SSFC Minutes April 10 2015

Friday, April 10, 2015
10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Bldg. 356, Room 213
Minutes of the Meeting
Voting Members
John Black
Dean and Chair
Pam Shaw
Imogene Lim
Chair, Anthropology
Joanne Falvai
Chair, Criminology
Don Alexander
Chair, Geography
Catherine Schittecatte
Chair, Global Studies
Maureen Okun
Chair, Liberal Studies
Carolyn Swanson
Chair, Philosophy
David Livingstone
Chair, Political Studies
Deborah Matheson (one vote between the two) co-Chair, Psychology
Darren Hannesson
co-Chair, Psychology
Jerry Hinbest
Chair, Sociology
Robert Riggan (one vote between the two advisors)
B.A. Advisor
Lynda Patterson
B.A. Advisor
Darren Hannesson
Member at Large
Beth McLin
Member at Large
Deanna McNaught
Member at Large
Member at Large
Member at Large
Elizabeth Prevost
Student Representative
George Anderson
Student Representative
Quorum = 10
Non-Voting Members
Pam Shaw
Sylvie Lafrenière
Deanna McNaught
Committee Representatives
Janice Porteous
Don Alexander
Present Regrets
Assistant to the Dean
Curriculum Ctte
Educational Standards Ctte
Approval of Agenda
MOTION: Shaw/Lim
That the agenda for this meeting be approved.
Approval of Minutes
MOTION: Okun/Lim
That the minutes from the March 13, 2015 meeting be approved, as amended.
Thank you to Advancement and Alumni Relations
On its own initiative, the Office of Advancement and Alumni Relations has created ten awards
for Social Sciences students. Deanna will circulate a thank you card among the Faculty Council
to thank them for their decision to initiate these ten awards.
MOTION: Okun/Matheson
The Faculty Council wishes to thank the staff of the Office of Advancement and Alumni
Relations for their initiative to create ten awards for Social Sciences students.
Master of GIS Applications Program Change and Course Change Proposals – John Black
The changes to the MGISA proposals (GEOG 583, 598, and 599) are small changes to
terminology to satisfy DQAB requirements.
To approve the Master of GIS Applications program change and course change proposals for
GEOG 583, 598, 599.
Master of Community Planning New Course Proposals – Pam Shaw
PLAN 508, 509, 510 are field school courses. PLAN 624 is a 1 credit course offering topic-specific
courses in the Master of Community Planning Program. If any Faculty are interested in teaching
in this program, please contact Pam Shaw. An honorarium will be paid.
MOTION: Shaw/Lim
To approve the Master of Community Planning new course proposals for PLAN 508, 509, 510,
Chair’s Report
Neither John Black nor Pam Shaw will be available to Chair the SSFC meetings on April 24 or
May 8.
MGISA (Master of GIS Applications) is beginning to fill. Only needs 9 by 2016 to break even.
Acceptance offers for MCP (Master of Community Planning) have been sent out to 26
applicants. The deposit deadline is today.
The Addictions Studies Certificate passed stage 1 at Senate.
Senate approved ANTH 245 and CLAS 158.
In SAWS, it’s important to make sure Faculty have a balanced workload over each semester.
Unassisted leaves need to go into SAWS as a release.
An email regarding the co-curricular summit has been sent out requesting volunteers from
across the University. If you would like to volunteer, please let John know so he may put your
name forward.
Beth McLin has been acclaimed as Senator, Sylvie Lafrenière’s term is continuing, and Pam
Shaw’s term ends.
Final grades are due May 4. The BA Advisors urge you to submit them on time as they have
little time to check the list of graduating students before graduation.
Imogene Lim is a co-applicant of a Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada
(SSHRCC) grant awarded to a UVIC colleague.
The Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Reserve Research Institute will be travelling to Estonia to
present with the Clayoquot Biosphere Reserve.
On April 24th at 5 pm, there will be the MABR digital storybook presentations.
A successful LBST student conference just ended.
The Master of Community Planning program is hiring. The Department of Psychology is hiring
for regular position(s). Anthropology will be hiring non-regulars. Geography will be hiring a
fulltime regular technician.
MOTION to adjourn: Matheson/Hinbest
Next meeting possibly April 24th in room 213, bldg 356.