not purchase these to profit by personally; I
thought they deserved to return to Gap. It is doubtful that other copies will turn up in such quantity
again. I’ve place a link on my website to the list of names on the poster:
- Brett Snyder, Pastpaper.com
*Editor’s Note: 49 of the above posters have been donated to the Historical Society of Salisbury
Township, and will be going on sale soon. Please contact Leona Baker at 717-442-4071 or via email at
j.l.baker@earthlink.net if you are interested in purchasing one.
Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society, Lancaster County Conservancy, Lancaster Preservation Trust,
Lancaster Planning Commission & Conestoga Byway project, LancasterHistory.org, Christiana Historical
Society, Strasburg Historical Society, Conestoga Historical Society, Family Center of Gap, The Joanne
Group, Pequea Valley High School Photography Classes, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum
Commission, Lancaster Sunday News, Engle Publishing
TAKE A LOOK AT OUR WEBSITE: www.salisburytwphistory.org AND LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!
Historical Society of Salisbury Township Publications for Sale
History of Salisbury Township, Lancaster Co, PA by Joan Lorenz - $25.00
Clemson, Buckley, Stoltzfus Property on the Pequea by Joan Lorenz - $2.00
Buena Vista Revisited by A. Groff and J. Lorenz - $8.00
The Jacob Mast Family of Salisbury Twp. by Anna Skiles - $4.00
White Horse Revisited by Dale Frankhouser - $15.00
2014 Calendars featuring the winning photos from the 2013 Photography Contest are now $6.00 each
These may be purchased at the Salisbury Township Municipal Building or by calling 717-442-4071.
Additional charges for postage.
The Township Building has a
revolving display of artifacts
donated by area families
who want future generations
to be aware of the rich
heritage of this region.
Displays may be viewed
during Township business
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
1. Dinosaur footprint &
Mammoth molar
2. Francis Jones Tavern
3. White Horse Inn
4. Rising Sun Tavern
5. Mount Vernon Inn
6. Yelk's Mill
7. Buena Vista School
8. Pequea Presbyterian
9. Bellevue Presbyterian
10. First Baptist Church of