
Generic Name: furosemide
Brand name: Lasix Classification: Loop diuretic
Why is patient/client receiving this?
HTN and edema; can use with decreased GFR
HTN: 40mg PO bid initially, then adjust
Edema: 20-80mg PO/day IM IV: 20-40mg, may repeat in 1-2 hr
Rate of administration with IV meds:
10mg/mL at 20mg/min
IV diluents compatible with IV medication:
Larger doses diluted in 50 mL of D5W, D10W, D20W, D5/.9%NaCl, .9NaCl,
3%NaCl, or LR
Major Side effects:
-CNS: blurred vision, dizziness, headache, vertico -EENT: ototoxic, tinnitus -CV: hypotension
-GI: anorexia, constipation, diarrhea, dry mouth, dyspepsia, increase in liver enzymes, nausea, pancreatitis, vomiting -GU: Increased BUN, excessive
urination, nephrocalcinosis -DERM: erythema, rash, photosensitivity
-ENDO: hypercholesterolemia, hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia, heruricemia -HEMAT: Aplastic anemia -FandE: hypokalemia -MS: muscle cramps
-Neuro: parasthesia
Data used to indicate medication is effective: Daily weight, I and O (increased urine output), monitor BP and pulse (decrease in BP)
Medication administration concerns:
Increased fall risk, drug/drug interaction: digoxin toxicity, lithium toxicity, decreased effect when used w/ NSAIDS
Patient/client teaching points:
Take caution in repositioning in bed, take several minutes to move from lying down, to sitting up, to getting out of bed
Inform pt of fall risk status and interventions to prevent falls
Generic Name: terazosin
Brand name: Hytrin Classification: peripherally acting adrenergic
Why is patient/client receiving this? HTN and BPH
Dosage/Route: Initially 1-5 mg/day then increase to 5-10mg/day given as single dose or double dose (not to exceed 20 mg/day)
Major Side effects:
-CNS: dizziness, HA, weakness -EENT: blurred vision, nasal congestion, conjunctivitis
-CV: first-dose orthostatic hypotension, arrhythmias, tachycardia, peripheral edema -RESP: dyspnea
-GI: nausea, abd pain, diharrhea, dry mouth, vomiting -GU: erectile dysfunction, urinary frequency -DERM: purtitis -MS: back
pain, extremity pain -Neuro: parasthesia -weight gain, fever
Data used to indicate medication is effective: Daily weight, I and O (increased urine output), monitor BP and pulse (decrease in BP)
Medication administration concerns:
Increased fall risk
Patient/client teaching points:
Take caution in repositioning in bed, take several minutes to move from lying down, to sitting up, to getting out of bed
Inform pt of fall risk status and interventions to prevent falls
Generic Name: metoprolol
Classification: beta blocker , selective
Why is patient/client receiving this? Migraine, chonic angina, HTN, cardiac dysrhythmias, tremors, anxiety (negative chronotrope, inotrope,
PO for hypertension: 25-100 mg/day as single dose initially OR 2 dividided doses. May be
Rate of administration with IV meds:
increased q7days PRN up to 450 mg/day (immediate-release) or 400 mg/day (extended-release)
Over 1 min
for HF: 12.5-25 mg once daily, may be doubled q2 weeks up to 200/mg day.
IV diluents compatible with IV medication:
MI: IV 5 mg q 2 min for 3 doses followed by PO
Major Side effects:
-CNS: fatigue, weakness, anxiety, depression, drowsiness, insomnia, change in mental status -EENT: blurred vision
-RESP: bronchospasm -CV: bradycardia, HF, pulmonary edema, hypotension, peripheral vasoconstriction
-GI: constipation, diharrhea, drug induced hepatitis -GU: urinary frequency -DERM: rashes - ENDO: hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia
-Drug induced lupus syndrome
Data used to indicate medication is effective: Monitor BP, pulse (45), ECG (decreased BP, pulse), I’s and O’s (normal to increased urine output),
daily weights (no weight gain indicative of edematous HF)
Medication administration concerns: take apical pulse for 1 min (withhold if arrythmatic or <50) hold under 45, monitor signs of HF NO LONGER
FIRST LINE however given after MI for ventricular remodeling and protection, use in caution with brittle diabetics (masks s/e of hypoglycemia
Patient/client teaching points:
Take caution in repositioning in bed, take several minutes to move from lying down, to sitting up, to getting out of bed, Inform pt of fall risk status and
interventions to prevent falls
Generic Name:propranolol
Classification: nonselective betablocker , high alert (IV)
Why is patient/client receiving this? Mgmt. of HTN, angina, arrhythmias, hypertrophic cardiomyobabthy, essential tremors, phenochromocytopa
PO antianginal: 80-320 mg/day in 2 divided doses or once as extended
release (DNC)
antihypertensive: 40 mg twice daily
IV antiarrythmhic: 1-3 mg, repeated after 2 min, again in 4hr if needed
Rate of administration with IV meds:
.5 mg/min
Intermittent: infuse over 10-15 min
IV diluents compatible with IV medication: direct iv: undiluted or
each mg in 10mL of D5W Intermittent: may be diluted in 50mL
normal saline, D5W, D51/2 saline, D5normal saline
Major Side effects:
-CNS: fatigue, weakness, mental depression, mental status change
-RESP: bronchospasm , wheezing -CV: bradycardia, HF, arrhythmias, pulmonary edema, hypotension, peripheral vasoconstriction
-GI: constipation, diharrhea, DERM: rashes - ENDO: hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia -anaphylaxis
Data used to indicate medication is effective: Monitor BP, pulse (45), ECG (decreased BP, pulse), I’s and O’s (normal to increased urine output),
daily weights (no weight gain indicative of edematous HF)
Medication administration concerns: take apical pulse for 1 min (withhold if arrythmatic or <50) hold under 45, monitor signs of HF NO LONGER
FIRST LINE however given after MI for ventricular remodeling and protection, use in caution with brittle diabetics (masks s/e of hypoglycemia
UNTIL SEVERE) ; abrupt withdrawl can result in life threatening arrhythmias; anesthesia and verapamil (periph and central acting CCB) can
exacerbate myocardial depression; additive bradycahrdia can occur with digoxin, additivie hypotension with antihypertensives
Patient/client teaching points:
Take caution in repositioning in bed, take several minutes to move from lying down, to sitting up, to getting out of bed, Inform pt of fall risk status and
interventions to prevent falls Don’t withdraw immediately
Generic Name:captopril
Classification: ACE inhibitor
Why is patient/client receiving this? FIRSTLINE antihypertensive, also used to decrease progression of diabetic nephropathy; can retain K+
Hypertension: PO 12.5-25 mg 2-3 times daily, can be increased up to 150 mg 3 times daily
HF and diabetic nephropathy: 25 mg PO 3xdaily
MI: 12.5 mg 3x daily
Rate of administration with IV meds:
IV diluents compatible with IV medication:
Major Side effects:
-CNS: fatigue, weakness, anxiety, depression, drowsiness, insomnia, -EENT: blurred vision
-RESP: cough-CV: hypotension, chest pain, edema, tachycardia -GI: metallic taste, constipation, diharrhea, constipation, abd pain –renal dysfunction
-DERM: rashes - HEMAT: agranulocytomas, neutropenia -angioedema, fever
Data used to indicate medication is effective: Monitor BP, pulse (45), ECG (decreased BP, pulse), monitor for signs of angioedema (Life
threatening) , monitor for signs of neutropenia
Medication administration concerns: increased risk of hypotension with other hypertensives AND hyperkalemia with potassium sparing diuretics
Patient/client teaching points:
Take caution in repositioning in bed, take several minutes to move from lying down, to sitting up, to getting out of bed, Inform pt of fall risk status and
interventions to prevent falls; notify signs of angioedema,
Generic name: lisinopril Classification: ACE Inhibitor
Why is patient/client receiving this?
HTN and HF
Dosage/Route: Hypertension: 10 mg PO once daily HF: 5 mg PO once daily Dose should be reduced for geriatric patients
Major Side effects:
-CNS: dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, HA, vertigo, weakeness -RESP: cough, dyspnea
-CV: hypotension, chest pain, edema, tachycardia -GI: taste disturbances
-GU: renal dysfunction, renal failure-F/E: hyperkalemia
-ENDO: hyperuricimia -angioedema
Data used to indicate medication is effective: Monitor BP, pulse (decreased BP), decreased signs of HF
Medication administration concerns: Signs of angioedema (facial swelling, dyspnea) and HF
Patient/client teaching points:
Pt should avoid salt substitues containing high levels of potassium or sodium, Take caution in repositioning in bed, take several minutes to move from
lying down, to sitting up, to getting out of bed, Major side effect of ACE Inhibitors is cough which may exacerbate symptoms of COPD, Change in
taste is temporary, Notify nurse for rash, mouth sores, sore throat, fever, swelling of hands or feet, irregular heartbeat, chest pain, swelling of face,
difficulty breathing (hypersensitivity reaction)
Generic name: acetazolamide Brand name Diamox Classification: Proximal diuretic
Why is patient/client receiving this?
Altitude sickness, decrease pressure in retinopathy, edema due to HF; inhibits carbonic anhydrase, decreases reabsorption of HCO3-, increases osmotic
Dosage/Route: PO: glaucoma- 250-1000 mg/day 1-4 divided doses
Rate of administration with IV meds:
Epilepsy: 4-16 mg/kg/day in 1-4 divided doses altitutde sickness: 250 mg 2-4
Direct IV: not to exceed 500 mg/min
times/day edema: 250-375 mg/day IV:glaucoma: 250-500 mg/day; Edema:
Intermittent: 15-30 min IV diluents compatible with IV
250-375 mg/day
medication:Direct IV: reconstitute 500 mg in 5mL of sterile
water Intermittent: 50-100 mL D5W, NS, D10W, 1/2Saline, LR
[]=5-10 mg/mL
Major Side effects:
-CNS: depression, fatigue, weakness, -EENT: transient nearsightedness, -GI: anorexia, metallic taste, N/V, -Endo: Hyperglycemia, -Hemat: hemolytic
anemia, aplastic anemia, leukopenic anemia METAB: weight loss; -Allergic reaction incl. anaphylaxis
Data used to indicate medication is effective: reduction of edema
Medication administration concerns: creates alkaline urine increases renal excretion of weak acid medications; contraindicated in someone with
hepatic failure, give with meal to ease GI distress; SULFA allergy, encourage fluids to prevent renal stones (2000-3000 mL per day)
Patient/client teaching points:
Pt should avoid salt substitues containing high levels of potassium or sodium, Take caution in repositioning in bed, take several minutes to move from
lying down, to sitting up, to getting out of bed, Major side effect of ACE Inhibitors is cough which may exacerbate symptoms of COPD, Change in
taste is temporary, Notify nurse for rash, mouth sores, sore throat, fever, swelling of hands or feet, irregular heartbeat, chest pain, swelling of face,
difficulty breathing (hypersensitivity reaction)
Generic Name:hydrochlorothiazide
Classification: early distal diuretic
Why is patient/client receiving this? Management of mild to moderate HTN, treatment of edema associated with HF, renal dysfunction, cirrhosis,
glucocorticoid therapy and estrogen therapy
Hypertension: PO 125 mg-2g/day in 1-2 days
Rate of administration with IV meds: direct 3-5 min
IV: 500 mg-1 g/day in 1-2 divided doses
IV diluents compatible with IV medication: Reconstitute with 18mL of
sterile water; diluted further with NS or D5W [conc up to 28 mg/mL]
Major Side effects:
-CNS diziness, drowsiness, lethargy, weakness -EENT: blurred vision
-RESP: cough-CV: hypotension -GI: anorexia, cramping, hepatitis, n/v pancreatitis -DERM:photosensitivity, rashes -Fand E: hypokalemia,
dehydration, hypercalcemia, hypochloremic alkalosis, hypomagnamesia, hyponatremia, hypophosphytemia, hypovolemia - HEMAT:
thrombocytopenia -hyperuricemia
Data used to indicate medication is effective: monitor daily weight, Is and Os, BP, assess for symptoms especially with digoxin (can cause digoxin
Medication administration concerns: SULFA Allergy, administer in morning to avoid disruption, may give with food or milk to minimize GI
Patient/client teaching points:
Take caution in repositioning in bed, take several minutes to move from lying down, to sitting up, to getting out of bed, Inform pt of fall risk status and
interventions to prevent falls; use sunscreen and protective cloting,
Generic Name:spironolactone
Classification: potassium sparing diuretic
Why is patient/client receiving this? Counteract K+ loss, used with thiazides to treat edema/hypertension; primary aldosteronism; hormonal
antagonist to aldosterone
PO: Edema 25-200 mg/day in 1-2 doses; HTN: 50-100 mg/day
Rate of administration with IV meds:
IV diluents compatible with IV medication:
Major Side effects:
-CNS dizziness, clumsiness, headache –CV: arrhythmias, DERM: photosynsetivity ENDO: breast tenderness, gynecomastia, hirstruism, FandE:
hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, HEMAT: agranulocytoma
Data used to indicate medication is effective: Monitor Is and Os, daily weights, assess for signs of hypokalemia or hyperkalemia (Increased risk with
diabetic pts), assess for rashes
Medication administration concerns: Increased risk of hyperkalemia when used with ACE inhibitors, ARBS, NSAIDS, may increase toxicity from
lithium, increase effects of digoxin, effectiveness decreased by NSAIDS
Patient/client teaching points: Avoid salt substitutes, may cuase dizziness, rash, muscle weakness or cramps,
Generic Name:mannitol
Classification: osmotic diuretic
Why is patient/client receiving this? IV used for treatment of acute oliguric renal failure, edema, increased intracranial or intraocular pressure
IV: edema, renal failure 50-100 g as a 5-25% solution; reduction of
intracranial/intraocular pressure: .25-2 g/kg as 15-25% solution over
30-60 min
Rate of administration with IV meds: Oliguria: 30-50 ml/hr; increased
intracranial pressure: dose over 30-60 min; intraocular admin over 30
IV diluents compatible with IV medication:
Uniluted, if crystalized warm up with water bath
Major Side effects:
-CNS confusion, HA, EENT: blurred vision, rhinitis, CV: volume expansion, chest pain, HF, pulmonary edema, tachycardia, GI: n/v thirst, GU: renal
failure, urinary retention, FandE: dehydration, hyperkalemia, hypernatremia, hypokalemia, hyponatremia, -Phlebitis at site
Data used to indicate medication is effective: monitor vital signs, urine output, pulm. Artery pressures, assess for s/s of dehydration or fluid
overload, neurological status
Medication administration concerns: Increased risk of digoxin toxicity
Patient/client teaching points: SIGNS EFFECTIVE: 30-50 cc/hr
Generic Name:losartan
Brand name: Cozaar Classification: angiotensin II receptor blocker
Why is patient/client receiving this? HTN, treatment of diabetic nephropathy, prevention of stroke in patients with HTN and left ventricular
PO: hypertension: 50 mg once daily initially
Rate of administration with IV meds:
Hepatic impairment: 25 mg initially
IV diluents compatible with IV medication:
Major Side effects: less side effects
-CNS: dizziness, anxiety, depression; CV: hypotension, chest pain, edema, tachycardia, Derm: rashes, EENT: nasal congestion,
pharyngitis/rhinitis/sinusitis, GI: abd pain, diarrhea, GU: impaired renal function FandE: hyperkalemia ANGIOEDEMA
Data used to indicate medication is effective: assess orthostatics, monitor for signs of ANGIOEDEMA, daily weight, monitor for fluid overload
Medication administration concerns: Should not be used with DRI, may not be effective in blacks, NSAIDS and COX-2 Inhibitors may block
hypertensive effects and increase renal effects; may increase serum digoxin levels ; can retain K+ (not as well as ACE but can increase risk of
Patient/client teaching points: SIGNS EFFECTIVE: avoid salt substitutes high in potassium, hypotension (fall risk),
Generic Name aliskiren
Brand name: Tekturna Classification: direct renin inhibitor (DRI)
Why is patient/client receiving this? HTN (NO RENAL PROTECTION AT ALL)
PO: 150 mg/day initially, can be increased up to 300 mg
Rate of administration with IV meds:
IV diluents compatible with IV medication:
Major Side effects: less side effects
-RESP: cough, CV: hypotension, GI: abdpain, diarrhea, dyspespsia, reflux, ANGIOEDEMA
Data used to indicate medication is effective: monitor bp and pulse frequently
Medication administration concerns: Contraindicated in hypersensitivity, and concurrent use with ACE inhibitor or ARBS in patients with diabetes
or moderate to severe renal impairment
Patient/client teaching points: SIGNS EFFECTIVE: antihypertensive effects 90% achieved in 2 weeks
Generic Name:verapamil
Brand name: Classification: calcium channel blocker
Why is patient/client receiving this? HTN, treatment of angina, prophylaxis of vasc. HA, (Negative notrope, negative dromotrope [autorhythmicity
of SA]) Acts at arteries AND heart
PO: 80-120 mg 3 times daily
Rate of administration with IV meds: 2 min
Extended release 120-240 mg/single dose
IV diluents compatible with IV medication:
undiluted, concentration= 2.5mg/mL
IV: 5-10 (75-150 mcg/kg); may repeat with 10mg after 15-30 min
Major Side effects:
-CNS: abnormal dreams, anxiety, confusion, dizziness/lightheadednesss, psychiatric disturbances, EENT: blurred vision, disturbed equilibrium,
epistaxis, RESP: cough, dyspnea, SOB CV: arrhythmias, HF, bradycardia, chest pain, hypotension, palpations, edema of lower extremities GI:
increase liver enzymes, constipation, diarrhea, GU: dysuria, polyuria, frequency DERM: rash, photosensitivity, ENDO: gynecomastia
Data used to indicate medication is effective: monitor bp and pulse frequently MUST HAVE PULSE OF 45, monitor ecg can result in prolonged
PR interval, monitor Is and Os, signs of HF, monitor for angina
Medication administration concerns: use in caution with decreased kidney/liver function, effects dampened by NSAIDs, may increase serum
digoxin levels; MAY MAKE HF worse; grape juice can increase serum levels, more effective in blacks
Patient/client teaching points: SIGNS EFFECTIVE: urinary frequency (fall risk interventions) , encourage pts to continue taking medications for
angina (nitro, beta blockers)
Generic Name:diltiazem
Brand name: Classification: calcium channel blocker
Why is patient/client receiving this? HTN, angina, supraventricular achyarrhythmias and rapid ventricular rates in atrial flutter or fibrillation
PO: 30-120 mg 3-4 times daily or 60-120 mg twice daily
IV: .25 mg/Kg may repeat with .35mg/Kg after 15-30 min
Rate of administration with IV meds: 2 min
IV diluents compatible with IV medication:
undiluted, concentration= 5mg/mL
Major Side effects: less side effects
-CNS: abnormal dreams, anxiety, confusion, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, nervousness, psychiatric disturbances, weakenss EENT: blurred vision,
disturbed equilibrium RESP: cough, dyspnea CV: arrhythmias, HF, peripheral edema, bradycardia, chest pain, hypotension, palpations, syncope,
tachycardia GU: nocturia, polyuria, GI: n/v, Derm: photosensitivity, rash; ENDO: gynecomastia, hyperglycemia, HEMAT: anemia, leukopenia,
Data used to indicate medication is effective: monitor bp and pulse frequently MUST HAVE PULSE OF 45, monitor ecg can result in prolonged
PR interval, monitor Is and Os, signs of HF, monitor for angina
Medication administration concerns: use in caution with decreased kidney/liver function, effects dampened by NSAIDs, may increase serum
digoxin levels; MAY MAKE HF worse; grape juice can increase serum levels, more effective in blacks
Patient/client teaching points: SIGNS EFFECTIVE: urinary frequency (fall risk interventions) , encourage pts to continue taking medications for
angina (nitro, beta blockers)
Brand name: Classification: calcium channel blocker
Generic Name:amlodipine
Why is patient/client receiving this? Acts only in periphery; HTN and angina
PO: 5-10 mg once daily
Rate of administration with IV meds:
IV diluents compatible with IV medication:
Major Side effects: less side effects
-CNS: dizziness, fatigue; CV: peripheral edema, angina, bradycardia, hypotension, palpitations
Data used to indicate medication is effective: monitor bp and pulse frequently MUST HAVE PULSE OF 45, monitor is and os daily weight, signs
of HF, assess angina
Medication administration concerns: use MAY MAKE HF worse; grape juice can increase serum levels, more effective in blacks
Patient/client teaching points: SIGNS EFFECTIVE: dizziness, avoid grape juice
Generic Name:hydralazine
Brand name: Classification: vasodilator
Why is patient/client receiving this? Moderate to severe HTN w/ diuretic, HF unresponsive to conventional therapy (arterioles with no sympathetic
PO: 10 mg 4 times daily initially, may increase up to 25mg 4 times
pH 3.4-4
daily and then up to 50 mg 4 times daily (up to 300 mg/day), once
Rate of administration with IV meds: 1min
maintenance is achieved, should use twice daily
IV diluents compatible with IV medication:
undiluted, concentration= 20mg/mL
IV: .5-40 mg repeated as needed
Eclampsia: 5 mg q 15-20 min
Major Side effects: less side effects
-CNS: dizziness, drowsiness, HA CV: REFLEX TACHYCARDIA angina, arrhythmias, edema, orthostatic hypotension; GI: diharrhea, N/V
DERM: rash, Fand E: NA Retention –MISC drug induced lupus syndrome
Data used to indicate medication is effective: monitor bp and pulse frequently, be aware of slow acetylator which poses risk for toxicity, some rapid
leading to treatment failure
Medication administration concerns: more significant drop in diastolic pressure,
Patient/client teaching points: SIGNS EFFECTIVE: orthostatic hypotension (fall risk interventions) , encourage pts weigh twice a week at home,
monitor for signs of HF
Generic Name:clonidine
Brand name: Classification: central acting adrenergics
Why is patient/client receiving this? Moderate HTN; stimulates alpha adrenergic receptors in CNS which results in decreased sympathetic outflow
PO: 100 mcg BID, increase by 100-200 mcg/day q 2-4 days until
200-600 mcg/day in 2-3 divided doses
Transdermal: 100-300 mcg/24 hr applied every 7 days
Major Side effects: less side effects
-CNS: dizziness, drowsiness, depression CV: hypotension, AV block, bradycardia; GI: diharrhea, N/V DERM: rash, Fand E: NA Retention –MISC
withdrawl phenomenon
Data used to indicate medication is effective: monitor bp and pulse, Is and Os, daily weight, pain, opioid withdrawl (tachycardia, fever, runny nose,
diarrhea, sweating, n/v, irritability, stomach cramps, shivering, large pupils, difficulty sleeping)
Patient/client teaching points:
Generic Name:digoxin
Brand name: Classification: digitalis glycosilide HIGH ALERT
Why is patient/client receiving this? HF, atrial fib and atrial flutter paroxysmal atrial tachycardia (positive inotrope, negative chronotrope and
dromotrope; increases refractory period
IV: .5-1 mg given as ½ dose initially and one quare of initial dose in
Direct; undiluted or dilute 1 mL in 4mL of sterile water for IM injection,
each of 2 subsequent doses at 6-12 hrs
D5W or NS Admiinster over at least 5 min
PO: .75-1.5 mg given as 50% dose initially and one quarer of initial
dosein each of 2 subsequent doses at 6-12 hr intervals
Major Side effects: less side effects
-CNS: fatigue, HA, weakenss, EENT: blurred, yellow or green vision, CV: arrhythmias, bradycardia, ECG changes, AV block, SA block GI: anorexia,
n/v, Hemat: thrombocytopenia, Metab: electrolyte imbalances
Data used to indicate medication is effective: monitor bp and pulse, APICAL for 1 full minute, must be above 60, Monitor ECG through IV
administration and each dose (notify for bradycardia or new rythms), monitor is and os, daily weights, asses for edema, auscultate for rales/crackles
Medication administration concerns: loop diuretics, thiazide, corticosteroids and laxatives may cause hypokalemia which can result in toxicity;
addative bradycardia with betablockers, diltiazem (CCB), verapamil (CCB) clonidine (vasodialator), use with sympathomimetics may increase risk of
toxicity DIGITALIS TOXICITY: biggest sign is unresponsiveness with dose
Goals: Decrease HR, Increase CO